Black Pearl.

Two Moons


“Annyeong omonim…” you bowed when Aira’s mother opened the door. “Ah Seolrae-ah.. long time no see you.”

“Ne omonim.. how are you?” you smiled to her slightly glanced inside the house. “I’m good. Are you looking for Aira?”

“Oe.. is she home?”

“She’s----“ she suddenly stopped. You raised your eyebrow suspicious. “She’s out with Hoya.”

“Ahh chincayo?” her mother nodded. “Arasoyo omonim I’ll come back later then.” You bowed. You turned around again when you heard the door close. Something told you that she was inside, still doesn’t want to talk to you. Sighed you decided to call it enough for that day. You checked your watch it was five in the afternoon. You walked down the empty street, you looked around, it was pretty quite. You wonder why was it like that. Suddenly you heard noises from the other side of the street. You peeked from the alley. On the end of the alley, you saw a guy fell on his . Are they fighting? You could see another guy appeared he shouted pretty loud while throwing his fist to the air. Something got into you, your legs leaded you into the alley. When you reached the end you slowly peeked out to see who was fighting who. You saw a guy with all black fighting bunch of other guy. What is this? Bunch against one? You said as you carefully watch the fight. The guy was very flawless you thought, he was good at martial art you could see it from his moves. He axe kicked the guy who was just come to him.

You were too into the fight you didn’t notice that someone stood behind you. The next thing you knew someone pulled your shirt, like a puppy he brought you to the fighting scene. You tried to break away from him. “Look who we got here….” The guys said. The fighting scene stopped for a moment. “Such a cute puppy to be in a place like this..” he grabbed your face roughly. “Let-me-go!” you moved your head wildly. “Look at her.. so innocent so…” he looked at the all black guy. ”You don’t want me to hurt her right, Tao? Just give up okay..” he said. “Do anything you like, I don’t know her.” You glared at the Tao guy in disbelieve, regretted you adored and wowed at him earlier. “Oh really…?” the guy who held your face took out his penknife. Your eyes grew wider. You were really scared. Oppas help….


Xiu Min looked at his paperwork on his table. He raised the last one he just signed on. “What is this?” there was a red spot on it. “Xiu Min-ahh..” he put down the paper as he heard his co-worker came in. “Yes?” he smiled. The girl’s smile vanished. “What?” Xiu Min asked. “Your nose….”


“Hyung! You bleeding!” Baekhyun quickly took a tissue and squeezed Lay’s nose with it. Lay ditched his hand. “It hurts stupid.” He looked at it. How… he was surprised to see his own blood. He quickly remembered something. “SEOLRAE!” he shouted and ran out side. “Hyung!” Baekhyun followed him.


You squeezed your eyes shut when you felt the blade touched your cheek. A moment later you couldn’t feel the blade on your cheek anymore you opened your left eye to find the guy was already on the ground groaning. You turned your head, Tao looked at you.

His intense and sharp eyes just pierced right into you. You felt like everything around you went in slow motion. He turned around and jumped to kick two guys on their faces.

You shook our head to wake your self up. He took your wrist and pulled you to run. He looked back several times to make sure the other guys didn’t follow you two. You started to lose your breath and so your legs. “Y-ya.. how long should we running away like this?” you shook your hand he held on to. He stooped suddenly and you bumped on to him. He pushed your to a dark alley. He stood tall in front of you, you looked down to hide your burning cheek because of the closure between you two. Your heart started to beat faster when you heard shouted from the main street. “I-is that him?” you asked him. “Damn it!” he cursed as he took of his jacket and threw it somewhere. He took out a beanie from his pocket and put it on. You watched him in confusion. “What the hell are you doing?” you asked him. He suddenly took your chin to make you looked up to him. “Just play along.” He leaned closer and kissed your cheek. Your eyes shot open, you couldn’t do anything due to your brain break down because of his sudden move. “Where’s he! TAO!” you could hear the bad guy’s voice in the end of the alley. Your hand started to shake in fear. Tao took your hand you felt a bit relaxed by that, even if you wanted to kick him so bad right now. The guy ran passed you two. “Kids..” he said before went out of the alley to the other direction. Tao pulled off. You quickly slapped his face. “Ya! What was that for?!” he rubbed his cheek. “What was this for?!” you pointed at your cheek he kissed earlier. “I safe your from those bastards and you pay be back with that? Ka! ka! Go with them then.” He said to you. You calmed your self down. “Fine. Thank you. There, happy?” he smirked and walked away. You followed him out of the alley. “You’re my stalker now?” he turned around. You looked up to him. “Its not like that.. I don’t know this place..” you nervously said. “Psstf… I can see it from your cloths and.. face. You must be from the rich people district.” He said. Tao’s eyes grew wider. “.”

