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Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1)

By TallProud Updated
With 83 chapters, 9 votes, 88 subscribers, 6140 views, 12 comments, 50507 words

In which Athena is drowning in guilt and Felix wants to save her. ~ "Why are you so distant? Why won't you just let me in? " "Because I'm a murderer!" "What?"     "I killed him Felix. I killed Hwang Hyunjin."

The poor friends 🦋

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  angst   drama   love   story   friends   poor   jeongcheol 
With 2 chapters, 10 subscribers, 370 views, 1 comments, 2019 words
Status Subscribers Only

In the old area, there was a group of poor young friends who worked for food and shelter, one of them was so ill and needed to see a doctor as soon as possible, what was going to happen to them from now on ?!


By WaitingforSpring Updated
Tags  story 
Characters 傅卫军✖️你
With 15 chapters, 3960 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By WaitingforSpring Updated
Tags  story 
With 12 chapters, 100 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By nonoprince Updated
Tags  story 
With 260 views, 57 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By WaitingforSpring Updated
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With 12 chapters, 2 subscribers, 710 views, 5 words
Status [M]


By WaitingforSpring Updated
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With 21 chapters, 250 views, 1 comments, 7 words
Status [M]

suan mei

By yeshiqi Updated
Tags  story 
With 230 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

《酸梅》 徐明浩和金珉奎的爱情始于一个炎热的夏天,对爱情的懵懂与悸动如同旅人对清泉的渴望,很难深埋于心。


By WaitingforSpring Updated
Tags  story 
With 10 chapters, 240 views, 1 words
Status [M]


By see125 Updated
Tags  story 
With 520 views
Status Members Only



By baiyunuo Updated
Tags  story 
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 2150 views, 25 words

上篇4k7,三观不正,严重OOC,谨慎阅读。 6的第一人称 62/13/14,上篇的62多一点,前后都有意义 平平无奇,不好看,打我不打脸


By RexFassi Updated
Tags  story 
With 440 views
Status Members Only

一.   东鲁滨海之地有许多关于人的传说,相传他们面容姣美,滴泪成珠,有贪心者常利用他们慈悲天性,佯装溺水之人,引人相救,伺机诱捕,拷打折磨,逼其落泪。   姜文焕在地牢看见鄂顺时,觉得他就像故事里被围困欺侮的人,美仪容、命多舛。只是他不明白,明明鄂顺没有怀璧之罪,为何还要经受如此折磨?   鄂顺静静地躺在坚硬冰冷的地面上,如豆灯火的映照下,肩头未拔出的佩剑、地面干涸的血迹、满身触目惊心的伤痕,无不昭彰着他所经历的屈辱。姜文焕斩杀过无数仇雠、目睹过无数惨剧,没有哪一幕比现在更令他心悸。他肋下三寸如受剐刑,痛得几欲干呕。   他设想过无数残忍的刑罚,设想过鄂顺遍体鳞伤的模样,都没关系,他会替他抚平每一处伤、替他洗净鲜血和尘埃。只要活着就很好。活着就还有无限转机。   可是为什么,鄂顺遭受的是这样的凌辱?他的面颊上,泪迹和精痕毫不遮掩地存在,比黥刑更刻骨。   姜文焕不明白,他曾经敬仰的

Can you hear my voice ?

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   drama   fluff   romance   love   story   friends   friendshipandlove   seungcheol   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
With 9 chapters, 2 votes, 1110 views, 13 comments, 10502 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Seungcheol and jeonghan are best friends since elementary school and this is their story when friendship love turns to another kind of love.

The Promised Immortal Land

By JessicaC Updated
Tags  fantasy   fiction   story   fanfiction 
Characters Emily, Sheila, Ray, "Mom" (Tilly Moon), Taylor Smith, Ella the maid, Cathy the cook and other characters.
With 660 views, 90 words
Status Members Only

Emily, Shelia and Jason are from ImmortalLand They're immortal and live forever. They're from an orphanage called Moon-Oak House. They are under the care of the woman which they call "Mom", all kids there live comfortble and happy lives. They have amazing tasty food, pretty clean clothes and the place is a perfect place to learn. But one day Emily and Sheila uncover the dark truth of the outside world which they're forbidden to see. 


By -JIAOJIAO- Updated
Tags  story 
With 1250 views, 3 words

  向横有个弟弟。   大部分人都不知道这回事。   作为学校的明星人物,向横性格好,成绩中上,关键是长得帅,还打得一手好球,虽然人如其名有时横了点,但老师对这种浑身充满朝气还会来事的三好学生一向最是包容。当然,大家也不难猜到像向横这种完全符合校园偶像剧男主设定的天选之子,无疑是万千少女的梦中情人。   这样一个顶着主角光环的人群焦点居然和那种人是亲兄弟,未免过于离谱。   前段时间向横出了车祸,在医院硬是躺了一个夏天。期间老师和同学捧着鲜花来了不下有十回,回回都是向家父母或保姆招待,怎会知他有个弟弟,更别说这个弟弟还是大家熟视无睹的小透明向南。   除了一样姓“向”以外,向南可以说从头发丝到脚趾头都与自己的亲哥沾不上边。还真是应了俩人的名字,一个天南,一个海北。与向横不同,他在学校是边缘中的边缘人物,平日里只知道低着个头,任由厚重的刘海遮住大半张脸,阴恻恻的,从没看他主动搭理过谁,一天到晚独来独往,还

Happy Arin Day!

