It wasn't an angel who saved me. At least... he’s not one yet.

Stupid You,

So… this is it?  I’ve died…?    The bright, white light almost blinds me. Everything is so blurry, all blurry, and white. I try to make sense of my view, but I can’t see anything, then right in the centre of my vision, all clear and perfect, is Donghae.  He's mouthing something to me, but my ears are clogged and can’t take in any actual words. But slowly, little by little, his voice becomes clearer and clearer, but I still can't comprehend any meaning behind them.




                    He picks me up and rests me against his chest as he sits behind me. As he pulls me up, the stinging from the burning points of my back feel as though they're tearing, reminding me that I’m still alive… well, still  just barely  alive. The air feels so thick and heavy, pushing down on me. He leans the side of my head on his shoulder, his panicked hands hugging me tightly. I resist the urge to squeal in pain. Telling him he’s hurting me isn’t worth him letting me go.


Out of breath, he continues to repeat airily,

"It's okay Gaheun, it's gonna be okay, help is coming. Help is coming. You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay." his voice chokes as he tries to finish speaking.   I nod weakly, even if what he's saying may not be true, I might as well make him feel like I have the hope. I fight the droopiness that's overcoming my eyes...  Help is on the way. I know it. Hopefully Hyukjae found a way to get here and stop Choi.


"You're right. Okay, do you remember their number?" Kim Bum asked, serious.

"I only remember one. But I'll write it down. Remember, call them only on the day of, not earlier, I don't want any chances of our plan being ruined."

"Mm." Kim Bum nods. "The only problem is that we don't know when Choi will be planning to shoot. We have to give time for a little lenience." he purses his lips in thought.

"Don't worry, I've already taken that time into consideration. Our plan will work. Trust me." I assure Kim Bum. He looks at me, suspicious. "Are you not telli-"

"Choi isn't going to rush. He's going to try to lengthen the torture as much as possible. Hopefully we can use this to give ourselves a little more time." I interrupt him, worried he’d see through my act.

"Mm." Kim Bum says, probably less suspicious.

"I'm gonna sleep. Tomorrow's the big day." I say, letting out a fake yawn.
                    Kim Bum and I made a plan to save Donghae, to save all of us. But this plan would have only worked if I made my own deal with Choi. I couldn't have any chances of possible failure, truly, I couldn't.




                    I'm glad my plan worked, I can go knowing it wasn't for nothing, and that I've actually loved someone enough to be willing to make sacrifices for them. I look up to Donghae's face, even when his expression is like this, it's perfect. He looks like an angel, with a bright glow surrounding him. His voice finally begins to make sense,


"Gaheun, can you hear me? Gaheun, please say something, let me know you can hear me. Please." his barely audible, high, breathy voice asks.  I smile at him using all the strength I can gather, and nod once.

"It's gonna be okay. Okay? Help is going to come. It will. I promise." he quickly replies, unable to hide his panic.

"Help  will  be coming soon, Donghae." Kim Bum says trying to calm down Donghae, then mumbles something to himself.  Donghae looks in the direction of Kim Bum's voice, and I follow his gaze.





                    It wasn't an angel who saved me. At least... he’s not one yet. Lying on the floor surrounded by a spill of crimson red, still as a statue, is Seunghyun.


"Hyung. Hyung. Can you move?" Kim Bum asks, almost as panicked as Donghae is.

"No... I can't. I ... Don't even feel pain." Seunghyun replies, laughing a little towards the end. Kim Bum doesn't reply to him, and I don't look at Kim Bum either, I focus on Seunghyun. Even though Seunghyun’s words sound a little regretful, his face looks so serene, so peaceful.  The red dye catches my eye as it slowly travels up his shirt, almost reaching his shoulders.   He can't feel the pain. He can't feel the pain because he took the shot for me. In place of me, just like I did for Donghae. He saved my spine by using his.


Third Person’s POV:




"Look at what you've done! Is this what you wanted?!" Kim Bum yells angrily. The sound of clattering on the floor shortly follows.


Choi’s hands shake violently, what have I done? My son... I... It's... He's...   Choi's mind is shattered, his remorse piles upon him, the years of sin and tyranny flood into him as the gun drops to the floor.


"You're lucky you can run. But once help comes, I'm gonna make sure you get put where you belong." Kim Bum threatens menacingly.

                    Seunghyun put his hand on Kim Bum's shoulder, reminding him that Choi was after all, still his dad. Seunghyun doesn't want his father to be threatened for the rest of his life, although he's mad that his father fired three bullets at Gaheun, the remorse he heard from his father’s voice was genuine. A tone that he hadn't heard in a long time. His father would try to find some form of redemption. At least, Seunghyun hoped his father would.




                    However, Choi didn't see it that way. Too many wrongs have been done. Even if he spent the rest of his life trying to right all the wrongs he's done, he wouldn't have even made a dent in the number of problems he's caused. Even if he tried to fix some of the misfortunes he's created, some are permanently damaged. Seunghyun could die at any moment now, and if he were to survive, he wouldn't be able to walk for the rest of his life. What kind of redemption or cure is there for that?   None.


"Don't worry. I'll turn myself in to be judged." Choi says, in a suddenly strong voice.


                    Kim Bum and Seunghyun's eyes widen, Donghae covers Gaheun's ear and presses her head even more tightly against his chest as he rests his head on her's. All four of them squeeze their eyes shut and cringe as they hear the final blow of the gun. Gaheun watches Donghae as he looks back in the direction of Choi and then back to her. His emotion was concealed by the mask she knew so well, but like always, his eyes poured out his thoughts:  He wasn't happy about Choi's death, but he felt glad that the time of torture was over. Forever.




