Samo (761 samo stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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By nadezda Updated
Characters NaMo, MiNayeon, SaNayeon, NaChaeng, MiHyun, OT9
With 142 chapters, 34 votes, 390 subscribers, 29780 views, 72 comments, 248286 words

cute, fluffy story, a little sadness and anxiety... about friendship and love OT9  

just follow my lead

By kourinn_ Updated
Tags  momo   sana   twice   samo   sanaxmomo 
Characters minatozaki sana, hirai momo
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 150 views, 1 comments, 5233 words
Status [M], Completed


By emobbq Updated
Tags  mina   momo   sana   twice   samo   mimo   misamo   37line 
Characters misamo
With 1 chapters, 11 subscribers, 1840 views, 1 comments, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By CHEN-Juming Updated
Tags  samo 
Characters Minatozaki Sana/Hirari Momo
With 1 subscribers, 230 views, 11 words
Status Completed

SaMo的夏日故事一则,8k+ 轻飘飘如果不能在夏天成为充盈的爱的话哪怕像气球一样继续飘在空中慢慢等着无声息破裂的一刻也是美的。


By nadezda Updated
Characters Mina/Sana moments, Minayeon
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 220 views, 2775 words
Status Completed

Скрывать свои чувства и страдать или найти новые чувства и быть счастливым? Чувства Мины

Chaos murmur

By haruki_0502 Updated
Tags  mina   nayeon   misa   dahyun   sada   chaeyoung   2yeon   momo   sana   twice   samo   tzuyu   satzu   minayeon   damo   mimo   namo   jeongyeon   jeongmo   natzu   sachaeng   nachaeng   mochaeng   datzu   jeongchaeng   37line   mida 
With 2 chapters, 2 votes, 27 subscribers, 5530 views, 3 comments, 7 words
Status [M]


By NeverNie Updated
Tags  twice   samo   minayeon   twicefanfic   mitzu   nevernie 
Characters 平井桃 湊峽紗夏 名井南 周子瑜
With 54 chapters, 1 votes, 42 subscribers, 16390 views, 11 comments, 5 words
Status Completed

玉米 Mitzu 娜米 Minayeon 沙漠 Samo *涉強暴劇情 *讀者回饋床戲非常好看,提議筆者重點宣傳車車😂


By Hiraimaomao Updated
Tags  momo   sana   twice   samo 
With 9 chapters, 3 subscribers, 680 views, 1 comments

庭中有奇树,绿叶发华滋。 攀折其荣,将以遗所思。 馨香盈怀袖,路远莫致之。 此物何足贵?但感别经时。


By riki716 Updated
Tags  jihyo   mina   mihyo   momo   sana   twice   samo   mimo   mohyo   misana   sahyo 
Characters mosajimi
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1480 views


never let go

By misamooo Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
Characters minatozaki sana,hirai momo
With 6 subscribers, 670 views, 337 words
Status Members Only

summary:二人で靴脱ぎ舍てて,はだしでかけていこう,I''never let go   00 桃……平井桃。纱夏的声音朦朦胧胧地传进我的耳朵里,同时灌注进耳道里的还有另一种声音,一种急切的,猛烈的声响似乎追赶在我们身后。 但纱夏却不着急,轻轻柔柔地握住我的手问我,“要不要跟我一起逃跑?” 她的声音放得很轻,眼眸注视着我时还是泛着光,不似昨晚那样阴翳又淌着血。 我答应了纱夏,理所当然地,和往常一样。 尽管现在不同于往日的情况,甚至可能赌上我的一切,我也不在意,因为我已经没什么可以失去的了。 除了站在我面前,这个被窗台跑进来的光染了一层光晕,衣服还沾着浓稠血色的人。   01 ''你没事吧?''   半阖的眼还往下滴着雨水,我看不太清面前人的身影,只有耳朵不断进出的汽车轰鸣声和这太过违和的人声让我能分辨一下现在的场景。 我现在这副模样实在太狼狈了些,和腐烂的


By www2yeon Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
Characters sana,momo
With 2 chapters, 5 subscribers, 790 views, 1 comments, 7 words
Status Completed

虚构的上世纪末背景。 一个被贬职后以色相作为诱饵追捕同志群体的警察和一个接受委托解决麻烦的城市猎人之间的故事。


By zcnospace Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
With 20 subscribers, 2910 views, 35 words

samo 微现实向he 烙馍带把儿(!)


