Welcome To Exo Planet.

Two Moons


Waking up greeted by Baekhyun’s angelic sleeping face. You smiled watching his eyes and eyebrows slightly squeezed as you run your fingers down his pointed nose. You could feel a warm breath on the back of your neck, it was Chanyeol breathing dangerously close to your neck. You rolled to see his cute sleeping face, he seemed to have a peaceful one. It was the best sleep you ever had, you can finally woke up with full of energy. You sat up feeling a gain of wight on the up and looking up there was Luhan, sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling at you. He looked back at you taping his back. “Hop on.” He said. You smile at him and hop on to his back. Rested your chin on his shoulder as he piggy back you down to the first floor. The sun was still hiding behind the cloud, it’s going to rain soon you thought as you saw the dark grey cloud. Suho and D.O. were already in their apron cooking a nice English breakfast when you and Luhan came into the kitchen. “Good morning Seolrae~” D.O. smiled at you scrambling the eggs on the pan. “Morning D.O. Good morning Suho oppa~” you said as Luhan lowered you to sit on the kitchen island. Suho gave you his charming smile. “What do you want to drink?” Luhan asked you as he opened the fridge. “Milk.” You answered. Kris came into the kitchen from the back door followed by Tao with a plate of fresh muffin he just bought. Kris walked up to you, putting his hand on your forehead. A little smile formed on the corner of his lips, relief that your fever had gone. “You had a good sleep last night?” he asked. You nodded wildly, how cant you, Luhan, Baekhyun and Chanyeol took care of you very well. Tao came to you and handed you a pink box that he took from inside the fridge. “I was going to give this yesterday, but you slept all day!” you opened it, a mouthwatering strawberry shortcake greeted you. You pinched Tao’s cheek, “Thank you Tao.” He smiled seeing your happy face. Lay came in with a vase of white orchid in his hand. “Hyung! Come eat!” D.O. was almost finished cooking with the ‘help’ of Tao who really just nibble on some of D.O’s cooking. Lay smiled as he nodded. “Good morning.” He came up to you. “Morning oppa…” he put the vase on the island in front of you. You remembered that first day you met him in the green house of your campus. “White orchids..” you touched the orchid glacing at him. He smiled, glad that you still remembered that moment. Xiu Min came in still yawning, followed by the two first faces you saw this morning, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Xiu Min wrecked your hair before walking to the island, making his own coffee. Chanyeol hugged your neck from behind. “Feeling better miss?” he whispered on your ears with his deep and still tired voice. “Much better, thanks.” You answered glancing at him. Luhan came and slapped Chanyeol’s head. “Move.” Chanyeol rubbed his head as Luhan put your breakfast in front of you. You chukled and gave an apologetic smile to Chanyeol. He sticked his tongue out to Luhan and Luhan did the same. “O! Sehun is here!” Luhan said just a second before the bell rang. “Those two..” Baekhyun said. “I wish we can do that too.” Chanyeol said to Baekhyun. Baekhyun shook his head. “Ya!” Chanyeol nudged Baekhyun’s arms and all of them let out a small laugh.



“Good morning hyungs… noona.” He waved his hand. “Annyeong Sehun~” you smiled at him. Not so long after that Chen came by him self. Everyone was a bit awkward because they just found out about what happened to him and D.O.

“Chen hyung! Just about time!” D.O. excitingly said. You smiled in relief so did everyone else. Luhan waved to Chen signed him to sit with them on the little dining table. Everyone was having a nice breakfast, talking casually. You looked around happy that you could be there with them in such a rare moment. D.O and Chen talking to each other. Luhan and Sehun.. being Luhan and Sehun,


the two leaders finally having a time off, Tao and Lay who were busy eating their breakfast, Xiu Min drinking his coffee smiling beside you and Baekhyun and Chanyeol talking to each other but once or twice stole glance at you smiling. Everyone gathered in one room, eating good food, smiling to each other with a happy face. Just the thing you really need right now, spending this little time with them before maybe just maybe the last time you could see their faces like this. “Seolrae-ah you like it?” Suho stood acrossed the bar, washing his hand. “Emm you both are great chefs.” D.O. put on his proud yet very cute smile. “I’ll get it..” Suho rushed to the ringing phone in the living room. Tao took your empty plate, “Thanks.” You smiled to him he nodded and wash it. “Kris.” Suho came back with the wireless phone. Everything went silent, they knew something is happening by the look of their leaders expressions. Kris stood up and followed Suho to the living room. Xiu Min pated your shoulder, snapping you from your negative thought, “Hey.. everything is fine.” You nodded to him unsurely. Both of them came back. Everyone waited in silence for their news. “The second portal…” Suho said. Everyone held their breaths. “Accomplished.” Everyone cheered. You couldn’t believe it, the day finally come. A part of you was happy to see them like this but half of your heart was aching but you ignores it and cheer with them. Chanyeol hugged you and lift you up. You hugged him back. “Finally.” You mumbled to his shoulder. He put you down. “Group hug!!!” Tao shouted. Everyone came gathered and squish you in the middle. “O-Oppa I- cant breathe~” you shouted. They laughed and pulled away. “Okay everyone get ready, we’re going to the lab.” Kris said.


