Yeonbin (89 yeonbin stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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(We Only Make Sense) In The Night

By heartdice Updated
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun
With 130 views, 130 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By rebornbutnotyet Updated
Tags  txt   yeonbin   beomkai 
With 5 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1220 views, 84 words
Status [M]


By imsalad Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters cyjcxb
With 3 chapters, 340 views, 52 words
Status [M], Members Only


By dittorec Updated
Tags  txt   yeonbin   beombin 
Characters choi soobin Choi yeonjun Choi beomgyu
With 16 chapters, 2 subscribers, 720 views, 80 words
Status [M]

主三崔 | 不悟兰因

By Jocey_23 Updated
Tags  yeonbin   beombin 
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 230 views
Status Completed

若抱住 别作梦 未得宠 看到的 听到的 不要信 爱得深 说得真 别感动 再锥心 再刻骨 不觉痛 无奈是 两手相拥 也是觉得冰冻


By imsalad Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters crjcxb
With 70 views, 5 words
Status [M], Members Only


By imsalad Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters crjcxb
With 90 views, 4 words
Status [M], Members Only


By imsalad Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters crjcxb
With 70 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only

puppy and daddy

By imsalad Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters crjcxb
With 180 views, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only


By imsalad Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters crjcxb
With 120 views, 12 words
Status [M], Members Only

奎彬 | それでも君が好き(即使如此我还是喜欢你)

By Jocey_23 Updated
Tags  yeonbin   beombin 
With 1 subscribers, 100 views, 16 words

*BGM:SPICY CHOCOLATE-それでも君が好き(即使如此我还是喜欢你)     初二那年,崔杋圭家隔壁新搬来一户人家。       对方带着礼物登门拜访时,恰好赶上叛逆期的杋圭因为父母禁止他接着学吉他,而和他们大吵一架的尴尬场景。摔门而去的杋圭就这样险些撞上一个高高瘦瘦的,余光里瞥见对方穿着合身的白衬衫,擦肩而过时衣角散发出淡淡的皂香。           再次见面的机会来得很快。杋圭忘记带家门钥匙,父母下班还要一段时间,他哥又照例放学后去网吧打游戏了,无所事事的杋圭只好在街角乱晃,不耐烦地踢着路边的小石子,思考自己有没有可能实现从三楼翻进家的壮举。       “幸运的大门会为我打开,飞身跳上这极速的列车”,杋圭哼歌哼到一半,思绪被自行车清脆的铃声打断了。他抬起眼,那日有过一面之缘的不知什么

[All2] 队长的非义务关系(32) 01

By dittorec Updated
Tags  txt   taebin   soobin   kaibin   yeonbin   beombin 
Characters Choi soobin Choi yeonjun Choi beomgyu Kang Taehyun Kai Huening
With 3 chapters, 5 subscribers, 1640 views, 42 words
Status [M]


By Jocey_23 Updated
Tags  yeonbin   choisoobin   choiyeonjun 
With 2 subscribers, 2010 views, 34 words
Status [M], Completed


By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun
With 2 subscribers, 1320 views, 9 words

hp架空背景,格兰芬多1x斯莱特林2 如文名是兔兔带球跑,很烂俗的失忆梗 大家新年快乐!新的一年从吃小甜饼开始 尝试了我并不擅长的双向奔赴甜宠设定,完全工业糖精,抱歉了 这篇真的很想写出五菱特别特别爱对方,年上宠年下黏人的那种感觉 如果你没感觉到那是我文笔不行,但我本意是想写出五菱为了对方可以付出全部轰轰烈烈的爱情! 剧情有些仓促,其实写这篇途中好几次脑子里的天使魔鬼都在左右互搏,写着写着就想往强制爱虐兔方向进发【割舍掉我最爱的狗血强制真的好难】 但是毕竟是新年联产的文嘛,想了下新年还是让大家看点甜的比较好,宝宝们食用愉快!  


By piscesisnotafish Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters 崔然竣、崔秀彬
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 130 views



By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin   beombin 
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, Huening Kai
With 12 chapters, 2 subscribers, 1030 views, 56 words

这是一个偏执极端的pua大师1和缺爱的精神病患者2互相折磨的故事,爱是45%的欺骗,45%的疼痛,还有10%的甜蜜 不会爱人的傲慢自私暴君🦊/表面阳光实则阴湿深情败犬🧸×对感情有认知错误的双相障碍患者🐰 半现背OOC 没有逻辑只为爽,请不要代入现实 有狗血暴力痛车,强暴行为  

