The Truth.

Two Moons


We’re back. Meet us at the mansion.


A wide smile appeared on Chanyeol’s lips as he glanced at a bouquet of red roses in his hand he bought for you earlier. Two things so celebrate tonight he thought, his brother’s comeback and your success for the callback. He quickly jumped into his car and drove off to the mansion.


“Oppaaa~” Hanin punched Chen’s arm lightly. He was just too funny for her when he imitating the line on the drama both of them was watching. He did it again but before Hanin could lay a hand on him he grabbed her wrist. Hanin’s eyes grew wider as she realized how close their face was, she was sure he could see her redden cheek at that moment. Chen smirked as he touched her nose with his own making her feel like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. She gulped feeling his breath on her lips. Chen squeezed Hanin’s wrist asking her to look back at him and she did nervously. His eyes softened and closing slowly as he leaned it but before anything happened his phone rang. He cursed inside and quickly picked up the phone as she sighed a big relieve rubbing her own chest to calm her heart down. “The hyungs are back.” Chen cleared his throat. Hanin noticed Chen’s changing expressions, he was now serious and dark. “Okay, I’ll be there soon.”

“Emmm something’s wrong oppa?” Hanin concernedly asked him. Chen stood up. “Nothing, I got to go.” Left her confused because of his sudden mood changing. What’s up with him? She quickly squealed to the sofa remembered what happened between them two earlier.


“No… I this is not right. The star family wouldn’t ever do this! How come you believe in those guys?” Luhan said to Kris. “Because it all fitted well, she was the one who told us that the ship crashed there right? You were there when she told us! But it wasn’t there and on our way home we got attacked by those guys. Who are you expected me to believe now huh?”

D.O and Sehun could only stared at the two fighting. Xiu Min couldn’t say anything else, he was too confused, he didn’t want to believe in Kris words and those guys who attacked them on their way back but the plot was perfectly fitted just like Kris said. “At least we talk to her first.” Suho said. “Ya! Xiu Min hyung! Lay! Why aren’t you two saying anything? You knew her longer than me.” Lay ran his fingers trough his hair. Chen and Chanyeol came in, they looked at each other as they both felt the negative atmosphere in the room. “What’s going on?” Chanyeol looked at the other one by one and leaned to the sofa, Xiu Min, Lay and Sehun sat on. Chen couldn’t take his eyes off of D.O, emotions started coming, happy, glad a little bit of sad and of course jealousy. D.O nervously smiled at Chen realizing the he was staring at him. “Where’s Baekhyun.. and Tao?” Chanyeol looked around. “Baekhyun is on his way to pick Seolrae up and Tao probably on his way here.” Luhan answered. Chanyeol glanced at the flowers in his hand again and smiled.  They heads turned to the person who just got there. “Hyung!” Tao supported him self with his hand on the wall. He panted like he just ran around the town. “Hyungs…” he tried to catch his breath while the other were waiting for him carefully. “The ship….” Everyone eyes grew wider. “Is…”

“actually in the house.” Kris and Xiu Min stood up in shock, so did the others who just now made their own scenario in their heads. “Whose house?”

“Seolrae’s.” Kris kicked the couch too hard it even disappeared to the other room. Tao straightened him self, wondering what happened or what did his news made the others thought. They were all deep in their thought. Lay slammed him self to the sofa in disbelieve. Luhan pushed Kris lightly, “We still have to listen to her explanation!”

“She’s not coming…” everyone turned their heads and their eyes shot open in shock. “KAI!!” all of them called his name and he just reply it with a smirk. “You guys are so stupid… blinded by her beauty and fake innocence act.”

“What are you talking about!” Chanyeol stood up glaring at Kai. “They are actually the bad guys here okay?” Kai threw the bundle of 13 Crystal Skulls Aira printed for you to the table. Suho picked it up and read it, Sehun and Lay joined him. “Gathered at least twelve remarkable people, exchange the downfall of the earth to the new beginning.” They got it, about what the sentence mean. “That’s why they kept us here.” Kai smiled in victory, the others started to doubt you and believe in him. “Humans will always be humans. Even a half human is still a human. They do everything for them self, just to survive.”

 “Have you heard anything from Exo? The war just started, they already got our parents.”

“What?!” Lay, Tao and Xiu Min stood up. Kai nodded. “How do you know so much?” Luhan got suspicious. “I got my ways.” He used Luhan’s phrase. “I’ve been watching you---“ Kai stopped as he heard the front door open.

