Kimseungmin (101 kimseungmin stories)
One Shots
Chapter Count
In which Athena is drowning in guilt and Felix wants to save her. ~ "Why are you so distant? Why won't you just let me in? " "Because I'm a murderer!" "What?" "I killed him Felix. I killed Hwang Hyunjin."
It's 31 Stray Kids FT. NCT Dream (occasionally ;) Supernatural Tales, one for each day of Halloween.
金昇玟×你 -双向暗恋&单向暗恋视角 -全文9k+ 纯爱故事 -爱吃暗醋、以为你讨厌他的治愈系小狗 -的小狗长大后变勇敢 写作时bgm(一起食用更佳^^) 暗恋航空-官恩娜 阵雨-I.O.I 我们的相遇是偶然吗-昇玟
翻翻备忘录这篇居然是去年十一月写的^ ^送给大家 当时突发奇想十几分钟就写完的 写的一般
看看这个网站是怎么发文的 随发一篇前两天写的当试验品了 没有太多推敲所以写的一般 这篇比较短节奏比较快 如果还可以以后都在这里发了!^ ^ (诶呦真发上了我简直是天才!!!!我有好多呢我会慢慢发的!!!!!终于有地方给我发发东西了!!!!)
社畜7×学生8 天真小狗被卖银羊骗去酒店这个那个,旧情难却再次偶遇后包养小羊继续这个那个的故事/ 共4章内容/校服JK/小玩具/边缘控制/自缚/厚乳脐橙/夹杂纯爱
青梅vs竹马 大部分篇幅都是描写校园生活的,越来越偏了,也不知道能不能回到预想的剧情/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
From what seems to be a normal day turns out to be a Little Special. Little Hyunjin Mainly 3racha + the rest of the members
“I just wish you were real.” As the words fell from your lips, you felt Changbin pulling away and it triggered another gut-wrenching sob from you. Even though that’s what you wished, that didn’t mean you didn’t want him the way he was right now. You didn’t want him to leave! You needed him! “C-Changbin.” You cried out brokenly. or 8 men have been in your life for as long as you can remember. The only catch is, no one else can see them. You grew up thinking that they were just
目前内含狗/永远/初恋/离危 作者是无耻gfw请注意
“Oh! I’m sorry. I can go see if I can find your server.” He said quickly, glancing over his shoulder briefly. “Can’t you just do it?” Seungmin asked, raising a brow. “Uh…well…” “Well what?” or You meet a handsome bus boy and pray that Seungmin doesn't scare him off.
It tells a story that Kim seungmin and Han Jisung love each other but suffered a lot emotionally in their relationship so they break up and make up together for 3 times,but things start to change when Han Jisung decides to find an other one to love.They quarrel a lot after that but Han Jisung finally understand that seungmin is the one that he really want and finally make it up . 破镜重圆文学 前任文学 含旻城要素 虐但又不完全虐,冷战期会很久,一直到大结局前几章才会甜一点
注意!!!!: 有一个描写细致的外人迷奸小狗未遂, 被2gg英雄救美 是he
群像文 异能世界,末世废土共和国
Jangmi has always been mean to her younger brother, Jeongin. Why? Was it because of jealously? Was it because he had always had so much affection? Was it because he had friends and she doesn't? Why was she even jealous of him in the first place? She hated him and didn't want to love him like the others. She just wants him to not exsist anymore...