Believe. (AE 6 : SUHO)

Two Moons

“You sure you don’t want to come?” Suho said as he packed his cloths into the suitcase. D.O. helped Suho to fold his cloths. “No hyung.. you know I can’t just leave the bistro alone. “ Suho smiled, proud of his dongsaeng. “Araso.. are you okay to stay here alone? Maybe you can stay at Xiu Min’s, I heard that Tao will be staying there.”

“Ya hyung! Its not like this is your first business trip and beside I’m not a kid anymore.” Both of them laughed. “You’re right..” he didn’t know why but he had been thinking about you a lot lately. He misses you so much and that made him a bit lonely, especially when D.O is still at the Bistro as he came home from work. He just didn’t want D.O. to feel the same when he was out on the three days business trip to one of the luxurious Ski Resort in Pyeongchang. Both Kris and Suho’s company joined to built a vacation area with five stars resorts and stuffs.

“Go get some rest hyung, you’ll be off early in the morning right?” Suho nodded as he locked his suitcase. “Damn… I gotta get up ready to cook you breakfast.” Suho chuckled then pated D.O’s head. “You don’t have to really. Just put something in the oven so I can heat it up.”

“Well if that so.. I have to prepare it now.” Suho nodded and gave the younger boy a warm smile before he got out of the room. Suho got up from the floor and went to his closet to take out his coat. He accidently slid the door too hard, which made few boxes from the upper shelf fell down. D.O. rushed into Suho’s room. “Hyung gwenchana?” Suho turned around with a light chuckle. “Yeah don’t worry. We should get this door fixed soon.”

“Ahh you need any help?”

“No no its okay.” D.O. nodded and closed the door behind him as Suho bent down to pick the boxes. His tilted his head when he found the last box on the ground. It was more to a jewelry box, little, velvet blue with a yellow ribbon around it. He took it and opened it. His eyes widen in shock. How did this thing ended up here?! It was your bracelet, still with seven pedants attached to it but wasn’t like the last time they found it, it was fixed and it even got a hook on the edge so anyone can wear and take it off easily. “Oh..” he remembered years ago he and Xiu Min went to a jewelry shop to fix it so when you come back, you can wear it again. But the question was how did it ended up up there. “You knew I’ve been thinking about you lately huh Seolrae?” he talked to him self, hoping you, where ever you are, can listen to him. “You want to come with me?” he chuckled to him self realizing he was totally out of his mind to talk alone. He smiled as he hooked the bracelet. It was a bit tight for him since your wrist is a bit smaller than his.



“Nee.. We’ll work harder and do our best Mister Yoo don’t worry..” Suho and Kris bowed to one of their colleagues. Suho and Kris were the youngest there. “Lets go.” Kris said, Suho nodded and followed Kris to their room, which was just next to each other. “Are you going to stay until Wednesday?” Suho nodded. “You aren’t?”

“Emm. I got another important meeting on Wednesday morning in Gwangju so I have to comeback tomorrow afternoon.”

“Too bad..” Kris threw a can of cola to Suho and he caught it in ease. “Wae?” Kris took a seat next to Suho on the balcony. “I was going to ask you to go skiing with me tomorrow.” Kris chuckled. “Do you even have time to do that? Its business trip anyway.”

“Psstf of course I do. Why? You don’t?” both of the laughed it out how both of them were always too busy to do fun stuff. Both of them lost in words, the view of the snowy mountain were just too breathtaking.

There was another reason why they wanted to built something close to this in the island. They wanted to build another home where everyone can stay there, gathered or maybe spent their old days day later. Together. They wanted to stay together until the end, watching each other back and of course to built a new home for you. Where you can play water sports with Suho, playing volley ball with the magnaes, even a club, of course a safe and suitable for you, Luhan, Kai and Lay to have fun. Everything they do had something to do with you.




Kris was on his car heading to the airport. “There will be a big storm today…..” Kris eyes shot open. He quickly took his phone and called Suho’s phone but there were no answer.

“Mister can we turn around?” silly him to asked cause they were on a high way. !! He decided to call the hotel instead to check on Suho. To bad it was too late.


