
Two Moons


A woman wearing a crown stood in front of the big window. She was staring at the beautiful starry sky and wide green garden with a little fishpond in the center. Even a beautiful view like that couldn’t cheer her up. Her pale lips and sad eyes showed her fear. “Good evening my dear twin sister.” That voice was the reason why she couldn’t sleep that night. “I know you can hear me…” her heart beat faster. She suddenly felt shiver down her spine. A  cold breeze greeted her skin. “Why are you so scared? You don’t like seeing your twin brother?” she clinched her teeth. A guy with a long black coat, a vampire lookalike skin and two sharp eyes appeared beside her. “Enjoying being the queen?” he whispered to her ear. “Well enjoy it while you still can, cause it’ll be mine soon.”

“No.” she quickly said. “Ahhh.. you can talk now.. why don’t you tell me why you sent that bastards away and where did you sent him to?” she closed her eyes, breathed deeply. “Okay if you don’t want me to know. How about this? Why did you send those little sheep to the earth?” she was still kept her silent. “You know little sister… you wont see another two moons oh you wont even see tomorrow’s sun..” he raised his glowing stick to her, he smirk, “Say bye to your lovely land sister.”




“ANDWEEEE!!” you sat up on your bed with sweats all over you. “Nightmare?” you turned to the person who sat beside you. “BAEKHYUN OPPA!” you quickly hugged him. You were too happy you even forgot about the weird dream you had few seconds ago. “Ewee you’re sweating!” he said. “I don’t care! Oppa! Are you okay? You’re alright right? When did you wake up? How are you feeling now?” he chuckled. “Wow wow slow down there.” He said. You let him go and looked at him. “I’m just so happy to see you.”

“I’m sorry that I made you so worry.” You slapped his arm lightly. “Don’t say that! Lets just be thankful that you’re awake now.” You smiled to him. “So…” you glanced at him. “Have you remember anything?”

He shook his head. You tried to stay cool, you don’t want to show him your sadness. Bitterly smiled to him you held his hand. “It’s okay oppa.. I’m sure you’ll get your memory back.” He nodded. Xiu Min and Lay came into your room. “You happy now?” Xiu Min smiling to you as he took a seat on the edge of your bed. “Yes! Now that Baekhyun oppa is back.” you smiled. Xiu Min and Lay stared at you like they were waiting for you to say something more. “What?” you asked them. “Ya you didn’t tell her?” Xiu Min looked at Baekhyun. He laughed out loud. “Tell me what?” you confusedly stared at the three of them. “He got his memory back.” Lay said. Your eyes grew wider. “CHINCAYO?!” all of them nodded. “Kyaaaa oppa how could you do this to me!!! you lied!!” you hit Baekhyun with your pillow. “And oppas too!” you hit them with your pillow. “Yayayaya! Stop it! You, young lady, go take a shower and lets go out for breakfast.”

“My treat.” Xiu Min added. “Eeeeyyy… some just got their salary.” You said, Lay chuckled so did Baekhyun. “Ya just hurry. Ppalli ppalli!” he pushed you out of the bed. “Twenty minutes Yoon Seolrae…” he said before closing the door. “But oppa,”

“Make it fifteen.”

“OPPA!!” you could hear the three guys laughing. You smiled and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower.


“When is my birthday?” Xiu Min pointed at his fork to Baekhyun. It was his 10th questions since they arrived at the café. You rolled your eyes, getting annoyed by Xiu Min’s random questions to Baekhyun. Baekhyun tried to think about it, you could see it from his expression. “26?”

“26 what?” he closed his eyes again. “Oppa don’t pushed him too hard..” you said. “I’m sorry…” Baekhyun looked at you. “It’s okay Baekhyun, at least you remember the main things.” Xiu Min said as he ate his breakfast again. You put some maple syrup on Baekhyun’s pancake, he thanked you with his smile. Lay put two more pancakes on your plate. You looked at him in confusion but he looked away. “Who’s the first one to have their symbol?”

“Oppa!” you hit Xiu Min’s arm. “What?!”

“Stop asking him questions! He remembers all of you and the reason why he’s here. Why do you keep asking him some random questions?!”

“But but”

“It’s okay Seolrae.. I want to try to remember it too” Baekhyun said. “Hear that?” you stick your tongue out to Xiu Min. “When is Lay’s birthday?”

