Bring Them Back.

Two Moons

Waking up to another morning, how you wish you could have Tao’s power just to rewind the time, pause it even to skip it so you don’t have to wake up every morning feeling unease like this. Streching your stiff waist, yawned as you rubbed your tired eyes. You jumped out of the bed walking to the bast room when something caught you eyes. There was a note on your dressing table and a little white box. It was from Xiu Min.


A little smile formed on your lips. He was a very thoughtful person when in comes to your mood. You took a little box and shook it near your ear, something was inside it. Curiously opened it, your eyes grew wider in surprise.



A beautiful rose inside a crystalized ice. You adored it, such a beautiful creation he made.


You turned around when someone opened your door. “Oh you’re here.” D.O. said. You nodded, “What’s up?” you asked him. “Can I come in?”

“Of course.” You put the crystal ball back to its box and turned aroud leaned your lower body to the dressin table. D.O. sat on the sofa staring at you. “Errr.. is there anything you wanted to tell me?” he blinked his wide eyes at you. “Well you I said I can tell you anything so.. yeah.. where should I start?”



Chen came into your house. D.O. turned his head to find him there standing in front of the stairs. Chen stayed with Hanin after he had ‘the talk’ with D.O. several days ago. He went back to take his cloths and stuffs. They looked at each other but D.O. turned around and continued watching the tv, not that he interested to do now. Chen felt bad, really bad at the moment. D.O. took a deep breath, I should give her now. he said and stood up. He walked up to the second floor, knocking the door lightly. “Come in..” D.O. came in as he heard Chen’s answer. Chen turned around giving him a warm but somehow awkward smile, D.O. could see Chen’s guilty in it. D.O. smiled at him back as he took a seat on Chen’s bed. “You like my bed?” pretty weird question there Chen. D.O. chuckled, “You like mine?” said. Or hers. D.O. swallowed back his unsaid words. Chen smirked and got back to folding his cloths. “How is she?” D.O. asked, staring at the sealing remembering her face with a smile he missed so much. “She’s doing fine.” Chen answered still concentrating on what he was doing. There was a moment of silent between them. For D.O. he was too into his imagination about her while Chen could help but be nervous and ofcourse he still couldn’t erase that guilty feeling towards D.O. trying to find nice and comforting words for D.O.

“Y-you should come by… its your home anyway.” He said. “Planned too.. but nahh..”

“What about your stuff?”

“Hyung.. are you kicking me out of my house?”

did I say something wrong! Chen slowly turned around in fear. D.O. burts to laugh, a bitter one but he was trying to cover it up. “I’m just kidding hyung I got my cloths packed for… enough until we have to come back to Exo.” D.O. said. Don’t know why Chen felt relieve seeing D.O. like that, he was very thankful that D.O. made everything easy for him and Hanin. This is wayyyyy too nice for a guy who’s actually the one who hurt in this case. “D.O.-yaa.. gumawo..” Chen sat beside him. D.O. blankly chuckled, “What for hyung?”

“For everything.. and I’m sorry for.. again everything.” Chen looked down. D.O. smiled and pated Chen’s back. “We’re brothers hyung.” Chen hugged him. “Thank you…” he whispered again. “O! can you give this to her?” they pulled off. D.O. opened his backpack and took out a little dark blue box. He sat on his previous saet and handed Chen the box. D.O. stared at Chen who was staing at the box. Chen smiled and put it in his pocket. D.O. felt relieve Chen didn’t open it means that Chen still respect his private and moreover he respcted D.O. and Hanin. “I’ll give it to her dotn worry.” Chen smiled to him.

[end of flashback]


