
Two Moons


“OPPPAAAA!!” you shouted as the guy pushed you into the van. Tears started to come as you felt weigh above you. “Change my mind, let me finish you here.” He said followed by his friend’s devilish laugh. You moved your hands wildly to escape his grip. “Hyung.. left some for us…” WHAT?! THIS IS CRAZY you kicked his stomach with your knee but that didn’t work either, can drinks made someone stronger you thought. “Get off of me you !” you finally gaining your courage to fight back. “Emmmh er I like it.” He attacked your neck again, pinned both of your wrists to the van’s floor. “Close the door.” You moved your head before he could touch your lips. The younger guy went to the door and about to slide it close. “YA!” you turned your head. Your heart jumped in happiness that your oppas were there. You wiggled your self to escape. “OPPAAAA!!!” you screamed on the top of your lungs. Kris appeared right before the door was closed and roughly slide it open which made the younger guy shocked by Kris strength. “Let her go.” Kris grabbed the guy’s hair. Tao pulled you to his embrace as Kris pulled the guy away from you out of the car. You were still shock, you body shook like crazy due to your brain breakdown. Tao hugged you tighter and your head to calm you down. Baekhyun pulled the driver’s collar out of the car. Xiu Min stretched his wrist. “I guess the bar needed more ice cubes.” You glared at him surprised by his sudden violence idea. You were scared and definitely furious at what the guy did to you but you don’t want your oppa to get into some trouble because of it. “Oppa.. let them go.”

“But Seolrae-ah..”

“I don’t want all of you to get into troubles. Just let them go.” you gave them your pleading eyes. “You’re too nice you know that?” Xiu Min said. Suho squeezed Kris’s shoulder asking him to let the guy’s hair go. “Don’t come near here again.” Kris punched the guy on the face. He fell to the ground groaning. “Ya! Thank her that you’re still alive right now.” Luhan said. The guy looked up to you, he also glanced at Tao since he knew him and he was a bit surprised that he was there. “T-thanks.” You nodded. Xiu Min kicked the guy’s and he quickly ran to his car. You squeezed your eyes shut snuggled to Tao’s chest. Tao’s heart skipped a beat. You felt so disgust of your self as you could still feel that filthy guy’s lips on your neck and face. Suho put his jacket around you. “Told you not to wear that y, I mean that dress.” You chuckled at his sudden nervousness as you pulled out of Tao’s embrace. Tao gave Suho his suspicious glance and yet he felt so empty with out you in his arms. “I’m sorry to always cause you guys lots of troubles”

“Its okay.. we did have so much fun tonight right?” Xiu Min said rubbing your head. Everyone nodded. “Come on Kris, you guys wait here we gonna go get the car.” Lay stood in front of you blocking you way. He stared at you in concern. “What?”

“Just checking.” He turned around and followed Xiu Min and Kris to the parking lot. You just rolled your eyes on his forever weird act. As you all waited, you yawned felt terribly sleepy, you usually already asleep at this time. You rested your head on Tao’s arm, since he’s so tall your head cant even reach his shoulder. He glanced at you nervously he didn’t know why he can not seemed to control his heartbeat that time. He was numbed. Luhan and Baekhyun stared at you, they wanted to hold you so bad right now, you had no idea how much they were scared to again, lose you. They thought Kai or some Dark Servants caught you. Even when they all found you almost got by the guy, it slapped both of them for not being able to protect you. “We should do this more often.” You said without bother to open your eyes. “Ya! I said no more clubs!”

“Not the clubs.. I mean us, all of us, hanging out together.” You lifted your head and finally Tao can breathe again. “You’re right we should hang out more often.” While we still have time. Suho smiled at you again.




You woke up in the middle of the night by the sound of the thunder. You rubbed your eyes as you walked up to your window checking the weather outside. “Chen oppa…” you saw him alone sitting in the back garden. You rushed down to the kitchen and made two hot chocolate and put some fluffy marshmallow into it. You walked up to Chen. He looked up to the person who gave him the hot choco. You smiled at him and handed him the mug as you took a seat beside him. “What are you doing at time like this?” he asked you. “Shouldn’t I be the one who asked that? What are you doing on time like this waking people up with those thunder.” He looked up to the sky and chuckled. “I’m sorry.. I couldn’t control my own mood.”

“Who can?” you sipped your hot chocolate. He smirked and looked down staring at his bare foot. “Is something wrong oppa?” he looked at you and nodded. “You can tell me anything you know that right?” he nodded trying to came up with the best explanation for you to understand his problem. “Have you ever fall in love before?” you stared at him in confusion. “I don’t know.. I’m not sure. I once had a boyfriend but it didn’t end well so I really don’t know if it was really love or not.”

“Lucky you.”

“Huh?” he sipped the hot chocolate and sighed. “Yea.. you can just break up when you feel like its not going to work, you can meet new people and just start a new relationship and yes you can pick anyone from billions people on earth. But not in Exo Planet.” You listened to him carefully, watching his slowly expression and aura changing to sad one. “You can’t experience what love really is because when you bonded with someone, you have to stay with them forever, you have to love them. This left you with no choice. They said it’s fated, good, if you love them, what if you’re not?”

“Or the feeling change?” there was a moment of silent, you waited because you knew he was going to say something more. “Or maybe someone fell in love with the person you bonded with.” To your very good psychic mind, you knew where is this conversation heading to. “Is this about… you and D.O?” he glared at you. “How…” you chuckled. “Oppa.. you’re so obvious don’t you even know that?”

