The Last Battle. (part 2)

Two Moons



The castle was quite and dark and cold. The corridor seemed to grow longer. You could hear and clearly the stormy sky outside. The Queen is gone and you didn’t know what to do. You had your mission on your mind, it’s simple, very simple but need a right timing which you kinda lack of. If you do it before the time it’ll ruin everything and if you’re late, it’ll ended up the same so.. basically you need a right timing to safe everyone. And worst you didn’t even know when is it. You looked down feeling so lost and scared. Unfortunately you weren’t the only one who felt that way. You heard a inaudible sob from one of the room.

You slowly opened the room where the sound came, Kris and Suho’s to be exact. Suho leaned to the big window staring at the picture on his hand. The picture of him and his family back on earth. It broke your heart. Seeing a smiley Suho looked that way. Tears dripped off of his chin. One by one soaking the maroon carpet. You walked up to him, hugged him from behind hoping it’ll calm him down. He was a bit surprised by your sudden appearance. “Suho oppa..” you whispered his name resting your head on his back. He put his hand above yours that were resting on his stomach. No words came out from both of your lips. Just feeling the comfort between the two of you. “Will they be okay?” you lifted your head pulling off of him to stand beside him, to see him better. “I’m sure they will oppa.. you don’t have to worry.” You knew exactly how he felt at that moment. Cause the same thing happened to you a while ago. Crying your self out worrying about your mother back on earth, missing your best friend and thinking about everything you left on earth. Will everything be okay?

“I didn’t get a chance to say good bye to them.” He looked down. “I’m scared.” As hard as he tried to held his tears but the pain was unbearable for him. Your eyes grew wider in shock. You cupped his face with your hands, lifted his face up to meet his teary eyes. “You’re not alone oppa..” you said to him. “You wont leave me right? Leave us. Right?” you were a bit taken a back. It hit you again but you quickly snapped out of your thought preventing you to make any expression that will make Suho doubting your next line. “I wont oppa. We promised to stick together and to watch each other’s back emm?” he softly smiled at you. You smiled at him back.

You froze as he took both of your wrists, pulling them slowly, away from his face without even leaving his gaze at you. It weren’t the frightened and weak eyes like before but more tender and passionate. He moved his gaze down to your lips. You held your breath in. You quickly squeezed your eyes shut as he leaned in slowly. Suho stopped just an inch away. Scanned your face and a smile appeared on the corner on his lips. You felt his lips touching your forehead instead of what he stared at before. It sent shivers down to your body, in a good way. You could feel his sincerity, affection and the don’t-leave-me part when he kissed your forehead. You opened your eyes as he pulled off. He gave you his warm smile to thank you for being there for him and you gladly smiled at him back.




Just like every other night. You felt like woken up by something you didn’t even know what. Since it was always nights there you didn’t even know what time is it. As your throat getting very dry you decided to go to the kitchen hoping to find a glass of fresh milk there. It was dark and perfectly creepy but living there for a while you were getting used to the dark.

You took a glass and pour the milk you took from the fridge. Before you could drink it, you froze as you heard the door opened. The sound of the door being open slowly creep the hell out of you, making you goosebumps. You put your glass on the counter, slowly turning around setting your self to run if any of the scary ghosts from any movies you had watch appeared. But before you move a great scream came out of the other person’s mouth. “AAAAAAA!” you jumped in shock. “TAO-YA ITS ME!” Tao peeked from the gap between his fingers. You stared at him, raising your left eyebrow disbelieve on how he was acting like a little kid. Tao grinned at you rubbing the back of his head walking towards you. “You scared me…” he said pouting. “You scared me too you know.” He leaned to the kitchen counter glancing at you. “What are you doing here?” you waited for his answer while drinking your glass of milk. “I’m hungry..” you rolled your eyes put down your glass and walked to the fridge. Tao stood behind you joined you to seek something to eat. “A!” you found a slice of  choco cake on a plate. Tao lightened up but you pulled away the cake before he could take it. “Seolraeeeeee…” he whined. “Share!”

“Fine!” you smiled mischievously at him putting the cake at the kitchen island. Tao handed you the spoon as you took a seat. Both of you eat in silence until Tao came up with something. “At last! We can eat cake together.” You looked at him and smiled casually. “Yea..” you the chocolate cream off of the spoon. “Promise me we’ll go to the cake shop together when we got back to earth.” you choked. Tao quickly grabbed your glass and handed it to you. You drank down the milk. He came back to eating the cake after you put the empty glass back down. “Promise?” Tao turned to you again. You nodded nervously and jumped off the chair to fill your glass and for Tao’s also. “Have you heard?” you looked up to Tao as you poured the milk to your glass. “About what?”

“Kris and Chanyeol hyung and D.O were placed in the front line.” Your eyes grew wider. “What line?”

