
Two Moons


Aira shook her head towards you as you rested your forehead to the table. It was almost 2 hours to spend searching for “Dreams and their meanings.” You were hoping to find the meaning behind your dream about Kai and the time you met your dad, those two dreams that felt very real. “I gave up..” you mumbled. “Oh come on Seolrae.. this is so exciting you know, we’re like Sherlock and Watson right now.” you lifted your head giving her a WTF face. “Okay can you tell me again about the dreams?” sighed you straightened up. “My meeting with my dad?”

“Well I guess your dad did visited you that night. You know.. like when someone from the other world wanted to talk to us they uses dreams to communicate.” You nodded. “and as for Kai.. he was inside a glass cube right?” you nodded watching Aira turned the page again and again. “See you cant find it.”

“There must be somewhere….” You rested your head to the table. As you looked around the library… and back to your table. You straightened up and grabbed the book in front of you. There was a picture of a guy looking him self in the mirror but his reflection was different from him self. “Aira Aira look!!” you pushed the book towards her. “His soul was trapped inside the mirror.” You listened to Aira carefully. “The dark side of him came out and took his place.”

“This can happen to someone who is under a dark power or someone who are currently learning a dark power.” Aira glanced at you. “Definitely the first one.” She read the book again. “To bring him back, you have find his soul inside the mirror and/or kill the person.” Your eyes grew wider. “I cant do that.” You said.

“Well then you have to find his soul inside the mirror.” Aira turned the page. “And where is THIS mirror?” Aira turned the page. “Nope they didn’t say anything about it.” You leaned to the wooden chair in disappointment. Another thing you have to take care of. Why cant you just live peacefully?

“Boo!” you and Aira jumped in surprised. Thank god the librarian wasn’t there. Hoya laughed in victory. “Opppaaa~” Aira hit his arm lightly. “Wae wae… what are you guys talking about? Some scary tales?” he took a seat beside Aira. “No.. we were just doing some research about Miss Yoon’s dreams.” Hoya curiously looked at the messy table full of books and papers. He fakely puking. “Hate reading books..” earned a slapped from Aira. You just chuckled watching the couple. “Ya Seolrae-ah…” you looked up to him. “Find your self a boyfriend so wouldn’t have to steal my girlfriend every day.”

“YA! She’s my best friend first!” you threw your pen to him. “Iya this girl!”

“SSSSSHHHTTT.” Whoops.. the librarian was already there behind her desk. You stick your tongue out to Hoya. “Why don’t you come with me and Aira to the club this weekend?”

“Eh? We’re going to the club?” Aira stared at Hoya. Hoya nodded wildly. “Lets get her a guy.”


“SSSSSHHHHHTTT..” you quickly hid from the librarian. “No way oppa!” you whispered. “How about this. If you can bring a guy along for the next weekend, I’ll give you…”

“100.000 won.”

“Make it 200.000”

“150” Hoya glared at you while Aira just stared at you both in horror. “DEAL.”


“SSHHHHHHHHT!!!” you changed glared with Hoya. Damn it.




Hoyaaaaa oppa… I hate you for making me doing this!! Suho glanced back at you and back to the tv. You bite your lips in nervousness. You took a deep breath gaining all your courage. “Suho oppa..”

“Em?” with his eyes still locked to the tv screen of at least he tried to avoid your eyes, somehow your eyes made him so nervous lately. “What are you doing this weekend?” Suho was a bit surprised by your question. “I don’t know, why?” …. You cursed your self, glancing at him. “Would you go out to the club with me?” his eyes shot open as he turned to you. “Club?” you nodded nervously. “No you cant.” You pouted. “Why cant I?”

“I wont let you.”

“Opppaaa…. That’s why you have to come with me… oe?” You cooed pulling his sweatshirt. He quickly looked away hiding his redden cheek because of your cute act. “No….. you cant go to a club.”

“Ish.” You punched his arm. “Fine.” You got up and went to the kitchen. “Is that a ‘fine I wont go’ or ‘fine. I hate you and I’m still going.’ Fine?” you waved your hand to him before leaving to the kitchen. “Ya Yoon Seolrae!” sighing while still hardly accept that you basically asking him out which made his heart fluttered beating like crazy.


You put a plate of lunch on the table near the ship. Kris looked up and gave you a small smile, “Thanks.” He went back under the ship. “Oppa… eat it first before it gets cold.” He just hummed in answer. You stopped on the first stair and turned around slowly. Should you or shouldn’t you ask him? Biting your thumb fighting with your own mind. Cursed you Lee Howon (Hoya)!!! “Oppa…”

“What is it?” he pushed him self out from under the ship. “W-would you….” He stared at you waiting for your next words. You took a deep breath. “Would you like to go to the club with me this weekend?” just like Suho, he was surprised but he, like always, managed to keep his calm expression in front of you. You quickly looked down in embarrassed. He lay back down and pushed himself back under the ship without saying anything. “O-okay… I’m g-going..” you hit your head feeling so dumb because your own act.


