Chapter 28

Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1)

Athena had made it to her locker successfully and was just grabbing a textbook for her next class when her name is called, echoing through the hallway. Turning around, she sees Felix marching his way toward her. When he finally reaches her, Athena notices his anger but it hardly overtakes her fear of the people starting to flood into the hallways.

"Felix, what are you doing here?" Athena whispers harshly.

Felix rolls his eyes. "The real question is what are you doing here? Why are you leaving so early?"

"I....I...." Athena trails off.

"Seriously Athena, what's gotten into you?"

"I've been busy?" She utters.

"Yeah right," Felix scoffs. "If you're busy, then we'd all be busy. We basically have the same classes."

A crowd was slowing starting to form as more people entered the hallways to get ready for the next period. Athena becomes hyper aware of it all and notices Hana standing nearby, watching intently.

"Felix, can we talk about this somewhere else? Please?"

But Felix needed to know what was going on. So, he presses on the issue, unconsciously ignoring Athena's hidden fear.

"No, we need to talk about this now!" Felix exclaims. "You promised Athena."

His voices softens and Athena feels swell. She glances at Hana who gives her a look, one of question.

What are you going to do now, murderer?

"I'm sorry Felix."

Athena shuts her locker and gives the boy one last look before turning away. She broke through the crowd as quickly as she could, avoiding the stares and gossiping mouths.

"Good job Athena. I always knew you were smart," Hana states as she passes by.

Athena shakes her head in anger, walking away without answering.

Left alone in the middle of the hallway was Felix. He was confused and angered and annoyed and couldn't believe what he saw. Felix had no idea why Athena was acting like this and now she won't even speak to him? He glares at the rest of the onlookers before storming off; a promise and his heart, broken in only a few seconds.

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Y'all we are entering the final arc! I actually can't believe it :'(


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Chapter 70: heh happy chapter 69 🤭

also good luck with your school stuff 🥰

hopefully one day Athena can realize she does deserve to be happy and be with people
Chapter 68: Remind me how old they are? Surely Felix would be able to have a say in where he lives and who he lives with if it ended up going to the law...
Chapter 64: wait i didn't think they did it until I saw your a/n
so they did it?? they really kissed? 🥺 it better not just be brushed off as the typical "it's new years so everyone gets a kiss of some kind" tradition, unless it's just here in the UK/England that the tradition is a thing
Chapter 22: Totally not me, being busy with school and forgetting to read this story 😐😂
And now I'm behind from everything! I want to read the other chapters but I'm TOO LAZY because I'm TOO TIRED! 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: This is so interesting , I am glad I found this story!
Chapter 29: Oh god this is getting me millions of different feelings at the same time.
Such a good story, keep it up <3
Chapter 3: Oof~ This hit me where it hurts.
Chapter 2: I'm very interested in this. And I'm definitely gonna check out some of those songs later.