Sunset. (AE 1 : KAI)

Two Moons


“What are you doing?” Kai snapped out of his thought as his friend, Aerin, came back with two apple juices in her hands. Kai grinned, feeling very stupid in front of her. He couldn’t get rid of the thought that his power might have come back because of the incident that happened in the airport before he got there. It had been four days since he stayed in his friend’s house in Bangkok. This girl beside him is one of his good friends back in Korea, they were in the same class in college but she had to move to Bangkok because of her father’s job.

“Thanks.” Kai took the glass of apple juice and sat on the branch beside her. “Kai.”

“Em?” he turned to Aerin. She quickly looked away getting very nervous, she didn’t know exactly why. “Wh-why you suddenly wanted to travel around the world?” Kai smirked looking up to the clear afternoon skies.



It was the first time Kai came into your room not using his power and carrying an evil mission on his shoulder but using the door with no harm. He slowly came in, screening you entire room. The white sheets and the baby blue curtain, still pretty much the same. He came up to your books shelf, a little pink notebook caught his attention. There were lots of random things there. Your class schedules, a bit of your lessons in class and some random lyrics from a song you were listening to. He found your silly yet cute doodles about the Exo symbols that put a little smile on his lips.

I’m so envy of Kai’s teleportation power. I wish I can have his power so I can travel around the world for free. I can’t wait to find you Kai :)

That simple little note you wrote on the corner of the page somehow touched his heart. You even wrote the places you wanted to go. “Pabo-ya.. I never go that far.” But he thought about it again why didn’t he do that. It’ll be interesting to travel around the world to see new places, faces and unique cultures. “I wish I still have my power, I’ll take you anywhere you want.” He said to himself. Since that day he promised to himself and to you that he’ll go to those places so when you come back he can tell you everything about it and maybe can take you there sometimes. He turned the pages again.

It wasn’t him I know it. Those red eyes weren’t his. Wake up Kai.

Kai couldn’t help but to feel guilty again. He did so many bad things to you but you still believe in him, you even protected him, stood up for him. This maybe why he had this unexplainable feelings towards you, sadly it appeared after you were gone and he couldn’t do anything about it. You saved his life twice and you pushed him to face his own fear and you sacrificed your life. Why should bad things had to happen to a person as nice as you, he thought. 

[End of flashback]


Aerin looked at him in concern and with a spark of jealousy. “So.. she means a lot to you huh?” Kai just gave her his infamous smirked for answer as he drank down the apple juice. “Ahh.. thank you so much.” He smiled to her handing the empty glass. She nodded. “Aerin-ah!!” her mother called. “What is it mom?”

“Come here!!” Aerin groaned in annoyance. “A minute…”

“NOW!” Kai chuckled seeing her getting very pissed at her mom. "Shim Aerin!"

“Ka.” Kai pushed her.




“Ya.. don’t be too sad. I’ll visit you again. Beside I cant stay any longer, you parents started to be too attach to me.” Kai chuckled seeing Aerin muted all the way to the airport. Kai softly rubbed her head. She just nodded with out a word. As selfish as he is for being very ignorant about the girl’s feeling for him, he was very excited to leave actually. Japan will be his last destination before coming back to Korea with a full experience of 12 countries you wanted to visit. Seolrae-ah.. this is the last country. Please come home so I can tell you all about it. He looked up to the bright Bangkok morning sky.


Kai plugged his earphone to his ears, resting his head to the seat in the boarding room.  He checked his watch once more making sure that he still had 45 minutes to at least take a quick nap.


“DON’T LET ANYONE GO KAI!!” Kai quickly pulled Chanyeol’s arms preventing him to come out of the circle. Kai could only stared at you slowly disappearing. He could sill clearly remembered your face, you were smiling proud at him that moment he could also see the pain in your eyes. Wasn’t a good ‘last’ impression for him. Kai.. your sudden voice woke him up from his short nap.


He opened his eyes slowly, rubbing it to get rid of the blurry vision he was having post waking up. Then he realized that his head was resting on someone’s shoulder. He abruptly stood up and bowed countless time. “Jeosonghamnida.. Jeosonghamnida…” he bowed once more and looked up to a girl. She greeted him with a wide smile.

