They Want Revenge.

Two Moons


“Your highness…” the Queen turned from her big window, she already knew who was it. “Commander Siwon.” The commander straightened him self. “The watcher just reported that they saw a dark mark on the south sky.” Her eyes shot open. She didn’t see that coming, at least not now. Everything she planned was all ruined. “What should we do?” he asked. “Make sure no one knows about this.” She said. “But your highness we have to do something. If there will be a war at least I can prepare my troops.” He said in concern. But the Queen didn’t say anything.


“Huangs..” Tao’s father quickly stood in front of his wife protectively. “Wh-what are you doing here?” he isn’t the type of person who get scared easily but the situation was.. 20 vs the two of them. “I just wanted to.. visit my lovely juniors..” he walked to the fireplace and took a picture of the little family. He smirked, “Wondering where’s your only soon is?” Tao’s mother nodded. The dark master raised his glowing stick and pointed at it to the wall. It showed Tao got beaten by a men. “Tao!” his mother screamed in agony while his dad just blankly stared at it. “Why don’t you ask your dear Queen how could this happen to your son.” He said. “I know this is going to happen if we agreed with her idea to sent him to that filthy place.” His mom said. Tao’s father tried to process everything in his mind, he now doubted their own leader. The Dark Master smirked, “Well if you want to survive, you know where to find me.” he left with his colony. The Dark Master knew, Tao’s parents are easy to get along with and they’ll do anything to survive and of course to safe their only child even if that means they have to betrayed their own leader and order.


The Dark Master stood in front of Lay’s family house. “Master?” one of his followers asked wondering why he didn’t go into the house. He looked to his left, a guy eagerly stared at the house, fire in his eyes. He wants revenge. “You.” He shouted to the guy. He quickly straightened him self and looked at the Dark Master right on the eyes.

[flash back]

“Please help my wife!” he kneeled and even hugged Lay’s father’s legs begging him to heal his dying wife. Lay’s father pulled his legs away from the guy. “What do you think I am?”

“Please please you are the only one who can safe my wife. I’ll give you anything.” He begged him. Lay’s father turned to him in disguise, he smirked as he cross his arms. “What can you even give to me, swart blood (how the crystal families called those whose power are lower than them.) ?” he left.

[end of flash back]

“Get your revenge.” The guy’s eyes grew wider. He bowed his head to thank him and a smirked appeared on his lips.

“Arghhh!!” Lay’s dad tried to fight back. His wife screamed for help but no use, no one can hear them. “Remember me?” the guy said, tightened his arms around Lay’s father’s neck. “Who the hell are you?” he elbowed the guy’s rib. He groaned but managed to straight up again. “You called me a swart blood?” he took out a pocket knife and sliced Lay’s father’s arm. Maroon blood streamed down his arms. Then the guy sliced his own fingers, the same color of blood dripped to the ground. He grabbed Lay’s father hair and pulled his head to look at the blood on the ground. “What makes you think your blood is soooo clean so pure and superior than mine huh?” the guy’s finger healed it self. “Apparently your family is the only one with this power.” He whispered to his ear. “Then why you asked for my help? You could’ve done it your self.”

“ARGH!” the guy pulled Lay’s father’s hair again. “Ya… you stupid and selfish crystal family. You made the rule for us not to use our power to defied death here, only you family allowed to.” The guy’s twisted Lay’s father’s arms he screamed in pain. Lay’s mother knees weakened, she pushed the two guys in front of her and ran to her husband, crying. “That’s enough.” The Dark Mater came in before the guy did anything else to hurt the couple. “Take them away.”




“Hyung!” Sehun and D.O quickly held Lay’s arms before he hit the ground. “Lay!” Xiu Min ran to him followed by Kris. Lay tried to control his breathing. “Ah!” it felt like someone is ripped his chest open with a sword. “Lay! Lay!” Xiu Min slapped Lay’s face lightly. D.O and Sehun glared at each other in horror. Lay took a deep breath and the pain is gone. “I’m okay…” he stood up helped by Xiu Min. “What’s wrong?” Lay touched his chest, his heart was still pounding like crazy but he couldn’t find anything wrong with his own body. “Can you please call the others? Just to make sure that they are alright.” He said. Xiu Min quickly took out his phone. “, there’s no signal up here.”

“Mine is too.” Kris said. Lay disappointedly stared at his phone. “Me too.” Sehun said, while D.O just stared at them since he doesn’t have any phone. Idea popped in Sehun’s mind. He closed his eyes and think of Luhan. Hyung.. is everything alright there?


Luhan peeked his hear to your room. You were seriously reading a book on your bed. He sighed in relieve that you were perfectly fine there. But.. that didn’t stopped him from annoying you. “The hell..” suddenly the book slipped out of your hand and landed on the ground. You looked up to see his angelic face on your doorstep. How can he do such thing with that face on, he can fool everyone with that. Thank god you were in a good mood that day so you just sighed and grabbed that book back without even say anything to him. He puckered his pink lips, disappointed at your reaction. “Why are still there?” you looked up from your book. He turned around feeling unwanted. “Oppa..” that was harsh so you called him, beside you have tons of questions to ask. “What?” you walked towards him. “Have you had your lunch yet?” he shook his head. “I’m hungry.” You walked passed him and he followed you to the kitchen. He watched you flawlessly making foods for lunch. “What do you think about earth?” he was a bit confused by your question. “Eumm.. I feel like I was born here.” He said. “Even though I had troubles to fit in since I lived alone before Kris and Chen found me, but earth is very welcoming place.” You nodded as you stir the bibimbap. “Why you suddenly asked that?”

