Rainstorm and Hurricane.

Two Moons


“Sehun-ah!!” Sehun turned around and greeted by Sunhae’s smile. “Sunhae-ah, what’s up?” he asked. “Umm I think I kinda need your help.” Sehun nodded. “What is it?” Sunhae took something from her bag, it was a roll of paper. She slowly opened it. “Have you ever seen these symbol before?” Sehun looked at the symbol one by one. Sehun’s eyes grew wider when he saw one he familiar with. “Wh-where did you get this?” he stuttered. “Phoenix oppa is obsessed with this stuff lately. I kind of worry about him.” She said.  “Can I have this?” Sunhae looked up. She didn’t see the cute Sehun beside her, she saw another person, a serious one. “Is something wrong Sehun?” Sunhae worriedly asked as she gave the paper to him. He left without even saying anything. He ran as fast as he could. He pushed open the pawnshop his foster parents have. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school young man?” his foster father asked. He didn’t care he just ran to his room, skipped few stairs. He banged close his door and roughly opened his closet. He tried to find something, throwing stuff everywhere. Stopped, he tried to remember harder then to waste his time searching a precious box in the junk. He stood up and walked to his nightstand. He slowly opened the drawer. He found it. He opened the top and there, a shinny brooch he was looking for. The brooch looked exactly like the symbol showed on the paper. “You only have this brooch on you when we found you.” His foster mother words roamed around in his head. He lost in words and could think about anything else.

“What happened Sehun?” his foster father asked when entered the pawnshop his foster family have on the first floor of their house. He walked towards his father. “Nothing father.. I just don’t feel like studying..”

“What a shame, I think now I have the money to pay for your college. You can now pick any college you want, so study harder!” his dad proudly said. Sehun looked up to his father. “What are you so happy about father?” Sehun asked. “Look isn’t it beautiful? A guy just came here and pawned this.” Sehun walked to the display table his father pointed at. His eyes grew wider.

He found another symbol. “What guy?” Sehun asked. “He wore a white long sleeves shirt with Indian pattern.” Sehun quickly ran out side.

He looked around the crowded street. Trying to find the person. Come on man.. where are you?!!! He held the brooch the guy pawned tightly. He walked passed few pedestrians and one caught his eyes. He quickly ran up to him. “Are you the one who pawned this?” he opened his palm. “Yes I did.” He answered. “Can I talk to you please? My name is Sehun.”

“I’m Suho.” Both of them bowed to each other.




“Thank you..” you thanked the person who opened the door for you. You walked to the counter to order your favorite drink, Caramel Frappuccino. “Hey long time no see you, where have you been?” the barista asked you. You used to come here almost every day. “Busy with my assignments and….”

“Stuff. Which took half of my hang out time.” sighed. “Ahh I see that. You like it grande? My treat.” He said smiling at you. Your eye brightened, “Really? Thank you so much Hyungshik-shi.” Lucky day lucky day. You gave him the money and you waited for your drink. “One grande caramel Frappuccino..” 2 minutes later. “Thank you..” you thanked him one more time. “Cheer up Seolrae! and good luck!” he said. You thanked him again and sat on the sofa near the window. You opened your notebook. This is Xiu Min and Lay oppa’s symbol.. you pointed at the snowflake and unicorn symbol on the paper he drew on for you last night and wrote their name on the bottom of their symbol. Xiu Min oppa can froze things into ice. He can also create ice with bare hands.

Lay oppa, his symbol is a unicorn. Unicorn tears can heal both physical wounds and sorrows of the heart. Which means that his power is healing. You wrote Phoenix on top of the Phoenix’s symbol.

This one is surely Phoenix’s. Phoenix is a fire bird which means his power is fire. You imagined him making fire with his hand. Can he really…. Use his power when he forgot about being an Exo? You decided to leave that behind. You looked at the symbol one by one.This one… you tried to remembered it harder. You remembered the dream you had long time ago. The person’s ring!!

Xiu Min oppa said his power is lightening. He can control and use it. You looked out side the window. Too bad it was sunny.

