Ups and downs.

Two Moons


“Torturing?” the small man asked. “Yes. It felt great when you see someone suffer especially when it’s your enemy.” Kai’s brown eyes grew wider. He wanted to kill us? His hands started to shake in fear. “If you wanted to know why they are here why don’t you thread them so they will give you the answer? Erasing their memory, would be like losing the info too? And why did you take that kid with you?” the dark master stomped his stick and the small man fell to the floor groaning. “Why you asked so much questions? I hate it.”

“I argh I-I’m sorry master.” He stomped his stick again, the small man trembled as he tried to control his breathing. “I know you’re there Kai.” Kai jumped and his eyes turned back into red again as the master opened the door. “Come in..” he said. Kai smirked at the small man on the ground and sat on the black leather sofa near the big bookshelf. “Enjoying stalking the others?” he nodded. The dark master stomped his stick to the ground, Kai screamed in pain. The dark master pulled his collar. “I know you’re hiding something from me.. tell me or I’ll the truth out along with your weak soul little ship.” He eyed Kai. Kai glared at him back. “Where were you minutes ago?” he pulled Kai closer. Kai squeezed his eyes shut, bear the enormous pain he felt. He still kept his mouth shut. The master laughed, “You see this?” he raised his stick it projected the other Exo members and his family back in Exo Planet, his eyes turned back brown. “Cooperate with me Kai… I gave you power more than you already had, now you have to work for me araso?” Kai clenched his fist. “Or you wont see them anymore….” Kai wiggled trying to break out, he couldn’t move nor say anything. “Keep that red eyes and focused on your job.” He stomped the stick. Kai panted on the ground.




“Seolrae-ah…” Aira stood up and hugged you tightly. “Aw aw aw aw…”

“What what? Did I hurt you, I’m sorry…” Aira squeezed your arms in concern. You chuckled, happy that finally your best friend is back. “I missed you~” you hugged her he pated your back lightly and leaded you to your usual seat at the coffee shop. “Tell me what happened to you!” she asked. “Where should I start.. well..” you nervously looked at her. “You probably wont believe in me..” you said. She straightened her self. “Euumm about that Seolrae..” Aira opened her backpack and took out a bundle of papers and a thick book and put it in front of you. “Wh-what are these?” you looked at the book. “An End to Open A New World.” You read the tittle. “Actually.. I did some researched about.. you, I mean the things you’ve told me that day.” Your eyes grew wider in shock. She really did a serious researched of it. There were the symbols with their powers and even the detail of the powers. A picture of the two moons phenomenon and some old articles from the newspaper and few information from the web, she printed it all. “Aira….”

“You gotta read the book Seolrae.. everything you told me I can find it there, seriously. It’s a science-fiction with a bit ancient history in it.” You took the book and skimmed page by page.

“The Two Civilizations” there’s a picture of earth and another planet that looked the same as earth but the land were all connected to each other. “Is this…?” Aira nodded, “Emm Exo Planet.” She flipped several pages, “Look at chapter two, The Vow.”

“The last battle will be the end of Exo Planet.” You read the last line of the paragraph. “So.. the leaders of Exo came to earth to ask for a place to continue their decent. In the first chapter you’ll find why the leaders of earth rejected their plea.” You flipped it back to the first chapter. “Desperate wannabes who doesn’t respect their habitat.” You read the first Queen’s famous quote about earthlings. This is why Exotic doesn’t like Earthlings. The leaders of the Earth don’t like the Exo leaders either because they always looked down on earth. There’s no good relationship between the two great civilizations since the beginning. “Later do the leaders of the earth found out that they also need Exo help to protect the earth from the downfall.” Aira added.

“The Vow, sacrifice thirteen last generations to open the new world.” Your eyes grew wider. “Wait, thirteen?”

“Open chapter six.” You flipped the page furiously. “The Last Thirteen.”  You read the tittle then skimmed the first page of chapter six. “Thirteen crystal family. The greatest and most powerful family in Exo.” You jaw dropped as you saw your oppas symbols on the page. You found it weird, “Wait, they said thirteen why are there only twelve here?” Aira sighed and took the book. “The last family, the absorber. Exiled from Exo because the current leader of the family went to earth without the Queen’s permission.” You made an O with your mouth. “Where are they now?” Aira shook his head. “He didn’t write anything about them here.” She flipped the page again. “And read this.” Aira handed you one paper from the bundle. “Thirteen Crystal Skulls?” Aira nodded. “Found it on google, its one of the Mayas prophecy about the end of the world, we can stop it if we manage to gather at least twelve of it.” You gasped, its all make sense now. “Familiar huh?” Aira looked at your surprised face. “I-is there anything about the star?” Aira closed the book. “As for that.. you have to read it your self.” Aira said. You looked down a little scared about what you’ll find there later. “There’s nothing you have to worry about Seolrae..” Aira smiled at you. You gave her a weak smile back. “Ahh come!!” she pushed the your favorite coffee in front of your face. “Get high.” She mischievously smiled.




“What are you reading?” you quickly closed the book and put it under your bed cover. “Eh um just another fiction book Aira gave me.” Baekhyun sat on your bed in front of you. He looked at you and you smiled at him. “I’m glad that everything is back to normal now.” He couldn’t help but smile too, your smile is always his favorite. “Baekhyun oppa..”

“Em?” he looked at you. “What’s your mission exactly?” he was a bit surprised by your question. He looked outside the window. “To find the new star.” He said looking down. You pulled his arm slightly shook it, “You’re not laying to me right?” he faced you. “No.”

