Chapter 58

Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1)

The bell rings deafeningly and all at once the students rush out of the classroom, barely thinking to say goodbye to their teachers. The holidays are finally here and the students couldn't have been happier.

Felix and Athena bid their friends goodbye before trekking home. The air is cold and a light layer of fresh snow crunches under their feet. It's the perfect weather to start the Christmas break and Athena is sure to remind Felix.


The boy opens the door to his house quickly and shuts it just as quick behind him. He shudders while peeling off his outerwear wondering if he truly enjoys this season they call winter.

"Felix! Come help me in the kitchen!"


Felix leaves his stuff at the door and makes his way into the kitchen. Warmth embraces him as he enters and the boy can't help but sigh. The smell of brownies fills his nose, along with a few other baked treats.

"Are you baking cookies?" Felix questions, pulling his sweater sleeves over his palms. He takes a seat at their small kitchen island and gazes his eyes over the brownies laying out to cool down.

"Yup, it's Christmas time and you know how I get this time around," his mother replies.

"I do. Always baking more than we can eat."

Yong-sun is quick to smack his hand away as Felix tries to steal a brownie before going back to her duties.

"Yes, but this time we've been invited to the Christmas party with the Chang's. So, I'm making enough for a larger- Felix stop eating them!"

Felix grins, his cheeks stuffed from the brownies.


"Don't speak with your mouth full," Yong-sun says with a giggle. "Okay, now help me since you want to eat up all my goods."

"Aye-aye captain!" Felix states.

He raises a hand to his forehead and then marches to the cupboard to get more supplies. Yong-sun just shakes her head with a chuckle before returning to mixing some batter for her next batch of cookies.

"I'm kind of excited," Felix suddenly says as he brings over more flour.

"For what? The party?"

Felix nods. "I mean, we've had some before back home but, this is different. We're somewhere new, with new people but I don't feel scared, just a little nervous and excited."

"I feel that way too," his mom agrees. "It's been awhile since we've done something like this, it's refreshing."

Just as she finishes that thought, the doorbell rings. They both look towards the front.

"Oh, it must be Athena!" Felix exclaims. "She said she'd come over if she wasn't too busy helping her parents with stuff."

Without another word, Felix heads to the front door and whips it open. The person standing on the other side, however, is not Athena. Felix's lips form into an o-shape and his eyes glass over. Silence washes over as the person across from him smiles.

"It's been a while hasn't it?"

Felix doesn't respond, too shocked and confused.

"Felix! Honey, it's cold, you can just tell her to..."

His mother's words run off as she appears in the hallway, witnessing the sight Felix has.

"Now, don't just stand there, come give your father a hug."

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Y'all we are entering the final arc! I actually can't believe it :'(


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Chapter 70: heh happy chapter 69 🤭

also good luck with your school stuff 🥰

hopefully one day Athena can realize she does deserve to be happy and be with people
Chapter 68: Remind me how old they are? Surely Felix would be able to have a say in where he lives and who he lives with if it ended up going to the law...
Chapter 64: wait i didn't think they did it until I saw your a/n
so they did it?? they really kissed? 🥺 it better not just be brushed off as the typical "it's new years so everyone gets a kiss of some kind" tradition, unless it's just here in the UK/England that the tradition is a thing
Chapter 22: Totally not me, being busy with school and forgetting to read this story 😐😂
And now I'm behind from everything! I want to read the other chapters but I'm TOO LAZY because I'm TOO TIRED! 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: This is so interesting , I am glad I found this story!
Chapter 29: Oh god this is getting me millions of different feelings at the same time.
Such a good story, keep it up <3
Chapter 3: Oof~ This hit me where it hurts.
Chapter 2: I'm very interested in this. And I'm definitely gonna check out some of those songs later.