Suho looked around him, there weren’t many people there in fact.. there was no one around. He titled his head but shrugged it off his thought and get on his skiing board. He pushed him self and there he went down the mountain.


As he slid down he heard a rumbling sound which made him stopped even before he reach the safety area. He turned around and to his surprise the snow big amount of it came down from the top of the mountain. Suho quickly set him self to slide more at least until he reached the safety zone but the wind was too strong for him too see anything in front of him. Oh God please help me… the snowstorm came closer and closer he was too panic to do anything. He got on his snowboard just didn’t care where he will end up later he just want to hide from the big storm above him. He screamed for help as he slid down and the next thing he knew he fell and rolled down the hill. He hissed and screamed in pain as he felt pain all over his body, especially his feet and legs cause the heavy snowboard was still attached to his feet. He was sure that he hurt his ankles bad right now. The worst scenario was his helmet slip off of his head and he hit one of the tree. He groaned in pain. An enormous pain on his head, he could feel blood streamed down his face and his vision got blurry. It was quite, the storm had stopped but unfortunately not his pain. He breathed hard as his eyes slowly closed.


“Oppa! Suho oppa!!” Suho opened his eyes. He saw your blurry silhouette but he knew it was you from your shaky voice. “Please hold on.” Suho raised his hand to reach your face. He caressed your cheek and to his surprise your bracelet on his wrist shone so bright.




“Suho hyung!” Suho quickly got up, greeted by three familiar faces. D.O., Chen and Hanin. “Oppa! You’re awake!” Hanin hugged him. He groaned in pain. “Ahh mian..” Hanin pulled away. “Where’s Seolrae?” Chen and D.O changed look. “Where is she?”

“Oppa…” Hanin worriedly stared at him. “Hyung.. she’s gone remem—“

“SHE’S NOT GONE! I saw her I saw her at the mountain, she saved me didn’t she? Where’s she now? SEOLRAE!”

“Hyung please come down..” Chen squeezed Suho’s shoulder. “Chen! Believe me I saw her and heard her voice. The bracelet even—“ Suho eyes widen in shock. “Where’s the bracelet?”

“Suho hyung.. come down.” D.O. came up to him. “What bracelet?”

“Seolrae’s bracelet..”

“You didn’t wear anything on your wrist hyung. Not even a watch.”

“BUT I DID! Maybe it came off when I.. D.O. we have to come back!” Suho carelessly yanked out the IV from his hand. “Hyung!”




“We still couldn’t find it or the girl sir.” One of Suho’s men came into his room. Suho just nodded and turned to the still snowy mountain in front of his eyes. His men bowed and went out his hotel room. He punched the pillar on his right, his tears dripped off of his chin one by one. Seolrae-ah.. where are you???  No one believe in him but he believe in you believe that it was really you who saved him. I’m sorry I lost your bracelet but please.. please come back.. he couldn’t even feel the pain on his fingers anymore because of the overwhelmed sadness he felt at that moment. He clenched his shirt feeling the unbearable pain of craving to see your face. He wasn’t in his good condition either. Then something caught his eyes. Something shinning from underneath the snow way far from him but bright enough to let his eyes see. He didn’t think much, he grabbed his coat and knitted scarf and dashed out of his room.


“Where the..” he spun around and around. Digging the snow and looked around the trees and everything with only a help of a flashlight. He looked up to see the distance between him now and his balcony. It was approximately right. His eyes were playing games with him the thought. He looked around again, it was right where the accident happened but he couldn’t remember which exactly the tree he hit that day. “Seolrae-ah.. come out.” He didn’t know why but he felt like someone was watching him. He sat on the ground and set up his snowboard. “Yoon Seolrae, should I hurt my self again in order to see you?” he clasped the last strap of his shoes. He was actually still trauma. But something told him by doing this he might have a chance to see you again. He closed his eyes, feeling his own heartbeat beating faster and faster. His trembling hands and lips giving him a sign that his body wasn’t ready at all which cause his nervousness risen up. He clenched his fists and took a one deep breath. But before he could push him self to slide down the mountain. A pair of arms hugged his waist from behind. His eyes shot open as he held his breath.

