Third : Illuminate.

Two Moons


You waited in front of Baekhyun’s apartment. You pushed the bell several time since he wasn’t answering. Your worry grew when you heard a groan from inside. “Baekhyun oppa.. its me Seolrae.. please open up.” You pushed the bell again and twisting the doorknob trying to get in. “Oppa… please open it. Tell me what happen.. oppa!” you pushed your body to the door but you’re not that strong. You went down to the front desk, you asked the woman to give you the spare card. You begged her and told her what happened she agreed to go with you to open his room.

The woman tapped her card and the green light appeared. She signed you to open it. “Do you need help?” she asked you. You shook your head, “No Its fine. Thank you so much once again.” You bowed before entering his now dark apartment. You couldn’t see anything since all the lights were off. You tried to turn it on but cant. You looked around and you could see light from his room. You slowly walked towards it. Gulped you called him. “Baekhyun oppa..” you softly called him. “Don’t come in here Seolrae!” he shouted but still shaky. Your heart pumped up faster and faster. “Oppa.. please don’t be like this.. tell me what happen. I’ll help you.” You tried to comfort him. “You cant Seolrae. Just leave me here.” But you already reached his door. You gripped the doorknob. You slowly twisted it and pushed.

“Oppa..” you called him. He was sitting on the floor leaned to the wall. Your eyes grew wider when you realize the light wasn’t from the lamp or the nightstand. But it came out of his palm. He painfully stared at you. “I couldn’t stop it…” he cried. Your heart dropped watching him crying. You took a step, “Don’t. don’t come any closer.” He said. “But oppa..”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He moved to the corner. “You wont oppa…” you took another step towards him. He moved again. “Baekhyun oppa.. I’m here.” You quickly took another step and grabbed his wrist. He tried to break away but this time you were stronger. “Relax oppa… you can stop this..” he shook his head, you hugged him and rubbed his back to make him feel a little bit relaxed. “Its your power, you’re the one who control it, don’t let it control you.” You slowly let him go. You held his hand. Suddenly it was like a time machine. You saw a couple smiling to each other, the young woman holding a baby and she softly kissed the baby boy’s head. Then you saw a young boy about 5 years old playing with his friends. He pointed out his hand and light came out of it like a laser, the other boy pretend to be dead and dropped him self to the ground. The little boy proudly laughed but then someone shot him with water, the older one. He quickly ran away and shot another light to the older boy.

You fell deeper. Teenage Baekhyun and the other Exo, you could see Xiu Min, Lay, the two guys from the dream, Phoenix, the two guys your saw earlier in the café and the rest you haven’t seen before. They were hanging out on a hill watching the starry sky. The one who stared at you at the coffee shop lent his hand the others playfully pushed each other ran to him and put their hand on top of his. “WE ARE ONE! EXO!” you heard their voice.

You saw Chanyeol with a smirk on the edge of a ship, “See ya on the other side brothers!” he disappeared followed by Baekhyun’s scream. You felt like something pulled you out of the dream. There were lost of imaged in a flash. You gasped and opened your eyes. Your hands were still holding his. “Oppa..” you touched his cheek. He didn’t move but thankfully he was still breathing normally. You sat beside him and move his head to rest it on your shoulder. You took your phone in your pocket and texted Xiu Min.




Kris closed his eyes. He could feel he’s power is getting stronger. Someone found the new star. Wait for us brother. He smiled to him self.

“Hyung the police called, they said they find her address.” Chen said after he hung up the phone. Kris nodded. “We’ll go there tomorrow.” He drank his tea. “To where?” Luhan came into the room. “The star’s house.” Chen said. “You said he died when we got here.”

“That’s right. But we need to ask anything his human wife know about us and about his husband.” Kris said.

“And beside.. you know why we still have powers even when the star is dead?” Luhan shook his head. “New star.” Kris said. “Well we already found out about him having a daughter but we couldn’t track her.” Chen said. “Time will reunite us we just have to wait.” Kris said. “So his daughter is the new star now.” Kris nodded. “She’s half human so we still don’t know how this works and the effect towards EXOPLANET. If only we could contact them.” Chen went to his room. Luhan stood there staring at the fireplace. What if I still can’t remember anything? He looked at the painting Kris made. Twelve of them smiling, he and Sehun had their arms on each other’s shoulder. Since the first time Kris and Chen found him and brought him here, he couldn’t avoid that painfully longing feeling every time he looked at that painting. He wanted to know who is the person he wanted to remember. “Don’t worry Luhan.. we’ll find him.” Kris said seemed to read Luhan’s thought.