The other guy in that dream flew in. So.. he’ll have.. dragons? Dragons have wings right? Sighed you made a bitter conclusion. I still have a long way to go.

 You were too into your own thoughts you didn’t realize someone was watching you.


“My foster parents said, this brooch is the only thing I have when they found me.” Sehun said showing him his brooch. He waited for Suho respond but he didn’t say anything. Sehun looked at him but he was staring at something else. Sehun turned around to see you were seriously writing on a little notebook. “Ehem. You know her?” Suho snapped out of his thought. “N-no.. Sorry sorry.. continue please.” Suho said. “I’m just wondering where did you get that brooch. Cause…”

“Cause what?” Suho asked. Sehun took the paper and spread it on the table. Suho straightened his position. “Look.” Sehun said. Suho titled his head. “What is this?”

“Symbols of.. I wish I knew. Have you seen these before?” Suho shook his head. “Beside my brooch, no. Not that I remember. Where did you find these stuff anyway?” He asked. “My friend gave this to me, she said her brother had been really obsessed with this.”

“And so? What is this supposed to do with you and me?” Suho asked again. Sehun sighed. Sehun closed his eyes. Suho waited in confusion. Sehun opened his eyes and stared at Suho. “What?” Sehun moved his hand and pointed at it to the door. Suddenly the door slammed open by a strong wind. Everyone was very surprised so did you.  Suho glared at Sehun. “You can do that too right?” Suho smirked, “No.” he took the empty cup on the table. “but I can do this.” The empty cup is now filled up with water. Both of them looked at each other. “These symbols are surely have something to do with us, and we have something to do with each other.” Sehun said. “Do you think they are more people who can do what we can too?” Sehun nodded at Suho’s words. “Maybe its fated for us to met each other today, we should look for the other symbols too maybe it’ll lead us to..”

“To what?”

“People like us?”


Suddenly your phone beeped. You opened it, it was from Baekhyun. He sounded very scared when you were about to call him your phone died. “Damn it!” you whispered. You cursed again when you cant find your charger in your bag. You stood up to peek to the counter but Hyungshik wasn’t there anymore. You decided to talk to the two guys who sat not far from you. You tidied up your stuff and stood up slowly walking to their table. “Excuse me…” both of them looked up. Suho eyes were almost jumped out of his skull. The.. this.. its her! He remembered the girl she saw on the mirror. The girl his friends asking about because once he used her face for his art class drawing assignment.  Is now in front of him. “Can I borrow your phone? My phone died and I really really need to call my friend.” You said with pleading eyes. No one can say no to that. Sehun gave you his phone. “Thank you..” you pushed Baekhyun’s number. “Op-“ something on the table caught your attention.  The symbols!

“Seolrae-ah…” you didn’t answer. Sehun stared at you in confusion while Suho lost in his own head. “Seolrae?” you snapped out of your thought hearing his shaky voice. “Oppa.. I’m sorry. My phone is dead. What happened? Should I go there?” you asked worriedly. “I just.. I don’t know what’s happening.”

“Okay. Wait there, I’m coming.” You hang up. “Thank you” you bowed to Sehun. He bowed back. You glanced at dumbfounded Suho staring at you. What is wrong with this guy you said to your self.

“Eh um..” you didn’t know how to ask him about the paper they had on the table. “I’m sorry to sniff into your business but.. where did you get that?” you pointed at the paper. Sehun tilted his head. “My friend gave me. Why is that?” he suspiciously watching you.  “I-I see..” you wanted to ask more question but you just don’t feel like it was appropriate since you didn’t know them and Baekhyun was waiting for you. “O-kay then th-thank you for your phone. Have a nice day.” You left them with a heavy heart. You thought it was such a rare thing to find and it has something to do with what you’ve been working hard for. What if they are one of them? You stopped in the middle of the empty sidewalk. Closing your eyes, you breathed the fresh spring air. Please… tell me what to do… you pray to God. OKAY I HAVE TO GO BACK! You turned around and ran back to the coffee shop. Panting, you walked to the table the two guys sat before but it was empty. Your shoulder dropped. I’m such a failure. 

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o