He looked down, a pair of slender arms hugged him tight and to his relief a bracelet with seven pendants on it were on the right wrist. Tears started to pile up his eyes. “Seolrae-ah…”

“Mianhae oppa…” your tightened. “I left all of you without saying goodbye. I made you cry so many times. I’m sorry..” Suho took both of your arms away from his waist and turned around. He was a bit surprised because of your new look. You grew a lot he thought. A bit taller, your new long black hair and tapering cheeks but your warm eyes and pink lips never change. He hugged your neck and pulled you closer to him. “You’re here now and that’s the important thing right now.” he said.


Both of you went back to the resort hand in hand, smiling to each other. He handed you a hot chocolate as he took a seat next to you in front of the fireplace. “Thanks..” you smiled to him as you sip the hot chocolate. “Ahhh..” it was still too hot. Suho chuckled and rubbed your head lightly, “Paboya..” you grinned at him, blowing the hot chocolate. “Why did you hide?” you bite your lips glancing at him nervously. “I just, I’m not ready to meet all of you at the same time.” You said. “It wasn’t a plan to meet oppa either but you were in deep trouble and I had to safe you so I did.”

“Is that why you’re here?” you nodded. “Yes. Since your accident, I felt that it was my fault to make you like this. It’ll all better if you didn’t know anything about me coming back. You have a good life but since you saw me you turned back to you few years ago right?” he remembered the first year after everything happened. It was hard to lost everything all on the same time. It was hard not only for him but the others too. He softened as he saw tears pile up your eyes. He caressed your cheek softly, “Don’t say that. I’m now happier than ever to be here with you Seolrae. The others are probably happy to see you again too there’s no need for you to feel nervous or scared. You know we love you right? And it’ll never change.” You hugged him again. The two of you just spent the night talking about the memories both had, nostalgias. He had his arms around you securely and you rested on his chest, hearing his heartbeat like a lullaby to you and soon both of you drifted to sleep in front of the warm fireplace.

The next day both of you spent a day together. Breakfast with a great scenery, he taught you how to ski, making snowman, just having a great time.

The night came. The last night before coming back to Seoul to meet everyone. Suho prepared a candlelight dinner for the two of you on the balcony on his hotel room. After enjoying the delicious foods both of you stood there to enjoy the scenery one more time before leaving early in the morning.

He rested his chin on your shoulder. You glanced at him and smiled caressed his cheek with you right hand. Suddenly both of you heard a song from the room next door. It was a classic song with saxophone and everything just beautiful. Suho lifted his head from your shoulder and lent his hand. You stared at it in confusion. “Dance?” you chuckled. “Can you even?” Suho smirked. “Ya… I learnt a lot for the past five years. I can show you.” You took his hand. “Tell me…” you moved to the song with him. “First as you can see now, I know how to slow dancing.”

“Not bad, not bad at all…” both of you chuckled. “I know how to run a company. A big one.”

“Psstf SHOW OFF!” you flicked his forehead. He hissed and rubbed it to erase the pain. Both of you chuckled and got into an awkward silence. You rested your head on his chest, his heart was beating fast. He must be thinking of something big you thought. Another thing he learnt these past five years. Is not to waste any more time to wait to say his feeling towards you. “Seolrae-ah..”

“Ne?” you looked up to his serious face. Now your heart was the one that was pounding very hard. His eyes were so intense you could die on curiosity of what behinds it. He leaned closer and closer, you knew where he was heading to. You turned your head away before he could do it. You quickly hid your blushing face. It was not that you didn’t like him but it was just to fast for you. He smiled softly and took your hand again continuing the dance. You felt guilty that you did that to him. You took a deep breath and looked up. “Would you like to try that again?” Suho looked down at you with his questioning face. “Try what?” you looked up to him straight into his eyes and he got it. He smiled and cupped your face. Then he kissed you tenderly. His lips were like cotton candy, soft and sweet and yet it was electrifying. You kissed him back, pressing your lips as you wrapped your arms around him. You could feel he smiled to the kiss before both of you pulled away. “Ah!” Suho held onto your hand tightly. You looked down and to both your surprise both of you were floating in the air. You glared at him and so did he. “Is there anything you wanted to explain to me?” you gulped.

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o