Next Mission.

Two Moons


“. This is not supposed to happen.” Kai watched as you fell down from the rooftop. He was going to safe you but he stopped when he heard Luhan called your name. Why are you always around them? You’re making my job even harder Seolrae. 


[flash back]

“You have to take her from them.” The dark master said. Kai looked up, “and then, what are you going to do with her?” he laughed. “I’ll keep her until the time is come.. and I can take her heart just like what I did to her dad. My stupid sister sent him to earth to hid him from me but I found him in the end.” He laughed again, a laugh that can make everyone afraid of him. “Why don’t you take her heart now?” the dark master stopped his laugh and glared at Kai. “What did Exo people teach their kids nowadays? You don’t know anything about the star?” Kai shook his head. “The star is Exo Planet it self. Technically a star is the heart of Exo Planet just like heart in human bodies. Even if they’re far from Exo Planet as long as they are alive then Exo will live.” Kai listened carefully. “and the most important thing, a star’s heart can give you enormous power any Exotic can ever imagined.” He smirked, “I got one and I want another one.” Kai looked at him. “That didn’t really answer my question.” The Dark Master sighed his head. “If I take her heart now, who’s gonna be the star that keep Exo alive?” Kai shook his head. “That’s the point. We have to wait until another star is born and we can take the old star’s heart. We got the power and Exo will live and beside I still need her to keep Exo alive until I rule Exo Planet.”

“So now your job is to bring her here with out your fellow… I mean ex-fellow Exotic along.”

[end of flash back]


Everything happened so fast you cant even let a scream out of your mouth. The moment your left feet left the rooftop, you closed squeezed your eyes shut how you wish gravity had mercy for you. “Seolrae!” it was Luhan’s voice, you recognized it and you stopped falling, your body floated in the air. Seconds later someone grabbed your hand and pulled you to his arm. Slowly opened your eyes, Kris with his firm expression greeted you. You sighed in relieve, gravity does have some mercies. Kris put you down as you both landed back safely. “Are you okay?” Luhan concernedly squeezed your arms. You nodded and looked back to the rooftop wondering what really happened. Kris took a deep breath and blasted off to the sky aimed the rooftop. You looked around, “No one saw that right?” Luhan raised his shoulders. “Thank you..” you said. He blinked at you. “I know it was you who stopped me from falling. Thanks.” You gave him a smile. He turned around and walked away hoping you didn’t see his redden cheek.


“What the hell Tao!” Chanyeol pulled Tao’s collar. “Ya ya! Easy Chanyeol hyung..” Sehun pushed Chanyeol lightly. Kris glared at Tao. “How could you do that to her?!” Chanyeol screamed at him. Tao was shock him self, didn’t know what really happened. “That was stupid Tao, you should be ashamed of your self.” Lay came in, leaned him self on the wall with arms crossed. Kris walked closer and protectively stood in front of Tao. “You know him, he would never do such thing to anyone.” Chanyeol smirked in disbelieve. “What ever.” Chanyeol walked out of the scene. Kris turned around and faced Tao. “What happened?” Tao stared at his own two hands. “I- don’t know.. I feel like something came into me and.. took over me, I-I just…”

“Look at me.” Tao looked into Kris’s eyes. Kris knew he wasn’t lying. He sighed and walked away. “Go back inside.” Kris said before leaving the rooftop. “That’s it?” Lay said. “All of you.” He left. Sehun looked at Tao in worry and still a bit suspicious. “Come on.” Lay said to Sehun, Sehun nodded and followed Lay leaving Tao alone. Did I just.. hurt her again? He clenched tight his fists.  


“Thank you for coming ahjussi..” you bowed as the guests left the mansion. Baekhyun taped your back, you turned around. “Do you want to go home now?” he looked at you, wrinkled his eyebrows in worry as he found dark circles under your hazel eyes and your pale lips. “Can we? Should we stay here to help the others to clean up?”

Baekhyun shook his head, “Lets go home, you need some rest Seolrae..” he your head. You smiled weakly at him as you looked around to see the others started to clean up but you couldn’t find Tao. Even if he pushed you earlier, even if you, your self still in shock at that point, you knew that wasn’t him. The way he sincerity loved his mom and not fighting back even if the man hurt and kicked him carelessly, made you believe he wouldn’t do such thing to anyone even if he wanted to. Baekhyun knew you were looking for him, he him self had tried not to punch Tao on the face for almost hurting you earlier. “He’s upstairs.”

“Thanks.” You smiled at him and went to the kitchen to make something for Tao. You walked down the hallway it’s getting darker and darker. “Wait.” Yes, this isn’t your home and yes again you forgot where the hell is the kitchen. There were like four doors in front of you, two on each side and a big window in front of you, telling you the night has come. You were about to open the first door, “Seolrae?” you jumped and turned around to find Chen stood there. “What are you doing?” you chuckled nervously. “I’m lost… where’s the kitchen?” Chen signed you to come closer. You walked up to him. “Its that way..” he pointed to the other dark hallway. You gulped on how scary it is. Chen walked to the hallway you went before. “Ch-chen oppa..” he turned around. “W-would you accompany me? c-cause..” he chuckled. “Lets go.”  He walked passed you leading you to the kitchen. From afar you could heard a girl and a guy giggled and laughed happily. You glanced at Chen but he kept his cool expression like he didn’t hear anything. He opened the door and you could see clearly his expression changed. D.O and Hanin turned to you two who just entered the kitchen. You waved to them awkwardly and glanced again at Chen again. “Seolrae-ah come here, try this! D.O and I made this for dinner.” Hanin said pointed at the pot. You brightened and walked up to them. Hanin blew the soup and fed you. “Uwaaahh.. this is nice..” you said. “Hyung. Try this!” D.O said. Chen jumped a bit seemed like he wasn’t there for few moments. He shook his hand, “I’m okay. I’m leaving, you know the way back right Seolrae?” he asked. You nodded as you took another spoon of soup. “Thank you oppa.” He nodded and went out. You glanced at him as he left the kitchen. He looked sad. You watched as D.O cleaned Hanin’s lips with his thumb. You chuckled. “What?” Hanin turned to you and D.O too. “Anni…” they looked like a couple. Is Chen oppa jealous?