“Oppa!” all of them laughed. You all went back enjoying the breakfast.

Suddenly Baekhyun smacked the table. You chocked on your egg while Lay quickly pated your back to help you. “What is it?” Xiu Min asked after he bowed to the other customer who seemed to be surprised by Baekhyun’s act too. “Sehun.” He said. “Sehun?” you asked after you drank down a glass of water.

“It’s Sehun’s birthday.” Baekhyun said.




Oppa I need you help T_T


Chanyeol quickly called Sunhae’s phone. “Sunhae-ah what is it? You’re not hurt right?” he greeted by Sunhae laugh. “Oppa.. I’m okay. I just need your help.”

“Where are you?” Chanyeol grabbed his car key from the table. “I’m still at school.”

“Okay I’m on my way there.” He locked his practice room and went to his car.


Sunhae jumped into Chanyeol’s car. He stared at Sunhae’s smiley face, “You don’t look like you needed any help.” He said. “I DO!” she turned to Chanyeol. “Don’t laugh at it okay?” Chanyeol nodded. “Promise me!” Sunhae pouted. “I. Park Chanyeol. Won’t laugh at what ever Sunhae’s going to say.”

“Good.” She leaned to the passenger seat. “What can oppa do for you dongsaengie?” he started the car. “I-It’s Sehun’s birthday and I don’t know what to do or buy him.”


“Em.” Sunhae nodded. “AH! THE GUY YOU LIKE SINCE 10th GRADE RIGHT?!” Sunhae slapped Chanyeol’s arm. “Oppa stop it!!!” she hit him again. “I’m sorry I’m sorry…” he laughed still managed to drive the car safely. “You promised not to laugh at me.” Sunhae pouted. “Yaa mianhae.. okay what do you have in mind?” Sunhae shook her head. “Aish this girl. Why don’t you make a surprise for him?”


“Go to his house and bring a cake d’oh…”

Sunhae didn’t respond. “You know where his house is right?” she nodded. “So what’s the problem?”

“Oppa please please come with me…” she begged him with pleading puppy eyes. Chanyeol sighed. “Araso.. araso..”




“What should we buy?” you looked at all of the yummy cake in the display window. “That looks nice.” Lay said pointed at the blueberry cheesecake. “That one too” he pointed at the strawberry cake. You gave him the -_-“ face. “Euumm… what’s Sehun’s favorite cake?” you asked him. “Blue venom.” You raised your eyebrow. “You kidding me right?”

“No. You expect strawberries to grow in Exoplanet?”

“Well.. no.. but.. okay just pick one you’re the one who knows him.” You said as you looked at the cakes one more time. You looked to your right side to find a girl standing there staring at the display window too. “Yes oppa! Wait a freakin minute!” she hung up the phone. She realized you were staring at her. You smiled to her. “Birthday?” you asked. She nodded, “You too?” she glanced at Lay. “Yep.”

“Lets just go with blueberry cheese cake.” He said and left. “Ish this guy. Miss can I have the blueberry cheesecake please?” you asked the waitress. “Make it two.” The girl said. You smiled at her, she smiled at you back.


Baekhyun turned around to see the car parked behind your car. He tilted his head to the person on the driver seat clearly. “What are you doing?” Xiu Min asked, he looked at the Baekhyun was trying to see. “Ah.. anni anni..” Is that phoenix?

“The cake is here!!” you came into the car followed by Lay. “Weeheeey~” Xiu Min the car. You saw Baekhyun’s puzzled face from the mirror. “Something wrong?” Baekhyun looked up to see your reflection in the mirror, he shook his head.


“Sorry….” Sunhae came into Chanyeol’s car but he didn’t respond. “What is it oppa?” she looked at the car in front of them that just drove away. “Oppa!” Sunhae closed the door. “Eh um? Yeah sorry.” He the car. “Something wrong oppa?” she asked him. “Remember the girl I told you about? At my show case?”

“The girl.. ah! The one that lost her bracelet and you found it and since then you’ve been dreaming those weird symbols?” Chanyeol gave her a -_-“ face. “Yes that girl.”

“Yeah why?”

“I think I just saw her.” Sunhae remembered the girl she met in the pastry shop. She tilted her head. That could be her.




Sunhae nervously pushed the pawned shop door open. “Excuse me…” a man with glasses turned around. “Can I help you?” Sunhae walked slowly. “I’m sorry.. are you Mr. Yong?”