“Why you suddenly asked that?” was he lying to you? Or he really didn’t know what were they here either or.. could it be.. the Queen hid everything from them? “I’m just curious.. after you found me and bring me back, what will happen next?” he shook his head. “Why do I have to come back?”

“Because you’re now our source of energy.” You raised your eyebrow. “Are you sure oppa? Cause Exo seemed to don’t have any problem when my dad was not there for.. a very long time.” It rang Baekhyun’s bell. “Just like now.. I’m here.. nothing changed right? In Exo..”

“We-we still don’t know about that.” Lost of thoughts roamed around Baekhyun’s head. Your words just make a perfect sense. Your dad was gone for a really long time, if its true that the star is Exo’s source of energy why would Exo Planet still exist even if the star is gone? And your existent does make any difference at all to Exo. So what’s the point of coming back?

“The star is Exo it self. That’s why you have to protect the star.” Baekhyun said. “What?” you looked up. “I don’t know, that’s what my father like to say to us.” He said. He imagined his father figure, saying that to him just like he used to every time he asked about the star. You held his hand, “You missed them don’t you?” he smiled at you. “Of course I do.”

“Tell me about you and the other oppas family.” You said. He crawled on to your bed and rested him self beside you. “What are you doing?” you stared at him. He tapped your pillow. “Get ready for your bed time story.” He said. Chuckled, you do as he said. He raised his hand to the sealing, just like a projector, you could see them like a movie. There were 24 people in the picture. “There are currently 12 crystal families in Exo. For the past 6 generations, men keep the line. Our dads are the current leaders of the families, our grandpa’s passed it after the twelve of us were born.” You nodded. “They who defies gravity.” He pointed at the couple on the top left with his other free hand. From how tall the man looked like and how delicate the woman beside him it must be “Kris oppa?” Baekhyun nodded as he moved his fingers to the next couple. “They who controls water.”

“Suho!” Baekhyun turned to see you, “You’re getting better.” You smiled to him and back to the picture. “They who controls Air and they who controls with mind.”

“Sehun and Luhan.” Baekhyun moved to the last two couple from the upper line. “The healer and the traveler.” You smiled as you can find a flash of Lay in his mother while Kai’s parents laughed at the two couples in front of them. Baekhyun chuckled. “You can guess who they are right?” the two dads pushed at each other playfully while their wife tried to control their husbands. “They who illuminate and they who controls fire.” You said glancing at him. He nodded. “Chen’s parents, they who controls lightening and D.O’s, the land keepers.” You nodded. “That must be Xiu Min’s oppa parents, oh my he looked like his dad!” Baekhyun laughed with you. “The last one, they who defies time.”

“Tao…” the man had the same firm stare and he definitely had his mother’s face and black hair. “This reminds me that we have to talk to him.” You turned to Baekhyun. He looked at you, “We will. Soon.” Smile appeared on your lips as he said ‘soon’. “Should I continue?” you nodded wildly. “Can I ask questions oppa?” he nodded. “What do they think about earth?” he dropped his hand and turned to face you. “They don’t really like the idea of us coming here actually.” He said. “Just like every other elders in Exo they still think that earth is not… as good as Exo and earthlings are useless.” You sat up. “I used to think the same.” You glared at him. “But since I live here long enough to realized that this place is full of life and love. Especially after I met you.” You felt your cheek burnt, you quickly rolled your self and hid your head on your pillow. He laughed and rubbed your head. “You don’t know us but you keep us here, helping us to stay alive and you bravely saved me, Chanyeol and Tao even if that means you hurt your self but you just don’t care. That was all enough to prove me that human, aside you as a star, have their own power inside them. Courage.” He looked at you straight into your eyes. Your heart raced faster. “Oppa…. Don’t stare at me like that!!!” you hit him with you pillow. He hit you back and the pillow fight broke. Lay stopped in front of your room the door was slightly open. He peeked inside and saw you were laughing happily with Baekhyun. He took a deep breath and purposely slammed the door closed. Both you and Baekhyun gasped in surprise. You looked at him and he looked at you too then both of you burst to laugh.




Kris and Suho followed you from behind. You kept looking back but not sure what to say, it had been a quite and awkward journey from your house to here.. on your way to Tao’s flats. You wanted to start a conversation but it seemed that it wasn’t easy for you to find something interesting or intelligent to talk about. Plus you didn’t know why Kris presence there gave you a high level of nervousness. “Are you sure this is the right way?” Suho asked as he looked around the slum area around him. “Yes this is the right way.” From afar all of you could hear the sound of the ambulance that just went passed you. Your heart suddenly beat faster. You had a bad feeling about this. You fastened your walk. God please.. not her. You prayed. You stopped to watch the scene so did Suho and Kris. “Tao!” you ran to him as you watched the nurse pushed the bed inside the ambulance. “What happened?” he didn’t answer and ditched your hand from his arm without bother to look at you just for a second. “Tao!” Kris shouted. He looked at Kris, his expression changed, it was like he needed a help, you could see he was going to cry any second from now. Kris nodded to him and he quickly jumped into the ambulance that brought of them to the hospital. The ambulance drove away leaving you stoned there. Was he ignoring you? Was he still mad at you about what happened that day? Or it was just because he was panic? Suho came to you and squeezed your shoulder, he knew you were as worry as Tao. You couldn’t forgive your self if something happen to her, you said to your self. 

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o