The Last Battle. (part 1)

Two Moons


“Seolrae.. lets go..” Kris hugged you up but you insisted to stay. You want to stay there until you really sure about what just happened. The Dark Master left the lake fisrt followed by his dark force. Kris kneeled down, hugged you tighter to prevent them to hear your crying. “Lets go Seolrae, jebal.. its dangerous here.” You shook your head wildly. He sighed and a second later both of you were already floating in the air. It didn’t scare you anymore cause you were too sad to mind about height. Both of you went back to the castle. On the way you could see the forest under you was getting darker and darker, the night turned from chilly to freezing. Dead. “What to do oppa?” you whispered to him. “We’ll find a way.” Kris said but you knew there was a doubt in his words.


“You wait in your room okay? I’m going to tell the others.” You nodded to Kris and turned around to the other corridor that leads you to your room. You tears started to pilled up your eyes again, bluring the way in front of you. It hit you, what are you going to do without her? The Queen is the only one who knew everything, what was going to happen, how we solve it but now that she’s gone.. it felt like you lost your light in the dark and you don’t know which way to go. You threw your self to your bed, soaking your pillow wet before slowly you drifted to sleep.


“THE QUEEN DID WHAT?!” Kris backed away hearing Suho’s dad voice. “Are you sure son?” Kris nodded to his father. “Okay.. calm down you two. Lets take a seat first and let Kris explain everything.” Chanyeol’s mother said. Before Kris started the other Exo members came in, minus Kai and Sehun. “They’re still sleeping, I don’t want to wake them up. Whats going on?” Xiu Min took a seat beside Kris. After everyone settled in their seats, they turned to Kris and Suho’s father. “The Queen is gone.”

“What?” Suho surprised so did the others. “Gone? To where?” Lay asked. “She passed away.”

Everyone eyes widen in shock. “But how?” Chanyeol asked. “Lets hear it from Kris.” Everyone turned to him. He took a deep breath and told them each and every detail of what happened to the Queen. Everyone stared at Kai’s parents. Both of them looked at each other in shock and guity. Chanyeol dad sighed in disbelieve, leaning on his chair, his eyes pierced to the two. So did the others. There’s always something between their family and the royal’s.


You woken up by the sound of shouting and banging from somewhere. Rubbing you eyes as you came out of your room, you could see the door on the end of the corridor open. “How could you be so stupid!” an unusual light shone from inside the room. “Baekhyun! Hold your self!” your eyes widen in shock and quickly ran into the room.

Kai was on the ground, pale, shaking and scared. You break though the circle of Exo and protectively stood in front of Kai. “OPPAS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” you shouted, particularly at Baekhyun whose hand was still lightened. If Suho didn’t hold him or you didn’t come in you couldnt even imagine what will happen to Kai. “Its his fault!” you glared at Chanyeol, he was a bit taken aback by your stare. “Kris oppa.. tell them.” Kris looked down, giving you more reason to get even more disappointed at them. You bit your lips holding back your boiling anger. “Kai.. gwencana?” he looked up to you in fear. “Its okay… I wont hurt—“ you glanced at the other, “—you.” You took Kai’s hands, helping him to stand up. Sehun came to the two of you and helped you to held Kai up. You smiled at Sehun and he gladly replied. “Move.” You eyed Baekhyun who stood in front of you. He stared at you didn’t know what to do. The three of you walked out of Sehun and Kai’s room and went to your room. Sehun put Kai on your bed as you closed the door.  You stared at them, the two magnaes looked very frightened it worried you a lot. “Kai-ah.. its not your fault araso? Oe?” you squeezed his arms. He looked at you, his eyes were pilled up with tears. “Thank you…” he said softly. Sehun took a seat next to Kai and pated softly Kai’s back giving his support. The three of you stayed like that for a while. You didn’t know what to say anymore to comfort him and Sehun seemed to be the same as you. He could just stared at Kai in worry.

“Seolrae-ah..” suddenly there was a knocked on your door, you knew it from the voice it was Chanyeol. You bite your lips, you didn’t want to see them yet just to make them realize and regret about what they just did to Kai. Sehun looked at you but you shook your head, telling him just to be quite. “Please open the door for us.”

