
Two Moons


I know all of you were like jsabdjsbdh dafuq is happening?! This chapter will answer your question! ^^



BANG! Something hit the ship.


BANG! Another attack from they wished they knew at that time.

Suho tried to control the ship. It was chaotic, every warning light were blinking. The alarm and the other’s question to him, Suho felt like losing his own mind. “What should we do?!” Suho didn’t answer, as the team leader he needed to be calm one and figure things out in time like this. “Send message to M’s team.” Suho told D.O who was sitting next to him.

“Captain the ship kept losing its power!” Baekhyun said. Suho didn’t say anything. “Ya! What kind of captain you are! You’re the leader, Say something!” Kai shouted. “There’s no time to fight! Just prepare to attack!” D.O said after sending SOS to M’s ship. He glanced at Suho. Anyone can see his disappointed eyes towards him self. D.O pated his shoulder, “You’re doing great.”


“Kris! Something is attacking K’s ship!” Luhan said. Kris quickly turned their ship around. “What is that?!” Tao asked. No one could explain the big black thing, not even the team captain. “Prepare to attack!” Kris said. Chen and Xiu Min nodded. They pushed lots of buttons to activate the weapon. “Test test. M! our ship is being attack, SOS.” They could hear D.O’s voice. Luhan closed his eyes, his heart was breaking to felt his best friend, Sehun’s, fear. It’s okay Sehun.. we’re coming. He tried to comfort him. They shoot the first laser. It seemed to work. Kris controlled the ship while Chen and Xiu Min shooting the black thing.

“M.” Suho’s voice came from the line. “Our ship kept losing power. Can you come closer?”


“Captain what are you doing?” D.O shook Suho’s shoulder. “Saving you guys. Sehun, take that rope and tied it around your waist.”

“Captain..” Chanyeol said. “Open the door Kai.” Suho ordered. Kai stared at Suho’s back. “Kai!” he quickly opened the door.

“In my count of three, you jump okay?” Luhan said from the M’s ship. He and Tao waited for Sehun to jump. “1! 2! 3!!” Tao and Luhan pulled Sehun inside. They stood up from the floor. “You’re save now.” Luhan hugged Sehun. He hugged his best friend back. Tao helped Sehun to take off the rope, while Kai pulled it back from the other side. “Kai, go.” Kai looked back at Suho and the others before jumped to the other ship. After Kai, it was Chanyeol’s turn. “Careful.” Baekhyun said. Chanyeol smirked, “See you on the other side brothers.”  Chanyeol saluted at them and jumped. “CHANYEOL!” everyone on the M’s ship shouted. Baekhyun eyes grew wider, he quickly held on to the rope. “What happened?” D.O stood up. “Chan-yeol-slipped.” Sehun and Tao quickly lent their hand. Chanyeol reached Sehun’s hand, “Hold on.” but he couldn’t hold on for long. “CHANYEOL!!!”

Baekhyun from the other ship tried to pulled the rope up. Chanyeol hang on. He pulled the rope again even if his hands were bleeding. It wasn’t long until the ship completely lost its power. “It was nice serving the Exo with you.” Suho said to D.O and Baekhyun and the others from the M’s ship. The K’s ship fell before their eyes.  “Stop the time Tao!” Kai shouted after they heard Suho’s last sentence. “And then what?” no one say anything because they really don’t know. Sehun squeezed Luhan’s shoulder while Tao dropped to the floor running his fingers trough his messy black hair. Xiu Min and Chen looked at each other, they know that this wasn’t working at all. Kris turned his head glanced at everyone. I’ll protect them Suho. Suddenly their ship trembled. Kris held onto the stir tighter. The black thing attacked back. “That thing is too strong!” Chen shouted. Everyone stood up. “Is this the end?” Kai said. Before they could do anything another attack came and their ship exploded. Kris grabbed anyone he could, lucky Chen, Xiu Min and Lay. He who defies gravity, held onto his brothers tightly while watching the other fall under his feet. He flew away but the black thing seemed to realize that one of his prey were running away. It rained hard. It was really dark and made it hard for Kris since the other three were unconscious. “Nooo!” Lay slipped out of his grip. When he was going to catch him the last thing he remembered he lost his power.


“Master..” a small man approach a tall man with black coat. He turned around and counted. “Where are the other five?” he asked. “We cant find-“ he hit the small man with his glowing stick. He then raised his stick and pointed at seven unconscious Exos figure on the ground. Suho, Luhan, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai and D.O. “What are you going to do master?”

He looked around and saw a little family were having a camping on the other side of the mountain. He pointed at them and a light came into his stick. He looked at Suho and pointed his stick to him, “Meet your new family.” Suho disappeared.

He took a great look at Luhan and Sehun. “Both of you wont remember each other.” Both of them disappeared. The small man watched his master in horror. “No one will find you, not even your self.” D.O disappeared. "You were and always be alone." he pointed his stick to Baekhyun and he disappeared to no one knows where.

He walked closer to Kai and Chanyeol. “Oh well well well what should I do to you two?”

He looked at Kai, “You’ll find the star but you’ll be the one who hurt it.” He pointed his stick to Kai.

“Change my mind. You’re coming with me.” he pushed Kai to the small man. He then took Chanyeol by the collar. “Phoenix.. fire huh?” he grabbed Chanyeol’s necklace. “Your power is a curse.”

He raised his stick and suddenly there was a big fire burning down the forest. “You.did.this.”

The black coated man, the small man and Kai disappeared, living Chanyeol in the middle of forest fire. 

ZOMG I  just re-read this chapter again and did anyone notice that i left Baekhyun's part? ha ha omg how stupid am I. I already added it up with bold font. Hope you dont mind and I'm sorry for being this stupid T_T

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o