Chapter 13

Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1)

The ringing of a bell sounds as Athena and Felix enter a salon in the town's center. A lady approaches them and welcomes them to the store. 

"Hello! My name's Kim. What can I do for you today?" she asks.

"I would like to dye my hair red," Felix explains.

She nods and them looks at Athena. Athena shakes her head slightly, "I'm just here as moral support."

"Alright then," Kim says with a laugh. "Let's get you seated."

They follow her further into the shop until they reach an open seat near the back of the room. There weren't many people in the salon anyway, only a few middle-aged women chatting up a storm in the opposite corner of the room.

"I'll be right back, you two just sit tight."

As she leaves, Athena turns to Felix and gives him a questioning look. "Do you even have money to pay for this?"

"Of course!" The boy says. "I came prepared and if I didn't, I'm sure you, my kind and wonderful friend, would've gladly helped a friend out."

"O-kay. Whatever you want to think," Athena tells him, rolling her eyes.

Athena and Felix continue joking around, waiting for Kim to come back. As they talk, someone catches Felix's eye. A woman at the front of the salon was staring at them intensively. Athena notices Felix's odd trance and turns to find out what he was looking at. When Athena sees the woman for herself, her eyes start to well up with tears.

No, not here. Not right now, she mutters in her brain. She really needed to stop crying.

"Athena?" the lady asks with uncertainty.

Athena gets up from her seat and approaches the woman almost as if her body was moving on its own accord.

"Hello Mrs. Hwang."

"How are you? I haven't seen you since..." Mrs. Hwang trails off.

"I've been fine," Athena says softly.

Mrs. Hwang nods. "You know you're always welcome at our house Athena. And if you need anything, I'll always be here for you."

Athena just smiles in response, trying her best to hold in the tears. I don't deserve this, she thinks. She didn't deserve any of this comfort and yet here she was, receiving it without even asking. Just the thought of how hard it must've been for Mrs. Hwang, to lose her son, and yet she's here, comforting the girl who caused his death makes Athena's tears break lose.

"Oh Athena," Mrs. Hwang murmurs, pulling the younger girl into her arms.

Athena sobs grew, as they usually do when she cries in someone else's presence. Mrs. Hwang feels tears of her own fall down her cheeks and lets out a small sigh, holding the girl closer to her. For they both understood each other's lose more than anyone else.

Felix watches the scene unfold. This would be the second time he's seen Athena cry and he's still confused. Why was she crying now and who was that lady to her? 

"Are you ready?"

Felix jumps slightly and looks to see Kim standing in front of him with a smile. Felix nods but continues to watch Athena and the other lady as they move closer to the front of the salon. 

What is really going on with Athena? Felix thinks to himself, wondering what secrets the girl truly was hiding. 

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Y'all we are entering the final arc! I actually can't believe it :'(


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Chapter 70: heh happy chapter 69 🤭

also good luck with your school stuff 🥰

hopefully one day Athena can realize she does deserve to be happy and be with people
Chapter 68: Remind me how old they are? Surely Felix would be able to have a say in where he lives and who he lives with if it ended up going to the law...
Chapter 64: wait i didn't think they did it until I saw your a/n
so they did it?? they really kissed? 🥺 it better not just be brushed off as the typical "it's new years so everyone gets a kiss of some kind" tradition, unless it's just here in the UK/England that the tradition is a thing
Chapter 22: Totally not me, being busy with school and forgetting to read this story 😐😂
And now I'm behind from everything! I want to read the other chapters but I'm TOO LAZY because I'm TOO TIRED! 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: This is so interesting , I am glad I found this story!
Chapter 29: Oh god this is getting me millions of different feelings at the same time.
Such a good story, keep it up <3
Chapter 3: Oof~ This hit me where it hurts.
Chapter 2: I'm very interested in this. And I'm definitely gonna check out some of those songs later.