You handed him his bowl of bibimbap. “Thanks” nodded, “I’m just curious… I wanted to know what oppas think about earth, I heard that Exotic doesn’t like earth so much.”

“We do? Where did you hear that?” you just realized that he haven’t got his memory back. You bite your spoon glancing at him. He was too stealing glanced at you when you started to eat slowly. “You said you are hungry, stop playing with your food. Or.. you wanted me to put mine on your plate too?” he mischievously laugh. He still remembered the dinner. “Ya! Why cant you stop doing this to me?” you pouted. “Ah Chen! You want some bibimbap?” Chen took a seat next to Luhan. “Sure.” He nodded. You quickly made one for him. “Ya.. you should finish your own first.” Luhan said but you just ignored him. “Ehh Seolrae-ah..”

“Yes?” you glanced at Chen. He walked to your side and handed you a lunch box. You looked up to him. “You’re going somewhere?” he nodded. “Okay..”

Another person came it. “Okay Baekhyun oppa I’m going to make one for you too.” you said. Luhan and Chen chuckled. You glanced at Chen who was still standing beside you and turned around. It wasn’t Baekhyun but Tao. “S-sorry..” you quickly turned your back to him. Stupid. You bite your lower lips. “Here.” You gave Chen his lunch box. “Thank you..” he said and left the house. You walked slowly to the bar and put another bowl in front of Tao. You held the spoon in front oh his face. He took it and dug into the bowl with out hesitation. He hadn’t change much even if both of you live in the same house now. It did hurt you.. the way he acted so cold towards you. You finished your lunch then went upstairs to check on Baekhyun leaving the two guys in the kitchen.

You knocked at the door then peeked your head inside. “Oppa…?” you called him, he quickly sat up on his bed. You smiled as you walked up to him and sat on his bed. “Aren’t you hungry?”

“I’ll eat it later.” He said. You searched his eyes, something must’ve happened. “What’s wrong oppa?” he wasn’t sure about his decision to give you the latter he found. It’s yours and he had no right to keep it from you. “Oppa..” your voice sent him back. He suddenly pulled you into his embrace. You couldn’t think clearly not sure about what to do and why did he do that. He hugged you tighter. You both stayed like that for a while. I don’t want to lose you anytime soon.


“Just a second…” Hanin ran to the door and opened it. Chen nervously smiled and handed her a lunch box. “Wh-what is this?” she unsurely took it and let him in. “Uwaaa thank you Chen oppa..” she went to the kitchen to take a spoon and came back, took a seat beside Chen. “Do you need any help?” he asked, Hanin looked up and shook her head. He came to visit her everyday, as much as he feel guilty towards D.O but he just couldn’t the deny the feeling he had for her moreover after he found out about that symbol she had. The fact that he’s an Exo and she’s an earthlings bothers him a lot, if its really the bond mark, how come an Exo bonded with a human? he thought about it again. Hanin glanced at him. Why is he so nice? She looked away when Chen seemed to snap back from his own thought. She couldn’t be more thankful that he’s here right now cause without D.O she’s very lonely.  “Ahh!” Chen squeezed his eyes shut and touched his chest. The pain was unbearable for him. “Chen oppa! What’s wrong?!” Hanin squeezed his arm in concern.


Chen’s mother fell to the floor, she couldn’t take it anymore watching her husband being beaten by the group of Dark Master servant. The Dark Master laughed in victory. Suddenly the front door opened. “Jungtaek oppa!” his laughter stopped as he heard the familiar voice, the gentle voice he used to adore and still. “Who are you talking to lady?” one of the master servants came up to her. The dark master quickly raised his stick and the guy landed about 8 meters away. The woman stared back at the master. “Why are you doing this?” she asked. He was almost lose him self but he managed to man up. “I have to.”

“What have they done huh? They are kind people!” the woman helped Chen’s mother to get up. “Sojin-ah..” Chen’s mother whispered. “Kind you said?” he raised his stick. It projected the past scenes where Chen’s father did everything to reach his position now as the head of sky troops, everything including betrayed his own team. The woman’s eyes grew wider. “Not all people are sincerely nice like you Sojin.” He said. “They are too proud of what they have right now.. they only care about them self. Keeping the Crystal Family tittle, what’s so good about it when they around?” he torture Chen’s dad again. The Dark Mater remembered Chen’s grandfather agreed to kick him out of Exo. So did the other’s Crystal family leaders at that time. Only teenage Sojin bravely stood in front of him begging her soon-to-be-father in law and the other Crystal Family leaders to forgive him. “Don’t do anything to Chen.. please…” Chen’s mom screamed again, the scene where they beaten Chen up played in her head over and over again. “What have you done to the kids?!” Sojin said. “Don’t worry Sojin-ah.. Kai is doing fine.”

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o