You ran out of the car to open the front door. Xiu Min put Baekhyun on his back and piggybacked him to the house. After you managed to open the door you quickly ran back to Xiu Min to help him bring Baekhyun inside. “Careful oppa.” You said. Xiu Min put Baekhyun on the sofa in the living room. You ran to the kitchen to take a bucket then you took a towel on the way back to the living room. You gave the bucket to Xiu Min he pointed at it and filled it with ice in an instant. “LAY!” he shouted. You bend down beside Baekhyun and put the iced towel on his forehead. Oppa.. please wake up.. you slowly moved the towel to his cheek. “LAY!” Xiu Min shouted again. Few seconds later both of you could hear someone coming down from the second floor. “What?” he asked as he took a glance at your worry face. He walked closer. He peeked to the sofa. Baekhyun! His eyes brightened. Xiu Min came, slung his arms to Lay’s neck. Both of them smiled to each other. “What are you two doing? I know you’re happy but help him first!” you snapped at them. Lay put his hands on top of Baekhyun’s head. You carefully watched him in worry. You could feel Baekhyun’s hand moving on your hand. You looked up to Xiu Min he gave you a warm comforting smile nodding his head lightly. Lay opened his eyes, “He’ll wake up soon. Lets just give him a rest he used his power too much, it drained his energy.” You softened as you watched his peaceful face unlike the stiff one few minutes ago. “You owe me an explanation missy..” Xiu Min asked. You looked up to him and Lay and smile nervously.

You told him everything, the day you met him and about happened earlier. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” Xiu Min said. “Cause I’m not sure.. “ you drank your hot tea. “And about the guy who gave him the symbol?”

“His name is Phoenix. Have you ever watch the TV oppa? He’s everywhere.” You said. “No.. don’t have time for that.” Xiu Min said. “I have.” You and Xiu Min turned to Lay. “AND?!” Xiu Min glared at him. “Its Chanyeol, so obvious using Phoenix as his stage name.”

“But.. I think he lost his memory too since he asked Baekhyun help to figure out the symbols.” You added. “So that means both of them lost their memory?” you nodded. “But how come? I mean what could’ve happened to them?” you shook your head. “Its erased.” Lay said. “WHAT?!” both you and Xiu Min were surprised. “If they lost their memory because of an accident, I can fix it. But earlier when I examined his head there are no brain damage or a common head injury.”

“Which mean?”

“Someone erased his memory.”

“How?” you asked. Lay shook his head. Xiu Min was lost in his thought. “Wait, does that mean that he wont regain his memory back?!”

“I’ll help him as hard as I can to bring his memory back.” Lay glanced at you. He never seen you that worry before. You just couldn’t think anymore. It must have been so hard for him. Living alone without even knowing that he actually had a family who had been looking all over for him. What is it like to forget about your own life, your childhood memories, your true friends and even your own family. To call a person who had been there for your whole life, a stranger.

“He’ll be alright..” Xiu Min pated your shoulder. You looked up and nodded. Lay put a cup of hot chocolate in front of you. “Take a rest.” He smiled and left the kitchen. You grabbed your bag near you and took your notebook out.


You smiled as you wrote his name on top of his symbol.



You went to the Lay’s room to check Baekhyun. You knocked lightly and opened the door. Lay was on his sofa reading a book. He looked up and sighed you to be quite. You nodded. You walked to the single sized bed and bent beside it. Baekhyun was still deep in his sleep, you could hear his light breathing. You took his hand and rested it on your cheek. “I promise you, you wont feel alone anymore.” You whispered. “You sure?” You looked up to find Lay staring you. “I don’t want to share room with anyone.”

"Should we buy a bigger house?" You chuckled so did he. Baekhyun oppa.. ppalli wake up! Your brothers and I cant wait to see you.

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o