Three in one.

Two Moons


 Lay knocked at your door lightly but you didn’t answer. He twisted the doorknob and peeked inside to find you fell asleep. She must be very tired. He walked towards your bed and stopped on the left side. He bent down a bit. The others might not notice but I do. He put his hand on top of your face. You squeezed your eyes a bit when you felt something warm on your face. The bruise on your nose disappeared. Sweet dreams. He smiled and walked out of your room.


You hadn’t come out of your room since your fell asleep in the morning, you decided to work on your assignment to distract your from your bad mood.

“Come in.” you were on your stomach doing your assignments on your bed. You looked up from your laptop and it was Baekhyun. “You need anything?” you got back to your assignment. He walked up to you and sat next to you. “I’m sorry. We’re sorry.”

“For?” you stopped typing. “Earlier..” you just nodded. “You have time for stories?” your eyes brightened. You quickly sat up and faced him. “Lets start with.. Queen Ara, she’s the ruler of Exoplanet. The elders said that she actually has a twin brother, 5 minutes older than her. The previous King and Queen chose Queen Ara instead of her troublemaker older brother and they said he turned into an evil.” You carefully listened to him.

“He wanted to take his throne back.”

“If that so.. why now?” you asked him, turning off your laptop. “That’s a good question but sadly no one knows why….”

“If only we could contact them.” He added. Suddenly your remembered your dream. “O!”

“What?” Baekhyun asked. “This evil twin brother, what is he look like?”

“Umm I don’t know.. we were all still a baby.” You nodded followed by a silent bertween you two.  “You haven’t eat right?”

“Have you?” he nodded. “It’s pass lunch already you have to eat Seolrae. Come on I’ll make you sandwich.” Baekhyun pulled you out of the bed. Both of you came out of your room, “O! Xiu Min oppa, where are you going?” he dressed up nicely. “Eeeeyy you got a date hyung?” Baekhyun raising his eyebrows. “Eiish these kids. My manager called, he told me one of my comic book’s fans wanted to see me. He said I wont regret if I meet this person.”

“Uuuuuuu~” both you and Baekhyun said. Xiu Min gave both of you -_-“ face. “When will you come home then?” you fixed Xiu Min’s tie. He pinched your cheek lightly, “Thanks. Probably late night. You don’t have to wait for me.” he said. You pouted. “The house will be very quite tonight…”

“Yaa.. you have Baekhyun now.” Baekhyun glanced at you wanted to know your reaction. You just smiled at Xiu Min. “Make sure she eats and don’t let her go out alone at night.” Baekhyun saluted, “Sir yes sir!” followed by a chuckle. “Good luck oppa!” you and Baekhyun walked him to his car. “Good luck Hyung!” Lay shouted from his room’s window. “Thanks!” Xiu Min shouted back. “Bye~” he waved his hand.

“Oh yeah Seolrae, I think I’m going to get something in my apartment first, coming?” Baekhyun asked. When you were about to say yes but you saw Jiho on his skate board a cross the street. “Uhh I cant, I have something to do.” You said glancing at Jiho make sure he was still there. Baekhyun tilted his head seeing your oddness. “Okay then.. I’ll come back soon.” You nodded. “Be careful oppa..” he smiled and walked to the other direction. You quickly ran a cross the street to catch up with Jiho. “Jiho-ya!!”

“Ah noona!” he waved his hand. “Where’s Suho?” you asked him. “His friend called, I think he’s going somewhere.”

You can’t waste anymore time Yoon Seolrae! “Where is he now?”

“Umm probably at the bus stop.”

“Thank you Jiho-ah!!” you ran as fast as you can to the bus stop about 6 blocks from your house. You stopped after 3 blocks, you haven’t ran that far since you got into college. Damn I need to start exercising more. You tried to control your breath.

You arrived when the bus drove off. Your jaw dropped… after all of the running. Dropped your self on the sidewalk, panting. Seriously Seolrae you’re useless. Suddenly a water bottle popped in front of your face. “What are you doing here?” you looked up and found Suho. It was like finally drinking a water after a long run when you saw his face. He smiled at you, “Did you ran here?” you drank the water. “You think? D’ohh” he smirked and sat beside you. “Why are you here? Me?”

“Pssstf don’t get this wrong fella.” You threw the bottle back to him. “But it is for me right?” you sighed. “Fine. Happy?!” he tried to hide his wide smile. “Should I canceled my plan with Sehun?” you quickly turned to face him when he said Sehun’s name. “WHO?!” Suho jumped a bit. “Se-sehun? You once borrowed his phone-“

“In the coffee shop.” Sehun.. the symbols..

“So you remembered me now?” you looked at him into his eyes.  “We need to talk.”