“Front line. The one who attack the opponent?” the glass slip out of your hand but again Tao managed to stop the time before it hit the ground. “Wh-where are they now?” he looked at you as he stood up. “I guess they alread---“

“Seolrae-ah!” you quickly ran to Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s room first. Luckily you went smoothly with out stumbling on any stairs. You opened the door abruptly. It was empty. . Where is he?! Oppa.. please don’t go.. you were so scared. You were paranoid maybe because the word “front line” made you imagined lots of scary things just like in those war movies you watched. Your eyes grew wider as you find the main hall door wide open. There were Chen, Baekhyun, Suho and the Crystal parents. “Star..” Luhan’s father said. Chen, Baekhyun and Suho turned around. You could see clearly the change on their expression when they saw you. You knew something happened. “Where’s Chanyeol and Kris oppa? Where’s D.O.?” all of them looked at each other. You bite yours lips nervously and you started to make your own assumption in your mind as you waited for their answer. Lay’s mother came to you, “They are currently doing their order.”

You glared at them. “What? Being in the front line?” Baekhyun worriedly nod at you. “How could you do this? You know the risk right?! Especially being in the front line!”

“We know star.. but we couldn’t stop them.”

“Why?! Aren’t you supposed to be the one who placed them there?”

“No. Its their choice.” You clenched your fist and ran out of the hall. Bumping onto Tao’s arm as he was going to enter the hall. “Give her time.” Baekhyun’s mother stopped his son. Baekhyun nodded.


You slammed the door closed, sliding down to the ground. Your tears started to pilled up your eyes. You mumbled your sob to your knees. There were two things in your mind. First, the fact that they went off without saying anything to you and you knew they are probably in danger right now, kills you. You just don’t want anything bad happen to them which leads you to point number two, you all might not succeed if something bad happen before all of you could finally fulfill the vow. All of these hard works will be useless.

As you walked to your bed, you found something on your nightstand. A piece of paper. Not just an ordinary paper but with Chanyeol’s family symbol on it. You opened it slowly, you knew it was from none other than Chanyeol.


Seolrae-ah… mianhae. I didn’t say anything to you before, I just couldn’t see your worry face and I don’t want you to be sad. I, well we, do this because we wanted to protect you. I want to make sure my self that you’re safe until the end. Please believe in me. Believe in us. I’ll meet you soon okay? Please don’t be too worry. I love you.


You crushed the note in your hand. “Stupid oppa.”




“Seolrae.. wake up!” Luhan shook your body. You squeezed your eyes shut, groaned in annoyance. You rolled your body away from the person. “Seolrae.. come on!” the person pulled your hands making you sat up on your bed. “Aisssh!” you wrecked your hair as you opened you eyes. You greeted by Luhan, not with his smiley and cute face he always gave to you but with his worry and fearful eyes. Something is wrong. “Go change. Fast. I’ll wait outside.”

“What happened?” you asked his before he came out of your room. “Just hurry.” He closed the door. Without any hesitation you jumped out of your bed and went into the bathroom.

“Oppa.. I’m done.” Luhan and Sehun turned to you. “O Sehun-ah..” he didn’t smile at you like he always does. “Oppa.. is something wrong?”

“Where’s your cloak?” you stared at Luhan’s firm expression. “I-Its inside.. oppa..”

“Take it.”

“Where are—“

“Just take it Seolrae!” you took a step a back. “Hyung..” Sehun squeezed Luha’s arm. Sehun turned to you and nod asking you to just go and grab that damn cloak with you. The three of you went down to stairs. No words, nothing, just full silence. It made you worry even more, nervous, your heart beat faster and faster. You stooped in front of the wide window.

You gasped seeing the dark mark on the sky. “Noona..” you snapped out of your thought and quicken your feet to follow Sehun and Luhan who was already far in front of you.


“I cant. It involved the dark power, I cant do anything.” Lay said. D.O’s mother cried on her husband’s chest. “Its better now hyung, at least I can see lights.” You entered the main hall. Your heart dropped as soon as you see D.O. lay on the ground. “D.O.!” you ran to him. “Seolrae..” you were a bit shock that he answered but mostly glad because you thought something worst than this happened to him. “Gwencanayo? Where does it hurt?” you examined him. He was very normal actually but then you realized that his eyes was.. empty. You looked up to Lay. He pointed at his own eyes and waved his hand. D.O lost his vision. You gasped staring back at him. “I’m okay Seolrae.. you don’t have to worry.” His mother’s cry got louder. “And you too mom.” He added.

The top sealing opened followed by a loud bang. Kris and his dad landed with Chanyeol, his faster and Lay’s. “Oppa!” you jumped and quickly hugged Chanyeol and Kris.

