Strawberry Shortcake. (AE 4 : TAO)

Two Moons

ZOMG I'M CRAVING FOR STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE RIGHT NOWWW, SOMEONE SEND ME ONE PLEASEEE *bbuing bbuing to every Exo members and to my lovely readers* :p anyway enjoy Tao's AE i hope you guys like it. Who should I write next?

Tomorrow is an important day for Tao. Yes, it was valentines day. It wasn’t because the valentine it self but because his boss gave him a full authority to decide the theme, decorate and handle the pastry shop with his team. The opportunity only given to the student of the year and he proudly have the title.  He spent the whole week baking lots of cakes in the pastry shop even in the mansion. Everyday he would came up to Kris, forcing the older guy to try his different flavored cakes.

“Its delicious Tao. God! How many more cakes you’ll force me to eat huh?” Kris put the plate of Raspberry cupcake down to the kitchen island. He grabbed it and tried the cupcake himself. Kris watched him carefully. Tao sighed, “I just don’t feel right.” Kris rolled his eyes. “Why is it?”

Tao took his notebook and kicked “Raspberry” out of his list along with Chocolate, Red Velvet, Blueberry and Apple he already tried days before. “Okay Tao look. I know this is your first project but don’t overthink everything okay. Just go with the most remarkable flavor for you. Like your favorite or….” Kris paused. “You like everything so i bet you dont have a favorite one but yeah just don’t overly think it.” Tao nodded. Kris eyed the raspberry cupcake, “Change my mind, I’m going to finish this.” He grabbed it and pated Tao’s head before leaving the kitchen. Tao let out a long sigh again resting both of his hands on the counter. “TAO!! Aren’t you supposed to be leaving to the shop?” Kris shouted from the TV room. Tao shot up in panic mode, what should he tell his team mates and the boss that until day minus one he still haven’t decide on anything. He took of his apron and quickly changed his cloths.


On his way to the shop he took his note out of his pocket once again. Taping his fingers to the list page. Suddenly the bus stopped and his notebook feel to the floor. He quickly took it. His eyes widen. Seolrae’s Strawberry Shortcake. the stared at the recipe he haven’t had courage to try. Should I? he looked outside the street that was already decorated with pink, white and red ribbons.


Tao put the last Strawberry on top of his first hand made Strawberry Shortcake.

“Whaa.. oppa that looks delicious.” Seulgi, one of Tao’s team members said. “Hurry. Try it hyung..” Baekhyo, the new kid in their team excitingly stared at Tao as he took the spoon. Tao carefully cut a little piece of it and slowly put it in his mouth. His eyes widen, suddenly he could see your smile, your cute frown and of course your laugh he misses so much. He didn’t realize his tears started to stream down his cheek. “Opp-oppa.. gwenchanayo?” Seulgi concernedly squeezed Tao’s shoulder and that snapped him back to earth. He was surprised himself that he actually cried. Such a crybaby he thought of himself. “Lets go with the strawberries.” He said as he swept away his tears. His two juniors saluted him and went to the other team members to start the magic of pastries.




“Whaa hyung! They seemed to like the strawberry shortcake cookies we give away, they straightly went in and order lots of it.” Tao looked up from the mixer as Baekhyo came in. “Ne.. hyung, they also like the strawberry shortcake cupcakes and muffins, you’re a genius!” Minsoo came in with an empty tray. “Thanks. You guys worked very hard too to make this happen. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it hyung! Do you need any help here?”

“Yes we do!!” Seulgi and Chanmi said. The boys laughed. “Fine fine I’ll help.” Minsoo said. Baekhyo went back to his job as a cashier. Tao couldn’t wish better day or a greater feeling than this. It was like he’s on top of his happiness hill. The clock finally hit 10 p.m, they already stopped baking and the customer also stopped coming. Only one or two come to take home come cakes or cookies since the shop was going to close any time soon.

“Awesome job you guys! I’m so proud of you all..” Tao said. They group hugged, feeling very proud to themselves and most importantly for their team works. “Hyung, Tao hyung!” Baekhyo came in. “Wae wae?”

“There’s a girl. She asked for a strawberry shortcake but we don’t have anymore left.”

“Ya.. why don’t you tell her that?” Minsoo said. “I did! But she said she wont go if she doesn’t get the cake.” Baekhyo said. “Aishh.. customer nowadays. “ but Tao pulled Minsoo back. “Ya.. don’t be like that. I’ll go talk to her.”

“Good luck hyung..” everyone chuckled to Baekhyo overdramatic act.


Tao paused for a while, examining the last customer there, the girl with a long black hair. Stared the cars and city lights out side the window. She wasn’t like the kind of girl he had in mind when Baekhyo told him about the girl. She was very delicate he thought and yet very familiar. He snapped him self out of his thought and walked up to the girl. “Excuse me miss.. but we’re sorry to tell you that we don’t have any Strawberry Shortcake left.” Tao bowed politely. “But you shouldn’t mind to make one for me.” Tao titled his head. Okay.. change my mind. She’s unbelievable. Tao straightened him self. “But miss—“ the girl tucked her long hair behind her ear and stood up, smiling at him. “You…” he took a step a back as the girl came out of her table. She nodded still smiling to him. Tao rubbed his eyes as he took another step a back. “Yaa! Wae?! Tao-ya! It’s me!”

“S-Seolrae…” you nodded as you came closer to him but he took another step a back again. “Ya! Huang Zi Tao!” Tao stopped as his hit the table behind him. You crossed your arms on your chest pouting a him. “Seolrae-ah…”

“WHAT?!” you started to get annoyed by him. His heart burst and quickly ran up to you and put his arms around your neck, pulled you close to him. You snuggled to his chest, hearing his heart beating very fast put a smile on your face. “Seolrae-ah..”

