Time Control.

Two Moons


“What were you doing out there acting like you were dying.” Hanin said as she sipped the ramyun they just made. Suho looked down to his ramyun and stir it as he thought about it. “You weren’t planning to drown your self right?” Hanin looked up to see Suho. “Of course not… I like to do that to calm my self down.” He ate his ramyun. “You seemed like you angry at something.” D.O said. “I was and I’m really sorry to spilled it out on you earlier.” D.O shook his head. “It’s okay really. Used to it.” He said. “What?” Suho looked at D.O who was glancing at Hanin. Suho laughed. Hanin looked up. “What? Ya! I never do that to you!” Hanin hit D.O’s arm. “Are you guys a couple or something?” Hanin choked on her ramyun. D.O quickly put down his and pated Hanin’s back. “Take that as a yes.”

“YA!” Suho laughed again as he glanced at D.O. He chuckled again to see D.O clueless expression. “You looked like a lost child you know that?” Suho said. D.O awkwardly smiled. Few minutes later they finished eating. “Thank you for the treat Suho-shi.” D.O bowed followed by Hanin. “Its nothing, sorry about earlier.”

“No its okay.. we’re going now byeee” both Hanin and D.O waved, Suho waved back. He sat on the sand again and suddenly his phone ringed. He quickly took his sports bag and took out his phone. “Jiho-ah! What’s up?” as he took the phone he realized something. He opened his bag again. His brooch shone brightly. “Hyung….” Suho was too shock to say anything. He looked back but Hanin and D.O was already gone. “Hyung!”

“I’ll call you later.” He hung up, took his bag and ran as fastest as he could to find the two.


You watched as Sunhae’s expression changed when Chanyeol told her about everything. Like literally everything. Sunhae looked at everyone, one by one. “You’re kidding me right?” she looked at you. You shook your head. Chanyeol raised his hand but you quickly stopped him. You pointed at the fire alarm on the sealing. “And you shouldn’t waste your energy…” “oppa.” He smiled and nodded at you. “Why don’t you show her.” Chanyeol looked at Sehun. Sehun jumped a bit. “Y-you too?” Sunhae said. Sehun nodded slowly looking away. “I can’t believe this.”

Sehun made an air ball and shot it to the window it slammed. Sunhae’s mouth hung open. Baekhyun took a deep breath, he opened both of his glowing hands. Sunhae jaw almost broke off. “You believe in us now?” Chanyeol asked. “Bu-but…” Sunhae lost in words. “Please don’t tell your parents yet. I’m going to tell them my self.” Sunhae nodded. Sehun felt a bit guilty, he walked up to Sunhae. “I’m sorry for not telling you earlier.” Sunhae pouted. “Promise me you’ll tell me everything for now on. Especially you oppa!” Sehun and Chanyeol chuckled. You watched as Sunhae can accept this shocking and weird yet real fact that everyone around her right now are not from earth. How you wished Aira could do the same. “Anyway dad just called, you have press conference tomorrow.” Chanyeol slammed his own body back to the bed. Everyone chuckled. “Wait!” everyone looked at him as he sat back up. “Isn’t today is Luhan hyung birthday?!”

“O! that’s right!”

“Who?” Sehun asked. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Lay looked at him in worried. They all knew that Luhan and Sehun were really close to each other back in the day. They usually celebrated their birthday together. This memory lost thingy kills them, separated them and even now when some of them are back together. “He’s one of us too.” Baekhyun said. “Ahh I see..” Sehun said even though he wanted to ask some more questions. “We should celebrate it just like Sehun’s birthday!” you excitingly said. “Mine?”

You nodded wildly, “Em. Me, Baekhyun, Lay and Xiu Min oppa celebrated your birthday in our house.”

“You really did?” Baekhyun and Lay nodded. “Wait.. you bought that cake to celebrate his birthday too?” Sunhae asked. “Uh huh..”

“What a coincidence!” you nodded to Sunhae. “Okay I’m so lost here.” Chanyeol said. “Should we buy—“

“No need.” Xiu Min came into the room. “Oppa!”

“Hyung!” Xiu Min mischievously threw a snowball to Chanyeol. “Yah! Hyung!” you helped Chanyeol to clean the snow on his face. “Don’t be such a baby and light this up will you?” he held the cake and Chanyeol light up the candles. All of you sung Happy Birthday for Luhan.


