Romantic (1,167 romantic stories)
One Shots
Chapter Count
This story takes place after the mess hall kiss. Meyoon Joo is frastated like hell! Dae Young still haven’t make any move to make the rumor come true! She felt like kicking him in the ! It's an one-shot. But I love them so much that I'm willing to write more. I've never felt a love story this pure, this real, this intense! Love them so so much. And my English is bad. Please bare that.
*私设 ooc警告 *35 左右有意义 *很黄很暴力 剧情都为了开车服务 *po文文笔 比较粗俗 *8k
*Cake &Fork设定 *5k *伪现背
*包含真sm 包括但不限于身体伤害、言语侮辱、人格羞辱等等 接受无能请勿观看 *3s 5m 不逆不拆 *po18文笔 前面粗俗 后面谈恋爱俗套 请你别看
韩东旼遇见了一只,一只纯白色的中华田园,眼睛很漂亮睫毛也似乎很长,他和这只相距五米左右面对面站着,突然想起爷爷家的小黑,那是一只脾气很差的,只要稍微靠近就会被突袭抓伤。 他半蹲着身子往前倾,手上多了一根剥了皮的火腿肠,白走着不熟悉的步一点一点向他靠近,没曾想小巷里突然出现了一群人,白被吓跑,韩东旼看着它的尾巴消失在小路尽头的拐角,双肩沉了下去整了整背包,咬了一火腿肠往家走了。 韩东旼不算好学生,但也算不上是坏学生,不上课但是成绩好,打架但是很听老师的话……某天上课睡觉时被尿憋醒睡不下去裤涨得要把课桌顶翻,抬手请示去想上厕所,那是一个陌生的男老师,戴着细框眼镜,长得很嫩、个头不高挑但是肩宽腰细,这老师穿得真骚啊,白衬衫扎进深色牛仔裤,衬衫的袖子被卷到手肘位置,右胳膊的里侧有一颗痣。 韩东旼坐在最后一排闭上一只眼用另一只睁着的眼去瞄准老师,还用手在面前比划什么,手正好一把能掐住老师的腰,他笑起来,于是他第一次逃课了。 躲在厕所的隔间里听下课铃敲响,把厕纸甩进垃圾桶裤链拉
门3|这是一个,夏天开始之前的故事。 一见钟情×暗恋成真
*私设 ooc警告 *很黄很暴力 *7k
朴成淏是一名男幼师。 为什么选择这个职业? 原因很简单。 朴成淏大三时父亲因为车祸去世,他没办法再继续待在学校完成剩下的几个月的学习以及准备接下来的实习生活,所有的努力在命运面前一切显得那么苍白。 他缩在床边埋着头痛哭,哭到家里的纸巾不够用。 昏黄的路灯下围着密密匝匝的虫子,朴成淏精神焕发地出现,仿佛上一秒躲在家里哭泣的不是他。手里拎着白色塑料袋,看样子是刚从利店出来,他坐在楼下的长椅上,将塑料袋里的啤酒拿出来自顾自地打开来喝。 “在试图用酒淹死自己吗?” 冷不丁从身后传来了声音。 朴成淏竟然哭忘了,他的发小跟着他一起搬来的,之前发生了那些事情闹那么大没有跟他说还擅自搬家,这段发小关系差点因为朴成淏的不辞而别而破裂。 “喂!怎么每次都要这样神不知鬼不觉啊!” 朴成淏的胆子不算小,但是
我第一次见到那个孩子时,是在家里。 爸爸推着我往外面走,他说快去见见你的新弟弟。 一辆黑色轿车拐进院子,车身转了一圈横停在面前,从车上下来一个女人,那女人穿一身肉桂色修身连衣裙,接着又躬身拉着一个小孩下来,年龄很小,看似比我小五六岁。 那时我12岁,只要学会一点知识就要和爸爸分享,对于世界的好奇一点也不掩饰,有话就说有问题就问,于是我开:“你叫什么名字?” “他叫金桐楦哦~” 那个时候我也没有纠结姓氏问题,因为我还没有不懂为什么世界上有那么多姓,就像每个人长得都不一样。 可惜我第一次知道他名字是从他妈妈那里知道的,如果再一次,你要是先和我说名字我们应该就不会错过那么久。 “我叫朴成浩!” 我的嗓门很大,所以爸爸总是要在这一点制止我,他忙捂住我的,“这孩子天生嗓门大哈哈哈!” 他的妈妈羞涩一笑,拉着桐楦朝着我们走过来,他被拉到我面前,阿姨和爸爸的脸靠得很近,接着他们抱着彼此进门了。 我从袋里掏出一根全新的棒
7k 很黄很暴力
Jonghyun is after the concert and in the cafe he knocks over someone's cake, considering it is a woman with long hair he apologizes just to find out it is not a woman at all...