By SandsAtSeventy Updated
Tags  samo 
Characters sana momo
With 5 chapters, 8 subscribers, 1320 views, 1 comments, 23 words

Summary:把一切都归咎到你不知情的纵容和你给我的特权吧,我们之间没有人在犯错误。 全文2.4w *预警:真骨科,3140,非全年龄向 此页面为试阅,点击Next Chapter即可翻到相应章节


By jihyoscactus Updated
Tags  fluff   highschool   romance   2yeon   samo   jitzu   dubmichaeng 
Characters minatozaki sana | hirai momo || twice
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 3 subscribers, 520 views, 8358 words
Status Completed, Members Only

in which sana is co-captain of the cheerleaders, and momo is the co-captain of the soccer team.... they're in love.


By yuelyj Updated
Tags  twice   samo   mimo   misamo   37line 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 33 subscribers, 9810 views, 31 words
Status [M]

Hopeless in love

By nadezda Updated
Characters Nayeon, DaHyun, DubChaeng, MiNayeon, MiChaeng
With 13 chapters, 6 votes, 66 subscribers, 2950 views, 10 comments, 36977 words

Nayeon and DaHyun - sisters. for all the time they were unlucky in love. it always happened that the girls they confessed to abandoned them. When they already thought that they would no longer find happiness, they met Mina and Chaeyoung. They invited them on a hike. There, Nayeon wanted to confess to Mina, and DaHyun wanted Chaeyoung. But alas. Mina and Chaeyoung chose each other.  


By SandsAtSeventy Updated
Tags  momo   sana   samo 
With 11 chapters, 6 subscribers, 1160 views, 2 comments, 16 words

全文4.2w Summary:湊崎记不得戏剧社团课室的架子上有多少剧本,她总觉得自己和平井桃一起抚过的光阴远远高于剧本页数之上。


By misamooo Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
Characters hirai momo,minatozaki sana
With 6 chapters, 6 subscribers, 1190 views, 1 comments, 13 words
Status Members Only



By misamooo Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
Characters minatozaki sana,hirai momo
With 6 chapters, 6 subscribers, 1080 views, 3 comments, 11 words
Status Members Only

一则凑崎和平井的旅游日志 #ooc归我,现背

Touch me

By ChengLanhoshi Updated
Tags  momo   sana   samo 
With 3 subscribers, 1790 views, 1 words

凑崎纱夏对于自己姐姐的爱是一种激进又不能透露于她人的解释不清的爱,恰好平井桃总是能很好的接受。就像初次见面时点点头就接受了自己多了一个妹妹,所以就算纱夏得寸进尺也没关系。因为爱就是那样奇怪的东西。   “momorin?”刚洗完澡回到房间的凑崎纱夏身上还冒着水汽,看起来像是刚出炉的软面包,扑到床上的时候更软绵绵,整个人埋在厚被子里传出来的话都听不清楚,“怎么在我房间里呀?”   平井桃坐起来摸了摸凑崎纱夏吹得半干不干的头发回答:“好像今晚要打雷,我来给你捂耳朵。”她帮凑崎纱夏缕了缕头发,有点凉的手捏了捏暖和的耳朵。   凑崎纱夏把自己翻了个面脑袋压在平井桃手上,一副满不在乎的样子并不理会打雷的话题:“总是下雨,没劲。”   索性平井桃也躺下了,温热的吐息打在凑崎纱夏脸颊,被压住的手摁摁纱夏的脑袋也没有抽出来的意思。   凑崎纱夏挪挪脑袋把平井桃的小指咬进了里,像是对待棒棒糖又是又是咬。  