                    Donghae smiles a little as he brushes Gaheun's hair from her face, trying to make Gaheun feel optimistic and continue to stay awake. Gaheun replies with a smile of her own, for Donghae's sake.
She then turns her head to look at her guardian. She meets Seunghyun's gaze, and smiles at him. There are no words to express how grateful she feels. For everything he has done for her, for Donghae,  it all meant the world to her. If it weren't for Seunghyun, Donghae wouldn't be able to be holding her this very moment, if it weren't for him, she wouldn't be here for  Donghae  to hold at this moment.





                    Although the only thing exchanged were glances and smiles, an understanding reached. Everyone accepted their fate; everyone knew the tension was over, and that they were all on good terms. There was nothing that needed to burden them anymore, no matter what happened, no hard feelings would be left to haunt them.




                    Gaheun looks to Donghae again, her eyelids feeling heavier than ever. She slowly puts her hand on his cheek, smiling weakly at him. Donghae's breathing begins to pick up again, as he shakes his head in small, quick movements. He knew what she meant, and he didn’t want to accept it.


"... Fight it. You can do it. Help is coming really quick. You promised everything will be okay. D-on't break your promise." his eyes brim with tears again.  I did promise everything will be okay, and it will be, Gaheun thinks as Donghae holds her hand in his.

"For as long as I can." Gaheun smiles. Donghae lets all the tears out, his breathing shaking his entire body. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead on Gaheun's as the sound of sirens get closer and closer.





Hey everyone!!! :) i just wanted to let everyone know... the next two chapters will be the end of my story!!! :O it's sad really, sorta wish i could stretch this out even longer :P hahaha. But, i guess everything does have to come to an end :( Anyways, i'd just like to thank everyone for reading and supporting my story! it means the world to me, and ive really gained confidence from this experience! :D


Moreover, I want to tell you guys about how the ending will be. I have two endings that you all can choose from! (the next chapter will just contain the two links to chapters). The reason i have two separate endings is because there is an original one that i had when the idea of this story came into my head, and a second one that came up as i began writing the story :) anyways, more details will be in the next chapter! :D [i'm trying to think of ways for you guys to be able to read the ending you like, without giving anything away :P]


Read. Enjoy. Comment. Subscribe. :)

                                                                                                                   -    Bebexoxo 

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Chapter 87: Fooobtteqafobhvdzch....

So speechless....
One of the best stories ever!

Loved both endings...
so well written :D
Beat fic omg
Sibecca407 #2
Chapter 87: so damn sweet, omg, keep up the good work & will anticipate for more stories! ^^
blazensaddles #3
Chapter 87: guess what i just did~~~~~
:3 lol i just read this again XD woot!!!! still made me cry ._.
AHHHHH! It ended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to a completed fic!
So I picked Epilogue 2 to read cause I can't bear sad endings. You're gonna make me cry, I know so. Props to you for being such a good writer.
OMG, I loved it! Gaheun and Donghae got married and had a kid!!! The kid was so cute thinking Appa had an imaginary friend. You lit a smile up my face. I miss the happy atmosphere, but the sad stuff really moved me.
The ending was so cute and romantic. I liked how the dialogue related back to the title. Best ultimate ending.

Please write more fics in the future. I would read anything you write.
Epilogue 2 : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!! Such a sweet ending !!!! >< I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REAAAAAALLYYYYYYY LOVE IT (copy and paste did me a lot of work :p) I cried at the beginning because I thought it was Gaheun who died ! >< Then I read..... 'him' WAIT WHAT !? 'HIM' !? Then again, I think that the sad ending is on the previous chapter. I still cried anyway, and stopped when haeeun talks to seunghyun. I know, I'm so stupid.
Then it started again when donghae played with gaheun, when he backhugs gaheun after she calls him a dinosaur ! You oughta know, you wrote it !!! XD
I mean, they really went through a lot of things to be where they are now, see ? This is sooo sweet, and what I love even more is the fact that this is sooo beautifully written ! >o< Such a refreshing leisure time after midterm ! >< YESSS, my midterm ended ! Hooray to me !!!! \(´▽`)/
Overall, I LOVE the sad ending more than the happy one ! ^o^ It gives me more impact, >< and... Well, I just like sad endings.
You're sucha genius, unni ! >< I'm totally speechless, I can't write. *wipes tears*
Really, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE SAD ENDING ! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE SAD THINGS, RIGHT ? You have no idea how much my heart beat when I read the one where she finally says "I Love You" and the fact that she can no longer say it to him is.... Too heartbreaking ! >< And YeJin, I love her more after this. Her way of soothing donghae is.... *sigh* I can imagine the scene in my head, donghae in the cafe where the first love VCR is taken, yejin sitting on the edge of one of the table. He enters on a twilight sky surrounding the area, their faces were almost invisible, just the silhouette. :'(
And he was reading the letter with that black shirt he wore on SMA, GAHH black shirt seems so hot on donghae. And anyways ! Great job on the sad ending ! >o<
blazensaddles #7
to be honest, they both are very good. i liked both endings, and i cant really pick a favorite. i dont know if you care at all, but here are my (summarized? trying not to give a lot away) thoughts on the endings-
Epilogue 1: short, but a lot of emotion. of course im sad, but im also happy. (Gaheun and Seunghyun).
Epilogue 2: very happy :) again sad and happy. (Seunghyun and Gaheun) at least both are together. HaeEun, haha cute. Dinosaur finally comes out :D
if i were to pick one, it would be Epilogue.....2.
i love the second epilogue.. but the first one is good too..
so sad it already ended >.< but great story :))