Ferris Wheel. (AE 5 : LUHAN)

Two Moons



The sunlight crept in from the broken white curtained window. It hit right on Luhan’s soft skin and made him squeezed his eyes and turned around to hide from the fact that the morning had come. He shot up and checked his phone. Oh yeah I got day off today. He cutely smiled at himself and went back to sleep. But he couldn’t. Groaned he jumped out of his bed and walked out his bedroom. Then found a nice breakfast set on the table and a little note from Sehun, telling him that the younger guy was out to pick up his girlfriend. Luhan threw the note to the ground and hungrily eat the breakfast Sehun had made for him. He finished his breakfast and think what should he do next as he wash the plate clean. He went to his room and decided to clean it since he didn’t have enough time to clean it because of his busy schedules.

“What is this?” he pulled a shoebox out from under his bed. He tilted his head wondering why a shoebox doing under his bed. He slowly opened it and unfortunately it cut open an old wound on his chest.

There was a reindeer headbands, amusement park rides tickets and most heartbreaking one were pictures of you and him. He took one from the box, leaned his back to the bed, staring at both of you smiling faces. And tears, fell down like raindrops.


[Flash back]

You kept smiling to him, clinging on to his arms getting very excited. The two of you waited in a long line to finally ride a Ferris Wheel. This was actually Luhan’s idea but he seemed to the nervous one. “Are you excited?” Luhan just nodded at you, making the reindeer ears on his head wiggled. He tried to keep his cool around you, maybe its because first, he finally realized his feeling towards you wasn’t just a crush. Second, the fact that both of your spent a day together and you were clinging onto him, made his heart go wild and third, Damn am I really doing this? He looked up to the tall and wide thing in front of him.

He’s not a fan of heights. he cursed when you dragged him to the front up to the deck. The worker opened the cabin for the two of you. “Two?” you looked up to Luhan. He was too stressed out to think. “Yes.” You answered for him. The two of you came into the cabin. You excitedly took a seat near and leaned your face to the window. You turned to him who just sat beside you. “Opp.. oppa.. gwencan—“

“Aaa!” he screamed as the cabin moved. You let out a laugh a loud one, pointing at his tensed expression after he screamed. “Luhan oppa! Ya!” you lifted his face and to your surprised he was really pale. You stooped your laugh and started to you worry. “Oppa.. are you okay? Say something please don’t scare me..” you shook his body. “I-I’m scared.” You tried so hard to hold your laugh cause you really pity him. “If you scared of height why did you say you want to ride this in the list. Silly you.” Luhan took a deep breath and looked up to you. “Cause I want to fight my fear.” You straightened up. “I don’t know what will I face later in Exo Planet. I want to fight my own fear in order to at least feel that I’m strong enough to face anything obstacle later.” You softened, feeling very proud of him. You squeezed his cold and sweaty hand. He clenched his hands as the Ferris Wheel moved again. “Its okay oppa.. you got me here.” You squeezed his hand. What should I do.. you think and think to find anything that can distract him. “O!” you opened your backpack, Luhan watched you carefully. “Tadaaaaah~” Luhan stared at the pink camera on your hands, to you and back to the camera. “What are you going to do with that?” you pulled him closer and set the camera in front of you two. “Lets take a picture!” Luhan raised his eyebrow. “Aish oppa! Come one smile!” you pinched his arm playfully. “Ouch! Fine!” that your plan worked. He didn’t even realized that your cabin almost reach the top just one more turn both of you will be on the top of the Ferris Wheel. “Naww that’s so romantic..” you put down your camera. “What what?” Luhan looked to your direction. The couple in the cabin in front of you were kissing. “Eww what makes that romantic? PDA, not good.” He closed your eyes with his palm. “Ya! I’m 19 already!!” you pulled away his hand. “Its every girls dream to be kissed on top of the Ferris Wheel.” He didn’t know why but he was blushing when he heard that from you. “R-really?”

“Em. You didn’t know that?” Luhan shook his head. The cabin moved that made your cabin now on the top of the Ferris Wheel. You handed your camera to Luhan. “Whaaaaa.. oppaaaa the view is beautiful!” you admire the view in front of you. The wide lake where you could see the amusement park lights reflection, the lights it self and the night sky. “Seolrae-ah..” you turned around. “Ne?”

“Lets take a picture here before it move.” You quickly sat beside him. Luhan held the camera in front of you two. “You count.” He said. “One… two… thr—“ he kissed your cheek and the flash flashed sending both of you back to earth. He looked down, pretending to check the picture on the camera. Your eyes were still wide in shock. He smirked and showed you the picture. “Make this your phone’s background picture for the rest of our day left here on earth.”

[End of flash back]


Sehun was about to enter Luhan’s room but he stopped when he heard Luhan’s silent sob. He peeked in because the door want fully closed. He was right, Luhan was crying. It broke Sehun’s heart to see his hyung like that. He bite his lips, “Hyung~ I’m home~”

Luhan quickly hide everything back under his bed and stood up wiping off the tears. Sehun came into the room. “Hyung.. are you okay?” Luhan gave him a wide smile. “Of course! Why wouldn’t I? I finally got a time off to hang out with my favorite dongsaeng.” It hurt Sehun even more that Luhan always pretending to be very strong in front of him cause Luhan didn’t want to make him worry about him.




Luhan and Sehun entered the nightclub and as always peoples eyes were on them. The two of them looked like models came out of the tv or magazine, it was true in Luhan’s case though. Luhan unexcitedly followed Sehun to the V.I.P area. He missed hanging out with him and missed coming to club just to hangout and dance but the timing wasn’t right. It was actually but the fact that he still couldn’t get rid of that pain on his chest until now means that nothing can cheer him up. But again he didn’t want to make the younger boy worry and disappointed so he came along.

