Beomgyu (111 beomgyu stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By jianglai0v0 Updated
Tags  txt   yeonjun   beomgyu   yeongyu 
Characters yeonjun beomgyu
With 170 views, 16 words

*现背 *时间线是这次回归 有队友     *有轻微的窒//息play 请注意避雷     *有私设和捏造     *大家食用愉快^  


By Me1ody Updated
Tags  taehyun   txt   beomgyu   beomtae   beomgyuxtaehyun 
Characters 崔杋圭 姜太显
With 29 chapters, 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 2060 views, 12 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Frozenrose3 Updated
Characters 崔杋圭 崔秀彬
With 100 views, 73 words
Status [M], Members Only


By gcc1120 Updated
Tags  yeonjun   beomgyu 
Characters beomgyu yeonjun
With 8 chapters, 3860 views, 14 words
Status Members Only

崔然竣家里来了一个漂亮的小女仆。 90%车10%剧情 每章p有不同play 为h而h


By Artemisojerri Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
With 1680 views, 12 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Artemisojerri Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
With 430 views, 12 words
Status Members Only

《拜托让我暗恋的学长也喜欢我吧》   @果冻冻dong冻好吃 禁止上升     入学来最烦的是什么,当之无愧是大课的小组作业,还是那种5,6人的小组作业。对于我来说真的很困难,同班的凑不齐还要找其他班的不认识的同学。 “切拜” 我们还差一个人才能上交名单,先上交吧 抱着侥幸我上台交了表,今天老师请假了带班的是学长, 是他啊,老师身边一直跟着的学长,怎么说也是校里因为成绩好而小有知名度加外貌协会认证的学长——崔杋圭   “学长,我们小组缺了一个人><” 崔杋圭坐在椅子上,头发耷拉在肩膀上,金丝眼眶在灯光下闪光。仔细看了看名单和课题,推了推眼镜 “或许,我可以加入你们吗?” “课题很引我呢”   意想不到的事情,学长想加入我们的课题!我极力掩饰兴奋,因为课题是我提出的,这是不是间接被学长表扬了?


By larinaaa Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 9420 views, 2 words
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秀彬发现了杋圭身上其他男人留的印记,虽然他不知道那是不是然竣干的。 *all奎 主彬奎准奎 *双性 pwp *纯嬷嬷脑洞产物 请自行避雷


By Me1ody Updated
Tags  taegyu   txt   taehyung   beomgyu   beomgyuxtaehyun 
With 2 chapters, 250 views, 5 words
Status Members Only

Would you be my butterfly?


By None_124 Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 财迷犯规
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1830 views, 3 words
Status Members Only



By imVesselstearghost Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 17512
With 300 views, 9 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By imVesselstearghost Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 8299
With 1 subscribers, 810 views, 4 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only


By hautbasfragile Updated
Tags  yeonjun   beomgyu   yeongyu   yeonbeom 
With 1 comments, 263 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By 7thstreet Updated
Tags  yeonjun   beomgyu   yeongyu 
With 1300 views, 12 words

中世纪西方背景,骨科,全文9.3k 「世界本混浊,罪与爱同歌」 romantic预告衍生物,看图说话一则


By 7thstreet Updated
Tags  yeonjun   beomgyu   yeongyu 
Characters yeonjun beomgyu
With 3 chapters, 2 subscribers, 490 views, 31 words
Status Completed

化妆师1×入殓师3 同杏可婚背景,ooc,全文2.9w+ 相亲会上,“这么巧,说起来我们还算半个同行。”


By moamoagyu Updated
Tags  txt   beomgyu 
With 3 subscribers, 12 words
Status [M]

Now You're Pulling Me Close In The Backseat

By iheartkpopXD Updated
Characters Choi Beomgyu | Huening Kai
With 1 chapters, 320 views, 2484 words
Status Completed

  Now Beomgyu’s pulling him close in the back seat, and Kai thinks he’s falling in love if you’re asking.    