“Get lost!” you shouted. “Seolrae..” another voice called you. It was Chen’s voice. “We don’t want to see you.” But Kai nudged your arm. You turned to him in confussion, “I-it’s okay noona.”

“You sure?” you concernly looked into his eyes. He nodded softly, “You can forgive me, why can’t I do the same to them? They are my brothers anyway.” Sehun taped Kai’s shoulder proudly. You smiled to them and opened the door, still wearing your I-disappointed-at-you face to the rest. “We’re sorry.” You sighed. “Say that to him, not me. He was the one who told me to open the door for you guys.” You opened the door wider for them to get in. One by one, they got in, the last one was Kris. Your eyes met his but you quickly looked away. You just couldn’t believe that he just let the others did that to Kai, he was the one who saw everything, he supposed to get it that the Queen her self did this not because of Kai or his family but to safe all of you. If he wanted to blame someone he should’ve known that he was also involved in this. That was why you were so disappointed at him. Baekhyun and Luhan came to Kai first, they didn’t say anything but the way they hugged Kai it showed how sorry they were. So did the others, without any particular words of apologies they just hugged or pated and even wrecked Kai’s head showing their sorry and more, their affection towards Kai. Kris came up to Kai and hugged him. “I’m really sorry Kai, I’m such a bad leader.” Kai pated Kris’s back. “No hyung. I’m such a terrible brother.” Kris hugged Kai tighter. Kai glanced at you and smiled, you couldn’t help but to smile too. “Are you happy now?” you nodded wildly to Luhan. Kris pulled off from Kai and put Kai’s hand on top of his. “Promise to stick together” Kris smiled at Kai. “to watch each other back” Suho put his above Kai’s hand. “to protect our homeland.” Chen put his above Suho’s followed by D.O, Sehun and Tao. “to safe our new home, Earth.” Xiu Min said as he put his hand on top of Tao. Lay and Baekhyun did the same. Luhan pushed you as Chanyeol grabbed your right hand and put it on top of Baekhyun’s under him. “and live a better life, together.” Luhan put his hand on top of Chanyeol’s. They looked at each other and smiles in happiness. You, yourself couldn’t hold your happy tears anymore.

“We are..”



The Exo parents went to the Southern Mountain Lake, just to make sure about everything one last time. They could already feel it even before they start their journey to the lake. As they got out the castle, Exo wasn’t the Exo they used to know. It was deadly freezing and the sky was dark, darker than before. Along the journey, they saw flowers and trees were slowly withing. They couldn’t even hear crickets sound enymore. All of them looked at each other in worry, they knew about what were each other thinking at that moment.

They stood on the side of the lake. Staring at the black colored water and then to each other. “XianMi-ah.. can you?” Kris’s father said to Xiu Min’s mother. She tried to look deep into the water but her X-Ray vision counldn’t seemed to get through the water. She opened her eyes, apologetically shook hear head to the others. “I’ll try.” Sehun mother tried to feel the Queen’s feeling but she found nothing. She tried to send a message with her mind but no answer. She sighed in disappointment. “this Lake is sacred.” Suho’s father said. The other looked at him. He raised his hands but nothing happened, his power didn’t work on the water. They eyes grew wider in shock. Trying to figure something out, there was a deep silent between them. “Jonghoon-ah, Sojin..” Kai’s parent came closer to Kris’s father. “Arrange everthing for the death ceremony tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?” Kai’s mother asked again. Kris father’s nodded. Kai’s mother looked at her husband, he nodded. “We’ll take care of it.”

“We’ll help too.” Chen and Lay’s mothers said. Kai’s mother smiled.


 “Kris, Suho.” Suho dad opened Kris and Suho’s room. “O! where are they?” Chanyeol’s parents shook their heads. “Kai? Sehun?” their room was also empty. “My son is not in his room too.” D.O.’s father said, “Ah and also their mattreses” Chen’s father added. “Your sons..” Chanyeol’s mother shook her head. “OURS!”

“Ya..” Luhan’s mother waved her hand to the others telling them to come closer. They all lined up behind her as she opened your door.

