On the edge.

Two Moons


“So you lied?” Hanin glared at D.O. “No I’m not!”

“That tattoo is real.”

“What tattoo?! I already tell you and showed you that I don’t have a tattoo!” D.O. held his breath and walked up to Hanin. He roughly pulled her collar and grabbed her necklace. His worry were right, Chen’s pendant. Hanin pushed D.O away. “You’re hurting me idiot.” she said rubbing her neck and put her necklace back into her sweatshirt. You’re bonded with him. D.O bite his lower lip holding his anger. ! He couldn’t and quickly rushed out of the house. Few minutes later she, well everyone, could feel an earthquake. “The is wrong with that guy!” Hanin threw the pillow to the wall.


“D.O.” Suho walked up to him. Stepping on the cracked ground under him. D.O kneeled on the ground, punching the ground. Everyone could hear a loud bang from it just like someone was digging a hole on the ground with huge machines. “Hey hey hey.. stop it you’re hurting your self.” Suho held his wrist stopping him to continue his extreme act. He couldn’t stop sobbing. It hurt Suho too, to see D.O like that. D.O’s heart broke into pieces. Suho caressed D.O.’s hand while he was still trying to control his breath. “D.O please… I know how it feels—“

“no you don’t. You don’t know how it feels like to love someone who supposed to be with someone else.”

“D.O-yaaaa…” Suho couldn’t say anything than just saying D.O.’s name and giving him energy boost by being there for him.

“Hanin-ah…” you came into Hanin’s room. Hanin was on the couch hugging her legs and you could clearly saw her knee wet because of her tears. You walked up to her and sat on the hand rest. “Hey..” you her back softly. Hanin was a bit surprise. “You want to talk about it?” you gave her a small smile, hoping it’ll comfort her a bit. Hanin shook her head, rested her chin on her knee, staring at the night sky. “Okay then.. go get ready, we’re going to Prof. Kim’s house.” Hanin nodded. “Seolrae.” you turned around. “Ne?” Hanin looked up. “Can you love two person at the same time?” there was silent between you and her. You thought about it carefully, looking deep into your own heart and the fact that you were and still in the same position as her. You looked as her and gave her a smiled, “Of course.” You left the room.




You stood in front of Suho, Chanyeol and Tao. “Remember oppa.. fighting is the plan B, we have to do this in peaceful way first. Araso?” they all nodded. Prof. Lee smiled to him self, you reminded him so much of your dad. “I already called the headquarters just incase we need back ups.” Prof. Lee said. You nodded thanking him. Sehun closed his eyes, trying to contact Luhan. Hyung.. can you hear me? no respond.


“Oh look who we got here…” Kim looked at the screen. “Aren’t those your friends?” Kris, Xiu Min, Lay, Luhan and Chen shocked, while Baekhyun was unconscious inside his tube. He captured their picture from the security cam, they scanned and all of their profile popped up on the screen. “AH! We got my partner here too. Wonder what are they doing here.” He said glanced at the Exo in their tube. Everyone grew worried.

“We just wanted to talk Sungjae.” Prof. Lee talked to the security camera. “Talk your . How about we play a bit with your friends? I would like to have his power.” He pointed at Tao. Kris punched the glass. “Ya!” but Kim already leave the room. Luhan closed his eyes, Sehun-ah… be careful. He is going to play tricks on you. Don’t trust him. Luhan held his breath waiting for Sehun’s answer but sadly no respond from him.


All of them followed the two professors from behind. There were lots of bodyguards walking behind you, which made you feel scared and uncomfortable. Chanyeol took your hand protectively hold you close to him while glaring to those bodyguards who walked too close to you. D.O. stood behind Hanin, he couldn’t help the feeling to protect her even if his heart could still feel the same pain he felt few hours ago. Sehun and Suho kept their eyes and ears open to any possibilities, you can’t trust anyone right now, especially Prof. Kim.

“This is stupid Sungjae. You knew what will happen if you take their powers.. the Earth is in danger we need them and their powers.” Prof. Lee said. Prof. Kim chuckled. “You stupid geek. Imagine here.. I’m being nice to you, we can share their powers together. With their powers we can safe the earth….”

“and ruling it.”

“You cant do this Sungjae.. please..” Prof. Lee turned around to the window where you and D.O stood. You saw him slowly shook his head. Your eyes grew wide. Chanyeol noticed it and quickly stood up. He looked as Suho, Sehun, Tao, D.O. and Hanin. You bite your lips in worry, you weren’t ready for plan B.