“Yes I am. Who are you?” Sunhae’s heart beat faster to know the person in front of her is Sehun’s foster dad. “I-I’m Park Sunhae, I’m Sehun classmate.”

“Ahhh.. Sunhae, what can I help you?”

“Is Sehun home?”

“He was but I asked him to buy some lamp, he’ll be back in any minute.”

“A! emm I’m planning to give him a surprise.” She shyly said. “Surprise? OH MY GODNESS! IT’S HIS BIRTHDAY!” Sunhae stared at Sehun dad’s shocked face. “How can I forgot about his birthday! HONEY!! HONEY!!!” Sunhae stood there didn’t know what to do. “What is it yeobo?” a woman came into the room. “Today is Sehun’s birthday?” she nodded. “I already prepared the food.”

“Ah! That’s why you’ve been cooking the whole day!”

“You forgot about your son’s birthday?”

“A a a! I’m sorry!” his dad tried to hide from his wife. Sunhae chuckled. “O! sorry. I didn’t know you were there.” His mom said. “It’s okay Mrs. Yong..”

“This is Sunhae, Sehun’s classmate.” Sunhae bowed politely. “I think she’s his girlfriend.” His dad whispered but anyone can hear it. Sunhae tried to hide his blushing cheek. “Ahh I see. Maybe you’re right yeobo.” His mom said, made her blush even more.

“Since you are already here, lets just prepare to surprise him. How’s that?” his dad said. “Is it okay?” Sunhae asked. “Of course!” his mom excitingly said. “I did brought a cake and candles.” Sunhae said. “Great! Now lets go to work!” her dad said. She went into the car to pick the cake. “Oppa.. please come..” Sunhae said. “But his family is there and I don’t really know him.” He said. “It’s okay! After he blow the candle we’ll go home.”

“Fine.” He sighed and came out of the car.


Sehun came into the shop. “Appa… Umma…” he called but no one answered. That’s odd. The lights were all turned off. He walked into his house. He the lamp.

“SURPRISEEEEE!!!” he greeted by his foster parents, Sunhae and Chanyeol. He smiled and ran to hug his parents. “Happy birthday darling..” his mom kissed his cheek. “Honey! Do not embarrass your son in front of his girl….” Chanyeol cleared his throat. His dad didn’t continue his words. “Thank you so much Sunhae.. you’re the best.” Sehun smiled. Sunhae blushed. “Thank you hyung for coming.” He bowed. “It’s nothing. Happy Birthday Sehun..” he said lent out his hand, Sehun shook it. “Thank you.”

Sehun glanced at Chanyeol’s necklace. Phoenix. He said. Chanyeol touched his necklace, made Sehun look away. After that he blew the candle. Her mother fed him the cake. “Yumm how do you know it’s my favorite?” Sehun glanced at Sunhae. “Em? Hehe I just picked it randomly.” She said. Chanyeol rolled his eyes, I bet she knew about it. “Aren’t you guys staying for the dinner?” his mother asked. “Err we cant, Phoenix oppa have some schedules after this.” Sunhae politely said. “Ahh I see then.”

“I’m sorry hyung, you must be very busy.” Sehun said. “Sunhae supposed to be the one who say that.” Everyone chuckled. Sunhae hit Chanyeol playfully. “Can I use the toilet first?”

“Oh this way hyung.” Sehun leaded him to his room. Maybe this is the right time to ask him about the symbols and his necklace. He glanced at Chanyeol who waited for him to open the door.


Chanyeol got out of the bathroom. He looked around Sehun’s room. It was very small compared to his. Something caught Chanyeol’s eyes. He walked closer to the nightstand. Two shiny brooches on top of it. He touched it. He quickly took a step back when someone opened the door. Sehun walked in. He glanced at the brooches and looked at Chanyeol. Chanyeol looked at him back didn’t know what to ask first.




“Happy birthday Sehun!!” Xiu Min, you and Baekhyun blew the candle. Lay just stared at you three. You took the lighter and lighted up the candles again. “What do you think you’re doing?” Baekhyun asked. “We celebrate two important things today. Sehun’s birthday…” you lighted up the last candle.

“and Baekhyun oppa’s come back.” You said smiling. Baekhyun softened. “Come on make a wish oppa!” you pulled his arm. Exo reunite.










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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o