“Happy birthday Luhan hyung!” Chen quickly said as Luhan entered the kitchen. He was a bit shock but it quickly disappeared when Kris came to him holding a cake with double two candles on it. “Make a wish.” Kris said. Luhan closed his eyes. Exo reunite. He blew the candles. “Yeaay!” Chen clapped his hands. Kris dabbed the cream with his finger and wipe it on Luhan’s cheek. “Ya!” Luhan cleaned it with his hand. He took revenge at Kris but he missed. Chen laughed to hard he didn’t realized that Luhan was already stood in front of him and put a mouth full of cake to his mouth. All of them laughed in happiness. Just when they thought it could be a good day someone ranged the bell. Luhan quickly put down the cake and ran to the front door. He opened it but no one was there. “Who is it?” Kris asked peeking his head from the kitchen. “I don’t---“ there was a black box with red ribbon on it. He tilted his head still looked around to see if there was anyone around. The box was pretty light, he shook it and slowly opened it. “Luhan?” Kris walked up to him. It was Sehun’s brooch. Luhan held it and threw the box away. “I-its…” Luhan smile disappeared when the brooch suddenly bleeding. Gasped, he stoned. “Luhan!” Luhan turned around. Kris eyes shot open when he saw blood dripped from Luhan’s hand. The brooch turned into some kind of animal’s heart.


Suho pushed your house’s doorbell impatiently. Hanin and D.O just watched him in confusion. “See told you his weird. We shouldn’t come with him since the beginning.” Hanin whispered to D.O. “M-maybe they are not home Suho-shi” D.O said. Hanin rolled her eyes being ignored by D.O. “We can come back tomo—ouch!” Hanin stepped on D.O’s feet. “Ya! Michyeoseo? he didn’t even tell us the reason why are we here.” Hanin whispered to him again. “He said they know me.” Hanin smirked. “And you believe in him? Looked he looks like a…” they turned to Suho who was still pushing the bell. Suddenly a tall guy appeared. “There’s no use. They’re not coming back.” The guys said. Suho turned around. “What?”

Hanin raised her eyebrow, he doesn’t look like someone they can trust either. “They don’t live here anymore.”

“You sure?” the guys smirked again. “Can you see any one around?” he turned around and left them there. “I don’t like that guy either.” Hanin whispered to D.O. He agreed on that one. Suho punched the door and left without saying anything. Hanin and D.O looked at each other. D.O raised his shoulders and followed Suho. Hanin sighed. “God why am I here…”



You jumped a bit. Tilted your head from the kitchen to see the front door, you put down the knife you used to cut the chicken for the dinner. “Oppa~” you called as you slowly walked to the front door. “What!” Xiu Min shouted from his room and Baekhyun came out of his and Lay’s room. “What is it Seolrae?” he watched you opened the front door. There was no one there. You stepped out a bit and looked around still there was no sign of anyone. “What is it?” Baekhyun came down. “I don’t know, I think heard someone knocked at the door.” You titled your head as you closed the door behind you.


Kai smirked, feeling so proud of him self to fooled everyone. Poof! He disappeared.




Another try to see Aira but again her mom told you that she wasn’t home.  “Thank you omonim..” you bowed. “I’m sorry..” she looked at you in concern. You just smiled and bowed again before she closed the door. You walked out of her yard. Sighed you looked at the time, it was still 3 pm in the afternoon. An idea popped up on your mind. Maybe I should visit Tao. You nodded at your own idea. You stopped at the market and bought some fruits.


“Where am I…” you tried to remember the way there. You looked around and saw a bunch of guys in the park. Few of them already glanced at you, they told their other friends and they all looked at you know. You froze there didn’t know what to do, run? Or just boldly came to them to ask for Tao’s place. Before you took any decisions. Few of them walked towards you. “ ..” you held your breath. “Hey there missy.. are you lost?” one of them with spikey black hair asked. You nervously smile at them, “Uh um no, I actually going to friend’s house.” You answered. They raised their eyebrow. “Friend? You sure? Cause you don’t look like someone that have friend from people around here.” He came closer to you. “Haha.. why is that?” you took a step back. “You looked so pretty.. and..” the other guy with tattoo on his arm your cheek. “rich.”

“Hehe no I’m not.. okay I’m going.” You bumped on them and walked away from them. “Hey wait a sec gorgeous.” The red hair caught your hand. God. Help. He turned you around. “Why don’t you pla—“

“Yaa~” all of them turned around. Tao.. you sighed in relieve. “Tao-shi.. such a bad timing.” The red hair said. “Let her go.” He glanced at you. “Yaaaa Tao-shi why don’t you go back to your sick mother?” that was it. Tao ran to the guy and attacked him with punches. You were surprised, how come he moved that fast. He pushed lightly you out of the park. He nodded at you to make sure you’re okay. You nodded. He went back to the other guys who were waiting to be kicked by him. And that was exactly why he did. Didn’t took long they all ended up on the ground groaning. Tao came back to you and took your wrist lead the way. Both of you stopped in front of his flats building. You looked at his hand that was still holding your wrist. He quickly let you go, cleared his throat, “What are you doing here? Its not safe here.”

“Eeeeum to visit you. Cant I?” you looked up to him. He sighed, “Come in.” he leaded you inside the building. He opened the door to his flat. It looked like a wrecked ship, something must have happened last night or earlier. “Sorry for the condition.”

