Chapter 42

Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1)

The bell rings just as their teacher tries to finish the lesson and finally place a due date on an upcoming assignment. Athena almost pities her teacher but then she remembers she hasn't even started looking at the assignment sheet. Instead of staying back, she mutters a soft goodbye like the rest of her classmates and exits the room with Changbin and Felix by her side.

"Thank God that class is over!" Changbin exclaims. "I thought I was going to die of boredom."

"Honestly, same. Why did Mrs. Choi have to take so long to explain one thing?" Felix adds, shaking his head.

Athena just giggles at her friends and nods along.

"Are you guys up for bowling tonight?"

"Changbin, did you forget it's a school night? And we have an unofficial assignment to work on?"

Changbin rolls his eyes. "School night or whatever, we should still have fun."

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you but I have two tests next week and the assignment, so count me out," Athena says with a sigh.

"What about you?" he nods to Felix.

Felix shrugs and shakes his head. "Sorry, I've got school work too."

The other boy pouts but waves goodbye to them before dashing off to his locker. Felix and Athena then head the opposite way to get to their own lockers and start the trek home.

"Do you actually have work to do?" Athena questions.

"Nope," he chuckles.

Athena grins and rolls her eyes.  At the split in the hallway, the two part ways, agreeing to meet at the front doors.

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Y'all we are entering the final arc! I actually can't believe it :'(


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Chapter 70: heh happy chapter 69 🤭

also good luck with your school stuff 🥰

hopefully one day Athena can realize she does deserve to be happy and be with people
Chapter 68: Remind me how old they are? Surely Felix would be able to have a say in where he lives and who he lives with if it ended up going to the law...
Chapter 64: wait i didn't think they did it until I saw your a/n
so they did it?? they really kissed? 🥺 it better not just be brushed off as the typical "it's new years so everyone gets a kiss of some kind" tradition, unless it's just here in the UK/England that the tradition is a thing
Chapter 22: Totally not me, being busy with school and forgetting to read this story 😐😂
And now I'm behind from everything! I want to read the other chapters but I'm TOO LAZY because I'm TOO TIRED! 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: This is so interesting , I am glad I found this story!
Chapter 29: Oh god this is getting me millions of different feelings at the same time.
Such a good story, keep it up <3
Chapter 3: Oof~ This hit me where it hurts.
Chapter 2: I'm very interested in this. And I'm definitely gonna check out some of those songs later.