Just A Game

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You and Tiffany have been together even before your debut and both of you have never been happier. But what if trial suddenly finds its way to your happy life and you come face to face with something you never imagined happening. She's your first love, and you wish that she'll be the only one. But what if your perfect and happy life is ruined by someone else? Would you be able to forgive and put everything behind you? So much keeps piling up and you find yourself alone. Will she be able to get you back and make things right again?



But some things seemed to have changed along the way. Will your relationship stay strong or will your love eventually fade away?



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Girlgroupsonly4ever #1
Chapter 34: OH
subscribed! :D
Chapter 74: Done reading it and wow. I love it. <3
Chapter 74: It's taken me awhile to re-read the entire story...but great job on finishing it! It's been a long time coming, and I enjoyed it!
YL2408 #5
Chapter 74: Finally this story is ending after waiting so long. This story is very amazing, hope u can still write another story again
K-Reader28 #6
Chapter 74: That was absolutely amazing, just wonderful. Thank you Yoonjin-shi for such a great story. I’ve read many of your stories and they have tugged my heart and this especially. ❤️
Chapter 74: Wonderful, just wonderful ^^
_Jkjkjk #8
Chapter 74: That was amazing, thank you!
sellym #9
Chapter 70: I

Welcome back author