Say You Love Me

By iheartkpopXD Updated
Characters Jeon Jiwoo (OC) | Huening Kai | Kang Taehyun | Choi Beomgyu | - Mains | Secondary > | Choi Yeonjun | Choi Soobin | Jeon Wonwoo | Jeon Seonwoo (Sunoo) | Cameos include SVT, ENHYPEN, SKZ, ITZY, NUEST & Kai's sisters for now
With 12 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 2350 views, 145618 words
Status [M]


By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi soobin, Choi yeonjun
With 1 subscribers, 640 views, 7 words



By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi soobin, Choi yeonjun
With 3 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1280 views, 93 words

且看装作男公关的狐狸是怎么把兔子骗上贼船的 超人气小说家崔然竣x编辑部宠儿崔秀彬 前半段有女装攻描写,流水账小甜饼


By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi soobin, Choi yeonjun
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 250 views, 32 words

剧情含微量滑彬,但五菱的爱是牢不可破的 双向的 be预警


By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi soobin, Choi yeonjun
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 420 views, 3 words

这次是真的纯爱故事~ 双性🐰,生怀流只占了怀抱歉 特别喜欢灵灵喊哥哥的样子,特别喜欢哥哥保护灵灵的样子 最喜欢的还是我设定中的哥哥把灵灵当公主一样照顾保护,和眼里只有哥哥存在的灵灵 家庭不幸福?没关系! 家人欺负你?没关系!让老公把那些坏人通通解决掉👊 类似你的老公来拯救你了这样的治愈系童话故事ㅠㅠ


By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu
With 1 subscribers, 390 views, 2 words

腹黑心机1×自卑敏感2 1⇆2←3, 现背短打 这是一个1和2互相喜欢却都以为对方喜欢3的冤种故事     崔杋圭一直认为他们生活在犹如乌托邦的童话中。  


By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun
With 390 views, 12 words

爹系温柔年上男1×单纯软萌甜心2 现背设定,没什么逻辑的傻白甜糖精产物     崔秀彬觉得可能最近行程太多,忙碌的工作把身体压榨到极限,以至于他出现了幻听。  


By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun
With 2 chapters, 100 views, 23 words

双神祇设定,灵灵转世后是人类 神话AU 架空脑洞,ooc不要深究 双向奔赴 不虐的小甜饼


By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, Huening Kai
With 11 chapters, 1 subscribers, 840 views, 474 words



By lucekira Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun
With 1 chapters, 590 views, 14 words

阅读前请知悉: 本文中的准彬是没有什么道德三观的人,是可以为了自己的爱情伤害第三者的人

冰淇凌日^ ^

By wjw050711 Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters yeonjun&soobin
With 1 subscribers, 1340 views
Status [M], Members Only

The River: Origin

By Skyful_Poof Updated
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, Kai Kamal Huening, etc.
With 26 chapters, 2 votes, 10 subscribers, 900 views, 1 comments, 66023 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Three years had passed since the disaster by the river. However, strange events and incessant warnings force the team to leave behind their seemingly normal lives and reunite at the university campus, where they are given the chance to make everything right once again, but when they learn that they must face obstacles vastly different from last time, they are burdened with doubtful thoughts – with missing members, fading powers, and painful extraction of their wors

The River

By Skyful_Poof Updated
Characters Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, Kai Kamal Huening, etc.
With 43 chapters, 3 votes, 87 subscribers, 1960 views, 36 comments, 145696 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Five undergraduates simply wanted to live their life focusing on themselves - academics, friendships, love, happiness - but it all went downhill when mysterious creatures came crawling out of a river like a story out of a book, demolishing the city. However, when these five boys, along with many others, obtained the opportunity to put an end to the violent chaos, they put themselves and their newly gained powers to the test. It was up to them to save their city and the people they cared about

WJSN’s Scene

By cherishwjsn Updated
Characters WJSN
With 3 chapters, 5 votes, 307 subscribers, 2160 views, 8 comments, 4393 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Hello! falling star

By RedRascal Updated
Tags  fantasy   bromance   taegyu   txt   yeonbin   yeonkai 
Characters TXT
With 18 chapters, 7 subscribers, 560 views, 3 comments, 29331 words
Status Completed

Falling in the human world by mistake :)

Darker than Dark : sequel

By RedRascal Updated
Tags  taehyun   taegyu   txt   soobin   yeonbin   yeonjun   beomgyu   hueningkai 
Characters Yeonjun Soobin Beomgyu Taehyun HueningKai
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 630 views, 2 comments, 9791 words
Status Completed

10 years passed and they will finally meet again after the new lives each one of them achieved...