“Me, D.O, Hanin and Seolrae in one team. We’re going to sneak in the main lab and safe the others, while Chanyeol and Sehun distract them. Tao you stay here with the Professor, I’m afraid Prof. Kim will do anything to him.” All of them nodded at Suho. “We’ll meet each other here, in the main lobby.” Everyone nodded again. “Good luck guys.” Suho said, Chanyeol and Sehun looked at each other and nodded to Suho. Tao broke the alarm with his elbow. The red light and alarm blasted. Suho, D.O and Hanin ran to the left hall. “Seolrae!” Hanin shouted. You bite your lips and instead of following Hanin you ran to the other direction. “Chenyeol oppa!” Chanyeol stopped and turned around. “Hyung hurry up!” Sehun looked around the end of the hall. You walked up to him. “Wha—“ you cut him with your lips. He caressed your cheek as both of you pulled off. “Be careful.” You said to him. He nodded and ran up to Sehun. “Come on Seolrae!” D.O. grabbed your wrist and dragged you away.


Suho pinned you to the wall and protectively stood in front of you. He also put his hand in front of D.O’s chest prevent him to walk further. Hanin nervously stood next to D.O. she couldn’t hold her fear hearing fast footsteps near them. Hanin squeezed D.O.’s arms. D.O. glanced at her and took her hand calming her down. Suho put his index finger on his lips telling the three of you to keep your lips shut. After the security ran passed their hiding place they could finally breathe and continue their journey to the main lab. Suho once and twice looked back, checking the three of you. You four stopped on the end of the hall. Suho peeked his head and back in. “.” He cursed, there were four securities guarding the main lab. They weren’t a problem if they didn’t bring weapon along. Suho took a deep breath and signed D.O. to come closer to him. He whispered something to D.O, D.O.’s eyes shot open and you didn’t like what ever Suho’s idea was. But D.O. nodded anyway. “Oppa..” you whispered to Suho. “Seolrae-ah.. please trust me and D.O.” you shook your head, you knew he was going to leave you. “When I say go, you and Hanin go inside the main lab okay?” Hanin squeezed your shoulder. You bite your lips and nodded to him. Suho softened and pinched your nose giving you his angelic smile. It relaxed you a bit. “Donut” D.O turned to Hanin. “I’m sorry.” She said. D.O. took a deep breath and hugged her. “Lets forget about that first. Be careful Hanin.” D.O. pulled away and quickly followed Suho. You changed glare at Hanin when you heard Suho and D.O’s voice, fighting the securities. You could hear slashing sound of water and a bang sound also a light earthquake after. “Seolrae!!!” Hanin quickly grabbed your hand and both of you ran inside the main lab and to your surprise there were 12 cubes with 6 of them occupied by Lay, Kris, Baekhyun, Chen, Luhan and Xiu Min. “TAO!!!” you shouted to wake Tao’s up before they could put him into the cube. You could see Kris and the others banging the glass trying to call you. Tao opened his eyes and quickly came to his sense and threw punches to the guys who held his arms. “STOP!” Prof. Kim said. “I’ll kill him if you move.” He said putting his hand on top of the red button. He put a knife on Prof. Lee’s neck. Hanin clenched her teeth. She ran up to him and high kicked his jaw. “Don’t touch my father.” She said. And that pissed Prof. Kim off. He pushed the red button and Chen screamed in pain. His tube filled with green smoke just like Baekhyun’s earlier. Her eyes shot open. Suddenly the fire alarm blasted off. You turned around, “Chanyeol oppa..” Chanyeol, Sehun, Suho, D.O and Tao prepared to attack. Hanin quickly took her father away to safer place and then she came uo to Chen’s tube trying to get him out of there. The fight broke. Exo versus Prof. Kim’s mans. One by one the cube filled with the green smoke. “Seolrae!” Hanin shouted, she successfully got Chen out of the tube. “Pulled the green cable!” she said. You nodded and quickly went to Baekhyun’s first.

“Oppa! Baekhyun oppa!!!” you dragged him along with you as you detached the green cable from Lay and Kris’s tube. Thankfully Kris was still conscious and managed to got out of the tube by him self. Lay fell on the ground and hit his head pretty hard. “Lay oppa!” you dragged Baekhyun along. Laying both of them side by side. “Lay oppa! Baekhyun oppa! Please wake up!” tears pilled up your eyes. Don’t leave me oppa.. please…


[Flash back 1]


“Ya! Sehun-ah!! I want to hear your story too!!! Sehun!!” but Baekhyun pulled your wrist. “Lets go take a walk.” You looked up to him. “Huh? Why so sudden?” You asked him. He pouted, “You don’t want to?”