“As you can see here.. we already opened the portal. I already called the Queen to sent one of her people to try it. I’ll call you again if there’s any progress of this portal.” Prof. Kang said from the video call. “We want to see it closer.” Baekhyun said. Prof Kang walked closer to the portal. It was like a nebula tunnel. You could see a glance of the Stone of the Vow behind the portal. It came to you again, you were getting nervous by the fact that the time has come.  “O-oppa.. I want to go to the toilet.” You pulled Luhan’s sleeve. He straightened him self. “Okay let me walk you there.”

“Hey where are you going?” Xiu Min asked. “To the toilet”

“I want to go too.” Xiu Min followed you and Luhan. You three walked trough the long white hall just like in the hospital. Suddenly you heard a door slammed to the wall on the end of the hall. You froze looking back to Luhan and Xiu Min behind you.

“A!” you screamed as a guy suddenly appeared in front of you. “Please come with me. Now. All of you please..” your eyes grew wider. “Taemin-shi..” Taemin nodded “Please… Kai and Lord Jonghoon is in danger and everyone too.” He said. “But we have to talk to the other first!” Xiu Min said. Taemin glanced at you you just blinked at him. He grabbed your hand and both of you blasted away. Too fast that Luhan and Xiu Min couldn’t even processed what just happen. “I’ll go find them. You tell the others.” Luhan said to Xiu Min.




Queen Ara was deep in her thought, is this really happening? Me, my self, have to fight my own twins? She was always lonely since little. She spent her time to study and practice, everything was about learning to be the great Queen. While most of the girl at her age spent time playing with their friends or siblings. And now, she had to fight her own twins, the person who shared the same blood with her. “Your highness…” the voice of her servant snap her out of her daze. She turned around and stared at her own reflection in the mirror wearing her gown of honor for the war.



She averted her gaze to the big window beside her. Her eyes shot open as she saw the two moons nearly meet the top of northern mountain. They came early, way early than they planned she thought. “Your highness..” commander Siwon and general Leeteuk came in. They bowed to the Queen. “Have you remind Lord Junseo (Suho’s dad) to take the citizen to the first portal?” Siwon and Leeteuk looked at each other. “Its still Monday Your Highness.” The Queen pointed at the moon. Both Siwon and Leeteuk were surprised. “They came early than I thought. We have to get ready.”


“Yeobo! Look at the moon!” Kris’s father quickly ran to the window where his wife stood. The moon little by little meeting the top of the Northtern mountain. His wife taped his shoulders. “I know you can do this!” he smiled, glad that he married such a lovely women. “You too, please be careful. Meet me at the portal.” He kissed her wife’s forehead and left.


You took a deep breath, it was kinda suffocating, it felt like you just came up from the surface of the ocean. You breathed the unfamiliar air. It was dark, you could only see the bright moon on the right sky. The tall and shady trees moves along with the cold breeze, which also started to creep on your skin. “I’m sorry.. I have to do this.” Taemin said. You stared at him. “Please Seolrae.. I’m sorry.. I just want to safe Kai.” You softened. “Its okay Taemin-shi..” you looked around to the new atmosphere. Taemin joined you watching the starry sky, the most starry sky you have ever seen in your life. “Welcome to Exo Planet.” You glanced at him. I’m here……

“What should we do now?” you turned to him. “I think we should go see the Queen. It’s safer there until the Exos arrive here.”

“Aren’t we going so safe Kai?” Taemin turned around to face you. He couldn’t believe what you just said. That was very kind words to say. “I wish I have the courage to bring you along with me but I’m afraid I couldn’t protect you, I’m just a boy from a Pearl Family.” He said. You followed him walking out of the forest. “You know Taemin-shi.. its doesn’t matter where you’re from or what kinds of family you are. Everything depends on how you believe in your self to be strong and brave.” He glanced at you. “I’m half human and I’m here. Who would’ve thought? Right?” he nodded and took your hand and both of you blasted away with his super speed power.