By imVesselstearghost Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 1444
With 830 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Me1ody Updated
Tags  taehyun   txt   beomgyu   beomtae   beomgyuxtaehyun 
Characters 崔杋圭 姜太显
With 1 subscribers, 450 views
Status Members Only

2023.3.11 我本就是不该出生的。 但是我爸不觉得。他倒是愿意养我。 我经常看见他站在窗台抽烟。仅在窗台——那里风大,烟味飘不进来,更不会被我闻到。 我倒是好奇,他不让。 他说我妈不让他抽烟。 哦。 我容易长疹子,很痒,为了不挠破皮肤只好拿指甲盖轻轻刮一下。 我发现我爸好几次看着我发愣。 他说要把我头发染成褐色的。我骂他有病。 他爱捣腾他那些旧相纸。我看见过,是两个穿着校服的男孩,一个是我爸,另一个我在我那群叔叔里找了又找。 找不到。 看到一张信纸的时候被他抢走了。 我问另一个人是谁。 ... 他最后跟我说那是我妈。 ... 好。 我爸好几次看着路边的狗发呆。 就是那种流浪狗。 有一次他跟我说我妈觉得他是狗。 他说我妈第一次见他的时候下雪了,他在雪地里打滚,跟狗一样。 他很受用。 在公交车上他会跟我讲他上学的事。我总觉得故事里有另一个身影。 “我妈呢”


By Me1ody Updated
Tags  taehyun   txt   gyutae   beomgyu   beomtae 
Characters 崔杋圭,姜太显
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1870 views, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only


By rainone Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
With 850 views, 1 words

公路文 有反转。   旧文重发。    

Oh, It's Just Like Magic

By iheartkpopXD Updated
Characters Choi Soobin | Choi Beomgyu
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 450 views, 1581 words
Status Completed

 It wasn’t Soobin’s intent to fall for Beomgyu, but unfortunately, here he is.

I’ll love you, all of my life..

By iheartkpopXD Updated
Characters Choi Yeonjun | Choi Beomgyu
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 590 views, 2731 words
Status [M]

[准奎] THIS

By Sr_zzn Updated
Tags  yeonjun   beomgyu   yeongyu   yeonbeom 
Characters 崔然竣 崔杋圭
With 4 chapters, 1 votes, 19 subscribers, 3100 views, 1 comments, 795 words
Status Completed

原文by 키리에  建筑系大二Daniel崔✖️心理学系大一Andy崔 -hey this -do you miss me?

Say You Love Me

By iheartkpopXD Updated
Characters Jeon Jiwoo (OC) | Huening Kai | Kang Taehyun | Choi Beomgyu | - Mains | Secondary > | Choi Yeonjun | Choi Soobin | Jeon Wonwoo | Jeon Seonwoo (Sunoo) | Cameos include SVT, ENHYPEN, SKZ, ITZY, NUEST & Kai's sisters for now
With 12 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 2350 views, 145618 words
Status [M]


By Huixiang_313 Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 崔杋圭×你
With 2950 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status [M]


By Aprilpuplv_yoochi Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters choi beomgyu,崔杋圭
With 670 views, 22 words

1.beomgyu is a girl 2.beomgyu倾向于被认为是top,但并没有分得很清,但是作者的建议是慎重选择阅读… 3.i’m a teacher and bg is my student weibo@和世界告别时我错过了末班车


By Huixiang_313 Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 崔杋圭
With 3 subscribers, 18090 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By Sumyuz Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters beomgyu&you
With 5750 views, 6 words
Status [M]


By 7thstreet Updated
Tags  yeonjun   beomgyu   yeongyu 
Characters yeonjun,beomgyu
With 9 chapters, 1 subscribers, 5310 views, 2 comments, 31 words
Status [M], Completed

Collection of txt x reader oneshots

By Yeonjunkookie7 Updated
Characters Txt, you
With 6 subscribers, 970 views, 37 words
Status [M]

Collection of txt oneshots

By Yeonjunkookie7 Updated
Characters TXT
With 3 subscribers, 510 views, 33 words
Status [M]


By None_124 Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 第一页
With 1 subscribers, 2110 views
Status Members Only



By Aprilpuplv_yoochi Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters choi beomgyu,崔杋圭
With 3 subscribers, 2370 views, 3 words

崔杋圭梦女,夜店一夜情。第一人称。 码得很快,有空会来修,如有不适请退出。 beomgyu/you


By neverland1999 Updated
With 4 subscribers, 1160 views

*崔然竣×崔秀彬,崔杋圭×崔秀彬 *语言侮辱可能有,不抱歉。 很短的开头,未完        


By Sumyuz Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters beomgyu&you
With 3310 views, 1 comments, 3 words