“Oppa! What is this?” Hanin shouted from her room. Chen was outside cooking for their dinner. “It’s a present from D.O.” Hanin was very surprised. First, because D.O. didn’t mad at her even he gave her a present. Second, because Chen sounded.. okay by this I mean the whole D.O. giving her a present thing. She nervously opened the box. She gasped, “Donut…..” whispering his name. Her tears pilled up her eyes. She was touched and hurt on the same time. Touched by the fact D.O. still wanted to protect her by giving her his pedant and hurt.. imagining can he cope with the pain himself? Because honestly it wasn’t easy for her either to forget about that particular feeling she had for D.O. Chen came into the room, she was too late to hide her now redded eyes. “Hanin-ah.. wae irae?” he hugged her tightly. She just sobbed on his chest, no words came out of her lips. Chen hussed her, her hair, caressed her back trying to calm her down. He felt something pocking his abdomen when he pulled her closer. He took her shoulders and pushed her lightly. He was too, shocked by the appreance of another pendant hanging next to his. Hanin tried to pull the pendant off of her necklace. “I can’t take it off.” She said. Because it cant, when an Exotic gave their pendant it’ll stuck with them for their whole live even until death. Chen pulled Hanin into his embrace. “You cant because… he choose you.” Hanin calmed little by little. She looked up, “You’re not mad at D.O. right?” he gave her a warm smile. “Of course I’m not.” He said. “With me?” they looked at each other eyes. He pinched her nose, “I wont be her hugging you if I mad at you.” He said. She smiled and it was enough for him. He caressed her cheek, adoring her a bit messy brow hair, her porselin skin, her fearless eyes, her pointed nose and last her pink luscious lips. He caressed her chin with his thumb and slowly leaned it. Finally their lips touched, sending shivers to both of their bodies. Her heart was racing crazily she was sure it’ll popped out of her chest any time soon. While for him, we was just enjoying the intimate between them, tiltled his head for better access smiling to the kiss. “I love you.” He said pulling off. She opened her eyes slowly, gretted by his charming smile. “I love you too.”




“I can leave you boys here right?” Prof. Lee said to Luhan, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They looked up from the book and nodded then Prof. Lee left the to start their investigation in his library. “So this is the book she read all the time.” Baekhyun said turning the page. They were amazed by the exact and detailed information about Exo the professor wrote, their family, even though they kicked them out of Exo but they still respect their roots. “Can we just get to the point Baekhyun?” Luhan said, Chanyeol for the first time agreed at Luhan’s words. “Page 12…..” he opened the page, “line three.” He pointed his finger. Luhan read it as Chanyeol ready to wrote it down. Chanyeol and Baekhyun waited but Luhan was in silent. “Hyung?” Luhan looked up. “This doesn’t make any sense at all.”

“Just read it already.” Chanyeol was getting impatient.

“The daggers from both of Exo leader and Earth stabbed in to the stone of vow.”

Chanyeol looked up from his notebook. “Okay you were right.”

“Okay let just move on. Chapter 12, second line.” Baekhyun turned the page. “Two moons means two identical hearts.” The three boys looked at each other. Chanyeol raised his shoulder and wrote it down. Luhan took the book. “Last page, last word.” Baekhyun gave Luhan direction. “Up.” Luhan raised his eyebrow. “Okay… what the hell is this.”




 Tao slowly came into the kitchen, took a seat on the bar, watching you making some kind of milk shake for your self. You turned around, “AAA!” you dropped the glass, you were sure you’re going to hear a breaking glass sound but when you opened your eyes Tao was already kneeled in front of you holding the glass. He got up and handed the glass to you. “Thank you.” You said thanking God for Tao’s power to stop the time. He sat on the bar again, putting his elbow on the bar and cupping his face with his palms. “What?” you asked him who was staring at you. He smiled, “When will we go buy the cakes?”


“Ya… you promised me Seolrae!” you remembered the list. You had been abandoned it. “I’m not in the mood.” She said. Tao pouted and to you it was so cute. “Please…” again, this side of him you havent see before at least not towards you. You were a bit surprised by his childish act. A kid hiding behind his firm figure. “No.” you put the glass into the washer. “Seolrae-ahhh” you turned around. “Bbuing.. bbuing..” you freeze. He seemed to be surprised by himself doing an aegyo.  He stood up and was ready to walk out of the kitchen embarrassed. “Tao!” he stopped but didn’t look back at you. “Lets go.” You walked and stood beside him smiling at him. “Really?” you nodded. “That worked on me.” he looked at you and you copied him doing his eagyo. He was going to pinch you on how you look so cute yourself doing that aegyo but he was so good at controlling himself. He looked away hiding his redden cheek. Suddenly you felt like everything is spinning around, you could feel your body became so light. “Seolrae!” Tao held you before your body hit the floor. “Ahh..” you touched your head a terrible headache started to appear. Kris came into the kitchen, his eyes widen in shock, Why do I always found these two in such an awkward position he pulled Tao’s ear. “A A A A hyung!” Tao shouted. “What do you think you’re doing?” he said. “Oppa.. its not Tao’s fault, I felt a bit dizzy and he helped me.” Kris and Tao helped you to get up. “You need lots of rest Seolrae.. I know you hadn’t had enough sleep lately.” Kris said. You shook your head. “No I promised Tao to go to the pastry shop with him..” you said. Kris eyed Tao, he quickly looked down. “I’ll take him. You go get some sleep okay? Have you eat?” you shook your head. “What do you wanted to eat? Soup? porridge?” you chuckled. “I’m okay oppa… I can cook my self. Go go! Tao is hungry!” you smiled at Tao’s face. “You sure you’re alright Seolrae?” Tao asked. You nodded.