Both of you arrived in front of the castle, it was tall and huge just like how you imagined it. Similar to those imaginations you had when you read the fantasy books of yours. “We want to see the Queen.” You watched as Taemin talk to the guards. The moon… it was so big and very near. “Don’t you know whats happening around here? We’re in the middle of a war! The Queen is too busy to see anyone right now.” the guard said. “I’m Lee Taemin, the son of speed from the Pearl Family and I have something for the Queen. Let me in!” the guard smirked in disbelieve how can someone be this stubborn. “What’s going on?” another voice came. You tilted your head to see. The guards bowed and move a bit giving commander Siwon a way. Taemin bowed his head you insurely did the same. “I’m Lee Taemin son of the speed from The Pearl Family.” You looked down as you felt Siwon was looking at you. “What are you doing here?” Taemin pulled you to the front. “The Star.” You looked up and Siwon looked very surprised and yet very delightful. “Guards, open the gate.” The guards bowed and quickly opened the gate for the two of you. It was the longest stairs you have ever climbed in your life and so did the hall, it was dark and no end. It made you wonder, was it always like that in Exo Planet? Everything is dark just like an endless night. Taemin looked back at you, giving you a comforting smile. You smiled at him back telling him that you’re okay. The three of you stopped in front of the wide wodden door. Siwon opened it and you followed him and Taemin to come in.  “Wow…” as the Queen turned around. She looked scary yet stunning with her gown of honor. You quickly kneeled as you realized you were the only one who was still standing up straight. The Queen raised her hands telling everyone to stand up and you obeyed. She stopped in front of you looking right straight in your eyes. Her eyes to you was.. sad but somehow it was also fearless. “You’re here…” her warm voice yet shaky and deep concern tone. You nodded. “I’m ready.” You said even though you were unsure about it. “You highness, may I speak?” she nodded at Taemin. “Of course my son.”

“The Dark Master turned my… I mean Young Master Jongin son of Lord Jonghoon to his side. Lord Jonghoon found out about it and went to the Dark Master by him self.” Taemin looked down. You watched his fearful expression. He was really scared you thought. “I just.. I’m afraid something bad happened to them.” Taemin told her everything he heard from the Dark Master and Kai’s dad conversation. “Is that why you brought her here?” Taemin nodded. “to bring the others too, only them can safe us.” Taemin said. “Where did you hear that?” Taemin looked up in fear. “Its-i-its not that I don’t believe in your power You Highness but eh um..” the Queen pated Taemin’s shoulder. “Its okay Taemin. I know and don’t worry, we’ll find a way to safe your best friend.” Taemin brightened. She turned to you, “Now its time for you to get ready.” You froze. Oh .




Kris’s dad landed on the northern forest. The portal was wide open but there was no sign of life there. He looked around the area but still it was empty.  Am I late? He asked him self. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him. He quickly turned aroud. His eyes widen in shock. “What are you doing here?” he asked his brothers and their wifes. “Traitor!” Baekhyun’s mom said. “After all this time Kevin (Kris’s father) you knew theres a portal here that can safe us all.” Chanyeol’s dad said. Kris’s dad could only stared at them, still disbelieve on how his brothers, these people he grew up with changed so much. Became this selfish, self centered and arrogant. “Where’s your wife? Did you send her first? Safe your own family?” Tao’s mother said. “No. She’s still in the mansion, waiting for me to pick her up after I accomplished my order.” He said in his firm and cold stared towards these people he used to call family. They laughed at him. Tao’s dad and Chanyeol’s took a step a head. Kris’s dad quickly stood in front of the portal blocking them. “Move.” Chanyeol’s dad said. “We already talked about this Chanbi, we have to stay here. Protect our homeland.” Chanyeol’s dad smirked. “Protecting you said? We’re losing Kevin! They are on their way here.”

“THIS WOULDN’T BE HAPPENING IF YOU GUYS STEP UP AND USE YOUR POWER TO PROTECT THIS PLANET!” Kris’s dad got pushed to the other side by Luhan’s dad power. “You said we’re family! We have to survive together! What happened to that?” Luhan’s dad said. Kris’s dad groaned in pain as he stood up from the ground. “We are family. We stick together. Me and Junseo decided to stay here and safe exotics first, protecting this planet. Are you guys going to stick with us or not?” a fire flamed on Kris’s father left. He glared at Chanyeol’s dad. The unthinkable fight broke, the fight between the Crystals Families leaders. Those who supposed to stay by each other side, the one who protect the Planet, those with magnificence powers to safe the whole planet faught with each other. The worst its was an unfair fight, five agaist one.



The ground shook and lightening followed, stopping the fight. “Kyungsoo!” D.O.’s mom shouted ran up to her dearst son. Everyone turned to them. There they were. Their sons. Stood there together. Stronger than ever

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o