Chapter 72

Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1)

*content warning: depictions of death and blood* *skip to author note if uncomfortable and there will be a summary of what happens*

The night Hyunjin died was a night Athena would never forget. They had been walking back to the bus stop after spending the day in Seoul, and they were arguing.

Hyunjin was an athlete, a star athlete at that. He was the school's best swimmer and had won every finals since freshman year. He'd also led their relay team to gold for two consecutive years, a record never held before in the school's history.

The whole town knew of his skill and were sure he was going to pursue this as his profession. Athena was sure too and she loved to support him in anyway she could. That's why she was so pushy when Hyunjin had received a phone call from the national team asking him to come swim for them.

A month before the end of the school arrived, the Korean National Swimming Federation called Hyunjin's house to ask if he was free to discuss his future as a swimmer. In the next two days, representatives from the federation showed up at their school and had a serious chat with Hyunjin and his mother in the guidance counselor's office.

Hyunjin had walked home with Athena that day with a dazed look in his eyes. He had explained to her that they had been watching him since his first relay win with the school team and they wanted him to come and train at their athletic college before officially becoming a part of their team. Athena exclaimed and jumped up and down for joy like a spring. She promised she'd make the boy his favourite kind of pastry and the boy simply smiled. Joy encased both of them and they were happy.

As the days went on and Athena asked her boyfriend more about his impending departure to Seoul, Hyunjin's happiness seemed to dwindle down. So much so, that he didn't even want to talk about it. And when he told Athena he was only considering their offer, Athena knew something was wrong.

At the end of their date, Hyunjin had gotten a call from his mother, updating him on the swimming situation. Athena had watched as he swallowed slightly, eyes glancing around in... fear? Sadness? He had sighed once the call had ended.

As they were walking, Athena couldn't help but bring the topic up. She knew it was bothering him but his sudden aversion to the idea of him swimming for the nation's team was bothering her too.

"So, more news on the national teams offer?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Hyunjin kicked a stone in front of him and shoved his hands into his jeans pocket. Athena huffed and then pressed with another question.

"What did they ask about?"

"Don't really want to talk about it," Hyunjin muttered.

"Well, why not?"

It had come out in a harsher manner than Athena had hoped but she couldn't help it.

"Why do you care so much anyway? It's not like they offered you the position?"

Athena rolls her eyes and scoffs. "I care because this is a big deal! They want you Hyunjin. They are literally begging you to spend the next year training in Seoul to then join the national swim team of Korea. This is the chance of a lifetime! I just don't get why you're hesitating."

"Yeah, well, I have my reasons," the boy replied.

"And I don't get them. I thought this was your dream. Don't you want to be a professional swimmer?"

"I do!"

"Then why are you not picking up that phone and telling them yes?"

Hyunjin had paused walking to stare at Athena, the girl who captured his heart with just one glance.

The offer was to start training in the fall of senior year, their senior year. He'd be in Seoul and she'd be at home, doing whatever they were supposed, just not with him.

"Athena, I don't want to discuss this anymore. Let's just go home and get some rest."

"If you don't make a choice soon, they're going to pick someone else. I just- I don't understand what could be holding you back from making your dream come true."


Hyunjin didn't get to finish his sentence as Athena let out a scream.

The end of the scream was muffled and Hyunjin froze as he watched a man, now grasping Athena, point a gun to the temple of her head.


While they had been arguing, they didn't even notice that they had stumbled into an alleyway. It was dark and a perfect place for gang exchanges to occur. The man had been waiting there, planning to exchange some drugs when the pair had started to walk through. The time for his buyer to arrive was coming closer and nothing was supposed to disrupt his transaction. Hyunjin and Athena would've likely walked through and not seen or heard a thing but the man was high himself and nervous. So in fear of ruining his deal, he approached them unknowingly.

Now they were at a crossroads, where Hyunjin had his hands up in the air and Athena was glancing between Hyunjin and the man holding her in a choke hold.

"Hey, look, we don't mean any harm. If you want money, we've got some. You can take it," Hyunjin started softly, his voice wavering, eyes never leaving Athena.

"I don't want your money! You shouldn't have come here," the man yelled.

"Please, let us go, please."

"Shut up."

The gun pressed closer to Athena's skull and her vision started to blur. Tears streaked down her face and Athena couldn't think of anything at all.

"Can you just put the gun down? We'll go our way and you go yours."

