Two Moons


Kai stood up on the top of abandoned building. “That’s fast…” he watched carefully as the other Exo came. His eyes turned brown, “Hyungs….” He misses them so much. It’s killing him each day but his eyes turned back red again as a loud thunder came. He jumped off the building, appearing him self in the fight scene. The other guys were heartlessly kicking and throw punches to already weak Chen. “Ya.. let him go.” Kai said. The other guys stopped and stared at him. Chen looked up he saw the blurry figure of Kai but he couldn’t recognize him. “Why? You wanted so safe him now little one? You wanna be the hero? Master wouldn’t be happy to hear this, isn’t that right fellas?” the other guys laughed like a hyena. Kai rolled his eyes. “I’ve warned you stupid .” He disappeared. The ‘leader’ stepped on Chen’s head.

“Let him go.” Chanyeol shouted as he juggled a fireball with his hand. The hard rain couldn’t even stop him to use his firepower. The bad guys turned their head to see who’s coming. “O! look you got your friends here to safe you… what a scene what a scene….” He let go of Chen. It’s him! Hanin eyes grew wider as he recognized Chen. “Chen!” Baekhyun shouted. “Hyung~” with his raspy voice. “You want to get him? Come get us first.” They were about 20 people and they were only eight of them excluded Chen. D.O held Hanin’s wrist tighter. While Sehun and Suho glanced at each other, their heart raced wildly just like the first battle they had not they remembered of course. The leader of the bad guys screamed and attacked Suho. Suho took a step a back not sure what to do. And the fight, begins. To their surprise those bad guys had powers too, unlike them the bad guys all had the same power. It was some kind of black smoke, which can really blackout your sight. Their punches felt like crow’s bite and scratch. Chanyeol and Xiu Min furiously throw their balls of fire and ice to the bad guys while Baekhyun blinded them with his light power. Sehun was more to defend him self with his air power, blew the bad guys away from him. As for Suho, the rain was a great help for him, he drowned one guy with his water power “D.O!” Lay shouted and kicked the guy who was about to come to D.O. “What’s wrong with him?” Chanyeol asked to Baekhyun while they were still fighting the bad guys. “I don’t know.” Chanyeol sighed as he grabbed the bad guy’s hair and burned it. “Donut! Help him!” Hanin shook D.O’s arm as she saw someone grabbed Chen’s head but instead of helping Chen, D.O stood there stoned as his body shook in fear. “Ish you!” she pushed him and quickly ran to Chen. She kicked the bad guy’s back and he landed on the ground groaning in pain. “Are you okay?” Hanin bent in front of Chen. Chen nodded his all beaten up face lightly. He hissed every time he move, the blood from his face washed away along with the raindrops. Hanin bite her lip, feeling sorry for Chen.

Hectic, everyone was fighting everyone. “D.O don’t you just stand there!” Lay pushed him. “Arghhh!!” Sehun landed on the ground. The bad guy was bout to throw a brick to his head but the brick slid out of his grip and flew in the air. “What the…” BUCK! And it hit the bad guy on the head. Sehun eyes grew wider as the guy fell beside him lifelessly. A hand appeared in front of his face. He looked up. “Finally find you buddy.” Luhan smiled to him. Kris landed behind Chanyeol and ready to fight, setting both of his fist in front of his chest. Chanyeol bumped onto him, he turned around. “Kris hyung?!” Kris nodded with his deep stare, Chanyeol nodded and jumped to attack another bad guy. “Ahhh!” D.O turned his head and find a guy caught Hanin. “Who the hell is she?” Suho kicked another guy. “D.O’s” Baekhyun said. “Eiiissh..”

“Donut!” Hanin shouted. D.O’s blood boiled as he heard Hanin’s screaming in pain. He turned around and stomped his feet.

The ground cracked and it sent wave of power to his surroundings. All of the bad guys thrown everywhere just like bowling pins even the other Exo members fell to the ground because of his enormous power. Everything when silent, only the sound of the light thunder, the raindrops on the ground and their own heart beats. Hanin’s jaws hung open in shock. “He’s back.” Chen whispered and smiled. It was a great finish for a fierce battle like this. Baekhyun and Chanyeol slung their arms around D.O’s neck and squeezed him between the two boys, they gave him a proud smile. Sehun and Luhan glanced at each other and smile. Kris stood tall beside his fellow leader, Suho while Xiu Min and Lay helped Hanin and Chen to get up. “Thank you..” Hanin bowed her head to Xiu Min. “Ahhh” Chen hissed when Lay healed his wounds. “I guess we all go to our place, what do you think leader?” Kris looked at Suho. Suho raised his eyebrow when the other looked at him. “Wow.. wait, What? Me?” Chanyeol and Baekhyun nodded wildly. He chuckled awkwardly, “Well.. a towel and hot tea would be nice.” The other laughed at him.