Noona romance in a "Get You Alone" AU.
矫揉造作 无病呻吟的产物 不推荐看 不平等关系 5暗恋3 5第一人称视角 ooc归我 纯属虚构 请勿ky 字数1w+
双向暗恋的419文学 8.7k 一发完
“Why did you stare at your heels that way?” He keep asking even though she minds it. She start staring at her heels again.
"Why did you stare at your high heels that way?" "Kalau lari dengan ini, pasti akan rusak, ya kan?" "Ya, pasti sepatunya akan rusak." "So, Can I run barefoot?" "Then run. Run as much as you want." Cerita mereka bermula dari ketidaksengajaan ini. Percakapan penuh sirat yang membuat mereka semakin terikat satu dengan yang lain. Apakah cerita mereka bisa berakhir dengan sempurna disaat mereka berdua menyimpan luka? Apakah lari adalah jalan terbaik
*雾塔皮121 *9k+ *写得不好你骂我吧
Alex Xavier Hoare Generas
Your matchmaking landlady double-books your summer cottage.
Jinki is MC and his secret is that he is married to Jonghyun, the famous korean singer. And soon in their life will come someone else.
I'm not sure if this is a drabble or one shot beacuse it does have an ending but it's written in more of a drabble way. this is about Moonsun going on a date, and kind of navigating the bestfriends to lovers
Heechul and Taemin have been together since their college's years. But their love was slowly getting down. They didn't feel what they did before. As they spent more days together, more nights together, they feel like their lovely energy is running away. And because of it they decide to visit the doctor who has for them a solution. At first they thought it is weird a solution. But when they meet Jonghyun, they can feel something different.
A series of love letters between you, and vampire Kyungsoo. Soulmate AU.
Description of "EXO Ficlets"? Er...ficlets...starring the members of EXO?
You are a school teacher ready to get home and take a rest but a particular neighbor has other plans for your Friday night. Oneshot of you & Jackson Wang.
He was staring at her just like she was staring at him as they lay apart from each other, opposite to one another just a few beds thrown a way. She finally broke the gaze as sleep and tiredness washed her, but little did he knew that was their final farewell before he drifts away. The shoutings of voices giving instructions woke her up, with hopeful eyes she wondered around the crowded bedding area to catch that charcoal eyes again. Glanced here and there just to find empty beds of the p
how the day of the innocent stalker Kim DaHyun begins
"For the last time Kyuhyun , Siwon choi is not gay." If Kyuhyun had a pound for everytime that Donghae had told him over the past 24 hours . th
Two stories, One story of two freshmen uni students The other one of a senior university student and an Art gallery team manager.
Ms. Popular and Kim Dahyun aren’t together. They’re just two friends who have mutual romantic feelings towards each other. But this Valentine’s Day, that all changes... Category: Fluff Note: Late Valentine’s Day Special
From the Beginning to where we are now, Jiyong and Seungri's love story. Each other's everything.
"Hey," I said. "Hey," he replied. He seemed highly uninterested by me, he kept looking away, Rena noticed this too and stared at me questionably as she talked with Jimin. Jungkook looked like he wanted to say something, he kept quiet for a minute. A minute and a half. I finally decided to break the silence as I asked him, "So did you find traffic today?" "No, why?" "Well because you didn't show up to art history class"
A blind date switched another blind date. Jonghyun in his mind crossed another name with an imaginary black quill. Well, that didn't work as well as he could expect. He needed someone with a nice and warm heart. But why he always ends alone?
Sung Kyu visits his sister in Busan, where he meets Woo Hyun, who will help him overcome his fear of water while falling hopelessly in love with him.
When an aspiring pianist, who is starting to lose hope in her chosen career path, meets a heartbroken well-known orchestra composer who recently fell from grace. The two of them come together to help each other and form an unexpected bond with each other.
Royal Highschool
A soulmate mark appears on your skin when you touch the person destined to be the love of your life. Sehun had had very few chances to find his soulmate until the day he finds him and lose him in the middle of Seoul. This is the story of how Sehun chased his soulmate through the beautiful and chaotic city, only to miss each other by a hair's breadth time and time again. If Destiny made them soulmates, why is she playing with their hearts like this? This will be a Romco