The Ship.

Two Moons


“Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Baekhyun, Chen, Tao and Luhan quickly rushed to your room. Luhan slammed the door open and they found you jumped up and down wildly like you just won a lottery. “Ya! What’s going on?” Luhan asked. You stared at them, surprised that all of them were standing there, staring back at you like you were some kind of freak. “I got a call back!” Chen and Tao looked at each other while Luhan tilted his head and Baekhyun just blankly stared at you. “What call back?” Baekhyun asked. “Chanyeol oppa called me and he said his father’s friend interested in my audition video so I got a call back!”

“and what audition?” you sighed. “To be the host for SBS new travelling show.”

T-travelling show? that means she’s going to leave? Luhan blanky stared at you, while Tao couldn’t hide his worry. “Congrats Seolrae!” Chen smiled at you. Baekhyun sighed, “Can you be more considerate when making decision, at least you talk about it with us.” You puckered your eyebrows. “Huh?”

“We’re not in a good circumstances right now, the hyungs haven’t come back, all of us felt something is wrong back home and beside we’re not going to be long here when we found the ship. Why bother?” he knew this is one of your biggest dream, he even told you not to give up on it and why is he acting like this now?

“That’s enough Baekhyun.” Luhan turned around glaring at Baekhyun. Baekhyun looked back at him in anger and walked back to his room, slammed it close, declaring that he was pissed. Luhan took and deep breath and followed him to his room. Chen slowly walked up to you and took a sea beside you on your bed, Tao leaned to the wall staring at you in concern. “He got lots of things in his head right now, maybe he’s just stressed out. You know him right?” you nodded at Chen’s words. He squeezed your shoulder, you looked up and he gave you a comforting smile, which made you a bit relieve. “What do you need for the call back?” he asked. “I don’t know.. books? Maps? New formal cloths for the interview?” He glanced at Tao. “Tao can help you, right Tao?” Tao straightened up and glared at Chen. Chen smiled innocently and looked back at you. “So?” you glanced at stoned Tao. “He… doesn’t like he wanted to help me.” you whispered to Chen followed by his chuckled. “Y-yah. I want to he-help you.” Tao stuttered looking down. “Really?” he nodded shyly. “Ka. Just have fun and don’t worry about those two.” Chen said. You looked at those two and Chen still smiling at you. “What?” he asked. “I’m going to change can you two like go out?”

“Ahhh ne.. hahah” Chen awkwardly walked out of the room. “I’ll be ready in 15 minutes.” Tao turned around and nod before leaving your room.


“What was that?” Luhan slammed the door behind him which made Baekhyun looked up to him, eyeing him like he was going to eat him alive. “Why did you say those things to he huh?” Baekhyun looked away, staring at the view out side the window. “Ya! Byun Baekhyun!” Luhan pushed him lightly. Baekhyun looked at him again and smirked. If only you knew hyung, you would’ve done the same. “Aishh you.” Luhan gave up and sat in front of Baekhyun. “If you don’t want her to leave, just say it, don’t say things you didn’t want to say.” Baekhyun glanced at him. Luhan was right, he said all of those things to you because he didn’t want you to leave and he just wanted to see you every day, spending these last days with you but he was just too sad to do so because he knew what will the next journey had in store for them. That was why he kept distance from you because he was scared to feel far more worst that he was already are, scared that he might not survive if he lose you.


You awkwardly kept looking back to see if Tao was still following you or not. It was just too awkward, aren’t two friends who decided to hang out supposed to like walked together unlike a girl with her bodyguard or puppy, right? Tao kept looking away every time you checked on him. Stopped you sighed in anger and turned around but you miscounted and both of you bumped onto each other. “A!” you took a step back to prevent you from falling but it wasn’t your feet that saved you but Tao’s hand caught yours before you landed on the ground. He quickly let it go when you already back on your feet. “Emm Tao-ah.. can you walk with me? I mean beside me don’t act like an obvious starker like that.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Please?” he sighed and turned you around and pushed you. After you walked he catch up with you and walk beside you. You glanced at him and looked away to hide his smile, you could see it though and it brought happiness to you two and he’s back.


