
Two Moons


“I’m going to Sehun’s place and meet Suho hyung there too, after that I’ll go pick D.O and Hanin to help me look for the others. You stay here with Tao okay?” you nodded. Chanyeol sighed as he caressed your cheek. “Oppa wait.” You pulled his wrist and tip toeing to hug his neck. “Please be careful.” He softened and hugged you back. “I will Seolrae..” both of you pulled out and he kissed your forehead softly. “Lock the door.” He said. You closed the front door, dropping your self to the floor.

“Gaaah!” you quickly rushed to the kitchen. Tao was on the floor leaning his body to the wall with his hand bleeding. You can also saw blood on the wall he punched earlier. “Tao…” you kneeled in front of him, stared at him in worried.


[flash back]

Tao and Kris looked at each other with eyes widen in worry. They heard Xiu Min loud scream and the rowdy sound of endless thunder, it must be Chen they thought. Kris blocked Tao, he looked at him straight in the eyes. “I’ll look. Don’t ever open the door for anyone. Araso?”

“But hyung!!”

“Trust me Tao.” Tao nodded at Kris. He started to worry, he bite his thumb as his body stated to shake when he heard some kind of fighting noise from upstairs. He heard Luhan’s scream and lots of glass breaking sound. He came out of the basement, he peeked from janitor’s door. All of his brothers were fighting these guys in blue uniform. Who are these people? He wondered. He saw one of the guys attacked Luhan with some kind of green glowing tube and he fell to the floor. “LUHAN HYUNG!!!” Baekhyun shouted. Suddenly the door opened and Kris rushed in. Tao couldn’t do anything when Kris pushed him to the basement. “Hyung!” Tao tried to hold the door when Kris about to close it. “Stay there Tao!” then he heard a click sound from the doorknob. “Hyung!!!” Kris locked Tao in. The last thing he remembered he heard Kris’s groan and then it was quite.

[end of flash back]


Tao looked up with continuous tears streamed down his face. It made you cry too, you quickly hugged his trembling weak body in your arms. You both sobbed on each other shoulder. “Lets take care of that first.” You pulled off pointing at his bleeding hand. He nodded and stood up followed you to the living room. You carefully cleaned the blood off of his hand, he once and twice hissed in pain. You glanced at him and he just blankly watching you taking care of his hand. You put some medicine and covered his hand with white bandage. “Thanks.” He said. You nodded. He grabbed your wrist when you were just about to put the aid kit back to its place. “Don’t leave me…” he said. You were a bit surprised by his act. It wasn’t like him. Or maybe you just didn’t know his at all. You softened and sat beside him on the sofa. “I’m scared Tao, are you?” he nodded slowly. You glanced at him. He looked like a lost child. You could imagined how scared he was, beside he was the only one who survived and he saw it all with his own eyes. “They’re different than the dark servants.” Tao said. You just listen to him. “They have this weird weapons with them.. I got different feel about them too, I couldn't feel their power, they’re powerless but I did feel threatened by their fearless eyes and braveness.” He looked at you. “Which to me they look familiar.”

“You mean.. they are humans?” Tao nodded. Who could it be? You asked your self. Tao clenched tight his fist. “We have to find them” you touched his fist, relaxed him a bit. You nodded as you rested your head on his shoulder.  He took a deep breath and rested his head on top of yours and both of you fell a sleep.




Kris opened his eyes. “What the…” he looked around, a glass tube surrounded him, with lots of cables attached to it. He looked to his right, Lay was inside the same glass tube and so did Baekhyun on his left. In front of him, he saw lots of people in white lab jacket roamed around the huge room. He hit the glass with his arms and the alarm blasted. That did woke up the other Exo members. They looked at each other and tried to free them self out of the tube. “Hyung! I cant use my power!” Chen shouted. Baekhyun quickly tried his and so did Luhan but they also failed. Kris took a deep breath gathered his power and hit the glass again. And he failed.

“There’s no use aliens.” Prof. Kim, one of the top scientists in the association said. “We’re not aliens!” Baekhyun shouted. “Oh yeah?” Kim pushed red button and a green smoke filled Baekhyun’s tube. He couldn’t breath and he felt an enormous headache it made tears pilled up his eye blurring his vision. “Baekhyun-ah!!” Luhan and Lay shouted hitting their tube. Kris glared at the Professor. “What do you want?” Kim let out a loud and scary laugh. “Simple, we want your power.”




There will always be a traitor in every case. Those who strays order, those who never listen and those who lust for more.” You heard a voice inside your head. “You can’t fight violence with violence.”


“Seolrae….” you squeezed your eyes when someone shook your body. “Seolrae-ah.. wake up…” you quickly opened your eyes when you heard Chanyeol’s voice. You greeted by his smiley face but you can see clearly that he was definitely tired plus he got eye bags under his eyes. You sat up, realizing you slept on Tao’s lap the whole night. “Tao-ya.. wake up..” Chanyeol woke Tao up too. Suho walked towards you and quickly hugged you. You hugged him back. “Did you find them?” Suho looked at you shaking his head. You bite your lower lips to prevent you from crying. You didn’t want to show them your weakness. And you successfully did it. Sehun, Hanin and D.O walked to you. “We’ll find them noona.” Sehun tapped your shoulder as D.O and Hanin gave you a comforting smile. “We have to be strong and keep our eyes and ears open for clues and other possibilities. We’ll find the others.” Suho stood up. Tao nodded eagerly so did Chanyeol and the others. “Tao.. tell us everything you saw last night.” Suho said. They gathered making a circle.

“They wore some kind of uniform.. a dark blue one” Hanin sat up. D.O. looked at her in confusion. “and some of them had a weird green tube they used to torture the hyungs.”