“What?” you turned around and the bad guys were all there. “Ready for another marathon running?” you shook your head but he took your wrist and pulled you away.


“You gave your pedant to her?” Baekhyun stared at Lay. Lay nodded. “Why?”

“Cause I just wanted to find all of you and I saw Xiu Min’s hyung pedant too so yeah..” Lay tried to call you again. I should give mine too so I can protect her.. Baehyun sighed. “You should’ve gave her earlier.” Lay stuck another tissue to his nose. “Lets just split ways.” He said went to the other direction. Baekhyun looked around. Maybe I should ask her. He walked up to the girl who was standing in front of the bakery. “Excuse me..” she turned around. “O! you….”

“You… o! you live next door right?” Baekhyun said. “Well.. I heard you don’t live next door anymore.” Hanin answered. “Technically yes..” Baekhyun chuckled. “So… what’s up?” Hanin asked him. Baekhyun gave Hanin your picture. “Have you seen this girl around?” Hanin tried to remember. “Euumm.. no.. sorry.” She shook her head. “Ahh.. alright then.”

“Who’s she?”

“Friend of mine..” Baekhyun stared at your picture in worry. “Reaaaally?” Hanin said with mocking tone. “Wae wae?” Baekhyun looked at Hanin. “Anni… well if I see her around I’ll tell her that you….?”

“Baekhyun.” He lent out his hand. “Hanin… that you’re looking for her.” Hanin smiled and shook his hand. “Thank you. I gotta go now.” Baekhyun waved to her and she waved back. Someone tapped her shoulder. “Who was that?” Hanin turned around. “No one. Iyaaaa.. you brought lots of donuts, Donuts!” Hanin slapped Donut’s head lightly. He chuckled rubbing his head.

Baekhyun raised his eyebrow, Why is everyone staring at me? he looked down. . His symbol glowed in his pocket. But how?


You pulled Tao’s arm. “I.. cant… r-“ you dropped your self to the ground, panting. Tao stared at you, sighed, he looked around to see if both of you safe or not to stay there. He sat beside you also tried to control his breath. “I can’t do this anymore..” you said. “I can see that.” You glared at him. “Why am I following you….” You hit your head several times. “What’s so wrong with following me? can you see you’re safe n-now? Be-be thankful for that lady.” He said with a little nervous on his tone. He grabbed your hand again and stood up. “Please… lets just…” he pulled you up with just one hand. He leaded you somewhere… ended up in his house. It was a small flat. “Sit.” He pulled the wooden chair roughly from the table. You sat there watching him making you a drink. “We only have this here. You okay with this right?” you nodded and took the orange juice. He went inside one room and came back about ten minutes later. “Who were they?” you asked him when he took a seat a cross you. “Debt collectors.”

“That faced man is the reason behind all of this.” He pointed at an old man on the picture with a woman smiling beside him. “Isn’t he…”

“He’s not my father.” You cleared you throat. Thank God you didn’t say it. “He’s an alcoholic and…” he stared at his scar on his hand. You looked at it too. “Then why are you still here?” you asked him. He stood up and grabbed your hand. He pulled you to the room he went into earlier. He slowly opened it. You peeked inside, there was a woman sleeping on the bed. You could see lots of pills on the nightstand. She must be really sick you thought. “If it’s not for her, I already kick that man’s . Just like what I did to those guys.”

