
Two Moons


You woken by splashed of water to your face. Sighed in relieve that it was just a dream and at least you could still feel you heart beating. Groaned as you felt pain on both of your wrist, they pinned your wrist to the wall with a chain. The guy pointed a spoon of rice in front of your mouth. You stared at it. “Eat it!” he said. What if its poisoned?! You shook your head. “Ya! Can you be more thankful that he even care to give you foods?” you glared at the guy. “I don’t ask for it.” He threw the spoon to your head. “Fine. Die here.” He walked out and locked the cage door before leaving you soaking wet there. Your body started to shake because of the cold air hit your damped cloths that sent shivers all over your body. You started to think about the dream you had about Kai when the person it self suddenly appeared in front of you. You gasped, holding your breath in. He smirked, “I heard someone wanted to die here..” he kicked the plate of foods the previous guy were going to feed you. You looked away wondering why he was this mean.. isn’t he supposed to be nice like his brothers? What is actually happened to him? Did the dark master make him like this? He grabbed your chin asking you to look at him. Your eyes grew wider, His red eyes… you remembered the dream again and it made you scared that he might do something to hurt you just now. “Kai…” your voice was shaking because your heart beat blocking your throat. Suddenly his eyes turned back soft and brown. “Help.” The whole place started to shake.


D.O made the second floor crumble and about 10 of the dark servants fell down with it. Lay came and pated his shoulder, “Good job.” D.O nodded and quickly ran to catch up with the others. “Where’s she?!” Chanyeol grabbed a guy by his collar. The guy didn’t answer. “Ya!” he looked back at Chanyeol and smirked. That was it, Chanyeol burnt the guys collar at the vary moment. The guy screamed and rolled on the floor to put out the fire. “Cant find her there either.” Baekhyun came from another direction. Chanyeol glanced at him. “Lets go that way.” Baekhyun nodded as he kicked the guy in front of them.

“Tao watch out!” Luhan shouted. Tao quickly squat down before the stick hit him. He grabbed the stick and twisted it as he kicked the guy right on his stomach. The guy groaned but managed to stay on his feet to fight Tao back. Tao gave him his deadly glare and did his awesome wushu techniques towards the guy, in a flash of light he manage to knock down the guy. He raised his stick in alert when he saw six guys approaching him. “Hyung! Go!” he told Luhan. Luhan nodded and went up to the next floor hoping he’ll find you there. Seolrae.. we’re coming.

Chen was already on the third floor, he and Xiu Min together, fought a bunch of dark servants who kept coming from nowhere. Xiu Min took a deep breath and froze all of them into an ice cube. Chen sighed finally towards Xiu Min. “You, go that way, and I’ll start from here.” Chen nodded started to open those countless doors one by one. “Seolrae-ah!!!” Xiu Min shouted your name.

Kris put Suho and Sehun down as they landed on the rooftop. The door opened and about fifteen dark servants came out. Kris, Suho and Sehun got ready as they glanced at each other. One of the dark servants commended to attack. Kris blasted off and took two guys to the sky with him. Sehun made a huge ball of air and blew 3 guys away. Suho ran and use his power to make the floor slippery so they couldn’t stand up. Suho and Sehun looked up when they saw two man falling from the sky, they glanced each other in horror, Kris is not afraid to do anything to the person who pissed him off, which could be very scary. Kris landed back, “You two look for her, I’ll take care of these bastards.” Sehun and Suho nodded and went into the building.

“Seolrae-ah!!!!” Chanyeol shouted on top of his lungs. He was desperate.. he never felt this worst before. Guilty for doubting you earlier and frustrated because of his own negative thought since he couldn’t found you.  Seolrae-ahhh where are you… he kicked open the door but it was empty. He punched the wall before leaving to the next room. He didn’t know that Kai was there, inside the room, with you. You muffled Chanyeol’s name to Kai’s hand but Chanyeol was too busy stressing what had happen making him couldn’t concentrate on your muffled scream. You bite Kai’s finger. “Ah!” he hissed. “OP—“ but Kai quickly pinned you to the wall and blocked your mouth with his other hand. He eyed you with his red and dark angry eyes, you knew you pissed the hell out of him. You gripped on his wrist. Kai what happened to you!!! You screamed inside. You eager to see that soft brown eyes he showed you earlier, you knew he’s now is under some kind of dark influence or something. I wont hurt you. You remembered his promised to you earlier. You gave up and let go of his wrist, you trusted him. He smirked in victory that you gave in and rewarding you by putting his hand away from your mouth. You looked at him in concern. He felt something weird inside him because the look of your eyes. His eye colors switching brown, red back to brown but it seemed that his dark side still wins. He looked at you again still with his red eyes, “As long as you keep quite.. I wont hurt you and I wont do anything to them too.” you nodded cause you got no choice.