The sun shone trough the glass window and hit your soft skin. You squeezed your eyes shut and use your hand to rub it lightly as you breathed the fresh summer air. Such a nice and bright day, its true, there will always be sunshine after the rain. Using both of your hands to support your body to sat up you looked around and sighed in relieve as you saw Xiu Min, Lay and Baekhyun sleeping on the couch. You could hear their heavy breathing, they must be very tired because of last night, you thought. As you thought about it.. what really happened last night, they looked like they were completely fine, they didn’t have any bruises or stitches or maybe Lay has already healed them all. “Wait.” You twisted your body. Your eyes widen in shock. “I-I’m….”. Jumped off of the bed, you walked slowly to the couch hoping they wouldn’t wake up anytime soon. Lay’s face looked very pale. You must have used your energy all night… you pouted, his cheek. He moved a bit and you quickly ran back to your bed. “I see you there Seolrae.” you froze on your position. You nervously turned around. “Change your cloths.” He stretched his body as he yawned. “What?”

“You want to go home or not? I want to sleep.” You chuckled. “Yee goongju…” you bowed to him. He smiled and woke the others up.


“Oppa!! Ppalli!” you shouted to Lay, Xiu Min and Baekhyun who was still in the car tidied their things as you ran to your house that you missed so much. You inserted the key and twisted the doorknob.

“SURPRISEEEEEE!!!” you jumped in surprise seeing everybody was there. “Umma!” the woman in front of you hugged you tightly. “Why didn’t you tell me anything about this?”

“I-I I’m sorry I just don’t want to you to be worry.” You mom chuckled. “Not that.. I mean them.” She moved away and you saw everyone was there. Chanyeol, Sunhae, Sehun, Suho…

“You?” you pointed at Luhan. He rubbed the back of his neck and waved his hand at you. Kris and Chen gave him a look. “Anything you wanted to explain Luhan?” Kris glanced at him from the corner of his eyes. He looked down. “I’m Kris and this is Chen.”

“O!” you remembered from your dream. Kris tilted his head, you just nervously smiled at him and shook his hand and then Chen’s hand. “You’re okay now right?” you asked concernedly. Chen smiled and nodded at you. “You two too?” Hanin and D.O unsurely bowed. “Mom…” she smiled at you. “Now that she’s here.. can we eat Mrs. Yoon?” Baekhyun came and slapped Chanyeol’s head. Everyone laughed seeing the two. “It’s okay everyone lets eat.” Your mom glanced at you. “I made your favorite bibimbap.” Your eyes brightened, you hugged her again. “You don’t know how much I miss you and glad to see you here.. and about all of this.. wait whose idea is this?” you pulled off. “This is all their ideas.” Baekhyun and Xiu Min looked away and Lay quickly turned around. You chuckled, “But oppa… you just had a tough night last night right, all of you.”

“Pssstf tough? It was easy.” Chanyeol said with mouthful of food. “Ya.. eat the first that talk. Eiish this kid.” Kris rubbed Chanyeol’s head. “Its okay Seolrae, we just thought this is the right time to celebrate it as we are all here, nearly.” Suho said. “Eheyy our leader is back.” Baekhyun and Chanyeol mischievously laughed. Suho raised his fist playfully. “O!” Baekhyun pulled D.O closer. He looked clueless as always. You smiled at him. “This is D.O.”

“Donut.” Baekhyun glared at Hanin. You chuckled and lend your hand. “I’m Seolrae, its nice to meet you D.O-shi.”

“I thought he had gained his memory back last night, since I can got though his mind and talked to Chen there but.. he still doesn’t recognize us all.”

“It’s okay D.O-shi.. with or without your memory we all got your back.” You remembered what Baekhyun once said to you. He glanced at you and smile, glad that you actually remembered what he said to you.

Everyone had a great time. D.O finally talk with help from Baekhyun and Chanyeol. While Kris and Suho seemed to have a deep conversation, Sehun and Sunhae giggled to each other joke. Xiu Min talked to your mom and Lay and Chen talk casually on the sofa. You just wished Tao and Kai were there to make everything perfect and.. Aira too. “What the…” the glass you were just going to take moved to the side. You took it but it moved again. You heard a light laughed near the kitchen door. “Ishh you..” you rolled your eyes. Luhan slowly walked towards you still put on his angelic yet mischievous smile of his. “Aren’t you happy that we’re all here?” he took the glass with his power and handed it to you. “Can you see I’m so thankful that you’re all here?” you pointed at your face then sip the apple juice down. “No, I cant see it.” He crossed his arms on his chest. “Well.. I just wish Tao and Kai are here.. and..”

“Your best friend?” you looked up to him. “How…”

“I have my ways..” he chuckled glancing at you. He moved his fingers and a strawberry flew in the air and he caught it. “You want?” you rolled your eyes. “Why you always use your power? Would it be like draining your energy?”

“Its call practicing, we don’t know when they will come again right?” you nodded in agreement. You saw his sad expression when he watched Sehun and Sunhae from afar. “You missed him don’t you?” you asked. He smirked, “I don’t know him, he either.”

