Chapter 54

Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1)

Athena can hardly focus in her last period class. Changbin, who had also been in the vicinity of the cafeteria, hadn't said much to the girl and Felix could only stare, much like the rest of the class. All the girl could do was sit and pray that she'll make it through these last 75 minutes.

When the bell finally rings, Athena skirts out of the class. Felix and Changbin share a look before following.

"I'll talk to her on our walk home," Felix says as the two walk down the hall.

"I'll text her when I get home. I don't know how she'll feel if two people speak about it to her in person," Changbin adds.

Felix nods in agreement. They wave goodbye and spilt off to their respective lockers. While placing various textbooks and binders into his bag, Felix can't help but wonder if she'll even walk home with him. He hopes she will, especially because he wanted to ask her about Hyunjin. He knew it may be sensitive to talk about but he wasn't sure how long he could go pretending he knew nothing.


When they first start walking home, Felix is too surprised that Athena is there to actually say anything. They walk in silence for a bit and then, after mentally preparing himself, Felix pops his question out.

"Who's Hyunjin?" He starts. "Um.. I mean, I kind of know a bit about him but I wanted to hear it from you. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize Felix," Athena says softly.

The boy nods and then slips his hands in his jacket pockets, silently urging her to continue.

"Hyunjin, he..." she trails off.

Many times, since she had welcomed Felix into her life, she wondered how she would explain who Hyunjin was to Felix. Athena was unsure of how she wanted to approach it and she wasn't expecting for the conversation to start from the outburst of one of her classmates. Honestly, she knew Felix would find out and she felt bad for not telling him sooner. It takes a minute but then, Athena collects her thoughts and continues.

"Hyunjin was my boyfriend, for like a year and a half. Just before summer started this year, we went out somewhere and while coming back home Hyunjin was, um.... Something happened and he died and I was there."



"I'm so sorry Athena," Felix says.

"No, it's okay. Really."

But they both knew it wasn't okay. And, neither were sure when it would ever be okay again.

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Y'all we are entering the final arc! I actually can't believe it :'(


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Chapter 70: heh happy chapter 69 🤭

also good luck with your school stuff 🥰

hopefully one day Athena can realize she does deserve to be happy and be with people
Chapter 68: Remind me how old they are? Surely Felix would be able to have a say in where he lives and who he lives with if it ended up going to the law...
Chapter 64: wait i didn't think they did it until I saw your a/n
so they did it?? they really kissed? 🥺 it better not just be brushed off as the typical "it's new years so everyone gets a kiss of some kind" tradition, unless it's just here in the UK/England that the tradition is a thing
Chapter 22: Totally not me, being busy with school and forgetting to read this story 😐😂
And now I'm behind from everything! I want to read the other chapters but I'm TOO LAZY because I'm TOO TIRED! 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: This is so interesting , I am glad I found this story!
Chapter 29: Oh god this is getting me millions of different feelings at the same time.
Such a good story, keep it up <3
Chapter 3: Oof~ This hit me where it hurts.
Chapter 2: I'm very interested in this. And I'm definitely gonna check out some of those songs later.