“She’s not here!” Tao grabbed the guy’s hair. “Ya.. you said she’s here, can you see her now?” the guy shook his head nervously. Tao slammed him to the floor and stepped on his back. The guy groaned in pain. “She’s not here, we should go.” Luhan said. Baekhyun and Chanyeol came, Luhan shook his head. “!” Chanyeol kicked the wooden door. “SEOLRAE!” they heard Kris’s voice. SEOLRAE! they quickly ran to where your voice came from. They rushed up to the stairs. While Lay and D.O ran out side the building. D.O eyes shot open in horror as Lay’s nose bleed. Baekhyun almost cried, he realized his nose was bleeding, something happened to you.

Kris eyes grew wider as you fell on your knees in front of him. So did Kai. Kai miscounted his own move.

You were behind him earlier, he was sure. But you ran apparently faster than Kai’s transport and stood in front of Kris. Kai thought it was Kris and he punched your stomach, hard, even blood squirted out of your mouth. “SEOLRAE!!” Kris kneeled beside you and shook your body. You gripped on your shirt feeling the enormous pain on your stomach. Kris glared at Kai, Kai was too shock to react to it. Kris took a deep breath, he was ready to choke hell out of Kai. “O-oppa.. no.” you whispered. Kris glared at you. “Seolrae!” Chen and Xiu Min arrived first at the rooftop followed by Suho and Sehun. Kai walked backwards feeling a bit scared, yup, he was in trouble. Tao and Luhan came. Luhan quickly ran to Kai and grabbed his collar. Chanyeol and Baekhyun joined Luhan. It was like stabbing Kai mentally with their fiery glares.  He was scared but Kai kept his straight face to the three guys in front of him who were ready to kill him. “Oppa…” you called them but they don’t seemed to listen at all. Kai glanced at you and he disappeared. “The ?” Chanyeol shouted. Kai suddenly appeared in front of you and grabbed your wrist and disappeared again, this time he took you along with him. Kris, Xiu Min and Chen who were there with you were shocked. “SEOLRAE!!!” Xiu Min shouted. Chanyeol, Luhan and Baekhyun turned around and found you no more.


“Help me…” you looked at Kai’s brown eyes. “How Kai tell me how!” you shouted. Before he could answer both of you reappeared on the edge of the rooftop. Kai stood behind you with arm around your neck. . You cursed again, his eyes turned red. This is killing you. How can you help him if he kept this going? From afar you could see the others panicked looking towards you. Chanyeol took a step a head with a fireball on his hand. So did Baekhyun who was ready to attack and Xiu Min too. “Oppa don’t hurt him.” Everyone eyeing you in disbelieve by what you just said. Not only them but Kai also. “You promised me you won’t hurt them.” You said to Kai, he was silent. “You didn’t keep you promise.” you touched his arms and it. “Just please.. don’t hurt them anymore. If you want to take me just take me but I’m sure you already know the consequences if you do anything to me. Am I right?” he gulped, he remembered the story about the star the Dark Master told him. “This is not you Kai… You’re not Kai they knew, you’re not the real Kai.” You groaned as his arm got tighter around your neck making you harder to breathe plus you could still clearly felt the pain on your stomach from earlier. He suddenly let you go, you sighed in relieve but when you were about to turn around he threw him self off of the building. Everyone gasped. You eyes grew wider as you could see his body got further and further. “KAI!” you jumped out of the building to catch him, yes you were that stupid. “SEOLRAE!!!” Kris and Luhan quickly ran up to the other side. Kris jumped off of the building and Luhan tried to stopped you from falling any further. As both of you and Kai fell, your eyes locked to each other. You were once again hoping to see his soft, pleading and weak brown eye but no he smirked, that devilish smirk and disappeared. You cursed your self for falling on Kai’s trap. It was like dejavu, the day Tao accidently pushed you off of the mansion. You felt weightless as the air hits you, you went down with the gravity. You could see the ground in front of you clearly. I’m so dead.  Guess this time gravity doesn’t have mercy for you. 

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o