Lay’s father quickly kneeled down and put his hand on top of D.O’s eyes. “They are here. They broke in the main gate. We got to hurry.” Kris’s father said. Your eyes widen in shock and fear. “Seolrae.” Chanyeol spun you around to face him. He gripped both of our arms and looked straight into your eyes. “Be careful okay?” you raised your eyebrow. “Aren’t you coming?”

“No. You have to go first, I’m staying here.”

“But oppa… you know the rules right? It has to be the twelve of yo—“

“You don’t believe in me?” you sighed. “I do.. but can we just stay out of trouble?” he squeezed your arms. “I promise you we’ll be okay.” You couldn’t help your self you hugged him. “Be careful oppa…” you muffled onto his shoulder. He your back. “I will.”

“Taemin, Xiu Min, Chen, Baekhyun and Luhan. You five go to the northern portal from the right side. It’ll be easier for you to bring D.O. along.” The five of them nodded. “Tao, Sehun and Kai you take the West forest, it’ll be much saver to take that way. And star, you go with them.” You nodded. The three magnaes stood behind you. “Lets go Seolrae.” Tao said. You nodded and followed the three magnaes. You looked back to the other Exo. Kris nodded at you, Xiu Min and Lay gave you a warm smile, Baekhyun pated Chanyeol’s back and both of them nodded at you. Mideoyeo oppas.




The chaos wasn’t only happen in Exo Planet but also Earth. Prof. Kang just got a call from the President Confederation. The good thing was they got back up from the government to distribute the countless Exotic that filled his basement. Some of them were already sent to several areas and even island around Korea. But the bad part was, they asked about the vow. Because according to the prophecy the due date is tomorrow but none of them have any information from Exo. “We’ll inform you soon sir.” Prof. Kang said.

Sunhae just got out of her car. Her father dropped her off in front of the Prof. Kim’s lab. She walked through the cold garden, something caught her eyes. The reflection on the puddle on her right. She looked up and gasped, how the moon was.. so bright but it wasn’t a delicate white in a warm night sky, but red.

Sunhae bite her lips, tightened her grip on her backpack. “Sehun-ah…”


Sehun titled his head from under the tree. His eyes widen in shock. “What is it?” you worriedly asked. He still staring at the sky. Kai and Tao joined the two of you. “Guys come on we got to hurry.” Tao said. “Where do you think you’re going?” Tao, Sehun and Kai quickly stood in front of you protectively. Your eyes widen in shock when you see at least fifteen dark servants were there in front of the four of you. Your legs weakened and your heart couldn’t control it self anymore. You took a step a back as the three guys in front of you did before. Tao, Sehun and Kai looked at each other. Tao nodded to Kai, Kai did the same. Suddenly you heard the leader of the dark servants shout “Attack!”. You felt a hand grabbed yours and the next thing you knew, you were already on the other side of the forest. Your eyes widen in shock as you can clearly see the fight between Sehun and Tao with the dark servants far under you. “Kai-ah!! Ottokae?!” you pulled Kai’s sleeve, he was stoned. “Wait here.”

“But—“ he disappeared. You could see where he reappeared, not far from Sehun who was fighting 3 of the dark servants. You bite your nails watching it. “Aish just take them already Kai!!!” stomping the ground impatiently watching the fight. All of the sudden the three of them disappeared, you smiled knowing they’ll reappeared in just a moment. “Hah!” Tao dropped to the ground panting, so did Sehun who was holding on to Kai’s shoulder. “Lets go.” Tao stood up. “Wait!” they turned to you. “Why cant we just transport with your power?” you asked Kai. “I—“ Kai looked down. Tao took a deep breath, ”He can’t bring more than two persons. Its very risky.” You stared at Kai, there was something behind it, you knew it. “Okay. Lets go then.” Tao nodded to you. Sehun pated Kai’s back and both of them walk first. “Tao.” He turned around. “What’s wrong with Kai?” He looked at you like –how the hell did she found out?-way. He grabbed your hand to make you walk faster. “When we were just kids, we have this friend from the pearl family. She was one of our close friend.” You listened to his story carefully. “We used to skip class together using Kai’s power. One day, me, Sehun and Kai was about to ditch class together but she force to come with us. He couldn’t say no.” you nodded. “All of us arrived outside the gate,”

“Except her.” Your eyes shot open in shock. “And then what happened to the girl?”

“She was missing for 2 days until Kai’s parents found out and search for her. I don’t know how but luckily Kai’s father found her in the East Shore.”

“Alive?” Tao nodded. You sighed in relief.




Hanin stood up from her seat as she saw Chen, Lay and D.O appeared on the screen. “Dad!!” Prof. Lee quickly the wide screen. They watched Chen and Lay, put D.O down and put his hand on the dagger. Hanin eyes widen in shock, something is wrong with D.O.