Your room was totally crowded, they even had a trouble to open it. There were three mattresses on the floor with Sehun, Luhan and Kai on it. Lay, D.O. and Chen slept on the other one in front of the big wardrobe. Suho, Kris and Tao slept on the third mattress that blocked the door and Xiu Min slept on the sofa beside the dressing table. “Nckncknck…” Luhan’s father shook his head towards Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s parents who couldn’t see anything since they stood far behind the others who were peeking inside. The two fathers came closer and peeked in. You were sleeping in the middle of Baekhyun and Chanyeol on your bed. You and Baaekhyun were facing each other as Chanyeol had his arms around your waist. Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s father looked at each other. They were so going to talk about this with their sons.




You stared your self in the mirror, wearing a white long white tunic with black vest and belt. A cloak with the same color laid on your bed. “Star…” you opened the door. “Wh—“ you thought it was the palace’s servant to tell you to come out. You quickly bowed when you realized it wasn’t her. “Lady…” I forgot her name!!

Nervously, you looked up to Luhan’s mother hoping you’ll somehow came up with a name. “Yaeri.” She said.  “Lady Yaeri.” You bowed again. She wore the same dress as yours. “Its time for the ceremony. Are you ready?” you nodded. “Let me get my cloak.” She nodded and waited for you.

Both of you went to the main hall. There were other people you havent seen before, in fact there were tons of them. You could see them wearing different color of dresses, you didn’t know what the coloring means but you knew it was to distinguish something, maybe their level or position you thought. There was something different about the hall, the ceiling was gone. You could see the dark and starless sky clearly.

The twelve Crystal Family leaders and their sons gathered in the center of the hall.  They all wore the same black cloak as yours and their wifes/mothers.  “You know when you have to do right?” Luhan’s mother turned around to face you. Your eyes widen in shock, no one said anything about you doing something in this ceremony. You shook your head to answer. “Luhan didn’t say anything to you?” you shook your head again. “Aissh that kid..” Luhan’s mother grabbed your hand and brought you to the circle of Crystal Family wifes. “Well you just have to stood in the center of the circle.” Baekhyun’s mother said. “A-and then?”


“How should I do that?” the ladies looked at each other. “Umm.. just keep telling your self that you’re a star and you supposed to shine.” You raised your eyebrow in doubt because you weren’t sure if you could do it or not. Before you could even process everything, Commander Siwon came. “Star..” he invited you to join the Crystals in the center. You could hear other people whispering to each other, wondering who are you. “Sorry, about them.” Commander Siwon said. You shook your head, “Its okay.”

“The Queen had actually arranged the welcoming ceremony for you.” You looked up to him. “But I guess.. they will find out about you any time soon.” He said. He signed you to walk to the center of the Crystal circle. They didn’t seem to realize it since off of them looked down, maybe like were suppose to but Tao looked up because of the buzz and whispered from the guests. He tilted his head staring at you. You nervously smiled at him. He chuckled and gave his thumb at you. His dad nudged him and he quickly got back to his position. Suddenly there was a sound of the bell. Your eyes widen in shock and fear, not sure about what to do. Another rang of the bell. You looked around, everyone seemed to be deep in their condolence, bowing their head down. The third time, you breathed deeply and did the same, bowing down. I’m a star, I’m a star.. come on shine Seolrae… you peeked with your left eye but you were still the same. Crap. You closed your eyes again. I’m a star… come on shine.. Seolrae.. don’t add more troubles to your life. The bell rang again. Suddenly you heard them sang. You peeked out.

You weren’t sure what to do so you just stared at them. Magically a light shone from the sky. You looked up, the moon was right above you. You could see another light from the corner of your eyes, you turned to it. Sehun and his dad shot a soft blue light to the sky. A dark green, velvet black and grey followed, shot by Tao, Kai, Chen and their dads. You turned to your left. Lay, D.O. and their dads shot a soft red and brown light to the sky, followed by Luhan and Baekhyun and their dads after that. Xiu Min shot an icy white light with his dad and at the same time Chanyeol and his dad shot their orange light representing their fire power. Last the two leaders behind you shot their lights to the sky for their respect to the Queen. You felt something shivers down your spine and suddenly your body started to shine. You stared at your glowing hands in horror. Luhan’s mother signed to you to raise your hand, just like what the other did. You nervously raised your right hand and your light illuminated the dark sky. Just like the beginning, the bell rang again. One by one, the Crystals put out their lights. You followed them. That was the end of the death ceremony but that didn’t mean that your job is over too. “Now its time for the second ceremony.” Kris’s dad said to you. You looked up to him in shock. “Wh-what ceremony?”