“I am?!”

“Em. You like her don’t you? I saw your jealousy eyes towards them and.. you seemed so gloomy after D.O came back. Ya.. oppa.. he’s your brother at least you happy that he’s back.” You playfully pushed him. “I know.. that’s why.. I think I have to let her go.”


 [flash back]

Chen stopped in front of Hanin and D.O’s apartment. It was the day Chen decided to talk to both of them about what actually going on. He and Hanin are fated, he knew it and he couldn’t take it anymore. Hiding his own feeling towards her and worst, covering it up from D.O. Pretending not to be jealous when he is, denying his envy when its true. Today it’s all going to end. Even if D.O and Hanin rejected the fact of him and Hanin are bonded at least he already told them, he thought.  Their apartment door was slightly open and he could hear some intense conversation inside. “Donut.. what is it?” Hanin concernedly peek his face, he was looking down. “I love you.” Chen eyes shot open. “What?” D.O. looked up and stared at Hanin with his firm, serious and deep round eyes. D.O. answered it right away, not with words but with his lips touched hers. Hanin couldn’t think clearly due to his sudden boldness, she stared at his closed eyes and slowly she closed her eyes too. She kissed him back even though she actually felt a little bit confuse and unsure about it. Slowly parting from each other, D.O. smiled at Hanin and she smiled back at him while behind the door Chen’s heart broke into pieces.

[end of flash back]


“I thought bonding with someone is some crazy bulls. I sometime think that my mom and dad are not really in love with each other. Its like arranged marriage you know?” he sighed and sipped the now cold chocolate. “Plus have you heard about Xiu Min hyung’s story?” you shook your head. “He found his fate but guess what? She ditched him because she was in love with someone else.”

“What happened to her?”

“Since Xiu Min hyung is one of the Crystal Family, our family wont let it go that easily. They.. kicked the girl and her family out of the Pearl Family caste.” Your eyes shot open. “Just because of that?” Chen nodded. “No wonder he gave you his pendant that easy.. he got no one else because we can only bonded with one person. Well you can find someone else if it’s like his case but again its all in our parents hands in the end. They’ll be the one who chose, not us.” You nodded, you actually wanted to ask him about the pendant thingy but guess its just not the right time, you just gonna be a good listener for him tonight. “But then.. in Lay hyung’s case, he like this girl so much… but they just weren’t meant for each other because they don’t have that bond mark , even when she’s already gone now, he couldn’t seem to forget about her. So what’s that bond for?"

"Then I met Hanin and I realized that we are bonded with each other not just bond but I think I really fell for her.”

“Okay wait! Hold up! Bonded? An Exo and a human?”

“That’s the point. I have no idea an Exotic and earthlings can bond with each other.” You titled your head in confusion. I need to find out more about this.

“But I just cant hurt D.O. feelings… I hurt him too many times.” You looked up to him. “He was such a fragile kid back then.. and we fought a lot, a kiddy fight but I sometime lose my control and hurt him with my power. He have that weird connection to each other, when I hurt him I felt the pain too. That’s why as we grow up and know about it we promised to protect each other.” He chuckled. “I’m stuck between the love of my life and my friend for life. I decided to let both of them go, I mean let them be happy with each other. I’ll protect him from the caste rules and I’ll make sure that our family will accept a human to be the part of the family and beside she bonded with a Crystal she must be very special.” Chen looked at you. “A-are you crying?” you swap away your tears and laughed. “Oppa…” he chuckled and rubbed your head. “I’ll be alright.”  You still stared at him, you couldn’t imagine his pain right now. You squeezed his hand, he looked up and smile at you. “I’m okay Seolrae…” he said again reassuring you. He glanced at you bracelet and back at you. “Its alright if I don’t give you mine right?” you nodded at him smiling. “Here, on earth, you have a choice oppa.” You said, knowing why he kept his pendant. “Anyway oppa.. what are these pendant mean and do?”

“Well basically its like a wedding ring here, a symbol where the person will do anything for you, sharing their powers even if that mean it’ll drain their power and shortening their life span.”

“and even die along with them.” He added. Even death can’t do us apart.

You remembered the moment you thread Xiu Min by saying you’re going kill you self if he don’t take you along to safe Chen that moment and he said he, Lay and Baekhyun are going to die with you if you kill your self. You stared at your bracelet. “Don’t worry.. as you said before, they made their decision, they choose you, so you don’t have to worry or even feel burdened by it.” He said. You nodded but still feeling a bit unease by the fact that you had like six life on your hand but again you actually had more than that since you’re the star all of Exotics life is in your hand. “This is all very complicated and… scary.” Chen nodded. “And just like your father said, we were born with no choice. That’s life in Exo Planet, we just living the life they already designed. That’s why Exotic seemed to look like a peaceful place but actually people died without experiencing a real meaning of life it self. Which I learned here.” You smiled inside hearing those words. “I’m glad that I came here.” He said. Suddenly something bright caught your eyes.

The sun was slowly going up to its place. The sky was clear, orange and purple blue of the dawn blended with each other on the sky. “Wahhh… yeppuda~” you adored the sunrise in front of you two. Chen breathed the morning air. “Thank you again Seolrae for listening to me.” you smiled. “Anytime oppa… its really nice to hear your voice, you should talk more.” He chuckled and joined you watching the sunrise. 

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o