You nervously walked into the reading room, where Tao sat there deep in his head. You sat beside him on the carpet and put the cup in front of him. He looked up greeted by your smile and the stared at the cup and back to you then looked away. Sighed, you put the cup on the coffee table in front of you two. “Tao.. are you still mad at me?” you looked down staring at your hands playing with your hanbok bow. He glanced at you, didn’t know what to say, he didn’t even know why he was like that. Yes, he was a bit mad at you but now it’s more to the bad and guilty feeling towards you about what happened earlier. “I’m sorry.. jeongmal mianhae…” tears streamed down your cheek. “I don’t know what else to say than to say sorry.. It’s my fault, if I didn’t come, if I just do what you told me to, if I just told Lay oppa to come earlier.. this might not happened.” He looked down also, staring at his feet and once or twice glanced at you from the corner of his eyes. “Seol…” Chanyeol stopped when he saw the two of you and you were crying. “Ya, what did you do now?” he eyed Tao. Tao glared at him. Why is everyone blaming me right now?

You took Chanyeol wrist and he helped you to get up. “I-It’s okay oppa.. this has nothing to do with him.” You erased your tears with your palm. “Dinner is ready, well almost. Lets go.” He pulled your hand. You stopped him and glanced at Tao. He looked at your pleading eyes, sighed, “You have to eat Tao. Lets go.” He said. Tao looked up and nodded. Chanyeol pulled you out of the room. You looked back but Tao wasn’t following. You let your wrist go from Chanyeol grip. “Oppa go first?” he sighed and nodded. You came back to the reading room. “Tao.. its okay if you don’t want to talk to me.. but at least you eat. Please..” he looked up. He couldn’t deny your worry eyes, sighed, to made you realized that you annoyed him and he stood up. You smiled as he walked passed you down to the dining room.


Baekhyun waved his hand as you entered the dining room and Chanyeol moved the chair to let you seat between him and Baekhyun. You smiled as a thank you. Luhan sat right a cross you, he was talking to Sehun that sit next to him. Chen on Luhan’s left side, you caught him once or twice glancing at D.O and Hanin who seemed to have their own world. Lay and Xiu Min talked to Kris and Suho. Everyone stopped when Tao walked into the room. He stopped a while and looked at the other one by one. He took a seat on Kris’s right side beside Suho. The dinner was really quite. You were eating your mashed potato when suddenly a spoon full of mashed potato dropped on your plate. Chanyeol smiled at you and went back to his plate. Baekhyun glanced at you two, he took two pieces of salmon and put it on your plate. He smiled when you looked at him. Chanyeol cleared his throat, you looked at him and he glanced at your plate. You thought he was telling you to eat your dinner but when you looked at your plate there was a pieces of steamed chicken on your plate and suddenly a sausage also appeared. You smacked your spoon and fork down and glared at the two boys. Luhan and Sehun chuckled. “What’s wrong?” Kris asked. “Oppa, can you tell these two to focused on their dinner than to put foods on mine?” Kris looked at Chanyeol and Baekhyun they quickly looked down earned a chuckle from Suho and Xiu Min while Lay just stared blankly. “Thank you.” You were about to grab your glass to drink down the annoyance but.. it moved every time you wanted to take it. You closed your eyes to hold your anger and looked up to Luhan. He quickly looked away but you could see he was holding his laugh.

“I need everyone attention please.” Suho said. Everyone turned to him. “I know this is such a bad timing,” Suho touched Tao’s knee and glanced at him.”..but we couldn’t waste more time.” He continued. “We planned to look for the ship this weekend.” Your eyes shot open so did the others. “Me, Kris hyung, Lay, Xiu Min hyung…” Baekhyun clenched his fist, Chanyeol squeezed your hand and Chen waited in silence.

“And we picked D.O and Sehun to come with us.”

“But…” D.O looked at Hanin. Hanin nodded at him, he was just too scared to be apart from her. Even though they said they were his brothers but he could only trust Hanin and Hanin only. Hanin nodded at him again and smiled. He sighed, “Okay..” Hanin squeezed D.O’s arm. The hyungs smiled at him while Luhan and Sehun looked at each other. You stared at them, you felt bad for them. “Oppa.. are you sur—“

“I’m in hyungs.” Sehun said. You looked at him and he smiled at you while Luhan proudly looked at Sehun. “Good.”

“I’m sorry, isn’t it better if one of the leader stay? Just in case…” Chen who was always to as he told to by the leader, Kris, said. He was scared that something might happen and no one could handle it since the leaders were both gone. “I’ll go. You should stay here Suho-ah.” Kris said. “Are you sure?” he nodded. “They needed you.” Suho looked at those who stayed. Chanyeol and Luhan nodded at him. “Okay I’ll stay.” 







Sorry for not updating last night cause I had to study for my midterm exam which was super useless cause it wasnt as difficult as i thought it would be but thank God for that. AND OH MY GOODNESS GOD EXO IS HERE IN INDONESIA I FEEL LIKE....... . T_T I WANT TO SEE THEM SO BAD DAMN IT. okay sorry.. i hope you like this chapter, i just put some random scenes here. and nothing happened to Seolrae ha ha such a bummer i know. I was going to post two chapters today but something came up so i couldnt write much and still i have to study for tomorrow's test so yeah imma study now. <3 lullabyme07

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o