“Why don’t you ask Chanyeol or Baekhyun?” Luhan was hanging the laundry in the back garden. You followed him back and forth just like a puppy. “But oppa… I know you want to come.. Right? Please…” you begged him. He sighed and kept himself in silence. “Fine. Won’t ask for your help anymore.” You left him. He watched your back disappeared. So she asked me just to.. what? Help her? For what? He just wanted you to ask him as a girl not because you needed a help.


You watched Chen peacefully drinking his evening tea. Pass. You sighed, knowing he’s the kind of calm and homey type of guy thing. He would reject you right away. “Seolrae-ah…” you turned around greeted by Lay’s straight face. “Oh Lay oppa…” you smiled awkwardly. “What are you doing?” he glanced at Chen and back at you. “Ehh umm. Ah! Oppa.. are you free this weekend?” he blinked at your sudden question. “Why?”

“Enn umm I’m planning to go to the club and uumm I just wondering if you like to come with me?” you looked up realizing he wasn’t answering your question. “Oppa?” he was already gone. “Ishhh” you wrecked your hair in annoyance. Your eyes brightened as Baekhyun entered the kitchen. “Baekhyun oppaaaa~” he looked up and smiled at you. “What is it Seolrae?” he opened the fridge and grabbed a box of milk. “Would you go out with me this weekend?” he squirted the milk out. You raised your eyebrow seeing his weird act. “What?” he asked again. “I want to go to the club…”

“Club? Since when you like clubs?” That’s true. “That’s the point, I want to try it.”


“Aaaaa oppaaaa… pleaseee??” you pulled his shirt. “Ehumm we’ll see.” You pushed him and pout. “Ishh. I hate you, bye.” You left him dumbfounded. You went upstairs, there were one person left to ask. You opened the door to Tao’s room. He was practicing his martial arts. . I should ask him tomorrow.




“Aira-ahh… I’m going to lose…” you pressed your phone between your ear and shoulder as you put some makeup on your face. Aira just softly laughing from the other line. “Then wear something y, maybe you’ll find someone on your way there.”

“Ya! What kind of girl you think I am!” you fixed your red lipstick and then stared at the three dresses you picked earlier. “Red, White or Black?” Aira hummed trying to decide for you. “Black. Classic.” Not bad… you grabbed the backless black silk dress you bought but never wear before.

“Stocking or no stocking?”

“Ya.. just get ready already, Hoya is on his way to pick me up.”

“Ishhh fine! See you there then.”

“See you there… don’t lose to him Seolrae.”

“Shut up. Bye.” You sighed. Living with seven guys didn’t really help in this case. You checked your self one more time before living the room, grabbed your purse and closed the door behind you. You looked around, why is it so quite you thought. “Oppaaa..” you called them as you went down the stairs. Xiu Min peeked his head out of the living room. He was lost in words caught by you beauty. You purposely styled your shoulder length black hair a bit messy. You wore make up which pretty surprising for him and that red lipstick that made your lips looks thicker. Xiu Min managed to snap back out of his thought, “Yah Seolrae did you forget about me?”

“Huh forget about you what?” you walked passed him to the living room. To your surprised everyone were all dressed up.  You dropped your purse. Not only your purse but their jaws also. They were mesmerized by how you looked that night. A moment of silence. “Wh-what are you.. oppas?”

“You asked the others too?” Luhan was the one to speak up. “Well yeaaaa since no one wanted to come.”

“I didn’t say no.” Lay said. You rolled your eyes. “If that so… why don’t we all go? There’s nothing for having a break right? We all need it.” Xiu Min said. They looked at each other. You smiled brightly. Kris and Suho nodded at each other and nodded. “Okay lets go boys.” Suho said.




You put on your devilish smile as you waved back to Hoya and Aira. Hoya’s eyes shot open when he realized you brought not only one but eight guys along with you. Everyone eyes were on the nine of you. Girls went crazy squealing towards the eight guys behind you. Some of the girl already eyed their prey from the bunch. But sadly to them, the boy’s eyes were only on you and to those guys who were staring at you.

“Hey oppa…” you mischievously smiled to Hoya. “Hey Aira..” Baekhyun and Xiu Min waved at Aira. You introduced them to each other and walked to the bigger table to take a seat. Kris kept an eye to the guys around who landed their eyes on you. All of  you took a seat. Suho took off his dark khaki-colored suit and put it on your lap, covering your legs. Turned to him raising your eyebrow. “Don’t wear something like this again.” He smiled. It was actually very sweet of him. You just smiled back at him. Hoya went to the bar to buy some drinks. Kris stood up and took orders for the others. “Can—“ but he walked away before you could say your order. You pouted but just let it go.

You all talked to each other about some random stuff, thanks to Suho, Luhan and Baekhyun hosting ability. Kris and Hoya came back from the bar bringing the drinks. Kris put a fresh orange juice in front of you. “Really? an orange juice?” earning chuckled from the others. “That, or you’ll die thirsty tonight.” Kris said. You hissed.


