Now and Forever. (AE 8 : Chanyeol)

Two Moons

Chanyeol walked into his practice room and to his surprised no one was there. He looked up to the watch on the wall. He tilted his head in confusion and quickly grabbed his phone to call his new assistant manager. “Junyoung hyung why are there no one in the practice room?” he heard a nervous chuckled on the other line. “M-Mianhae Phoenix-ah.. the prac---“ Chanyeol sighed. He couldn’t get mad at him because first he was just too tired to shout at him and second it was till Junyoung first two weeks so Chanyeol was nice enough to let him go just once (more than once this week). “It’s okay hyung.. and.. where’s my bag?”

“I put it inside the practice room.” Chanyeol looked around and found a black unfamiliar sport bag on the corner of the room then he opened it. His eyes widen because instead of finding his practice shoes and cloths he found his necklace, a photo album and many other old things inside that bag. “Hyung.. I told you to take my practice bag. I use that same bag everyday and why did you brought this one here?”

“Did I bring the wrong one?” Chanyeol sighed again. “Mian.. I’ll go back to your apartment now and bring the right one.”

“Hurry.” He hung up and threw his phone to the green sofa beside him.

There were still about 1 and half an hour to practice he decided to look what’s inside the bag. It was like digging a time capsule people likes to make when they were just a kid. He found everything there. His Phoenix necklace, his Crystal Family uniform, the last one he wore, and a photo album. Chanyeol couldn’t help but to feel that familiar pain again in his chest. These, these things in front of him and the rest inside the bag were the things his family tried to keep away from him. Then his memory came back, the first year. He didn’t want to eat or even came out of his room. His eyes were empty and even Lay’s or Baekhyun’s joke couldn’t cheer him up. How Sehun had to come over to help Sunhae persuade him to eat. How Kris and Suho always took him out to refreshed his mind but that didn’t work either. The CEO and the company did everything to keep the paparazzi or his fans to find out about his condition. With his closes people’s help, unconditional love and never ending support for him he could finally got back on his feet.

His tears fell as he found a Teddy Bear he gave you. (Chapter 42)

He hugged it and seemed to still had your scent on it. “Goma-ya… don’t you miss Seolrae too?” he nodded the teddy bear’s head with his fingers. He chuckled and hugged Goma again.

The day he couldn’t concentrate on the practice. He kept messing the dance and stuffs. “Phoenix-shi.. please, can you get a hold of your self.” Chanyeol bowed to his choreographer. “Maybe you should take a rest.” Chanyeol sighed and grabbed his bag and went outside the practice room to the studio. He took Goma out of the bag and laid himself on the sofa hugging the white teddy bear. He groaned frustrated, the fact the its nearly his last concert before a long vacuum and his mind didn’t listen to him well, making him crazy. He closed his eyes. Then you appeared on his mind telling him to believe in himself and to do the best for his fans. “Hwaiting oppa!” he smiled and soon drifted to sleep.




Finally the d-day came. Chanyeol couldn’t help but to smile seeing and hearing his fans screaming and cheering from him. His fellow rappers and idols who sent him bouquets of flowers congratulating him. And of course some of his Exo brother came. Baekhyun of course who works as a crew there, Sehun, Luhan, Lay, D.O., Chen and Hanin came to support him on his last concert.

He sang all of his songs in full energy and excitements, his fans were just amazing that night. As he walked to the front of the stage to finish the last song when suddenly.. “Ah!” something hit his head. The audience gasped and band stopped playing but he signed them to keep going. It didn’t hurt him at all actually but yes it did surprise him. He looked around to find what hit him earlier as he continued the song. He bent down and his eyes widen in shock when he found Goma (The Teddy Bear) on the stage near him. No no no its not Goma.. there are lots of people who can have the same Teddy Bear right?

He looked around the crowd hoping to find someone familiar in the audience then back to the Teddy Bear in his arm. His eyes widen again to find GOMA sewed on the foot. Chanyeol looked up from it and screened the ocean of people in front of him.

His heart skipped a beat when he found you in the back of the crowd.

You waved at him with a wide smile. Chanyeol dropped the microphone that made the crowd gasped for the second time. He moved as fast as a tiger, he jumped off of the stage and the fence on the same time. Still holding on tight to Goma in his arm.

The crowd automatically stepped aside to give him some space to walk, in this case, run. You watched as a tall man with his silk brown hair tied up came closer and closer to your direction and his eyes never leave yours as he run towards you. Your heart was so ready to burst in happiness as he stood just several steps away from you. Chanyeol stared at you from head to toe, making sure of him self that it was really you, despite your new look you were having. Everything went silent just some whispering around and not that you really care or didn’t even realize that everyone’s eyes were on you oh not to forget his concert was broadcasted live on tv. You could only hear your own heartbeat and you rapid breathing. “Chanyeol oppa..” you managed to whispered his name, not sure that he heard it but he knew you just called his name. He smiled, that famous teeth rich smile of his and run to you. You spread your arms to welcome him to your embrace but he wasn’t planning to.