“Ta—o! where is he??” you looked around the store. Tao him self was already got into his shopping mood. You shook your head staring at him. “What?” he mimicked from afar. You spun around asking his opinion about the blue shirt and black above knee skirt you tried on. He tilted his head, putting his index finger on his puckered lips. He pulled his own shirt and shook his head to you. “No?” you mimicked and he nodded. You pouted and went back to the dressing room.


“Ne.. what is it?” you were checking your self in the mirror still wondering what was wrong with the blur shirt you picked. “Try this.” You grabbed it from on top of the door. A simple maroon lace blouse. You stared at it and quickly changed. “How?” you got out of the dressing room and spun again. His eyes grew wider mesmerized by your s line. “Tao!” he snapped out of his thought, he nodded nervously. “Fine I’ll take this one. Thank you~” he smiled on how cute you were.


Both of you walked around the area, once or twice you stopped to see everything that caught your eyes, cloths, shoes, even yummy cakes but Tao seemed to enjoy watching you acting like a little kid in a toys shop. “What is it?” you realized Tao’s face turned serious. You looked at his direction but there were nothing there. “Tao-ah… what is it! Don’t scare me!” he tip toed and looked around. “Ya!” you hit his chest lightly. He hissed and quickly rubbed it. “What did you see?” he shook his head. “I think I saw someone there.” He pointed at an empty alley. Suddenly you felt shivers down your spine, the same feeling you have had before. Damn.. you rubbed your arms because of the cold breeze. Tao concernedly stared at your eyes. You blinked at his as he took of his jacket and put it around you. He looked back to the alley before pushing you away. Was it really Kai?


“Why don’t you just take her now?” the small men asked Kai who was seriously watching you and Tao eating at the tteokbukki stall. You were laughing anf pushing him playfully, having a great time. “Because she’s with him.” He said. “We have 8 people here we can take care of him.” Kai rolled his eyes on the men’s words, he just knew no one can defeat Tao not only because his special power but his martial arts mastering, which can take these 8 people down in a minute. “I already have everything planned for them.” Kai smirked. “Then why are we here?”

“I just wanted to see her smile before it disappear from her beautiful face.” Kai snapped his fingers and he disappeared.




Baekhyun checked his phone again, making sure that this is the right address. He took a deep breath and pushed the doorbell. Minutes later your mom opened the door. She was surprised and looked at Baekhyun with concerned eyes, like she was prohibited him from coming in but nothing came out of her lips. Baekhyun bowed and asked permission to get inside again, half hearted you mom opened the door for him. “How are you Mrs. Yoon?” he asked but your mother didn’t answer. Baehyun stared at her in worry. “Ma’am?” he asked again but your mother just nodded. Okay something isn’t right… he said to himself. You mother took a seat in front of him. “Well.. sorry for not telling you first that I’m coming here, actually I’m going to pick Seolrae up after her audition, you already knew about it right?” your mom nodded. “Good.. and yeah I just thought to visit you and I want to ask you about something.” He took out the letter he found in you room and put it on the table. You mother’s eyes shot open in shocked. Her hands started to shake wildly. “Ma’am are you okay?” she quickly took it and grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and put the latter on his palm. Suddenly there was a loud laugh from the next room. Baekhyun stood up in alert. Baehyun’s eyes grew wider. “Kai!” Baekhyun about to hug him but two tall guys with all black stood in between them. “What is this?” Kai smirked. “Long time no see Baekhyun…”

“I prefer you call me hyung Kai.” He was still not sure about what was really happening there. Kai just smirked again. “I was just here to visit this old lady to get some information… but she didn’t want to tell me so.. I guess it’ll be fair if the others cant hear them too so I made her like this..” Baekhyun glared at your muted mother. “How dare you!” Baekhyun shouted. He laughed again. “And what a coincidence that you’re here too. Two people that is actually know the truth about everything. I wont let the others know so.. maybe it’s best to lock you two here. “


“Oh one thing… say bye to your dear star.” Kai snapped his fingers and disappeared. Baekhyun tried to kick the door even using his power but they were really looked up. You mom cried in silent. Say bye to your dear star. Kai;s words kept roaming around in his mind. He was too confused. What was really happening to Kai? Why did he do that? What makes him? And worst what is he going to do with you?