By Itsyour5unshine Updated
Tags  story 
With 1 chapters, 210 views, 1584 words

He's the father 🌺💕

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   fluff   pregnancy   romance      beta   love   story   boyslove   alpha   seventeen   seungcheol   malepregnancy   omega   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
Characters Jeongcheol 💕
With 11 chapters, 6 votes, 304 subscribers, 3600 views, 6 comments, 14636 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By styyds Updated
Tags  story 
With 470 views

王楚钦一把抱住孙颖莎,右手环绕在孙颖莎的腰上,左手攀附上了孙颖莎的胸脯上,“喂,你要做什么啊……”,“你不是打心眼里抗拒的吧,大嫂?”王楚钦在背后一脸笑意的看着孙颖莎。“住手,拜托你快住手。”孙颖莎反抗到,无奈男女力量差距大,挣脱不开王楚钦的桎梏。“你其实也很有感觉吧,看看你一脸享受的表情。”王楚钦边说到边开始揉捏孙颖莎的胸,因为没穿的缘故,点点已经凸起来了。王楚钦用大拇指和食指,隔着短袖轻轻拉扯凸起的点点,“啊……”孙颖莎发出难耐的呜咽声。王楚钦一把拉起孙颖莎的衣服,白嫩的胸露出来了,随着王楚钦的动作还顺带了摇晃了一下。“不要啊”孙颖莎发出抗拒的声音,心里想到:讨厌,好害羞,被人……“嘿嘿嘿!真让人受不了……”王楚钦一脸欣赏的看着孙颖莎的胸发出喟叹。 王楚钦直接脱掉了孙颖莎的短袖,从背后开始揉捏孙颖莎的胸,用手指戳戳凸起的点点,并开始捏扯,点点变得越来越硬,“大嫂,真是敏感啊!”王楚钦的手慢慢从向下,下面是柔软的小肚腩,然后是被覆盖的大腿根和阴部。“那这里的敏感度怎么样啊”王楚钦边讲边把手伸进了里面,手指头慢慢进入,先是一根手指,润湿之后进入

Between love and pride 💕🌺

By Inumakisenpai Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   drama   life   romantic         love   story   boys   work   seventeen   seungcheol   jeonghan   jeongcheol 
With 12 subscribers, 590 views, 58 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

STAR-CROSSED LOVERS: Bound to Break The Destiny

By raumiezra Updated
Characters Jennie Kim and Lisa Manoban
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 330 views, 1 comments, 5185 words

Sadness and Happiness are two different things that can happen simultaneously. No one knows when, but when they hit, they hit differently. For these "star-crossed" lovers, they will soar above and beyond to break the spell.

Story Ideas

By Venelle Updated
Tags  angst   romance   vampire   exo   kai   sehun   story   ideas   baekhyun   chanyeol   badboy   stories   sekai   baekyeol   storyideas   chanhun   soulmates   sechan   sebaek   jimin   lightangst   bts   bangtanboys   jungkook   jikook   kookmin   soulmateau   bottomsehun   goodboy   topkai   concepts 
With 73 chapters, 14 votes, 78 subscribers, 6860 views, 122 comments, 8615 words

This is just a place for me to post future story ideas and hopefully get some thoughts on them.


By T-TSoMean Updated
Tags  plot   story      sorry   what   this   bruh   chaelisa   brrr 
Characters Lisa Rose OC-Ikuda OC-Kuriko OC-Minami
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 200 subscribers, 1130 views, 3 comments, 12265 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

BTS - 7 of my mortal sins

By Sofyko7 Updated
Tags  jin   story   fanfiction   sins   southkorea   jimin   bts   bangtanboys   bangtan   jungkook   suga   bantanseonyeondan 
Characters BTS
With 2 subscribers, 120 views, 836 words
Status Completed

I was inspired to write this story by the art of bows, where they are depicted as 7 deadly sins. I wrote a story on each of the members. That's the beginning of the story. Join us! It will be interesting!

Beyond the wind💜🌹

By sweetnono Updated
Tags  angst   drama   illness   romance   love   story   jeongcheol   brain   damage 
Characters Jeongcheol🌹💜
With 1 chapters, 20 subscribers, 450 views, 1 comments, 1833 words
Status Subscribers Only

His son forgets a lot, mess a lot, fail a lot, he had a damage in his brain that gets bigger as he grow, so how is his son gonna live those hard days without much money to see his condition or even pays for his medicine?!!  This story is about jeonghan's life with his father and their new young neighbor.     

Twice Book

By BingBingWrites Updated
Tags  mature   story   characters   mihyun   lesbian      toys   2yeon   mihyo   back   dajeong   twice   samo   satzu   minayeon   sanayeon   mimo   namo   dayeon   michaeng   jeongmo   natzu   motzu   chaetzu   dubchaeng   mitzu   dahmo   nahyo   sachaeng   jitzu   mohyo   jeongmi   saida   misana   nachaeng   mochaeng   datzu   jeongtzu   dahyo   jeongsa   sahyo   jeonghyo   twiceships   hyochaeng   jeongchaeng 
With 13 chapters, 29 votes, 5282 subscribers, 39920 views, 192 comments, 2132 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only