He cupped your face and crashed his plump lips to yours. Your eyes shot open, and your arms dropped to your sides getting really weak because of his sudden move. You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest and your tummy was having a fireworks festival inside. He deepened the kiss, which snapped you out of your high and you slowly closing your eyes, returning the kiss. Then the crowd went wild awing and cheering for the two of you. You smiled to the kiss. His hands slid down to meet yoursn linking your fingers as both of you pulled away. You quickly looked down hiding your blushing cheeks. Chanyeol raised his hand and a crew came to him right away handed him a wireless microphone.

“Euumm everyone...” The crowd cheered again and made Chanyeol chuckled to the mic. You couldn’t dare to look up. You glanced at your hand that was still intertwined with Chanyeol’s which made your heart pounded faster. “Is it okay if I leave now?” they shouted “Yes” on the same time. “I know this is my last concert, I supposed to make a proper and memorable goodbyes for all of you.”

“But…” he looked at you and smiled. “JUST GO NOW PHOENIX!” one of the fan shouted from the crowd. Then followed by the others. Chanyeol could feel his happy tears pilled up his eyes, how amazing his fans are. “I love you all so very much. I promise to make it up to you. Bye~” he handed the mic to the crew and dragged you away.


You hugged Chanyeol’s waist from the side and rested your head to his arm as you watched Chanyeol busily rejecting phone calls to his phone. “Who is it?” you asked. “Suho hyung, Baekhyun, Suho hyung, Kris hyung, Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Xiu Min hyung, Hanin, Chen, Baekhyun, Sunhae---“ he paused to looked up to you and smiled. “Everyone misses you a lot but I wont let them take you away from me, not now.” you chuckled and slapped his arm playfully. He put his phone back in his pocket then hugged you closer again. “You’re so warm.. I wish I’m the one who warm you up right now, like I used to.”

“Its okay oppa. Its my turn now..” he smiled and kissed the crown of your head. You had told him how you woke up having Exo parent’s power within you. Suddenly Chanyeol groaned in annoyance as he felt his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and pulled the battery off of his phone. “Done.” He jumped off of his car’s hood and went into his car to put his phone away. You chuckled watching his childish act.

You wrapped your self inside the thin blanket Chanyeol always brought in his car as you watched the wonderful view in front of you after what? 5 years you’re now back up there on the Star Hill where Chanyeol took you on the first official date. The place where he spilled out his heart to you and where the two of you had your first kiss. “Oppa.. what are you doin?” you heard some noises, he was looking for something. “Nothing..”

“You need some help?”

“Nope~” you chuckled and rested your chin between your knees.

You looked up to him as he took a seat next to you. He was smiling to him self. “Weirdo.” He turned to you still smiling. “Seolrae-ah.” You turned to him. “Em?” he pointed at his Phoenix ring. “Do you know what this is?” you nodded. “Its your family’s ring right?”

“How did you know that?” you chuckled. “Its quite obvious you know.. and beside I saw one on your dad’s fingers too.” Chanyeol frowned. “Fine..” you chuckled again seeing his fake frowned face. “What about it?” he lightened up looked at you. “Do you know that there is actually a pair of it?” you nodded. “Don’t.ruin.the.moment.” you palmed your mouth and nodded. “So yeah there’s a pair of it.” Chanyeol his ring. Give her this when you’re ready. He smiled remembering his dad’s words. “and where is the other one?” he looked at you. “O!” you froze. He tucked the back of your ears like pulling something out of it. “The other pair choose it owner.” you stared at the beautiful ring on his palm. “And it choose you.” He jumped off of the car and pulled you along. Your eyes widen in shock as he kneeled in front of you. “I know now that you and I are truly meant to be together so would you be my partner for life?” you lost in words. It was just too fast for you to think about going further than this and beside you haven’t talk or even meet the others yet. But then you thought about it again.. he was the one that was always on your mind and the one who responsible for every sudden heart attack and butterflies in your stomach. Someone that always bring happiness to your day and put a smile on your face. Someone you fell in love with. You bite your lips nervously before answering his question. “Yes.”


You slowly opened your eyes feeling the warmness of the sun light on your face. You quickly turned around to find Chanyeol was sleeping soundlessly beside you. Even just waking up beside him made your heart warm. Your eyes shot open as you saw a glimpse of his bare shoulder. You pulled up the covers, Oh thank God… you knew that he wouldn’t go that far. You carefully got off of the bed and put on his blue button up on the ground and went out of the room to make him some breakfast.

Chanyeol stretched his hands and legs and turned to the side but he couldn’t find you. He jumped out of his bed and abruptly opened his bedroom door. “Are you awake??” he sighed in relief as he heard your voice. He walked lazily and crept behind you. “Emmm waffles…” you smiled as he rested his chin above your head. He sneaked his arms around your waist, pulling your body to his. “How was your sleep Mrs. Park?” you elbowed his ribs. He pretend to cough followed by a chuckle as he saw your cheek flushed red. “Go wash up first oppa.”

“Don’t wanna.”