Sehun came back with two drinks and phone on his ears. “I’m going to pick Sunhae outside.” Luhan looked up. “Didn’t know that your girlfriend is coming.”

“You.. don’t want her to?”

“Nah its not that. Ka ka. “ Luhan was a bit annoyed actually. It was hard enough to pretend to have fun but at least he did it for Sehun but now.. he just didn’t feel to have another people around. Not that he didn’t like Sunhae, he care for her, very much actually just like his own little sister. But he wasn’t just in a good mood to mingle and stuffs. “Annyeong Luhan oppa~” Luhan just nodded his head. “Waeee? What’s wrong with oppa?” Sehun shrugged. Sunhae pushed her friend to the front. “This is my friend her name is Yunhwa.” Luhan looked up to a tall, slim and a beautiful girl with a long brown hair. “Luhan.”

For an hour Luhan tried to be very nice to the girl. He knew it very well that this girl was one of Sehun and Sunhae way to distract him from thinking about you. It was very nice of the two actually. They always hung out with Luhan, asked him to come along on their dates and even introduces some, wait, lots of girls to him but nothing or no one can seemed to erase your from his mind. He took a deep breath and stood up. “I’m sorry I have to go.” Sehun quickly run out with Luhan leaving the two girls there.

“Hyung! Why are you like this again?” Luhan stopped and turned around. “I don’t want to fight. I just need some times alone.”

“But hyung!” Luhan turned around again just to throw his car key to Sehun. “Don’t come home too late.”




Luhan sighed, couldn’t believe where his heart took him. The Ferris Wheel. He waited in line for his turn. There weren’t many people left since it was the last round before the amusement park close.

“Can I have this cabin alone?” the guy counted the people behind Luhan. “Yeah I guess it’ll be okay.”

“Thanks.” He came in and closed the cabin’s door. Then it hit him again both nervousness of his fear because you weren’t there with him and the longing of your smile and concern you showed for him. He clenched his fist every time the cabin moved and closing his eyes.

Suddenly the cabin stopped in so not a good way to stop just when his cabin reached the top. The worker’s voice came out from the speaker. “There are some technical problems occurred, we are sorry to inform you that you have to wait about 20 minutes until we could fix it up.” Luhan eyes shot opened. “.” The only word that came out of his mouth that explain thousands of emotions he had right now. His hands turned cold and shaky. Sweat started to damp his shirt. He closed his eyes and kept praying. Suddenly he heard a loud bang, and his cabin shook a bit and the next thing he heard was someone or something sat next to him. He didn’t dare to open his eyes. His heart beating even faster than before. Then he heard a chuckle, a very near one and he was sure it was a girl.  “Luhan oppa.. you’re 28 years old you still afraid of heights. Yaaaa didn’t know you’re this weak.” His eyes shot open then quickly turned to where the voice came from and to his surprised you were there. You were different, you grew taller, your hair was now longer and your face was sharper than five years ago.

“S-seolrae-ah..” you nodded wildly. “Told you I’ll always be there to keep you away from your fears.” He didn’t care he was 300 feet off the ground, he ran up to you and hugged you. You smiled on his shoulder as you hugged him back. You admitted his smell so nice now and he still looked the same. His big round tender eyes, his porcelain skin and his cute nose, his age did stop at 18 you thought. You could feel your right shoulder was getting very wet because of his tears. You pulled away and cupped his face, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “I miss you.” He said with his trembling voice. “I miss you too.” you smiled at him. He smiled at you caressed your cheek.


“Seolrae-ah…” you lifted your head from his shoulder and looked at him. “Yes?”

“What do you think about us 12?”

“You guys are a part of me. Cheesy at it sounds but I cant live without you all. Its wasn’t because of all of you I wont be here back on Earth.” He smirked. Glad to hear that straight from you.

“and what do you think about me?” you raised your eyebrow staring at him. “Why? Is it very important to you to know what I think about you?” he nodded without bothering to turn his head to see you. “Well.. to me you’re a nice guy, a person I would like to hangout with everyday even though you have this annoying side of yours but sometime I do like that side of you cause you can put lots of smile on my face. And—“

“I love you.” You paused. “I love you Yoon Seolrae.”

“Oppa…” you held your breath as he looked up straight to your eyes. It wasn’t a weak or a soft eyes he always had but a firm and serious one that showed you the words he just said were real. He lifted your face by your chin. Bit by bit he leaned in. His lips touched yours. You could feel that electric feeling in your tummy and your brain was breaking down. He pressed his lips further like he was asking you to kissed him back and you did. You could deny your feeling towards him either. He smiled to the kiss and pulled away giving you the most heartwarming smile you’ve even seen from a person. Then the Ferris Wheel moved again. “O!” both of you smiled to each other. “Wait.” You titled your head staring at him. “What?” you asked. “How did you came in here?” you chuckled and pulled him near the window a crossed the door. You put your hand on the window and… it went through the glass. Luhan gasped in shock.



Soooo do you like Luhan's AE everyone? who should I do next? i always asked but never listen hahaha anyway i got to do my final assignment later today, i dont know when will I come back so I'm not sure I can finish the next chapter any time soon. so yeah.. you wont mind waiting right?

and YOU GUUUUIIISEEEEE hahaha i read all of your comments so sorry to make all of you craving for Strawberry Shortcake too but just so you know... I HAD MY STAWBERRY SHORTCAKE earlier today hahaha how you love me now? :p

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o