“Hanin-ah.. what’s wrong?” D.O. whispered to Hanin but Hanin was too focused on Tao’s story. “They are probably human because they used a weapon, means they’re powerless.”

“Humans…” Suho repeated. “The government found out about us?”

“If its from the government I’m sure they wont use any violence.” Suho answered Sehun’s question. “Can I ask a question?” everyone turned to Hanin. “Of course Hanin, what is it?” Suho asked. “Tao-shi… did you see any symbol or name tags or something on them?” everyone turned to Tao as he tried to recall the last night incident. Tao smacked the sofa and made you jumped a bit to Chanyeol who was sitting beside you. “A.. um… a badge!” Hanin eyes grew wider. “Like what?” D.O stared at Hanin like she wasn’t making any sense at all. “It was like… umm Earth.. with metal rings around  it..” you pointed the drawer to Chanyeol and he pulled it out grabbing a paper and pen then handed it to Tao. He tried to draw it on the paper. “I’m not good at drawing. It something looked like this.” He showed it to everyone.

“I know where they are now.” Everyone turned to Hanin. “You.. you know this people?”

“Very.” Hanin looked at you. “The same person who wrote that book.” She pointed at the book on your lap. The book Aira gave you, the person the Queen told you and someone very close to Hanin.




“Hanin-ah!” a woman hugged her but she just stood there stoned. You stared at her, you could see it clearly the Hanin didn’t want to be there. “Where’s the professor?” the woman stared at Hanin. “You mean.. your dad?” everyone eyes shot open in shock. “What ever.”

“H-his inside.. and who are there people?” Suho stepped out from the line. “Annyeonghaseyo mistress Lee, my name is Suho and these are my family. We need to talk to the Professor.”

“O-okay come in…” the woman said and opened the door for all of you to come. You bowed politely to her before coming in to the house. It was a very neat house. In the living room you can see all of the trophy, charter and lots of pictures showing the professor and his children achievements. A tall man with a curly black hair, glasses and white lab jacket came in. He was a bit surprised to see lots of people visiting him especially the one who sat on her usual seat, his youngest daughter, Hanin. Moreover his own daughter brought some friends along, those young men he just saw and perfectly familiar with and one of them.. was his experiment. But he just playing along with this kids, he thought.

“Did she get into troubles or something?” Hanin was ready to rose up but D.O. held her hand. He shook his head towards Hanin, she just sighed and slammed her self back to the couch. “No sir.. we are here to ask you something.” Suho said. “Where did you—“ you quickly stopped Chanyeol for being too straight to the point. “We’re a big fan of your book, Sir. We wanted to know how or from where did you get your inspiration?” You asked. Prof. Lee was a bit surprised by your question because he didn’t expect any of them to read and he was wondering who the hell are you too. He chuckled. “Its all in my head, my science fiction mind. I bet you like to read fiction a lot.”

“Fiction?” Tao stood up. “Tao…” you glared at him. But suddenly Chanyeol snapped his fingers lighting a fire. Prof. Lee eyes shot open. “Just tell us everything Professor or else, you wont see tomorrow.” Chanyeol said. He chuckled again. “Guess this is really the time huh?” he stood up, every eyes were on him now watching his every move. He touched the brick above the fireplace and suddenly a drawer popped out. He took out a dusty book and walked back to his couch. He opened it. “You already know everything I guess, since you already read my book.” He said. “What do you want to know?” you stopped Suho. “How do you know so much?” you asked him. He took a deep breath and opened the book in one particular page. “The lost thirteen.” D.O. read it. “You.. you’re one of us?” Hanin eyes shot open in shock. “My grandfather was.” He glanced at Hanin. “It stopped on me. Cause my father is half exo and married to a human which makes me a human and made three of my children also a pure human.” Hanin sighed in relieve. “But then I noticed something.. all of this..” he pointed his wall of achievement. “Doesn’t seem normal at all. Isn’t it Hanin?” Hanin looked away. “We don’t have power but I guess we got your level on intelligence.” Prof. Lee said. You looked at Hanin, Maybe this is why he and Chen oppa can bond with each other. You worriedly stared at D.O. what if he found out you thought. D.O. was losy in his thought too. The other was completely speechless. “Have you found the star?” he asked. All of them looked at you, you just blinked. “Y-y-you’re the star?!” you nodded. He suddenly softened. “You got your father nose and eyes.” He said. “You-you knew my father?”

“Of course! He couldn’t build a ship by him self right?”

“You’re the one who built the star’s ship?” he nodded. “Did I hid it in a safe place?” he smirked at you. “I sold the house to someone three years ago.” You changed look with Chanyeol and Suho who sat on your left and right. “Three? I bought that house 2 years ago.” You said. “I sold it to your mom.” You got totally lost so did everyone.

“Is there anything you wanted to know?”

“Where did you take our brothers?” Sehun asked. He looked at all of you one by one. “Excuse me?”

“Just tell us da—professor. He saw your mans taking them away last night!” Hanin pointed at Tao and he gave you the paper. “That’s your organization symbol right?”

His eyes grew wider. “but.. the council haven’t say anything about finding you guy. The leader already showed us you profile but no particular order from them.”

“They used weapon towards our bothers last night.”

“We never use any weapon it’s the rule. What kind of weapon?”

“A tube with a green smoke in it.” Prof. Lee eyes shot open. “I know the person. He’s one of my partner in The Great Five.” Professor Lee said. “The Great Five is a team of five scientist formed by the council to found out about more about the ‘day’. He basically knew everything about you guys and I think I know why he took your brothers.” He said. “Why is it?” you asked. “He wants your power.”

Suho stood up. “Go get ready guys.. someone just declared a war with us.”

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o