By yumeda Updated
Tags  momo   sana   samo   minatozakisana   hiraimomo 
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 690 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status Members Only

湊崎紗夏醒來後,周遭的一切都變得陌生。 堅強的她一一尋回自己本該擁有的事物:記憶、同僚,甚至是所愛之人。


By Umixxx Updated
Tags  momo   sana   twice   samo 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 23 subscribers, 3600 views, 4 comments, 7 words
Status [M]


By nadezda Updated
Tags  mature   jealous   adult   sweetlove   fantasyandromance      samo   alphaomega   minayeon   sanayeon   twicenayeon   michaeng   nahyo   saida   ot9twice   saidahmo 
Characters SaNayeon, MiNayeon, NaHyo, moment MiChaeng,
With 6 chapters, 8 votes, 134 subscribers, 7550 views, 1 comments, 13962 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Seulutopia Updated
Tags  momo   sana   twice   samo 
Characters sana momo
With 5 subscribers, 1130 views, 3 words



By Kinsuyong Updated
Tags  samo   sanayeon   37line 
Characters Minatozaki Sana/Hirai Momo/Myoi Mina/Im Nayeon
With 6 chapters, 40 subscribers, 8260 views, 9 comments, 1 words
Status [M]

samo两篇 破镜重圆

By zcnospace Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
With 6 subscribers, 1880 views, 24 words

存档007  有事wb联系 id是zcnospace 老福特id是doobobby


By www2yeon Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
Characters sana,momo
With 3 chapters, 13 subscribers, 3000 views, 1 comments, 25 words
Status [M], Completed

あの風になる (解落三秋叶)

By zcnospace Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
With 16 subscribers, 2700 views, 3 comments, 13 words

Samo あの風になる (解落三秋叶)   读前须知:


By Iconic_L Updated
Tags  twice   samo   mimo   misamo 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 1320 views, 1 words

柴犬守护神纱×黑色咪守护神南×怕鬼小巫女桃 一个新巫女继任考核吵吵闹闹的故事 设定参考健康美子老师微博,全文5K+,感谢阅读


By bloosm Updated
Tags  samo   satzu   sanayeon   misana   jeongsa 
With 11 chapters, 14 subscribers, 8940 views, 9 comments, 56 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Twice One-Shots

By Kimchihyo5 Updated
Tags  twice   samo   satzu   sachaeng   datzu 
With 4 chapters, 16 subscribers, 1660 views, 27196 words

Follower submitted prompts. Tags and ratings vary with each chapter. Go to my twitter @kimchhyo5 to submit your own prompt :) 

Moonlight in hand

By Iconic_L Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 1220 views, 6 words

造谣一下samo舞台恋爱 设定来自月光日升诞生灵感


By misamooo Updated
Tags  twice   samo 
Characters hirai momo minatozaki sana
With 2750 views
Status [M], Members Only

Wind & Thunder

By AJMinatozaki Updated
Tags  girlxgirl   twice   samo   namo   dayeon   michaeng   jitzu   jeongmi 
Characters Im Nayeon, Yoo Jeongyeon, Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana, Park Jihyo, Myoui Mina, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Chou Tzuyu
With 8 chapters, 17 votes, 453 subscribers, 5970 views, 41 comments, 32439 words
Status Subscribers Only

Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies train our future protectors. Ancient scroll has told of three who would be chosen above the others... Three who would become... a TWICE Ninja AU (with a twist) no one asked for


By zcnospace Updated
Tags  twice   samo   minayeon   37line 
With 15 subscribers, 5920 views, 22 words



By zcnospace Updated
Tags  twice   samo   mimo   37line 
With 19 subscribers, 5960 views, 44 words



By hi_DNA Updated
Tags  twice   samo   37line 
With 2 votes, 12 subscribers, 4960 views, 3 comments, 9 words



By NeverNie Updated
Tags  mina   nayeon   2na   momo   sana   twice   samo   minayeon   sanayeon   twicemina   twicenayeon   michaeng   twicesana   misamo   twicemomo   sami   samina   37line   nevernie   saminayeon 
Characters Twice
With 100 chapters, 5 votes, 72 subscribers, 32350 views, 37 comments, 623 words

名井南×林娜璉×湊崎紗夏 (×平井桃)(×周子瑜)(×俞定延)(×朴志效)(×孫彩瑛)(×金多賢) *涉強暴、性虐劇情 *讀者回饋床戲非常好看😂車速看不到尾燈🤤

Who is my soulmate?