“I don’t mind. You need some help to clean it?” he chuckled. “What are you now? A call in maid?” you kicked his leg. “Ouch! Ya!” you stick your tongue out. “Tao…” you heard a raspy voice from the room. Tao went into the room. Before you sat down Tao came back. He scratched the back of his head. “She.. wanted to see you.” You straightened your self and fixed your hair. Tao opened the door for you and you went in. “Annyeonghaseyo omonim…” you bowed politely. “She’s pretty Tao.” You glanced at Tao, he looked away. “How are you omonim?” you came closer to her bed. She weakly smiled at you. “I’m good..” she said. “What is your name?”

“Yoon Seolrae imnida.”

“Ahh Seolrae..” she repeated your name. “She bought us fruits. Do you want some oranges?” Tao asked as he tidied up her medicine on the nightstand. “That’s so nice of you Seolrae..” you just smiled at her. She nodded to Tao. “He’s such a good kid.”

You chuckled, “I can see that omonim.”

“He might look tough and manly but he’s actually just a boy.” You nodded at her words. Tao came back with already peeled oranges on the plate. He put it on the nightstand. “Move.” He said, you quickly moved out of his way. “Be nice to her Tao..” his mother said. Tao didn’t say anything, he held her neck and back to sat her up. You quickly helped him to fix the pillow for her. “Thank you..” she smiled at you. Tao held the plate for her to take the oranges. “Its sweet.” You sighed in relieve. “Do you want to try?” she asked you. “Ah its okay..” but Tao put two pieces in your mouth without warning. You choked and he burst to laugh. You punched his arm. His mom just chuckled lightly. You managed to swallow it all down. Suddenly you heard the front door slammed close. You turned to Tao his eyes shot open. “Honeyy!!!” it was a man voice. Tao ran to the door you followed him. You wont let that man do anything to him again. He held the door, “Lock it.”


“LOCK IT!” he pushed the door close. You turned around, his mom stared at you in worry. “WHERE IS THAT USELESS WOMAN?!” your heart ached when you heard that, you looked at his mom and tears fell on her cheek. “That woman is your wife.” Tao said. “Ya! You bastard!” you heard a loud bang and wood hit the ground. “You’re only a burden in our life.”

“ARGHH!” you knew he hit Tao. Your anger built up. You could hear another bang. You looked up to his mom and she was crying soundlessly. You came to her and helped her to lay down. “Its okay omonim…” you hushed her. “You idiot!”

“ARGH!” you clenched your fist. You stood up but his mom stopped you. She looked at you in concern. You touched her hand and smiled at her and he let you go. You opened the door. Tao was on the ground, on his stomach and the man carelessly beating him with a wood. You ran to him and held his hand. “Who are you!” he asked you, you could smell alcohol form his mouth. “Please ahjussi.. stop.” You said. He laughed so loud and it scared you. He pushed you hard you ended up on your . Tao looked at you, his eyes tell you that he was mad at you for involving your self in this. “Is she your friend Tao?” he grabbed Tao by his hair. “Argh.. no she’s not.”

“Liar!” he slammed Tao’s head to the ground. “Liar always get their punishment.” He said and started to beat him with the log again. You stared at him clanching your fist holding your anger. WHY WONT YOU FIGHT BACK! He shook his head, biting his lip holding the pain. You took a deep breath and jumped on top of him. “Argh!” you felt a hell of a pain on your back. “Nawww such a romantic scene…” he stopped for a moment. He spitted out, “I’m going to sick!” he hit you again. You hugged Tao’s body tighter. “You hiding behind a girl? Tao.. you always been like that..” he hit you once again. Your vision started to blur. The mas raised his hand to hit you again. You squeezed your eyes close as you held him tighter. “STOP!” Tao shouted. Suddenly it was quite. You could only hear your own heartbeat and Tao’s heavy breathing under you. He groaned and moved a bit. You straightened up, “Ahhhh” you opened your eyes. Your jaw hung opened. Everything froze. The man stoned there just like a statue. You looked the clock, it stopped ticking. Then you saw something shinny form Tao’s hand as he got up. A hourglass bracelet on his wrist. He looked straight into your eyes, that stare again, pierced into your chest. “You…”







Late birthday shoutout for Luhan oppa!! Happy 22th Birthday sweet voice Luhan oppa! and sorry for the late update guys, i got some ty assigments and i wasnt home for the whole day. Hope you like this chapter~ Damn it i just cant wait for them to reunite!!! oyea did you watch today's perf? D.O finally hit that into note! so proud of him and the others too, they are getting better and better :') and have you watch EXO-M Yin Yue Tai interview? they are too adorable kyaa and my baby Tao cried >.< okay imma go to sleep now its 1:28 am here. <3 you guys so much.

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o