Flaming Stage.

Two Moons


Hello lovely readers, how are you? kekeke~ i have to study tonight so i decided to post this chapter now. Hope you like it and please wish me tons of luck for my exam tomorrow :')  K Imma study now. See ya on the next chapter ^^         <3lullabyme07




You opened your eyes, you could see a blurry figure in the corner of your room. You rubbed your eyes in shocked, you opened it again and there was nothing there. You swore to your self there was someone there. The next thing you knew you fell back to sleep.

“Seolrae-ahhhh…” you woke up to a sweet morning call from Baekhyun. “Euumm…” you rolled your self on the bed. “Ireona!! You have to go to the campus..”

Lay stooped in front of your door. You never woke up late, ever, he thought. “What?” Baekhyun realized Lay’s weird expression. He shook his head and went into the bathroom. “Seolrae!!” Baekhyun came into your room and walked up to you shaking your body. You turned around and opened your eyes. “Did oppa went into my room last night?”

“Huh? Me? no. Why?” Maybe it was just a dream. “Anni…” he grabbed your wrist. “Ppalli get up~ you have to cook for our breakfast…” you slapped his hand lightly. “That’s the only reason why you woke me up right?” Baekhyun mischievously laughed at you. “You…” you jumped out of the bed and tied your short hair in a tiny ponytail.

Baekhyun helped you to wash the vegetables. You glanced at him and he chuckled and looked down. “What?” you asked as you slowly cracked the eggs. “Nothing..” he tried to control his smile. “You’re weird…”Baekhyun giggled. “I’ve always wanted to do this with my girlfriend.” You held your breath and slightly turned to see him. “Go get one.” You managed to say that as you got back to the eggs. Baekhyun smirked. “Nah this is enough.”

“Ha ha..” you awkwardly laugh. “…have you ever had one? Back in Exoplanet.” You added. He shook his head. “Aahh too bad.” You said. “Its not easy to find one you know. As an Exotic you cant just go and say that you like someone.”

“Oh really? why?” as you put the eggs on the plates. “You don’t want to sacrifice your life for the wrong person right?”

“Sacrifice?” when Baekhyun just about to continue, Xiu Min came in. He put a pamphlet on the bar. “Aren’t we coming tonight?” You and Baekhyun looked at it. “Phoenix Second Showcase.” You said and glanced at Baekhyun. “Let’s go then.”


“Aira! Aira!!!” you called her name. There were lots of people in the hallway but you knew she could hear you. “Aira!!!”earned glares from other student who passes by, you bowed your head. Suddenly you felt like someone was watching you. You looked around the hall but it seemed that everyone was busy with their self. You rubbed away the goosebumps behind your neck. You took out your phone to text Aira.


I’m going to Phoenix’s showcase tonight.. hope to see you there.


You looked around again before went into your class. It wasn’t your favorite subject nor your favorite lecturer either, you didn’t pay attention to anything he said. You looked around and see your classmates were already deep in their sleep. You turned around as you yawned out of boredom, you saw a glanced of a guy in the back of the class. Slowly turned back around but no one was there. .. its shocking enough to know that there are other living creatures in other planet please don’t tell me now that ghosts are real too.


You ran out of your campus straight into Xiu Min’s car. “Good afternoon Lady Seolrae..” slammed your self to the passenger seat. “Aowww somebody is not in the mood to have fun.” Xiu Min said started the car. “It’s not like that…”

“What is it?” Baekhyun came between you and Xiu Min’s seat. “Anni..” you shook your head still feeling bothered by the fact that you were STILL feeling like someone was watching you.


Chanyeol felt unease that day. It wasn’t like his first stage, he didn’t even feel that nervous but that day he just didn’t feel right. Sunhae looked up from her magazine watching Chanyeol go back and forth fanning him self. “What? Is this really happening? Phoenix, being nervous?” she said put the magazine down with mocking face. Chanyeol gave her his faked smile. Someone knocked at the door. “Come in.” Chanyeol said. Sehun peeked his head inside. “O! Sehun-ah!” Sunhae stood up in excitement. Sehun smiled at her and turned to Chanyeol. He knew something’s wrong with him, it was also the reason why he, again, abandoned his work to see Chanyeol there. “Why didn’t you tell me that you’re coming?” Sunhae said. Sehun closed the door behind him. “Cause I wanted to surprise you..” he said glancing at Chanyeol who is now leaning his head to the wall. Sunhae looked down to hide her blushing cheek. “Sunhae-ah can you tell manager hyung to check on the air conditioner? Why is it so hot in here.” Chanyeol fanning him self with his rundown list. “Psstf its just because you’re nervous that you feel that way. Admit it.”