By renjoy347 Updated
Tags  fluff   mina   oneshot   mihyun   2na   dahyun   polyamory   chaeyoung   soulmateau   momo   sana   twice   samo   tzuyu   mimo   dahmo   saida   alternativeuniverse   jlinexdahyun   minorjitzu 
Characters Kim Dahyun; Minatozaki Sana; Hirai Momo; Myoui Mina; Chou Tzuyu & Son Chaeyoung
With 1 chapters, 9 votes, 248 subscribers, 1790 views, 3 comments, 3801 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Dahyun flies to Japan, trying to find her soulmate. 


By bluefools Updated
Tags  samo   mimo   misana   misamo   37line 
Characters minatozaki sana / myoi mina / hirai momo
With 2 votes, 105 subscribers, 12530 views, 5 comments, 23 words
Status [M], Completed


By renjoy347 Updated
Tags  fluff   jihyo   mina         mihyun   nayeon   2na   rough      doublepenetration   dahyun   polyamory   gxg   mommykink   chaeyoung   2yeon            momo      multiples   sana   twice   samo   tzuyu   squirting   satzu   namo   dayeon   jeongyeon   michaeng   chaetzu   dubchaeng   dahmo   nahyo   edging   saida   datzu   dahyo   sahyo   oral   anal   jeongda   saidahmo      doublel   doubleanal   dahyunxjline 
Characters Im Nayeon, Yoo Jeongyeon, Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana, Park Jihyo, Myoui Mina, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Chou Tzuyu
With 30 chapters, 89 votes, 7218 subscribers, 81740 views, 119 comments, 70058 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By errorindex Updated
Tags  momo   sana   samo 
Characters sana momo
With 12 subscribers, 2340 views, 4 words

      凑崎纱夏缓缓靠近平井桃的时候,平井桃感到自己下意识地闭上双眼 。   然而合上的眼依旧能感受到舞台上的射灯发出的光亮,从四面八方涌入她们之间,柔软的肢体间,是远道而来的灯光主动融入隐秘的渴望,给予一些体恤的庇护。     随着音响落下最后一块音符,场馆内刹时响起的掌声好似傍晚涨潮时的海浪,此起彼伏地拍打在舞台的岸边,宣告着演出也进入了一段中场休息的间隙。   舞台灯光暗下来时,平井桃还在用力地朝着观众席挥手,应援的灯光是午夜里一盏盏燃起的星,凑崎纱夏温热的手却率先扶上了平井桃的后背。   与其说是扶,其实是指尖先点上有后腰中间的凹陷,激起一阵痒,然后是带着温度的掌心,抚上更加敏感的背,心跳在台下的欢呼声中更快了几分。   平井桃疑惑不解,下意识地转过头,映入眼帘的却是凑崎纱夏凑近的脸,还带着舞台妆,她眨着眼睛,浅棕的瞳眸仿佛倾诉着轻声细语,美艳得要


By Eeeeoa Updated
Tags  twice   samo   mimo   misamo   37line 
With 8 chapters, 21 subscribers, 7100 views, 3 comments, 38 words
Status [M], Completed

~All Four Season~

By kkuracat Updated
Characters Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana Myoui Mina, Im Nayeon
With 9 chapters, 4 votes, 15 comments, 21857 words
Status Subscribers Only

Spring. Autumn. Winter. And Summer. A girl who’s an open book soon tried to learn about her first love. Will this change everything?  