Hyunjin took a deep breath as he inched closer to the man but he noticed and pointed the gun towards Hyunjin instead.

"I said shut up!" The man exclaims. "Stop talking, stop moving. Just stop."

The sound of the gun clicking caused both the teens' eyes to widen. Athena shook her head slightly, pushing against the man's hold.

"You don't have to do this, please," Athena begged.

The man didn't even reply this time, instead just extending his arm out further in Hyunjin's direction.

"Please," Hyunjin had added softly.

The idea that sprung into Athena's mind was wild, crazy, and as she thought about it in the days to come, stupid. All she could gather was that her hands were free and the man wielding the weapon was right behind her. She knew she was no superhero, but she had to do something, anything.

Hyunjin watched as Athena's eyes traveled between him and the tip of the gun in front of her and it was like he knew her plan. But with the smile he sent her way, it was as if he knew what would really happen.

"Let us go," Hyunjin says one last time, taking his chance to move closer to the other two.

The next sequence of moments happened all to quickly and yet in slow motion.

Her hands had reached the man's too late She had wanted to lift the gun a little higher than it had been before, but she missed the timing. The gunshot rang out. It was loud, so loud Athena was sure she would lose her hearing.

The man had been shaken by his actions. He wasn't really supposed to use the gun unless there was a serious situation and now he had. The gun clanked against the ground as he ran out of the alley, away from the crime scene.

In the midst of it all, Athena couldn't even speak. She rushed over to Hyunjin's side, sobbing profusely.

The bullet had hit him right in the head. He wasn't breathing. Blood was seeping from behind his head and Athena couldn't breath.

"Hyunjin, Hyunjin wake up. Wake up, please, please. Wake up!"

She cradled his head in her hands and lent toward him, her tears seeping onto his lifeless face. Athena knew his heart wasn't beating, she knew it was too late but she held on because they couldn't end it like this. This couldn't be the end between them. They had been arguing for goodness sake! She didn't even get to say goodbye.

The sobs raked through Athena and echoed through the empty alleyway. A siren blaring sounded in the distance and Athena hoped it was for them but she didn't move. She just held her love in her hands and cried, wishing it was a dream.

It wasn't though. Hyunjin was dead, and he was never coming back.


Summary of event: Basically, Hyunjin was an all-star swimmer and he had the chance to train for the national team but this started at the same time as their final year in school started. So, he was conflicted about taking the offer because he wanted to spend his last year of school with the love of his life but also wants to accept the opportunity.

When Hyunjin and Athena are out on a date, he gets a call from his mom about the situation, that the people are calling him and such. Athena really wants him to take and doesn't know why he isn't. They argue after he ends the call, with Athena trying to persuade him to take it and Hyunjin trying to explain why he is hesitant.

While arguing, someone comes with a gun (i made a story for them but it's kinda irrelevant, like basically some gang violence and such) and holds Athena hostage kinda while pointing the gun to Hyunjin. Athena tries to push it out of Hyunjin's line of fire but she doesn't even get to reach the gun before he shoots Hyunjin. Explains, why she thinks she killed him and how Hyunjin died :)



okay, wow, lots to digest I assume. this is the of the book you guys :'( we are reaching our end so i hope you will stick with me till the finish line

love y'all!!


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Y'all we are entering the final arc! I actually can't believe it :'(


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Chapter 70: heh happy chapter 69 🤭

also good luck with your school stuff 🥰

hopefully one day Athena can realize she does deserve to be happy and be with people
Chapter 68: Remind me how old they are? Surely Felix would be able to have a say in where he lives and who he lives with if it ended up going to the law...
Chapter 64: wait i didn't think they did it until I saw your a/n
so they did it?? they really kissed? 🥺 it better not just be brushed off as the typical "it's new years so everyone gets a kiss of some kind" tradition, unless it's just here in the UK/England that the tradition is a thing
Chapter 22: Totally not me, being busy with school and forgetting to read this story 😐😂
And now I'm behind from everything! I want to read the other chapters but I'm TOO LAZY because I'm TOO TIRED! 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: This is so interesting , I am glad I found this story!
Chapter 29: Oh god this is getting me millions of different feelings at the same time.
Such a good story, keep it up <3
Chapter 3: Oof~ This hit me where it hurts.
Chapter 2: I'm very interested in this. And I'm definitely gonna check out some of those songs later.