Your smile vanished as you felt he pain in your head again. Kris was right, you couldn’t get a real sleep lately and you didn’t have any appetite to eat even D.O,’s awesome meals couldn’t attract you to eat. A hand held you before you could fell again. You looked up greeted by Baekhyun’s worry face. Suddenly he held you bridal style, carrying you to your room. “Ya ya! Byun Baekhyun what happened?” Luhan who just came into your house. You looked at Luhan and he looked at you back in worry to see your pale lips. Chanyeol came in. “What are hyung doing in front of the door?” he tried to open the door wider for him to get in. “I think something happened to Seolrae.” Chanyeol eyes grew wider and he quickly ran skipped few stairs to your room. “Seolrae-ah…”

“I’m okay I’m okay oh God you guys…” but Baekhyun pushed your shoulder preventing you from get out of the bed. He put his hand on your forehead and firmly looking into your eyes. “Do you magic.” Chanyeol pointed at himself. Chanyeol came to you and put his forehead to yours. “You’re warm..” he said. He flicked his nose to your before pulling away. It actually made you blush but your face was already redish because of the fever you were having. Chanyeol laid beside you and pulled you closer to him. His embrace is like home, its warm and made you feel very comfortable. Baekhyun went to your bathroom and came back with a handkerchief and a washbowl filled with water. Not so long after that Luhan came in with a bowl of porridge and a glass of water. You were so touched on how they took care of you very well. They can just call Lay to get home and heal you but they actually do it, taking time to take care of you nicely. “Seolrae..” Luhan said, glancing at the others. You looked up to him. “Ne oppa?”

“What’s your mission?” Chanyeol held you tighter and so did Baekhyun’s grip. You took a deep breath, you couldn’t dare tell them the truth, they’ll probably ended up like you now which totally stupid of you to do so cause you were supposed to be their energy booster not worrying them like this. “Is to distract the Dark Master until all of you came back to earth safely.” You lied. “and you’re not coming with us?” Chanyeol looked down at you. “Depends on the time left.” Luhan sat on the edge of your bed making you to turn to him. “I---“ he looked at Baekhyun and Chanyeol,“we, will so anything for you Seolrae. You’re coming back with us.” You just nooded, you couldn’t say anything because you were too busy holding back your tears. I’m sorry oppa…




“You in nerd! What have you done to my son?!”  The Dark Mater turned around to find his long time enemy. “Ohh Lord Jonghoon is here.. come come sit with us…” Kai’s dad eyes grew wider as he saw his only son, Kai, sat on the dark master left side just glancing at him and got back to his lunch. “Jongin-ah..” he whispered. Kai slammed his fork to his plate making a loud sound that surprised everyone in the room. “I hate that name.” he said as he stood up and leaving the room. “Kai!” his father called once again.

He turned around and gave him a smirked and walked out of the room. Kai’s father took a deep breath and disappeared and reappeared just an inch away from the Dark Master. He pulled the Dark Master collar. The Dark Master smirked. “You have two choices Jonghoon.” Kai’s dad listened.

“Don’t you want your son to become the leader?” The Dark Master smirked seeing the change on Kai’s father’s eyes. “I can make him the leader, ONLY leader if you and your in brothers get out of my way and let me take my throne back.” Kai’s dad didn’t say anything. “Second…” the Dark Master pushed Kai’s dad hard. “If you want your son back,”

“Close the portal now.”


Kai? The portal? Kai? The portal? DAMN IT!! The guy came out of his hiding place where he heard Dark Master and Kai’s dad conversation. He took a deep breath, hopefully he took the right way. Ran as fastest as he could with his super speed power, he could actually be one of the Crystals with a power like that.

He arrived at the portal he used to come back and forth earth with Kai. The portal leaded to Prof. Kim’s lab and to his surprise the portal was wide open. Are they coming back now? he asked himself. He didn’t want to waste anymore time, he himself going to bring the Exos back now.  He took a deep breath and jumped into the portal. 








Everyone!! I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I was not home for the whole day, I came home very late and ended up waking up with a cold, a bad one. Thank God i managed to write this chapter for you all, hope you like it and hopefully i can keep updating like usual. I'm planning to finish this story soon... i really really love writing this story but I'm afraid i might bored you if i keep writting and make this story longer than i planned to and its actually already out of my original plan but screw that. haha i just wanted to say.. 

I love you and you and you and you all of my lovely readers 

<3 lullabyme07

lol I'm like writting a lovenote.

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o