You came out of the interview room, let out a sigh in relieve that you finally finished the interview and it went pretty well. It was 3 pm already but you didn’t see Baekhyun around cause he promised to pick you up as his apologies for the other day. You texted him to tell him that you were waiting for him but he didn’t reply for the next hour. “Aish.. where are you..” you tried to call him but you failed. “Excuse me.. this place is going to close soon.” You turned around and found a cute looking guy with his curly hair smiling at you, he was so beautiful people might mistaken him to a girl. “Oh eumm I’m sorry okay…” you opened the door. “Wait!” the guys called you again. “I was just kidding hahah I’ve been watching you for the past hour actually not in a scary kind of watching but.. are you waiting for someone?”

You chuckled to his nervousness towards you, “Yes I’m waiting for my friend to pick me up but I think he’s not coming.. since.. he’s already an hour late.” You said. “That’s rude actually for a guy to make a girl waiting too long.” You just weakly smiled at him. “Anyway.. my name is Taemin.” You shook his hand, “I’m Seolrae, Yoon Seolrae.”

“So.. Seolrae.. would you like to grab some drink? Coffee? I mean until you heard anything from your friend.” You looked at your watch and checked your phone but still there wasn’t any news from him so you agreed to go with him. From afar Kai watched both of you crossing the street together. He smirked that his plan was going smoothly.


“Aish…” the glass slipped out of his hand and fell to the ground and broke into pieces. He sighed, too lazy to clean it but he have to. He walked up to the janitor’s room and grabbed the mop but to his surprise every thing inside the jenitors room collapse. “.” He cursed staring at the mess he made. Forever sighing he decided to clean the janitor’s room also after he cleaned the glass pieces. He the little lamp and started to clean the floor first. There was an odd noise as he stepped on one of the wooden floor. He kneeled and knocked it with his hand. His eyes grew wider as he realized it was actually a door. He was so curious and decided to open it. He was coughing due to the dust attack as he opened it. The door seemed to lead him to the basement of the house, which was really shocking for him to find it. He went to his room to grab the flashlight to help him. Chen wasn’t home at the moment, no one were at home. He took a deep breath and slowly took the stairs down to the tunnel. He reached the ground and walked relying on his own instinct until he reached the end of the tunnel. There was a wooden door, it was a big enough for two person to came in on the same time. He pushed him with all of his might several times. The door slammed open and her fell to the ground. He groaned because of the pain he felt on his ribs, he crawled to grab his flashlight. He got up on his two feet again and pointed his flashlight to random direction. The room was reaaaaaly big, its bigger than the house it self. “What the…” a super large and huge worn white fabric hiding something underneath it. Tao slowly walked towards it and grabbed it. “1… 2… 3..” he pulled the fabric down. His eyes shot open in shock, his jaw dropped like it was going to detached from his skeleton. “NO WAY!” AFTER ALL OF THIS TIME, THE SHIP IS ACTUALLY HERE, IN THIS HOUSE.













anyway please check out my best friend's (donghankyu_lover)  ff she made for me :) starring me, chanyeol and baekhyun and my other biases. lol

thank you so much! and i hope you like this chapter. I made it in such a rush so I'm pretty sure it involved lots of typos here and there I'm sorry for that but I'm just too tired to reread it cause its like 1:35 am here but I'll take care of it as soon as i can hahaha. ^^ keep reading, commenting and promoting my lovely readers xoxo lullabyme07



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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o