Luhan got up and grabbed your hand. “Lets dance.”  The others just watched you go. Lay drank down his drink and stood up. “Lay!” he turned around. “I bet my money on you.” Kris said. Lay smirked and went to the dance floor. They knew, it was just like old days. Dance battle between the two. There supposed to be four of them with Kai and Sehun. Baekhyun rested his hand on the railings watching you dancing and giggling with Luhan on the dance floor.

Luhan spun you around and he did some funny dance with a duck face. You laughed at him. "Stop stop breaking my heart~" you laughed as he did the chorus dance routine in such a funny way. You glanced at Lay who was just come up behind Luhan. He taped Luhan’s shoulder. “Can we?” you raised your eyebrow, instead of asking you to dance Lay asked Luhan. “What?” Luhan looked pretty confused him self. “Dance battle.” Lay said as he took several step a back and started to dance. Everyone turned to him. He was flawless, beyond your imagination, beyond everyone’s around, they started to cheer for him. “Lay oppaaaa!!” you smiled brightly watching him dancing like that. He’s a person full of surprises, you thought. First, with his guitar and singing skill now his dancing. Luhan took a glance at you, jealousy sparked because of the way you excitingly watching Lay. Luhan jumped twice for warming up. “Woohoow guess there will be a dance battle here tonight on the dance floor.” The DJ said. “Luhan oppa..” you whispered his name. He smirked at you and turned around. Gliding and stopped in front of Lay, eyeing him. Lay chuckled. The other Exo members cheered from their table. You looked at them and back to the two. Suddenly Luhan and Lay came up to you and dragged you to the center of the dance floor. The DJ nodded and changed the song.

You stared at the two in confussion. Hearing the song already made you feel lot more nervous. Lay spun around and dance oh so smoothly towards you. Your eyes grew wider and you were sure that your cheek are now red due to his gaze locked to yours. Too shy to admitted it but he was totally seducing you with those eyes. He smiled as he stopped in front of you. And then it was Luhan's turn. He stood behind you and playfully taped your shoulder. You turned to see him and he locked eyes with you. 

jomdeo neolnaege boyeojwo (don't lie)

[Show me a little more of your self (dont' lie)]

He flicked your chin and dance ily in front of you. He spun around twice and winked at you. Everyone cheered wildly. Your heart was still racing due to your nervous break down because of them. The crowd gathered around them and clapping their hands for them. You smiled seeing how proud they were with their self. 


Tao stared at a bunch of guys on the table next to him. “…” he cursed. Baekhyun turned to him, “What’s wrong?” Tao glanced at the guys next to him again making sure weren’t they really those thugs from his neighbor back then. He shook his head to Baekhyun.

Suddenly you felt a cold finger ran down from the back of your neck to your backless lower back. You quickly turned around and greeted by two familiar guys but you could seemed to remember them. “Long time no see beautiful.” Your eyes shot open. They were the thugs from Tao’s neighbor. You took a step a back. You bowed when you bumped onto someone behind you. They smirked at your fearful eyes, one of them grabbed your hand. You pulled your hand but he was stronger than you. He pulled you to him and closed blocked your mouth with his hand and dragged you out of the club from the back door. He pinned you to the wall. Your eyes grew wider as his face was like inches away from you. You can smell the alcohol from his mouth. “Call the others.” The guys said to the other guy. His friend nodded and went back inside the club. He took his hand away from your mouth. “OPPPPAAA!!!” you shouted. The guy just chuckled, you could see it clearly he was totally drunk. He grabbed your face and leaned it, thank god you were fast. He pulled his lips from your cheek. You wiggled tried to break away from the guy. “Fine…” then he attacked your neck. You were shaking in fear, you couldn’t even scream for help and beside he put his hand back blocking your mouth. “Emmhh.. you’re so sweet babe…” he kissed your neck up to your jaws. “Hyung!!” a guy shouted from the car. The guy turned around and turned back at you. “Our ride are here, lets continue this at our place.” Your eyes shot open. OPPAS HEEEELLP!!




“ARGH!” Kai landed on the ground. Blood soaking the cloths he was wearing. His face swollen and bruises all over it. “Arghhh!!” he groaned in pain. Panting he looked up, even if his eyes were now blurry but he knew the dark master was still there. “I keep you because I don’t want to hurt your mother’s feeling. But hell I’m so wrong to trust you.” He stomped his stick again followed by Kai painful scream. “It was just a simple mission Kim Jongin… you just have to take he away from your friends.. what so difficult about it huh?” Kai couldn’t say anything, the pain was too much for his brain to handle. The Dark Master grabbed Kai’s hair, “I gave you one more chance.” Kai looked back at the Dark Master in the eyes. The master hates that stare cause it reminded him of his teenage days, the stare similar to Kai’s dad. The stare of fearless. A little regret about what he did to this kid in front of him, trapping his naïve teenager soul but ended up bringing his bad side out, the side, he was sure something similar to his teenage dad back then. He slammed Kai’s head to the ground. “Take him to the ship.” They were going back to Exo. 

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o