“Ish.. stop saying my name!” you hit his back. He started to cry as his brain started to functioning again, telling him that this is real. You were real, in his arm, hugging him back. You quickly looked up as you felt his tears fell to your head. “Tao ya.. why are you crying..” you cupped his face. He couldn’t talk. He wanted to but he just couldn’t. You missed this side of him, the gentle and sensitive Tao. The one you wanted to hug and just spent your day with. You smiled at him, sweeping his tears away from his cheek. He tried to control his emotion. You his famous eye bags, chuckled. “Wae…?” he asked with his shaky voice. “I miss your panda eyes.” He chuckled, now sweeping his tears with his own hands. “But how..” he took a deep breath. You smiled at him, “I have my ways. Lets say I’m lucky I didn’t forgot to bring my lucky charm.” You told him. There was a long silence between the two of you. Just staring at each other eyes and smile. “Emm hyung..” Baekhyo and the others came out of the kitchen already in their casual clothes. You smiled at them, waving your hands politely. “Sorry for earlier.” You said to Baekhyo. “Ahh.. a-anniyo. I didn’t know you’re Tao hyung’s……” Baekhyo glanced at Tao but Tao didn’t gave him any answer. “Tao hyung’s friend.” You smiled at them as they bowed to you leaving the two of you alone in the pastry shop.

“So…” you turned around. “I still want my strawberry shortcake.” Tao laughed and took your wrist, leaded you to the kitchen. You sat on the counter, watching him gathered all the ingredients he needs to make a nice and the best one strawberry shortcake for you. He once paused in front of you and giving you a warm smile that made you blush. “I want to help. Can I?” you jumped off of the counter and stood beside him. “Of course. Just don’t blame me if it turns out not as delicious as you think it’ll.” You slapped his head. “So you think I’m that bad at baking huh BAKING KING HUANG ZI TA—“ he put a creamed strawberry to your mouth. You were a bit surprised but managed to eat it all in. Tao glanced at you and chuckled. “What?”

He wiped a tiny bit on cream on your nose. You smiled at him as you munched the strawberry he fed you earlier. You took another knife and helped him to slice the strawberries as he was busy with the plain dough. “What should I do next?” you watched Tao skillfully did everything. You were very proud of him that moment. He looked up and looked at you. “Just sit back and relax.”

“Aaaandweee I want to help..” you whined pulling his apron. “Ya ya ya.. stop it… just wait there okay. Go take something to drink from the fridge.” You frowned and did as he said. You found lots of milks in any flavors impossible and also yogurts. You took the strawberry yogurts and stood in front of Tao who was now making the icing for the cake. He looked to you and his eyes lightened up. You quickly hide your yogurt. “No.” you pushed his head away. “No no no I had an idea! We can make a yogurt icing. I think it’ll be nice.” you raised you left eyebrow at him. “Since when you’re this smart?” Tao stick his tongue out. “Now give me the yogurt Seolrae…” he eyed you with his sharp and scary eyes.“Gee.. fine, here.” You handed him the bottle. He pour the yogurt to the big white mixer bowl. He turned of the mixer, he looked at you smiling as he mix the icing together. “You’re such an inspiration.”

“Gee what a sweet compliment.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m serious.. you don’t know how thankful I am. If it wasn’t because of you I wouldn’t be here right now and today’s project wouldn’t be this success.” you smiled back at him. If smiling was a crime you would probably arrested for life, you couldn’t stop smiling because of him. You were more than happy to see him like this. You could still remembered clearly his pass life on earth, how he needed to face the bitter of losing someone important to his life and dealing with the alcoholic psycho father. You still remembered how that affected his life cause he’s a very sensitive person hiding behind that firm look. You couldn’t imagine how he was when he had to lose his real parents, his homeland and you. But you felt relief that you are back and you can make sure that he’ll live a great life from now on.

“Whaaaa….” Tao finished decorating the cake. You were about to jump off of the counter but he stopped you. He put the cake beside you. “This look so beautiful Tao.. I don’t want to ruin this cake.” You said to him. He chuckled and went back with a knife to slice the cake. He sliced the cake. You quickly take it with your hand. “Ya.. you should put it on the plate first.”

Your first bite was a bit sour from the yogurt icing but it turned heavenly sweet, it was like it melted in your mouth. He watched you carefully. “Whaaa this is delicious!” you said with mouth still full of the cake, which made him chuckled. He was very happy to see how you enjoy the came. His dream finally came true, is to make the best cake for you to enjoy and from the look of your eyes the cake is more than good cause now you gave him your pleading eyes. “You want more?” you nodded. “Aish this girl..” he handed you one slice. “Can you at least eat it like a lady no no like a decent person.” You stick your tongue out. “I don’t care~” you sang to him still munched the most delicious Strawberry Shortcake you have ever tasted in your life. “Yummy.. “


You smiled at his as you finished you second batch of cake eating. He chuckled staring at you. “Wae wae?” you knew there was something on your face. You tried to get rid of it but his chuckle turned to laugh. “Yaaa Tao ya! Help me!” you kicked his thigh. He tried to control his laugh and walked closer to you. You held your breath as he was right in front of you closing the gap between you two and to your surprise he kissed the edge of your lips where the icing was. It wasn’t a kiss but technically it touched your lips in any way. I love you Seolrae. Your eyes widen in shock as he pulled away. and his cheek were blushed red when you looked up to him. He quickly ran out of the kitchen before you could say anything. You snapped out of your thought. “Tao!!! Don’t leave me alone!!!!” you jumped off of the counter and chased him out of the kitchen.

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
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Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
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