“Be right back.” Sehun nodded. “What is it hyung?” Sehun said as Sunhae closed the door. “What is it what?” he asked. “You’re sweating.”

“I know.”

“Are you really that nervous?”

“Me? pssstf…” Chanyeol tried to hide his nervousness. It wasn’t because he’s going to perform in bigger stage its just because he felt something is going to be wrong. Sunhae came back in. “He’ll check on it later. You gotta get ready, you’re up in 20 minutes.” Sunhae said. Chanyeol stood up and jumped around hoping it’ll throw away his worry.


“Aren’t we going to Chanyeol’s showcase?” Luhan asked Chen who was reading a book on the carpet. Chen shook his head, “Kris hyung said we should stay here.”

“and do nothing…” Luhan added. He stood up and walked to window looked at the night few from the second floor reading room they had. “Isn’t this house is too big for the three of us?” Luhan suddenly said. Chen raised his eyebrow. “Why you suddenly said that?”

“I don’t know.. Kris doesn’t look like he’s going to fill this house with other members.” Chen closed his book. “What are you trying to say here?” Luhan sighed. “We should look harder okay? We can’t just stay here and wait for them to come to us.” Chen stared at Luhan. He was right. Chen thought about D.O since he felt his energy around lately while Luhan couldn’t help but to think about Kai he saw yesterday and Sehun he was still curious about. Kris waited in front of the door. He had heard everything and he too didn’t know what to do, as a leader. He even doubted at him self at that point. He crushed the map he made earlier in his hand and walked away.


“PHOENIX!!” you screamed like a crazy fangirl. Xiu Min smacked your head. “Ouch!” you glared at him. “What?”

“Why are you screaming like that?”

“To give him energy. Fan’s cheering is idol’s source of energy.” You said and looked back to the stage. “My fans doesn’t.” you turned around and gave him a WTF face. “You expect your comic fans to scream at your face? Wouldn’t that be scary?” Lay and Baekhyun held their laugh.  “True..” Xiu Min said. You cheered again when the light went off and only the stage lights were on. Lay and Baekhyun stared at your bright eyes. Lucky bastard. Lay said when Chanyeol came out to the stage. Baekhyun just sighed when your cheer got more louder.


The black coat man held Kai’s shoulder. “What are you rushing about?” Kai looked back at his current master. “Shall we enjoy the show first?” Kai nodded. Kai spotted you down there. The master still didn’t know about you and Kai wasn’t an obedient servant either, he kept it all to him self.


“Phoenix-shi.. is it true you’re going to show us your hidden talent tonight?” the MC said. “Yes. I want to show you guys the other side of me. Hope you like it.” He said with his low voice followed by the fan girl’s scream. “Lets give him time to prepare then.” Chanyeol went to backstage. “Are you guys excited???”


“Yeeeess!!” you shouted. The three guys around you already felt a bit annoyed by your screaming. Few minutes later the curtain closed and there was a spotlight right on the center of the stage. The crew pulled open the curtain.

(Troublemaker playing)


“Watch and learn.” The black coat man said. Kai glanced at him and back to the stage, his eyes grew wider. Fire sparked when Chanyeol snapped his fingers to the beat.


Everyone gasped. So did you and Xiu Min, Baekhyun, Lay. Also Sehun and Sunhae behind the stage. “Does he lost his mind?!” Xiu Min said. No he wasn’t he looked clueless him self.


Chanyeol horrificly stared at both of his flaming hands. He looked back to the backstage. He just wanted to give the fan a simple dance stage not a fire show like this. Sehun froze there didn’t know what to do. “Oppa!!” Sunhae ran to find his manager. He panicked and moved his hand to control his power but the flame got bigger. To everyone who knew-surprise the crowd cheered. They thought it was a magic show. Pretty stupid yes you thought staring at the other people around you. “Oppa.. ottoke?” you pulled Xiu Min’s shirt. You remembered the time Baekhyun lost his control. “This is so not happening…” Baekhyun thought the same. You pushed the crowd in front of you. “Seolrae!” Lay shouted. Xiu Min tried to reach you but failed. Baekhyun quickly ran to the backstage. “You can’t come in here.” the security blocked him. “Sehun!!!” Sehun turned around. “Ahjjusi! Let him in.” Sehun said the security nodded and let Baekhyun in.


“Lets make it unforgettable..” the black coat man said again. Kai held his breath.