“Oppaaaas!!!” you jumped and quickly hugged Xiu Min. The next thing you knew you were slam to the wall by Kris. His sharp eyes pierced into your soul burning you with his anger and hurt you with his grip on both of your shoulders. Tao and Lay pulled him away. You were too shock to do anything. Tao and Lay let Kris go. Suho pushed him, “Are you crazy?!” Chanyeol stood in front of you protectively as Luhan took Kris by the collar and glares at him.

“Wh-what’s going on?” you were completely shocked and scared. Their eyes weren’t the same, those soft eyes you couldn’t see anymore changed into a cold and anger ones. “Look what she have done… everyone is fighting because of you star.” you titled your head to found who was talking and Kai smirked at you. Who is that?

“Chanyeol hyung… she doesn’t like you.. she was only playing with your heart… and Baekhyun hyung’s, why are you protecting her?” Chanyeol glared at Kai. Your eyes grew wider as he burnt the flower to ashes in front of you. He was fighting with him self and he didn’t dare to looked at you, who was still standing behind him. Luhan and Tao watched it happen. They were too, hurt, they just finally opened up to you but was it the real you?

“I saw you with her too hyung.. you like her don’t you?” everyone turned to Luhan. Kris let out a small mocking laugh. “So this is why you defend her?” Luhan’s grip Kris’s collar tighter. “Stop.” Suho held Kris and Sehun quickly pulled Luhan away.

You pulled Chanyeol’s shirt, he looked at you but not with his heartwarming eyes. “Oppa.. what’s going on?” He frustrated at his own thought, he pushed the wall cracked before leaving to another room. You bite your lips to prevent you from crying. You stood alone now. “We found the ship.” Suho said. You turned to him. “In the basement of your house.” You mouth hung open. “My house doesn’t have a basement.”

“But apparently Tao found it.” You looked at Kai like he just said something out of your mind. Tao looked away when you looked at him. “Just say it! We already know Seolrae…” Kai shouted. “Know what?”

“Did you and your mom set this up?” what was that supposed to mean? You looked around but no one seemed in the mood to answer your unsaid question. “Set what up? I don’t get any of this.” D.O handed you the bundle. Kai watched the other and back to you. This is fun… “Is that yours?” Lay asked and you nodded. Kris sighed in disbelieve, how could he fell for this. “How could you do this to us Seolrae… out parents needs us and you kept us here just to save the earth while our, OUR own world needs us Seolrae.. how could you do this?”

“Oppa.. I really.. I don’t, I’m not.. I have no idea about the ship I swear to God.”

“But you don’t deny that you keeping us here right?” you glared at Kai.What ever happens, those 12 have to stay on earth.

“Seolrae.. just say it..” you looked at Xiu Min in disbelieve, how could he not believe in you. “We swear wont hurt you if you tell the truth.” You glared at Suho. “Oppa… I’m not lying..” Suho shook his head in disappointment at you. So did Xiu Min, while Lay looked down he didn’t want to look at you, D.O was lost and Sehun glanced at you several times. “but you didn’t deny it, what makes you think we will believe in you?” Kai added. Lay and Xiu Min walked away. Luhan glared both of them. You clenched your fist and quickly ran out of the mansion with tear streamed down your face. “Seolrae!” Luhan shouted but Sehun quickly stopped him from ran after you. Kai smirked, he snapped his fingers and disappeared. “Kai!” THAT BASTARD! Luhan pushed Sehun he landed on the floor. Kris let his hand to helped Sehun up. Sehun was a bit surprised that Luhan did that.

“Think twice before you gave you pendant to someone.” Kris looked at Xiu Min and Lay. Xiu Min looked away, Lay was just too busy thinking to listen. All of them except Luhan, gathered in the dining room. It was quite since everyone still in shock. “Wait. Where’s Baekhyun?”


Baekhyun read the book page by page as your mom watched him. The same book you left in your room, the book Aira gave you, the book that will solve all of these problems and misunderstanding. “So we really are meant to stay here?” your mother nodded. “Sacrificing us… are we going to die here?” Baekhyun was a bit relieved when your mom shook her head. “I just cant believe.. the queen especially our parents hid all of these from us.” Your mom pated his shoulder. “I have to get out of here.” Baekhyun stood up but your mom held him. He signed him to wait. Few minutes later she came back with some papers and a notebook in her hands. She took a seat in front of Baekhyun and she gave the papers to him. It was your father’s medical record and his death certificate. “What is this for?” Baekhyun asked. You mom wrote something on the notebook. “These are all.. FAKE?!” your mother nodded. 