“Take that as a yes.” He snapped his fingers and your glass slipped out of your hand but it stopped before it hit the ground. You pouted at him. “You like to play with me huh?” he winked. “What? What did I say?!” you hit his arm lightly.


“Hey..” Suho said as you took a seat beside him. You looked up to Kris and he just stared at you with his firm eyes. Felt a bit unwanted there so you stood up, “Its okay Seolrae..” Suho pulled your wrist. You glared at him and glanced at Kris but Suho didn’t let you go. Sighed you took a seat the one you left before. “She have rights to know right?” Kris looked at you again you quickly looked away. Why does his stare give me so much dread. He smirked, “Not sure. Still don’t know her.” Suho nudged your arm. “What?” you whispered to him. You awkwardly laughed as you took a glance at Kris. “We’re going back.”

“Okay wait wait in that case, I’ll listen.” Kris chuckled. He was still unsure about the fact that you’re the star. You’re just an ordinary human teenager to him. “Errm aren’t you going to say anything or not?”

“We planned to look for the ship your dad once used to come back to Exo.” Suho said. “Kris hyung here already made a map, according to the last info your mom had for him before the crash, the ship probably still around there.”

“What if its not?” Suho and Kris stared at you. “I’m just saying.. I’m sorry, please continue..” Suho chuckled he could feel your nervousness. He knew its because of Kris because he felt the same way just last night. “So far that’s the short term project we.. well I planned for us. If you agree we can start it soon.” Kris leaned to the chair. “If I agree?” he nodded. Kris watched you taking your time thinking about it. “Aren’t we going to split teams again?” you just felt this happy for all of them to reunite but they have to split teams again, wasn’t it too fast, you thought.

Suho thought the same while Kris… thought about that too but no time to waste anymore. “You should talk about this to the others too. Have you?” Kris shook his head. “Should I?”

“N-not now… lets just give them, and you two some times to enjoy this beside you still need to find two more right, I mean one more.”

“Isn’t that you job?” you -____- at Suho. “Fine. Do what you want.” You faked your angry face. “Iyaaa Seolrae-ahh I’m just kidding.” You smiled at him. “It is my job though.” You walked away. Suho leaned to the sofa. “About her.. does she have her power yet?” Suho quickly sat up. “What? The supposed to have a power to?”

“She’s a star. Not only an Exo but she’s a star you know star right?” Suho raised his eyebrow in confusion. “No cause you confused me just now.”

“Maybe because she’s half human.” Suho added. Kris just nodded his head. How can she helps us if.. she doesn’t have any power. How can she protect her self? He turned his head to watch you laughing with Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and the others.




The bell rang, you ran down the stairs and skipped the last stair. Twisted the doorknob and you greeted by a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. The guy asked you to signed on the paper and he handed you the flowers. To your surprise it was from…


Seolrae-ah.. I heard about your accident, I’m really sorry I couldn’t visit you in the hospital cause I just got back from Japan today. Actually I wanted to say sorry for everything I said to you. I’m such a terrible terrible friend was I? How bout I treat you your favorite coffee tomorrow? Hope you like the flowers ^^ -Aira


A wide smile appeared on your lips. It was like an endless good news for you. Everything seemed to be right in their places. You put the sunflower on the bar using your blue vase your mom bought when you first move in to this house. Sniffing the pleasant smell from the flowers you suddenly felt someone is watching you. “Oh come on!!” you smacked the bar in annoyance. “Okay ghost.. please please it had been a very very nice week for me okay? Why don’t you seek someone else to play with?” the vase moved. . You eyes grew wider. “Why are you talking your self?” you jumped in shock. You turned around and found Luhan leaned to the wall staring at you like you’re some kind of freak. You grabbed an empty mineral water bottle and threw in to him but he ditched it, of course with his power. “You jerk! I thought it was really an angry spirit.” You rubbed your uncontrollable heartbeat. He burst into laugh. You crossed your arms watching him laughing at you like it was the best joke he ever heard. “Shut up. What are you doing here?” you asked him. He stopped laughing and turned serious. “To see you.” He said looked straight into your eyes. You didn’t know how he made your face redden in only a short of time. You turned around and washed your hand to avoid his eyes. Suddenly he burst into laugh again. “You fell for that? Hahahaha” you rolled your eyes and grabbed the bar soap and threw it to him and….

“Jerk.” It hit right on his forehead. You dashed out from the back door. He was really there to see you and…

“I know you’re here.” He said. Kai eyes grew wider. He quickly disappeared. Luhan sighed and went to Baekhyun’s room to gave him the copy of the map.




Kai appeared in a dark mansion people could ever imagine. He walked trough the hall with only his instinct to prevent him to hit on something. The door on the corner of the hall opened he could see few of the servants came out with lots of bruises and blood. They glared at Kai. Kai smirked, “Told you.”

They hissed and walked passed him. He laughed inside. Before he came into the master’s room he heard his conversation with someone.

“If you want to kill them why don’t you just do it since the beginning?” the dark mater laughed in victory. “That’s the beauty of it, torturing…”

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o