“Arghhh!!” Chanyeol screamed. The crowd gasped when the fire burn the curtain. You weren’t sure how but you managed to jumped to the stage and pushed him away, both of you landed on the ground. Sehun and Baekhyun quickly pulled the burning curtain close. The weird thing was you didn’t feel hurt by the fire at all. Xiu Min and Lay looked at each other and quickly ran towards the stage. “Phoenix-shi..” you called his name. The crowd went crazy, everyone pushing each other to get out of the building. Phoenix’s manager came to the stage and gave instruction to the crowd. “Arrrgghh!!” you could feel his energy is getting stronger he could burn the place down and even hurt him self. You quickly took his hands. “Seolrae!!!” Baekhyun shouted. You looked up and saw the curtain almost fall on you and Chanyeol. You quickly pushed him away. The burning pole fell on your ankle, you hissed in pain but you managed to avoid the pain and focused your mind to help Chanyeol. “Listen to me Phoenix-shi…”

“Go! I don’t want to hurt you. Go!” he snapped your hands. “Shhh!! You wont okay? Relax…” he screamed again. “I can’t control it.” He said. You looked at Baekhyun and Sehun they stared back in worry but not sure what to do. “Turn all the camera off!” you heard the manager voice from the speaker. “Listen to me, you have to get out of here.” You pulled his arms to help him get up. You hissed again as you felt the pain on your ankle when you helped him to get up. Lay watched you from behind he knew you hurt your self.


Kai watched you bravely safe Chanyeol. “Fans nowadays does everything for their idol..” the black coat man said. Stupid. Kai glanced at the black coat man. “Lets go Kai.” He said. Kai glance at the stage once again before followed his master.


“Oppa help!” you shouted to Baekhyun. He and Sehun slowly walked up to you two. “Ouch!” both of them took a step a back when they felt the heat. Suddenly both Baekhyun and Sehun hands froze. “Help her, it can last for at least until you get him out of here” Xiu Min said. Baekhyun nodded to Sehun. They helped you to help Chanyeol to get out of the building from the backdoor. Lay held the door open for the four of you. “Ahh..” Sehun hissed as the ice on his hand melted pretty quick. The three of you dropped him on the ground. “Oppa!!” Sunhae shouted. Sehun held the door. “Wait inside.” He said. “But…” Sehun closed the door. Chanyeol moved his hands again but the fire keep flaming. “Where’s your necklace?” Xiu Min asked. “I-I left it in the make up room.”

“I’ll get it.” Sehun said. You faced him, you could see his fearful eyes. He snapped his hand and the fire grew bigger again. “Stop it!” Baekhyun shouted, he was scared that he might hurt you. You glared at him, he was a bit taken a back by it. You turned to Chanyeol again and blood started to come out of his nose. You Your eyes grew wider in horror you quickly swap away his blood with you thumb. “What’s happening?” you turned to Xiu Min. “He drained his energy, it happens when you use your power too much.” Xiu Min answered. “Phoenix-shi.. relax okay… everything is going to be alright.” You said took both of his hands again. Lay suddenly kicked your injured ankle lightly. “Argh!” you shouted and punched Lay’s feet. Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at your ankle it was swollen with a bit burn marks on it. “You hurt your self..” Chanyeol said weakly. “I-it’s nothing..” Baekhyun quickly bent down to take a look at it. Lay sighed and healed it for you. “Thank you..” he nodded and got up. “How could this happen?” Xiu Min whispered. “Argh!!” Chanyeol groaned and dropped him self to the ground. “Phoenix-shi!!” you shouted. You shook his body when his eyes slowly closed. Sehun came and gave the necklace to Xiu Min. Xiu Min gave it to you. You nodded and put on on him. He screamed again, grabbing your hand that held the pendant of his necklace.

Everything went black.


You opened your eyes. You could see a couple hugged each other as their proudly watched their little baby playing with fire.

“Happy Birthday Yeoliiee~~” little Suho blasted a water gun to little Chanyeol and Xiu Min made snow fall in the room while the others sung Happy Birthday. Baekhyun came out with a cake with 8 candles on it. “You can light this yourself right?” Baekhyun chuckled. “And I can help you to blow the candles hyung!” little Sehun pulled Chanyeol’s school uniform. You smiled as you see all of their happy faces. The scene changed again.

“Ayo waddup Kreaaase~” Chanyeol nodded to Kris a crossed the stage. “Ayo wassssup~” both of them went into the center of the stage. You could see the other Exo members in the crowd. You were a bit surprised that they had stuff like that there too. O! isn’t this Phoenix’s first single? You just realized it. He wasn’t completely lost his memories, you thought. Maybe that’s why he seemed to be the only one who was into this so much. and then you something pulled you out of the time machine. You saw him hanging onto Sehun’s hand. “Hold on!” Sehun shouted but he slipped out of his hand. “CHANYEOOOOLL!!” you could hear everyone’s scream. 



I'm like crying rainbow when i read all of you guys comments, Thank you so much for each and every one of you, you guys motivated me so much. Saranghaeeeeeyoooo~ bbuing bbuing *Tao style*

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o