Us Without Me

By RedLights0099 Updated
Characters Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana. Myou Mina
With 3 chapters, 5 votes, 103 subscribers, 1730 views, 1 comments, 6817 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

MiSaMo POV's.


By Zhengyuzhu Updated
Tags  samo 
Characters Zhengyuzhu
With 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 3450 views, 8 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Kongbai Updated
Tags  sana   samo   misamo   37line 
With 1 votes, 29 subscribers, 9840 views, 2 comments, 4 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

love foolish

By jihyoscactus Updated
Tags  angst   jihyo   mina   romance   promise   happy   nayeon   ending   dahyun   chaeyoung   momo   sana   twice   samo   tzuyu   jeongyeon 
Characters minatozaki sana | hirai momo || twice
With 2 chapters, 8 votes, 36 subscribers, 1630 views, 12386 words
Status Completed, Members Only

in which sana is falling hard for momo and expressing her affection becomes exhausting when she realises momo gets uncomfortable. momo wants them to go back to their old selves... where sana's eyes light up upon seeing her, where sana still wanted her attention.    OR   jeongyeon and mina are witnesses of an impending mess, and they take things into their own


By Naanaan Updated
Tags  twice   samo   sanayeon   37line 
Characters twice
With 1 votes, 38 subscribers, 13030 views, 3 comments, 7 words
Status [M]

Say It

By Espurr21 Updated
Tags  2yeon   twice   samo   michaeng   datzu 
Characters Im Nayeon, Yoo Jeongyeon, Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana, Park Jihyo, Myoui Mina, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Chou Tzuyu
With 2 chapters, 64 subscribers, 650 views, 5037 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Parties, love, heartbreak, friendship: The key pillars of College....and I guess studying is up there too. Watch as these girls try to navigate their school life and keep their relationships together, all while looking great doing it.

A Story Of Three

By renesonson Updated
Tags  twice   samo   mimo   misana   misamo 
Characters TWICE
With 65 chapters, 22 votes, 179 subscribers, 13520 views, 144 comments, 62344 words
Status [M]

of transfiguration spells and quidditch

By jihyoscactus Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   hogwarts   harrypotterau   oppositesattract   2yeon   redvelvet   wenrene   twice   samo 
Characters wendy son || irene bae
With 1 chapters, 30 votes, 348 subscribers, 2210 views, 16 comments, 5045 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

short and simple, wenrene in hogwarts!  fluff (i promise LOL)  opposites attract side ships: hinted samo and 2yeon     


By _coffelatte Updated
Tags  angst   fluff   momo   sana   twice   samo   hiraimomo   momoxsana   sanaxmomo   sanaminatozaki 
Characters Minatozaki Sana + Hirai Momo + TWICE
With 26 chapters, 20 votes, 513 subscribers, 7040 views, 64 comments, 53879 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"Please, stay." "Let me go." 

produce 143

By jihyoscactus Updated
Tags  angst   fluff   romance   trainee   wendy   irene   redvelvet   wenrene   momo   sana   twice   samo 
Characters wendy son, irene bae | minatozaki sana, hirai momo
With 4 chapters, 35 votes, 385 subscribers, 3330 views, 45 comments, 25644 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

requested by a friend ☻  prompt: judge w in a talent competition and dancer irene who auditioned and stole judge’s heart  fluff probably 

FanFics Ln.Knight

By LnKnight11 Updated
Tags  mina   seulgi   jisoo   soojin   nayeon   jennie   jiwoo   recomendations   nahyun   chaesoo   irene   2yeon   redvelvet   mamamoo   seulrene   solar   moonbyul   moonsun   joyri   twice   samo   minayeon   sanayeon   namo   natzu   nahyo   nachaeng   blackpink   jensoo   loona   3mix   yves   chuu   chuuves   hasooyoung   gidle   shuhua   shuqi   kwonchaeng   biyeon   ryuryeong   sooshu   chaerji 
With 327 chapters, 17 votes, 2503 subscribers, 21070 views, 8 comments, 11019 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only