“Aishh.. then no waffles for you.” He pouted still with his chin on your shoulder and eyes closed. “Oppa….” You whined but he didn’t budge. You smirked and splashed water to his face from your fingers. “Ya! Yoon Seolrae!” he pulled away and glared at you followed by your laugh. “I’m happy that you have our power which seem to make your life easier but don’t ever do that to me again.” You stick your tongue out and turned around. “AAAA!! Oppa! Oppa! Put me down!!” he turned off the stove then carried you on his shhoulder to the living room. “I’m sorry I’m sorry now put me down okay? Chanyeol oppa..” you hit his back then he put you down on the sofa. You backed away as he trapped you between his arms. You closed your eyes shut as he came closer to you but before he could reach your lips his phone rang. You held his face. “Take it.”

“No.” you palmed his mouth now trying to push him away. “Sunhae needs you. Go take that.”

“How did you know its her?”

“Lay oppa’s mother’s power d’oh!” Chanyeol groaned and took his phone. You watched carefully as his face turned to the worry one.

“What happened?” you asked. “She broke up with Sehun.” Your eyes widen in shock. “Why?”

“Same story. They always had this little problem for where their relationship is going. I don’t get her, she’s too young to think about this stuff and yet they keep argueing about it.”

“Don’t be like that. Just go and talk to her and comfort her. I’ll talk to Sehun.” Chanyeol looked up to you. “Like you know where he is.” You crossed your arms and raised your eyebrow. “Okay okay Mrs. I know and I can do anything.” He rolled his eyes. You pulled his collar and pecked his lips. "Meet you at 3?" he smiled and nodded.




Sehun wrecked his hair feeling very stressed out because of the fight between him and Sunhae. It wasn’t like it was the first time they were in this situation but he just felt like he had enough. But again he still love her more than anything. The worst part was Luhan was still out and nowhere to be found. “O! Wait Luhan hyung..” Sehun stumbled because of his hang over, he drank a bit too much last night. “Lu-“ his paused. His eyes grew wider as he found you smiling in front of him. “Noo—Seolrae noona!”

“How are you Sehunie?” Sehun jumped and hugged your neck. “Ewwww you smell!” you pushed him away. He grinned at you. “Hurry wash up. We need to do something.”

“Something what?” he closed the door behind him. “Do you want to get Sunhae back or not?” his eyes lightened up and nodded.  “Hu-rry-up!” you pushed him away.


Both of you went to lots of stores, to find a nice new cloths for him and some gifts for Sunhae. You also went to a small café with vintage theme and reserved a place there for Sehun and Sunhae. “Noona! How about this?” you raised your eyebrow. “You seriously going to buy a handbag for an apology gift?” Sehun shrugged. “Fine.. what should I give her?” you put your index finger on your chin pretended to think very hard. “In that case.. maybe you just buy her a fresh flower and think very VEEEERY carefully about your apology words.” Sehun nodded. “And make it sweet and convincing.” Sehun looked at you with his pleading eyes. “Help?” you sighed and nodded. He hugged you. “You’re the best noona seriously.” You chuckled. “Ya… you weren’t this clingy when I left you.” He pulled away. “Lets say.. it’s the drink effect.” He said with his faked drunk voice. “Pssstf I know you have this side of you. Ka! Change your cloths.”


“Sunhae-ah… its not that I don’t have a plan for our future or maybe yes I admitted I always avoided this kind of talk cause I’m scared.” Sunhae stared at Sehun with her cold eyes. “I want to spent my life with you but I want to get everything ready first. I want have a steady income first. So I can make your dream wedding come true, we can buy our own apartment and for Eunri too.”

“Huh? Who’s Eunri?”

“Our daughter?” Sunhae let out a laugh. “Yaaa are you trying to be sweet here?”

“Look how desperate I am right now?” Sunhae nodded and softened. “Here’s the thing Sunhae.. I love you. Isn’t that enough for you? I don’t know what the future holds for us all I know is that you’re the one I want to spent my life with and you’re the reason I want to seize the time every time we’re together. So please… forgive me..”


You smiled as you watched Sehun and Sunhae hugged each other from outside the café. “You’re always good at this.” Chanyeol kissed your cheek and hugged your neck form behind. “So proud of you.” You smiled and turned around as he let go of you. “Now lets go meet the others.” Chanyeol groaned in annoyance. “Fine! But don’t forget to tell them about us.”

“I thought you like sharing.” He smacked your head. “That’s five years ago. Now I want to have you by my self.” You chuckled and hugged his arms.







So how was Chanyeol's AE everyone? you like it? i put a bit of Sehun in it if some of you still wondering about who he will ended up with. anyways.. its nearly the end guys! finally! i know you're all geting very very bored of this story TT_TT just one chapter left, Kris, and I'll conclude everything in there about how she got the powers and how did she survive and stuffs so yeah.. Since my finals officialy started today i dont know when i can post the last chapter so bear with me okay? eumm what else.. well again i wanted to thank all of you for your support and love for this story and for me. to new subcribers thank you and my lovely readers i love you all. dont hesitate to talk to me!  i was thinking about getting a poster maybe any of you  want to kindly make one for me? lol <3 lullabyme07

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o