
Two Moons


Prof. Lee is one of the top Korean scientists. He had won few awards from the government and known for his high family reputation. The only person who can make this man got heart attack is his youngest daughter, Lee Hanin. She’s waaaaay far from her father. She hates living in the middle of freaky scientists family, her dad, mom, brother and sister. Sometime she thinks she’s adopted or something. She comes and go as she pleased so, at home, school everywhere she goes. Today she decided to check on things at home and.. it was such a wrong decision.


Hanin sat up on her bed, staring at the person who just slammed her door open. “What are you doing in my house?” she smirked at her dad’s words. “Ahhh.. you wanna know? Go ask your dear ONLY daughter then.” She threw her self back to the bed. Suddenly something dropped on her face. “Look at those mess you made.” Hanin saw a pack of latter from her campus. “Why? You afraid they might tell the press and they knew you actually have two daughters?” Prof. Lee tried to control his emotion. “Why are you being like this?” he asked.

“Oh God you really asked me this question? Why don’t you go to your big luxurious lab and invent a big mirror for your self.”

He slapped his own daughter. Hanin quickly touched her burning cheek. They glared at each other for a long time. “Take your things and get your out of my house.” She jumped out of the bed. “Lets clear this up. I. Lee Hanin. Don’t. Have. A Dad.” Prof. Lee was about to slap her again but his phone rang. “Yes? Okay I’ll be there soon.” He hung up. Hanin was already packing the rest of the things she left. He slammed the door close. Hanin turned around. She punched the drawer, her tears fell one by one. Being the last child of a very busy and workaholic scientists is never a child dreams and I wasn’t Hanin’s too.

She slung her sport bag to her shoulder. She went down, the house was very quite, no one wasn’t home. She walked passed her dad’s lab. The door was slightly opened, she grew curious. She looked around to make sure no one was home. She opened it. A bright light hit her eyes. She looked around the white painted room with weird machine, and chemicals also hanging cables everywhere. She walked further and find a big curtain in the corner of the room. She waked towards it and found the rope to slide it open. NO WAY. Her jaw dropped. THESE CRAZY PEOPLE. She found a guy inside the glass cube. Lots of cables attached to him. Hanin walked up to him, she pressed her hand to the glass in front on the guy’s face. He has his eyes closed, sleeping like a little child. Hanin couldn’t believe her own parents did this. Using a human for the sake of their career. She knocked at the glass but the guy didn’t move. She looked around to find the key but she didn’t find it. She took the wooden chair and hit it to the glass window. It broke into pieces. She quickly pulled off the cables attached to his body. The guy still didn’t respond. Hanin pulled the last cable on the back of his neck. She examined him. He had such a clear face, his flawless milky skin and his thick lips. She touched his face unconsciously.

. His eyes shot open. Hanin took a step a back. Suddenly she heard noises from outside. She quickly grabbed his hand and leaded him out from the back door. Both of them ran leaving the house. They stopped at the bus stop. People were staring at them. She glanced at him, he was wearing a white robe just like a patient from the hospital. She sighed. No wonder why everyone looked at him. She brought him to the nearest store and bought a pair of clothes and a hoodie for him.

“What’s your name?” Hanin asked him after they took a seat in the bus. The guy stared at Hanin. Hanin raised her eyebrow. “The hell, can you talk? Talk? You understand me right?” Hanin slowly said it. No use. She sighed and just let him be. She took out her lunch box, donuts. She ate it as she enjoyed the view out side. She felt like someone was staring at her and yes the guy was still staring at her. “You want?” she showed her lunch box. The guy nodded lightly. She handed it to him and he quickly ate it like a monster. “Ya! Aish this guy.” She was a bit angry but more to pity on him. “Lets just call you donut from now on.” He looked up and smiled. She couldn’t help but to smile too.


“I’m sorry are there still any rooms available here?” Hanin asked the front desk lady. “Let me check it.” She bent to see the computer. Hanin glanced at the guy. She remembered her family again, all of the pain and the fact that they did something she couldn’t even think of, using the guy for as their experiment. “Thank you..” she turned around and saw a guy glancing at them. She watched him until he came into the elevator. “Akh.”

“Ya.. donut! Are you okay?” Hanin worriedly looked into his eyes. He squeezed his eyes shut. “Ya!” but he managed to reduce his headache and shook his head.

“E122 is still available.” The lady said. “Ah okay we’ll take that room.” Hanin said. “Are you staying for long or…?” Hanin let out the money from her bag and put it on the table. “How long can I stay here with this money?” the lady stared at her. She nervously counted the money. “Four months.”

“Wow…” Hanin glad that she took the money from her sister. “Okay we’ll take it.” She filled some forms and the lady gave her the key. “Lets go” she said to Donut. He followed her.

It’s that guy again. The guy they met in the lobby bowed to her she bowed back. They walked passed the guy. “Argh!” Donut touched his head. “What’s wrong?” Hanin worriedly squeezed his shoulders. He turned around when the elevator door closed. Hanin looked at the same direction. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked him again.


“Argh.” Chen bent on his knees. Luhan quickly held his arm. “Chen-ah are you okay?” Chen felt his heart beating faster. He looked up to Luhan and shook his head didn’t want him to feel more worry. “I’m okay.. I just need some sleep I guess.” He said. “Are you sure?”