“Anni anni.. oppa.. I’m just asking.. okay lets go.” You smiled. Both of you walked hand in hand to the park near your neighbor. It was pretty crowded. “O! what’s going on there?” you tip toed to see. You could hear someone singing a song and the others cheering. “It’s a singing competition.” Baekhyun said. “Lets go see it oppa!” you dragged him to the crowd. The girl finished her song, you cheered for her as she came down from the mini stage they used. “Is there anyone else who wanted to sing?” the mc asked. “HERE HERE!!” you raised your hand. “Since when you sing?” Baekhyun asked you. “Its not me silly, its for oppa! Ppalli ppalli get on stage.” Baekhyun glared at you. “Yaa ya Seolrae! I cant!”

“Yes you can! Hwaiting!” the mc dragged Baekhyun up to the stage. “What’s you’re name?”

“B-byun Baekhyun.” He stuttered. You cheered for him. “Is that your girlfriend?” you quickly looked down when the crowd turned to you. Baekhyun chuckled. “I wish.” He said. “Nawww.. so are you going to sing for her now?” Baekhyun nodded. “What are you going to sing?”

“CN-Blue’s Love Light.”

His eyes were glued to you, it was like he was only singing the song to you. He meant every single words from that song, telling you everything he felt for you through the song. “I’m genie for you girl…” the girls around you started to squeal and so did you. You couldn’t take his gaze anymore it burned your cheek. Baekhyun smirked every time he caught you smiling to your self.


Ee luh geh bara bora go

(Looking at you like this )


Bara bwado noon ee boo shuh yo

(You’re still blinding even when i see you)


Geuh den nah eh sarang beet.

(You’re my love light)


[End of flash back 1]


[Flash back 2]

“Yea guess I better go back to the basement. Thanks Lay.” You watched as Kris leaving the room and Lay started to heal your ankle. You looked at his soft gaze when he healed your ankle gently. “Thank you oppa…” you smiled to him. He smiled back at you. You stood up but he stopped you. “Stay.” He coldly say. You raised your eyebrow to him. “Why should I?” he walked to the corner of the room and took his guitar. Your eyes brightened and sat on his bed without any order from him. He smirked at you and sat in front of you on the wooden chair he sat on earlier setting the guitar on his lap. He started to sing a song he made for you, not that you know of course.


(cant find the romani lyrics for this song **sobs**)

With him you don’t need any words to express his feeling. The song, the lyrics said it all. He looked at you without any hesitation, singing each and every single word to you.  And you just understand it all.


Today, I want you

Today, I want to hold you in my arms


[End of flash back 2]


You couldn’t concentrate on anything else, even the fight that happened behind you. You’re eyes only on the two guys in front of you breathing heavily losing their energy. “Seol-rae-ah..” Baekhyun raised his hand, you came closer and held his hand. “Don’t cry..” he said weakly smiling at you. “See there…” he pointed at a big machine with twelve little metal tube and of them were almost filled with bright greyish smoke. “That’s our power he took” you stared at them and back to Baekhyun. Suddenly you felt someone tugging on your jacket. You turned to your left, Lay stared at you. You took his hand with your other free hand. “If we can’t survive.. take those tubes and inject it to your chest.” Lay put your hand on his chest, you could feel his slowing heart beat. “Just about here.” He said. Your tears endlessly streamed down your face. The worst state of this whole journey. “You’re stronger than you think you are Seolrae.” Lay said and kissed your hand. Baekhyun touched your cheek, caressed it softly. “We love you Seolrae.” both of them slowly closed their eyes. “ANDWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” you screamed in agony. A loud boom blasted and everything suddenly turned white. The glass tube cracked so did all of the weird chemical bottles and the glass window, everything, cracked and broke into million pieces. She’s glowing.

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the hell, I'm supposed to write an alternate endings for each member not a one shot. Brain, hold your self! T_T *teasing everyone*


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 68: Oo theres sequel already :O
Chapter 22: OMO!!I imagine D.O when he said "I'm Donut".It's so cute!!!
Chapter 20: Kai!!!What side are you??? TToTT
Chapter 18: Why Kai?!?!?!
Chapter 10: Wait.....I think I saw the ice skating scene before in a movie....I don't remember what movie it is .___.
Chapter 9: Is glowing stick related to light saber??
Chapter 7: Wut??!?Suho doesn't remember a thing??
Chapter 49: I can see star wars mixed with narnia LoL xD
kyutaemm2 #9
Chapter 64: DAEBAK everything is just a dream?!! What the... *bawling my heart out*
kyutaemm2 #10
Chapter 27: Author-nim,,, R U INDONESIAN?!! I JUST SAW YOUR NOTE:o