Fantasy Book Effects

Two Moons


“Like it or not, she has to stuck with them and they have to protect her.”

“Boo!” you almost had a heart attack being surprised by your classmate, Aira. “Still reading the book I gave you?” she took a seat beside you, resting her head on her desk. You replied her with a light nod as you got back to the book you were reading. You’re not the person who likes to read books, well you used to but you just lost your passion for it. Few days ago Aira gave you a fiction book for your birthday present. She knows you don’t like reading but as a best friend she wants you to spend your time with something useful rather than seeing you spending hours in front of your laptop. The fact that the book she gave you somehow bewitched you and you drowned into it. Wasn’t your first fiction book but yes it was the first one that made you don’t want to read it fast and finish it. “Do you think people can have real powers?” Aira stared at you. “You know me, of course I sort of believe in that.”

“And life on another planet?” Aira titled her head. She rested her hand on your forehead. “Ya! Yoon Seolrae, are you okay?” maybe its because the book’s effect. “Its your fault for giving me this book.” You called it enough for today, put the book inside your bag.


You heard a metal crushing to each other. It was a noise that swords made. You saw a blurry figure staring at you. The petals from the flower the person cut with his sword before freeze in the air before it hit the ground so did everything around you, numbed, not moving at all. It was like the time stopped at that very moment. You blinked and he disappear leaving lots of mess on the ground. And then a person you can only see his dark brown hair bend on his knees and slowly move his hand above the sliced flowers on the floor and suddenly everything turned to be a garden full of flower. Snow came down from the sky. Another blurry figure appeared as the previous one gone. You can feel your body froze like an ice statue. Again another figure came behind you, the sky turned dark and lightening everywhere. One hit you and broke the ice, releasing you. Just about the time you thought it was over, a brick flew near you almost hit your head, thanks to your fast move. Another brick flew in the air aiming you, you looked further, a person raising his hand and move it to the right and the brick hit the wall rather than hit your head. Suddenly you felt weightless. Your body seemed very light. You looked down and see the whole town under your two feet. You turned your head, a person stared at you carrying you in his arm. Both of you were flying. And suddenly his face turned very sad and he disappeared and you…


“!” you quickly rubbed your . It was just another weird dream. You scolded your self for ended up on the floor. You had been dreaming the same dream over the past days, since you read that book for exact, the book that still open on the last page you read before falling asleep. You stood up and put the book on your nightstand. Sighed. You glanced at the book. Stop. Don’t read it. You have to sleep Yoon Seolrae. Another glanced you slowly spread your hand trying to reach the book. When suddenly a cracking noise came from your window. You quickly turned your head and found your window cracked on the edge of it. Slowly, step by step you walk up to it. Breathed hard. You hate being in this position, being the stupid girl who chase for that weird sound when you know it’s going to be the ghost in every horror movie. But thank God no girl with long hair appeared on your window. You stared at the cracked glass, wondering how it happened. “Crap!” the glass was actually very cold. It was like winter. That’s weird. You touched the window again and took a small snowflake that stuck on the glass. It was still cold but slowly melted in your palm. The thing is, it wasn’t winter yet. You quickly shook your head, “I really need to sleep.” 

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o