“Em.” Chen nodded. “Let me take you to your room then.” Luhan said. “No its okay hyung, you go inside first, I want to stay here for a while.” Luhan watched him still in worry but he nodded and went inside the house first. “There are some kind of weird connection between all of you that we, your parents, can’t even explain. With that connection you can always find and help each other.” Chen remembered his mother’s words. She said that after he and D.O fought at school when they were six years old. Chen accidently electrified little D.O but the weird thing was he felt his pain too. Just like he electrifying him self. Since that day both of them promised not to get mad at each other ever again.

Chen touched his chest with his right hand and touched the ground with his other free hand. He really hoped his mother’s words were right so they can easily find each other. I hope you’re alright out there, brother.


“Argh!” Hanin ran to the living room and found Donut hiding his face behind his knees while his hands were on his ears. Hanin looked out side and it was raining. “Ya… you scared of lightning? What kind of guy you are nckncknck..” she sat next to him on the ground. “Cooperate with me here, I know you’re still shock and stuff but can you please help me to clean this place rather that hiding here? That lightning wont hurt you.” Donut didn’t say anything, his body was shaking, he was really scared. Hanin sighed. “Thank god I’m in such a nice atmosphere or I’ll kick your .” she stood up and went to the bedroom to tidy up some things. Donut looked up and peeked from the window. Another a scorpion shaped lightning hit the ground. “Argh!!”





“Oh God.” as you heard the loud thunder. Your voice cracked the tension in the room. You looked out of the window and it was raining hard. “So you think we are not human?” Suho asked again. “Yes. We came from ExoPlanet, its not far from Mars.” Xiu Min answered as he watched the other’s reaction. “And we came here to take this girl home?” you turned to Xiu Min. “Her father but since her father passed away, yes, technically she’s the star now.” Chanyeol looked up to you and you met eyes with him. You quickly looked away feeling a bit uncomfortable. “I just don’t get all of this, why cant we remember anything?”

“Someone erased your memories.” Baekhyun said. “Mine too.”

“Chincayo?” Baekhyun nodded at Chanyeol. “That’s why when you asked me about those symbol I’m too didn’t know anything about it.” Sehun stared at the two brooches, his and Suho’s, Chanyeol’s necklace, Xiu Min’s and Lay’s brooch and Baekhyun’s shone so bright side by side. “But now that I remember everything—“

“What?” Suho turned to Baekhyun so did Chanyeol and Sehun. “I don’t know how but I guess Seolrae is the key, according to what Lay hyung said. It was like the moment we touched her bracelet.” Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol. “That day when I lose control of my power she helped me and suddenly it was like a flash back, time machine, I could see images of my parents, our childhood and everything.”

“What is he talking about?” you whispered to Lay. He just raised his shoulder. You rolled your eyes on his reaction. Suho stood up, “Okay this is too much for me. I’m going home.” You jumped off from the window and held his arm. “Please Suho-shi lets just think about this again. oe?” he removed your hand from his arm. “I’m sorry Seolrae..” he looked at you in apologetic stare and walked out of the house. “This is not a lie right? You’re not playing with us?” Sehun asked. “Why would us?” Baekhyun answered. You came in to the living room again and took a seat next to Sehun. You glanced at him and to his brooch on the table. Air. You said to your self. Sehun glanced at you too. So we are all here to protect her and take her home.. “Okay then, it was.. such a ling interesting story Xiu Min hyung. Thanks.” Chanyeol stood up. Sehun quickly followed him. “Where are you going?” you asked them. “Home. Its late out family must be worry about us.” He said. “You’re right. I know its all too sudden for both of you. Thank you for being here.” Baekhyun said. “Oppa? We’re letting them go?” you stood up. Baekhyun nodded at you, you swallowed down your words back. “Yea thanks Baekhyun. Lets go.” He bowed to everyone so did Sehun.

“Good job everyone.” Lay walked out of the room and went to his room. “Why are we letting them go?” you asked again. “We’re not letting them go, we just giving them some time to think about everything.” Baekhyun said. “Unlike us, they are all have family and life as human now, they can’t leave it just like that. Right?” you thought about it and Xiu Min was right. “Beside we don’t have any reason to keep them here, we still need to find the rest of the guys and after that we can think about what are we going to do. Until then, lets just let them do what they wanted to do.” Xiu Min said. “At least they knew about everything now.” Baekhyun added. “Emm. And about the memory, you said that it was Seolrae who brought your memory back, why didn’t you tell me anything?”

“Yea! Me too oppa!” you shook his body. “I thought it was Lay hyung but he said he didn’t do anything and I remembered the day you found me in the apartment when you held my hand, I can see every thing.” He said. “Me too..” you said. “Eh?”

“Yes I saw it all, your parents, when you played with other Exo and everything.” You said. “You did?” you nodded. “Should we try it? I mean with the other guys.” Xiu Min said. “There’s nothing wrong about trying right?” they nodded. “About Suho, I’ll try to talk to him again tomorrow, oppa don’t have to worry about it.” Xiu Min rubbed your head. “Finally doing your job huh?”

“Ya! I’m doing my job since you came oppa, I washed your clothes, I cook for you.. I…” he put his hand on your mouth. “Araso araso Seolrae-ah! We get it!” all of you laughed.


“Master.. they are getting stronger, they already find each other.” The small man greeted his master with no good news. The man turned his chair around. “Is that so….” He stood up and went to the glass window in the corner of his office. “Get ready to crash the party Kai?” black coated man opened the glass window. Kai opened his eyes. 






You guys know who's "Donut" is right??  if you dont just wait until someone finds him then teehee ^^ and finally Kai is here weeheey who's waiting for Tao's part? any idea where and how can i find Tao? haha Anyway i wanted to say thank you for everyone's support i love you all you know that right? 

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o