“To welcome you.” Your eyes shot open in shock. What?!

“Queen Ara’s death means we lost another great leader.” Someone you havent seen before, started his speech. He was old with all of his grey hair and a long grey beard. “Since she doesn’t have a son or daughter as her successor technically the throne goes to her twin brother.” Everyone gasped and started to whisper. “but I’m sure no one wants that.” He fixed his glasses. “As the rules said. If the royal family line had stopped, the star is the right leader.” You stoned on your seat as the old man eyeing you through his round glasses. I’m so dead. You told your self. Being a leader wasn’t your thing. A hand squeezed yours, you turned your head to the right. Lay softly smiled at you. You relaxed your self to reply his smile. You couldn’t concentrate to the men’s speech anymore due to your brainstorming. “Star, can you..” Lay nudged you, you snapped out of your thoughts. Lay signed you to come up to the stage. You slowly came up to the stage. The Exos were smiling at you giving you their full support but you couldn’t deny the fact that you were totally scared and didn’t know what to do and say at that moment. 

“Good evening everyone.” You cleared your throat. “I wasn’t expecting this, cause no one told me about this.” You looked at the guests, they weren’t happy seeing you there well not like that but you could clearly see their hesitations towards you. You took a deep breath. “Honestly.. I’m not ready to be the leader. Its not that I want to run from my fate and responsibilities but are you sure you wanted me to be your leader?” everyone looked at each other, whispering, making you feel more uncomfortable standing there. “A leader knew those they leads very well, who do everything to protect their people and most importantly who had their people’s trust.”

“I’m new here. I don’t know anything, I’m lost.” You looked at them one by one. “Not to be disrespectful, but its funny how everything is written in a complicated rules, everything is all arranged.” Exos nodded and their parents seemed to deep in their thoughts, speculating your words. “You can’t just pick a leader because the rule said so. How can you put your life in some stranger’s hand? What if I’m not capable to be the leader? I can’t even fight.”

“Back in my homeland, Earth. The people pick their leader. That someone they think who’s capable to protect them, to lead them, someone they can trust. And its definitely not me. Its all written on your faces that you doubting me.” again they started to whisper again. “So yeah.. I think it’s a perfect time for you to pick your leader. This is your planet, you have rights to pick the right leader that can lead you and help you to protect your homeland.” It was silent. You bite your lips nervously. Cursing your self for saying those things. Panicking. “You can actually discuss it so.. it’ll be faster since we cant waste anymore time.” Suho’s father stood up. “I pick Lord Kevin,”Kris’s dad glared at him. One by one, the other Crystal Family stood up and said the same. Followed by the Royals Knights and Army and some of the guests. You smiled at them and bowed your head to Kris’s dad. He unsurely came up to the stage and stood beside you. “What are you doing?” he said with his low voice. “I’m doing my job Lord.” Siwon came up to the stage bring the metal belt. He bowed his head handing the belt to you, you took it and bowed your head lightly. You turned around facing Kris’s dad and gave the belt to him. He bowed and put on the belt. Everyone stood up and bowed to him. Kris looked at you and you could just glandly smiling back at him.



“They picked Lord Kevin as their leader.”

The Dark Master turned around, clenching his teeth together. “Prepare the army.” He said to the small men, pointing his stick to the sky shooting a light forming a dark mark on the sky followed by endless thunder. “This means war.”








Sorry to keep you waiting for a long long time. One more chapter till it ends, thinking of adding few short chapters for flashbacks between you and Exo but idk.. im so going to miss you guys comments huhuhuhu~ please do check my new fic

Thank you everyone :)

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o