“Good morning Kai.” His eyes widen in shock. A girl with a pale skin and a long black hair, a set of pink lips and those familiar warm hazel eyes, could it be…  “S-Seol-Seolrae?”

You smiled and stood up in front of him. “Do you miss me?” he couldn’t control his emotion anymore. He pulled you into his embrace. “Em.” Nodded on the crook of your neck, tightened his arms around you. A smile formed on your lips as you hugged him back. “What exactly happened to you? Where have you been?” you wanted to pulled away but he didn’t let you go for sure. You sighed in defeat, rested you chin back to his shoulder, “I was in a good place to stay for a while.”

It was silent between you two. People started to stare both of you with different kind of look. “Kai.. I think you can let me go now.” you said and he obeyed. You smiled at him again feeling very happy to see him in such a good condition right now. He tucked your now long hair behind you ears. “You grow your hair.” You chuckled at his words. “Don’t have a chance to cut it. You hate it?” he quickly shook his head furiously. “No. You look beautiful.” You blushed and quickly look away. “I should tell the others that you’re back.” But you stopped his hand that was about to take his phone from his pocket. He looked up to meet your eyes. “No. You don’t have to.”

“But why?” you smiled and took his hand and your backpack with your other free hand. “Cause I don’t want them to disturb our trip.”  You winked at him. His eyes widen in shock. “Kai! Come on! Its time for us to go~” you shook his arms. “Eh? Em okay..” he slung his backpack followed you unsurely. He was still couldn’t believe his own eyes that you were there in front of him, looking back at him smiling in excitement telling him to fastened his walk. “Kai!” he jumped a bit and quickened his walk right away.




Both of you enjoyed the great view of the Tokyo Skyline. The sunset felt like home, warm and tender. Ten days passed like a flash of light for both of you. “You excited to finally meet the others tomorrow?” Kai glanced at you but quickly looked away. The way the sunlight hit your pale skin made you shine, which made his cheek burnt and heart beating very fast. You nodded wildly. “Aren’t you?” he smirked looking down to his shoes. For the past ten days, that feeling for you grew stronger each day, he just couldn’t help it. Coming home, he felt very worry that you might change or maybe leave him behind since you’ll meet the others that he aware had the same feelings towards you too. “You seemed not….” You turned to him. “A-anni.. its just that em..” you tilted your head. “Wae wae?” you pushed his shoulder playfully. He chuckled. You turned back around staring at the slowly darken sky.


“Em?” you were a bit taken a back to met with Kai's sharp eyes. It pierced right into you. His serious and firm expression but with passionate gaze to you, made your heart beat faster. “Wh-what?” you stuttered nervously. “I like you.” He quickly looked away, he wasn’t ready to find the answer on your expression. “I just I-I couldn’t lie to my self. I like you. “ he looked down embarrassed. “You saved my life, everyone’s life. I did so many bad things to you but you stood up for me. and this trip, made me realize that I really really like you. Everything you do.. just..” he sighed. “Well I just wanted you know that, I know you like someone else but---“ he froze as you pecked his cheek. You chuckled seeing his wide eyes glaring at you.

You haven’t spent much time with him before or after ‘it’ happened. But you thought about it, you attached to him. Every time you see him, you wanted to protect him, being there with him. You don’t know if its love or not, its too early to decide. But at least you know he is the reason why your heart beating uncontrollably fast right now.

He bite his lips and smiled back at you as you took his hand.

He held your hand tighter and both you got back enjoying the night view of Tokyo in front of you. You rested your head on his shoulder and he rested his on top of yours. “I like you too Kai.” A small smile formed on his lips. He lifted his head and kissed the crown of your head. “But I like you more.”




So.. do you like it? *close my ears* *not ready to hear your comments* lol i supposed to close my eyes not ears wtf am i saying. so how was it guys? do you like the first alternate ending with Kai? i hope you do.... and who do you think will be next? wait and see~


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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o