Kris, Chen and Luhan stopped in front of an old house. They looked at each other before Kris pushed the doorbell. “You sure this is the house?” Kris looked at Chen. “This is the address the police gave me.” he answered while checking the address on his phone. Luhan looked around the quite neighborhood. They could feel another strong energy from the house. Kris pushed the doorbell again. Second later a woman with a long wavy hair and pale skin opened the door. She looked a bit surprised. “Mrs. Yoon?”  Kris asked. Your mother nodded. “I’m Kris. We came from your husband’s homeland.” Your mom’s eyes shot open. “We need to ask you some questions, if you don’t mind.” she looked at them one by one. I know this day would come. “Come in..” she pulled open the door for them to come inside. “Firstly we wanted to apologies to come here without any permission.” She took a seat in front of them. “No no its okay.. I wasn’t busy anyway.” She casually said. “We wanted to ask you about…” Kris looked at Chen and Luhan. They nodded to encourage him. “Do you know anything about us? Or your husband homeland?”

“I do know about you guys, and Exoplanet.”

Kris cleared his throat. “How?”

“He told me everything.” You mother said as she drink down the warm tea she made. “When?”

“After our second year anniversary.”

“Wait. He didn’t lose his memory?” Chen asked. “Was he supposed to?” your mother asked back. “The elders told us that he accidently fell on earth and he forgot about Exo that’s why he never come back.” Chen said.

“and that’s our mission, to bring him back.” Kris added. Your mom chuckled. “I heard differently from my husband.”

“Tell us.” The three of them straightened to listen more carefully.

“Do you know what his mission was?” they shook their head. “The queen asked him to find other planet that Exotic can live in.”

“What?!” she nodded. “Earth was the last place the visited. He met me and.. “

“He fell in love with you.” She blushed and nodded. The boys softened. “He asked me to come with him and I agreed but he failed to fix his ship that was why he couldn’t come back at that time.”

Kris nodded signed her to continue. “After our baby was born he decided to tried to contact Exo. He got attacked by I don’t know what.” All of them looked at each other in shock. “All I know a police called me to pick him up in the hospital and after that he seemed to lost few memories especially about Exo.”

“He used to tell about Exo for our daughter bedtime story but after that he couldn’t even remember it.”

Daughter? Luhan glanced at the painting near the fireplace. He couldn’t see it clearly. “It was like someone erased his memory.” Luhan eyes shot open. Chen and Kris looked at him. They all got it. They were in danger. Its neither they don’t want them to come to earth or they don’t want them to come back to Exoplanet. “He passed away two years ago. You know that right?” the three of them nodded. “That means your job is done here and why are you still here?” Kris shook his head. “If your husband, a star, passed away, we supposed to lose our power.” He said. You mom waited. “But we still have it, that means we have a new star, the new source of our energy.” Your mom’s eyes grew wider. “And I think it’s your daughter.”


“We have to find her but we have to find our brothers first. We also got attack by something we wished we knew. We got separated and the worst part, few of us also lost our memories just like your husband.” Your mom grew worry, she couldn’t imagine you involved in this.  “Please.. protect my daughter..” your mother tears fell down. Kris held your mother’s hand. “We promised you that don’t worry.” He gave your mother a comforting smile. “Can we see her?” Chen asked your mother. She looked up swapped away her own tears. “She doesn’t live with me anymore. I can give you her picture and address.” She said. “Yes please..” Chen said. Few minutes later your mom came back with a picture of you. Kris looked at it and then it was Chen’s turn and Luhan… ITS HER ALL ALONG!




“Where have you been?” the front desk woman asked Baekhyun. “Long story.. “ he chuckled. “Oh yeah a guy came here this morning.” She gave him the card. Phoenix! Chanyeol! I should’ve told him sooner! He looked for his phone but he couldn’t find it. “Where the hell..” he tried to remember where he left his phone but he didn’t want to waste any more time. He just wanted to tell Chanyeo everything and bring him back even without his memory. “Excuse me can I use the phone?” the woman nodded. He called him several time but he didn’t answer. “.” He tried to call him again. “I’m sorry are there still any rooms available here?” Baekhyun looked up to find a girl and a guy stood next to him. The girl looked like she was pissed at something while the guy.. wore a hoodie which hided his face. “Thank you.” Baekhyun gave up. He glanced at the couple again before leaving to his room. He opened the door and it was still messy since the last incident happened. He tidied up a bit as he took few things he needed. He went to his bedroom and opened his drawer. A shiny thing with his symbol on it shone brightly. He put it on and smiled as light came out of his hand. 

After he found it, he took the box of his things and walked out of his room. On his way down he met the couple earlier just got out of the elevator. He bowed his head lightly to the girl and she bowed back. Must be new. He said. “Akh!” he felt pain on his hand. He rubbed his symbol it shone more than before. “Oh crap!” he took it off and put it in the box before anyone could see it.

“Argh!” the hooded guy touched his head. “What’s wrong?” the girl worriedly squeezed his shoulders. The guys turned around when Baekhyun lift closed.  




“Don’t be nervous..” Xiu Min’s manager pated his shoulder. “You know me right?” his manager pointed at the table with two tall guys sat there. “Who are they?”