Darker than Dark

By RedRascal Updated
Tags  abuse   bullying   schoollife   violence   taehyun   school   taegyu   txt   aggressivelove   soobin   btscameo   yeonbin   yeonjun   beomgyu   hueningkai   itzycameo 
Characters txt, Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun, HueningKai, BTS-Cameo, Itzy-cameo
With 27 chapters, 2 votes, 25 subscribers, 1780 views, 6 comments, 68504 words
Status [M], Completed


By limitlessblue Updated
Tags  kaibin   yeonbin 
With 2 subscribers, 580 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By limitlessblue Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
With 1 subscribers, 770 views, 2 words
Status [M]


By yikejiufeng Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
With 1 chapters, 450 views, 4 words

3.   崔然竣盯着镜子中的自己,恨不得扇自己一个耳光。   “我到底在干什么啊.....”   镜中人双手撑在洗脸池的边缘,脸上还挂着未干的水珠,顺着尖尖的下巴一滴一滴地落下,崔然竣烦躁地伸手糊了一把脸,把手中的水滴甩到了眼前的洗脸池里。   脸上的妆早就卸没了,后续又用冷水洗了不知道多少遍的脸摸

Dream Of You

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 710 views, 3308 words
Status [M], Completed

Lights Up

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 450 views, 2146 words
Status Completed

Inspired by Harry Styles' Lights Up Soobin grew up with Yeonjun who he envies because he's so open. It makes him wonder, how it is like to know who you are.

Bad Boy

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun hueningkai kang taehyun choi beomgyu
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 870 views, 7241 words
Status Completed

Inspired by Red Velvet’s Bad Boy. What happens when popular Choi Yeonjun tries to befriend bad boy Choi Soobin? A lot of uncomfortable things if you ask Soobin, a lot of funny things if you ask Yeonjun.

Like A First Love

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun hueningkai kang taehyun choi beomgyu
With 5 chapters, 2 subscribers, 390 views, 13925 words
Status Completed

Soobin thinks that music class is useless so he doesn’t really like Yeonjun. Yeonjun doesn’t care but he finds Soobin very cute. One day, Yeonjun asks Soobin to come see how he teaches and Soobin begins to like Yeonjun more until he falls in love with him. Yeonjun makes it fun for the students but also speaks of important topics through music and Soobin finds that similar to his way of teaching. They both allow the stu


By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun hueningkai kang taehyun choi beomgyu
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 430 views, 6931 words
Status Completed

In which Soobin is Ladybug and Yeonjun is Cat Noir. Soobin has a big fat crush on Yeonjun but also like Cat Noir. On the other hand, Yeonjun has a crush on Ladybug and thinks Soobin is cute.

Golden String

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi yeonjun choi soobin
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 300 views, 459 words
Status Completed

Soobin reminisces how it was to be young and how he met Yeonjun.

Break My Heart (Then Put It Back Together)

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun kang taehyun choi beomgyu
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 390 views, 4596 words
Status [M], Completed

Going Mad (But I Love It)

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 400 views, 543 words
Status [M], Completed

Couch Fun

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi yeonjun choi soobin
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 660 views, 1826 words
Status [M], Completed

A Matter Of Heart

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun hueningkai kang taehyun choi beomgyu
With 6 chapters, 5 subscribers, 380 views, 16440 words
Status [M], Completed


By strawberryslushie Updated
Tags  angst   boyxboy   romance   txt   soobin   yeonbin   yeonjun   txtyeonjun   txtsoobin 
Characters Yeonjun Soobin Beomgyu Huening Kai Taehyun
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 660 views, 2757 words

    I should have not crossed the border,


By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 510 views, 1 comments, 1657 words
Status Completed

Since they were little, every year, Yeonjun steals Soobin's Christmas list and gets him the perfect present. This year though, what Soobin wants isn't the new video game but a kiss from Yeonjun.

Look Into My Eyes

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 360 views, 1905 words
Status Completed

The prompt is from @mewjjvni on Twitter. Here you go : can i get oblivious sb and pining yj where yj cries bc he doesn't think sb loves him and sb wonders "what kind of fool would make yj hyung cry like that?" but he... HE is the fool

YeonBin Bingo 2021-2022

By 19ARMY923457 Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
Characters choi soobin choi yeonjun hueningkai kang taehyun choi beomgyu
With 14 chapters, 470 views, 12775 words
Status Completed


By Amillian18 Updated
Tags  yeonbin 
With 1 subscribers, 2570 views, 5 words
Status [M]

make a wish to the sky, to remember each other, forever.

By yutaazen Updated
Characters Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Choi Yewon/Arin, Kang Taehyun
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 520 views, 2388 words
Status Completed

In their little home, he would always hear Soobin's little mutters of annoyance when his laptop buffers for too long. Now, it was only the constant beeping coming from the heart monitor filling the cold room.