“KRIS HYUNG!!! SUHO HYUNGG!! ANYONE!!!” Luhan rushed down to the living room while the others came from the dining room. “Where have you been Byun Baekhyun?” Suho slapped Baekhyun’s head. Baekhyun quickly hugged Xiu Min, Lay, Sehun and D.O and he hi-fived Kris. He stared at everyone. “What? Why are you guys so blue about? You found the ship right?” Suho changed glance at Kris. “We did.”

“Ah chincayo?! Where is it?”

“In the house.” Tao answered. “Which house?” everyone was silent. “OUR HOUSE? I mean Seolrae house?” Lay nodded.  “Woaaah that’s a waste of time and energy.” Everyone stared at Baekhyun in weird expression. His reaction was too… different from them earlier. “What?” Chanyeol sighed in annoyance as he remembered Kai’s words about him and Baekhyun. Baekhyun raised his eyebrow. “Someone.. please tell me what’s going on.”

Suho slung his arms around Baekhyun’s neck and brought him to the living room. Kris and Suho explained everything to Baekhyun. Baekhyun stared at them in disappointment and they seemed to realize it. “I cant believe you guys believe in that.”

“Everything just fitted Baekhyun and we have prove.”

“Maybe he’s just one of her fake innocence’s victims.” Baekhyun raised his eyebrow towards Kris. “What if I said I got all the answer to everything?” they looked at him as he put the letter and the book and Seolrae’s mom notebook to the table. Suho, Kris, Xiu Min, Chanyeol and Luhan read the letter, while the others read the book.


Dear my not so little star anymore Seolrae,


Seolrae-ah… you’ve grown a lot. I spent 3 years making this dressing table for you, it was easy.. the hard thing was to fit the mirror to it. As maybe you’re already know now that, because you’re reading this means that the mirror is not there anymore, the mirror wasn’t just a mirror but a portal. Anyways this isn’t why I wrote this letter for you.

I wanted you to know… that you’re much more stronger than you think you are Seolrae. It’s not easy being a star. Everyday you’re haunted by the thought of someone is looking for you, wanting to rip your heart away from you just because he wanted to be the most powerful person to take his revenge towards everyone from his past. That was why the Queen sent me to earth, to protect me.

Last week I talked to the queen via that mirror, tasted it before I give it to you for your birthday present. She told me about your mission. My heart broke when I hear it. I hope I’ll still be there for you until the end.


You have to find the 12 forces, the 12 last generations in order to safe the earth. Sounds easy right? But that wasn’t all. You have to sacrifice your self to save their world also.


Suho, Kris, Xiu Min, Chanyeol and Luhan eyes grew wider.


That’s the job of a star. We have to be ready whenever wherever to sacrifice our self and as a star, we were born with no choice, unlike the others. If we could switch places I would do this mission for you my dear. But again we were born with no choice than to do our mission. The good thing is you were born in earth. You are loved and you can find a real meaning of freedom here, only on earth. You’ll learn honesty which Exotic lack of because their heads are all about being the most powerful among others. You will know the real meaning of family and friendships, only on earth. I hope you can show them especially the 12 forces that earth is worth to fight for. And prove Exotics that humans are powerful even without special powers.


I believe in you. And I will always be with you until the end because like the two moons, our hearts are one. 


--Current Star, you most awesome father, Yoon Doojoon.


Baekhyun who was explaining everything to the other looked up from the book and stared at the other five who was reading the letter. They finally came to sense, they can see clearly now. They were meant to be here, to stay on earth but they could deny the feeling of worry about their own family back in Exo Planet. Should I stay or should I go back? The question is now that. Because according to the book and the Maya’s prophecy they don’t have much time now. If they still wanted to go back to Exo to safe the others they have to be fast.

“Hyung!” Sehun pinched Baekhyun’s nose. “AAAAW! What the hell Sehun?” Baekhyun slapped Sehun’s hand. There was blood on Sehun’s hand. Baekhyun gasped and he quickly turned to see Lay and Xiu Min who was bleeding also. “Seolrae!” the three of them shouted.




It was dark… you couldn’t see anything. Relaying on your instinct you took little steps towards the only glimmer of light in front of you. Your heart raced fast as you reached the light, it was a spotlight, flashing on a person inside a glass cube. He was jailed inside. You came closer. The person looked up as he heard your footsteps. “HELP!! HELP!!” he shouted. You stopped in fear. “Help me pleaseeee!!”

Is that the guy earlier? Kai?! Your eyes grew wider. You ran towards him. He punched the glass but it was useless. “Kai… ottokeeee!!” you looked around but still nothing was there that could at least help you to break the glass. He suddenly stood up. You looked up to him, right on his dark brown eyes. “Help.” The glass disappeared and his eyes suddenly turned red and he choked you with both of his hands.

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o