“You’ll find out soon. I’m sure you’ll be stoke!” Xiu Min raised his eyebrow in curious. He slowly walked towards it. He could felt a strong energy came into him. His heart beat faster.“Annyeonghasey—“ Xiu Min’s eyeballs were about to pop out of his skull. His manager was right. He couldn’t even believe in his own eyes. He was surprised, happy, glad, countless emotion when he saw them stood up and bowed politely to him. “Anyyeonghaeyo hyung.. I’m Phoenix and this is my friend, Sehun.” It hit him now. They.. didn’t remember him. Xiu Min’s heart broke, this not the way Chanyeol usually said to him when ever they met. “Please take a seat hyung.” Sehun said bringing Xiu Min back to the reality. Chanyeol and Sehun looked at each other nervously. “Euumm we wanted to tell you that we love your comic so much.” Chanyeol kept glancing at Sehun just to make sure that he said the right thing. “Thank you.” Xiu Min who was still in shock didn’t know what else to say. Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck, managing words to say. “We wanted to ask you…” Sehun spoke up.

“Where did you get your inspiration?” Sehun rested his hands on the table waiting for Xiu Min’s answer while Chanyeol examining Xiu Min’s expression. “You two have time for stories?” he looked at Sehun and went to Chanyeol’s eyes. “If its interesting, I can cancel my next schedule.” Chanyeol said. “Good, cause you wont regret it.” Xiu Min stood up. “Wait. Where are you going?” Chanyeol stood up followed by Sehun. “You wanted to know everything right? That’s why you’re here.” Chanyeol changed look with Sehun. “I know why you’re here, so follow me.” Xiu Min said. Chanyeol and Sehun nodded and followed Xiu Min to his car.




Baekhyun stopped on the last footpath of towards your front door. He looked inside the box he brought from his apartment, the symbol was still shining, it even grew brighter. What’s happening? He skipped the stairs and dashed into the house. “Seolrae-ah! Lay hyung!” he shouted. He was scared something might happen to you or Lay. He walked into the living room and found you and Lay there with another unfamiliar guy. “Oppa! You’re home! Look who’s here!” Baekhyun stared at the guy’s back. He turned around. “Suho hyung….” He whispered in shock. He raised his left eyebrow. “Okay this is totally weird, how come he knows my name?” Baekhyun eyes shot open. He glanced at you, you shook your head weakly. “I already texted Xiu Min oppa but he didn’t reply.” You said. “More people are coming?” Suho asked. “Em. As I told you before I live with Xiu Min and Lay oppa, Baekhyun oppa too.”

Suho glanced at Lay who didn’t even pay attention to anything and then went to Baekhyun who’s now leaning on the wall thinking about something. He looked at you and he felt a bit uncomfortable knowing that you live with three guys.

“Do we really have to wait Seolrae? can you just tell me already?” Suho checked his phone. Where the hell is Sehun!

You came out of the kitchen with two plates of french-fries and four colas. “Yes. First, I’m not the one who can tell you everything and second… I’ll take this as an ummm apology treat.” You took a seat beside him after you put the plate and colas on the table. He looked at you, “Apology treat?” You pointed at your nose. “This.” He chuckled and flicked your nose. “Ouch! What was that for!” you punched his arm lightly. He didn’t answer. Lay watched both of you from the kitchen bar. He was a bit jealous on the fact that the ‘new guys’ like Baekhyun and Suho can easily get closer to you. Baekhyun sigh made him turn his attention to him. “I don’t get this.. he erased everyone’s memory?”

“Seems so.” Lay rested his head on the bar. “Hyung can help him right?” Baekhyun looked at Lay. “Not sure.”

“But you brought mine back.” Lay chuckled. “No I didn’t.”

“What?” Lay sat up and swing his chair around. “I don’t know how your gained your memory back. I was going to ask you that when you woke up.”

“…. How?”

“I-I-I I’m not sure either. The last thing I remembered is when Seolrae held my hand and I can see everyone there, just like a flash back. Just like when I touched her bracelet at the showcase.” Lay nodded. “She’s the key then.” Lay swung his chair again. Then all of you could hear a car parked in front of the house. “OPPAS! Xiu Min’s oppa is back!!” both Lay and Baekhyun quickly went back to the living room. You ran to the front door and opened it. “OP—“ your jaw dropped. You saw Chanyeol came out of his car followed by another guy you haven’t seen before. Xiu Min came in without a word to you, you just stood there froze like a statue. “You?” Chanyeol stopped in front of you. You unsurely nodded. “I know there’s something about you.” He winked and came in followed by Sehun. You closed the door.

“Suho hyung..” Sehun said. Suho stood up, “Wh-what are you doing here?”

“What are YOU doing here?” Sehun asked back. “So this is Suho?” Chanyeol asked. Sehun nodded. “Chanyeol-ah” Chanyeol tilted his head to see the person behind Suho. His eyes grew wider. “Baekhyun!” he quickly slung his arm around him. “Ya! Where have you been, I’ve been trying to contact you!” Baekhyun smiled. “Okay wait. Wait.” He let of his arm. “How come you know my real name?” Baekhyun didn’t answer. Chanyeol slung his arm around Baekhyun again and pulled him closer, “Why are you.. and I are here?” he whispered to his ear.

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o