“Father.. can we hear or talk to them?” her father gave her the mic. “D.O-ya gwencana?” Chen and Lay looked around. “Its me oppas, Hanin. I can hear you.”

“Hanin-ah..” Chen found the camera and walked closer to it. He stared at it in full concern and longing. So did Hanin, she couldn’t hold her tears. How she misses him. “I’m okay Hanin, don’t worry.” D.O. said. “Chen, lets go.” Lay said. Chen mimicked “I Love You” to the camera, he didn’t want to hurt D.O’s feeling. “Me too. Good luck. Be safe.”

“Kids.” Lay and Chen stopped as they heard the professor’s voice. “Five hours.” Hanin looked at the watch. It as 7 P.M. already. Lay and Chen nodded. “Hyungs, good luck!” D.O. said holding the dagger tighter.




“Stop!” Sehun turned around. Tao, Kai and you walked slowly to Sehun’s side. “H-how could they..” the dark force arrived at there before them. There were also half of the Crystal family, Chen, D.O., Baekhyun, Lay, Sehun and Xiu Min’s parents protecting the way to dagger and the portal. They glared at each other in anger. “Guys..” you turned around greeted by Chen, Baekhyun, Xiu Min, Lay and Luhan. You jumped and quickly hugged Lay and Baekhyun the nearest from you. “What should we do hyung?” Tao asked Xiu Min. “There’s a shortcut. This way.” Luhan said. You followed them climbing the steep hill. Luhan pulled your hand as Baekhyun pushed you from behind.

“Wow..” you didn’t know there was a tower on the top of the mountain. Luhan grabbed your hand and dragged you inside.  There was a big stone in the center of the wide room. A shining dagger stabbed into it. You came closer to it. There was some kind of weird ancient language on it. Slowly you spread your arms to touch it. As your hand touched the stone, the dagger shone and shot a light the illuminated the whole room. “Take the dagger Star..” you opened your eyes. It as all white and you could see 12 man in front of you. “Pulled it off of the stone! Hurry!”

You grabbed the handle but before you could pull it off. “AAA!” you were thrown and hit the wall. “Ahh..” you hissed in pain on both your back and your burning hand.  “Stay away from her!” you looked up, Chanyeol has his hand pointed to the little men, Dark Master’s right hand. Kris and Suho came in and closed the door shut. The little men laughed loudly. “He’s coming.. you all will die soon.” Chanyeol couldn’t held his anger, he shot a fire to the men’s cloths and its started to burn his whole body. “You okay?” you nodded to Xiu Min. “Kids! Open the door!!” Suho and Kris opened the door. “Hurry! Go into the portal! Hurry!” Kris and Suho’s parents pushed their sons away. “Father!”

“They are coming you got to hurry! All of you!” they Exo looked at each other. They could hear the scary commotions outside. Kris and Suho’s father shot their powers to every direction. “Hurry!”

“Honey.. go with the kids..” Kris’s father said to his wife. She shook her head. “When I married you, I promised to always stand by your side what ever happens. And this…” she raised his pendant on her wrist. “Means that we stay together no matter what.” They looked at each other and smiled. She raised her hand and started to move the trees with her powers to block the dark servants.


Kris helped you to climb the stone again. You grabbed the handle of the dagger as you stared their eyes one by one. The nodded at you giving you their full supports. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 1…2…3… you pulled the dagger off of the stone. Followed by a lightning sound suddenly there was a black smoke filled the room.

The dark master appeared out of nowhere in front of you. You followed his movement as he raised his stick and pointed it to the portal and burnt it down with a greenish fire.  “Noooo!” Your eyes widen in shock. So did the others. It happened too fast. You couldn’t think of anything.

“Seolrae!!!!” you were stoned in the real way. You couldn’t move your body. The dark master laughed and grabbed your collar in his grip. The others were too, they couldn’t move either, the dark master had put a spell on each and every one of you. They could just stared at you in horror as the dark master pointed his stick right to your face. You squeezed your eyes as you can see the green light little by little filling the crystal and you were sure then in any second it would shot something and do something bad to you. “ANDWEEE!!” you could hear Chanyeol and Luhan’s scream. The next thing you knew there was a loud glass breaking sound. You opened your eyes unsurely. The Dark Master looked shocked as his stick broken into pieces on the ground. You glanced to the person on the doorstep. “The Queen…”



HA HA ITS NOT THE END YET! cause i love you guys too much :p i've read all of your comments..and DAMN GUYS WHAT SHOULD I DO?! IDK WHAT TO DO lol i think i'll go with alternate endings. but we'll see. hope you like this chapter.i was going to finished it in this chap but it was too long hahha so i yeah imma post later tomorrow or... someday lol kidding. but hope you still like this chap. <3 lullabyme07

p.s. keep voting~

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o