        被喜欢的吉他手捡回家是什么体验? 像一场荒谬又幸福的梦,你答。     你照常在周五晚下班后来到酒吧坐下,没有饮酒的兴致,将酒水单翻来又翻去,临了点了一杯西瓜汁。     今晚的乐队演出不知道怎的延迟了好一会儿,他们上场时你已经喝下大半杯西瓜汁。你的位置是第一排最靠左,可以轻易捕捉到那个主音吉他手的一举一动。此刻他状似不经意地往你的方向看一眼,随后低头调整耳返,角笑意隐约可见。     你每周都来,坐在离他最近的位置。但这会儿灯光“唰”地一下亮起,你才发觉他不知道什么时候把头发染成紫色。甚至已然开始褪色,掉成了和你一样的香芋紫。     表演开始,他的手指在吉他上飞快动作,你的注意力从他蓬松的头发转移至那对好看的手。     他的指尖因为常年弹琴


By Aprilpuplv_yoochi Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 崔范奎
With 1 subscribers, 730 views, 8 words

曾经在月球的背面踽踽独行,矗立在环形山的最高点,俯视流泻的银色物质积聚在陷落的深坑中;坠入时间编制成的网,爱意如同丝线将你们缠绕。 点燃香烟,交错紧握住的十指会治愈掌心的裂痕,甜丝丝的香精味道让嗅觉的记忆更久远。


By Melcotton Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters beomgyu
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 2560 views, 2 words
Status [M], Completed


By Melcotton Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters beomgyu
With 1 subscribers, 2080 views, 2 words
Status Completed



By Melcotton Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters beomgyu
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 1610 views, 2 words
Status [M], Completed


By Aprilpuplv_yoochi Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 崔杋圭
With 1 subscribers, 1920 views

奇怪的故事,奇怪的名字,因为是从梦里来的,混乱而毫无技巧的转述。 崔杋圭梦女。


By Aprilpuplv_yoochi Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 崔杋圭
With 6 subscribers, 3310 views, 2 comments, 2 words


By OKIwanttosleep Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters Beomgyu×You
With 4 subscribers, 13940 views, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Aprilpuplv_yoochi Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters choi beomgyu
With 4 subscribers, 2300 views, 3 words


An Inconvenient Game

By wooosans Updated
Tags  angst   romance   romcom   you   txt   yeonjun   beomgyu   choibeomgyu   tomorrowxtogether   beomgyuxoc 
Characters beomgyu, OC, TXT
With 7 chapters, 2 votes, 8 subscribers, 1300 views, 2 comments, 15746 words
Status Members Only

Your routine went like this: work, eat, play games, sleep, see friends, watch kdramas, play games, eat, sleep, work, repeat. It was the same ol' story. But that one night, you finally decided to go out with your friends. And that's when you met one particular person who would change the course of your life forever... with games. Because everything was a game to him. Even life. And it all started with that one inconvenient game.  

Together Forever, Always

By iheartkpopXD Updated
Characters Choi Beomgyu | Huening Kai
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 500 views, 2080 words
Status Completed

Where Kai is secretly in love with his best friend Beomgyu but doesn’t know how to tell him. Meanwhile, Beomgyu is starting to catch onto Kai’s feelings and decides to make it easier on the both of them by breaking the ice, quite literally.

I Was Holding Your Hand, And You Were Holding Mine

By iheartkpopXD Updated
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 530 views, 1 comments, 1434 words
Status Completed

Life with Beomgyu has been something Taehyun would describe as Heaven on Earth. From the moment they met one snowy day a year ago, his life had changed so much thanks to Beomgyu who had arrived from Daegu and was absolutely awestruck by the thick snowflakes falling from the sky.

Darker than Dark : sequel

By RedRascal Updated
Tags  taehyun   taegyu   txt   soobin   yeonbin   yeonjun   beomgyu   hueningkai 
Characters Yeonjun Soobin Beomgyu Taehyun HueningKai
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 630 views, 2 comments, 9791 words
Status Completed

10 years passed and they will finally meet again after the new lives each one of them achieved...


By Aprilpuplv_yoochi Updated
Tags  beomgyu 
Characters 崔杋圭
With 2 subscribers, 1410 views
Status Completed

230505 存档 很短很短的短打


By Aprilpuplv_yoochi Updated
Tags  txt   beomgyu 
Characters 崔杋圭
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 5720 views, 1 comments, 2 words

很雷的崔范奎梦女骨科,别骂我。……包欠! 过几天收到ao3邮件注册成功之后会发到ao3(?)

Darker than Dark

By RedRascal Updated
Tags  abuse   bullying   schoollife   violence   taehyun   school   taegyu   txt   aggressivelove   soobin   btscameo   yeonbin   yeonjun   beomgyu   hueningkai   itzycameo 
Characters txt, Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun, HueningKai, BTS-Cameo, Itzy-cameo
With 27 chapters, 2 votes, 25 subscribers, 1780 views, 6 comments, 68504 words
Status [M], Completed