You softened. Even if that day he got on your nerves so many times but you could see sincerity in his eyes towards that woman that made you feel sorry for him. You softly rubbed his back.

Suddenly there was a key sound from the front door. “.”

“What?” he pulled you inside the woman’s room. He walked up to the window and opened it. “Come here.”

“I know it’s a bit crazy but this is the only way you can get out of here.” You peeked out side the window. It was pretty high. You stared back at him. “TAOOOO!!” you heard a man shouted, he sounded drunk. “You can do it.” He said helping you to get on the window. “I’m sorry..” he said. You nodded and the next thing you knew you felt terrible pain on your wrist. “You okay?” he shouted. You just raised your thumb even you were about to cry on the pain. You heard another shout from the room. You could see the silhouette of Tao being beaten up by the man. You wanted to help him so bad but you knew you have to go from there.


You came into the bus. There were only an old lady and her elementary grandson and a girl on the back with a guy wearing a grey hoodie beside her. You took a seat in front of the girl and the guy. You stared at your swollen wrist. Lay oppa is going to kill me. you said. “Aw aw aw..” you felt pain when you put in on your lap. “Are you okay?” the girl tilted her head to see your wrist. “I’m okay just had a little accident.” You said. “That looks bad though.” She said. You turned around to say thank you. “O! you!” the girl shouted. “You’re Baekhyun’s friend right?”

“H-how come you know?”

“He was looking all over for you. I live next door to his apartment.” You felt guilty you bet the three of them were worry about you. “Have you contact him?” you shook your head. “He looked desperate you know.”

You gave her WTF face, “So not helping…” the girl chuckled. “I’m just kidding.. I wish I had a phone but I don’t so..”

“It’s okay…” you glanced at the guy beside her who was deep in his sleep. “I’m Hanin by the way..” she said. “Seolrae… sorry..” you couldn’t shook her hand since it was injured. “Do you need help?”

You shook your head. “No its okay.. it’s 3 stop to my house.”

“I think” You unsurely answered.  “You sure?”

“Em. You’re friend looks very tired, I don’t want you to wake him up just to help me.” you said. Hanin glanced at Donut and chuckled.


You pushed the doorbell. “SEOLRAE!” Baekhyun hugged you. “Aw aw aw oppa!!!” you screamed. “Wae wae?” you pointed at your right wrist. “What happened?!” he hold the door to let you in. “I had an accident.”

“Lay hyung!! Seolrae is home!!” Lay quickly got out of his room and skipped few stairs down. “Call Xiu Min hyung.” Baekhyun nodded. Lay bent in front of you and took your hand. “Aw aw…”

“Sssstt…” he hushed you. He put his hand on top of your swollen wrist and light came out of it. You felt warm sensation on your wrist.. little by little your wrist turned normal again. “Thank you…” you smiled to him. He looked up and smiled back at you. You glanced at the table. You saw blood on the tissues all over the table. “Who…?” Lay turned around to see the table too. Crap. “Its Lay hyung’s.” Lay glared at Baekhyun. Baekhyun cupped his palm. “What? What happened to you?!” you screened his face. He blinked at you. Not that you know his heart was beating like crazy. You put your hand on his forehead but it was normal. “It’s nothing Seolrae..” he said nervously. “Is it true?” you turned to Baekhyun. He walked away. “Ishh you’re hiding something from me!” you eyed Lay in front of you. “Go to your room before Xiu Min’s hyung got home and scolded you.”

“Good idea!” you jump out of the sofa. “Thank you Lay oppa..” you said. He just nodded.


“So this is where she lives…” Kai smirked as he watched the light from your room turned off. 














Another chapter... hope you like it ^^ i used so many gifs (credits to all the makers) here its just fit right i couldnt help to but to use it haaha 

I really REALLY wanted to thank all you readers and espc those who commented, you motivated me so much i feel like writing all night even though I'm on my midterm exam week haha hope i can do fine in both exam and writing this story. Amen. so yeah.. thats about it. Spoiler for the next chapter, someone might get their memories back :p <3 lullabyme07

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o