Reunion or maybe not?

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)

As soon as her eyes opened, the ringing sound of hospital apparatus was the first sound that she heard. Slowly, the scenery of the peaceful hospital welcomed her. A heavy weight on top of her arms caught her attention, so she looked at it and found a sleeping Kyuhyun. He was clinging into her arm while wearing hospital clothes as well. They were both connected to an IV and were the only ones in her room. A soft smile crept into her face as she tried to lift her hands up and ruffled his hair. The small movement she created caused him to open his eyes, gazing towards her direction, he smiled at her. Dara teasingly pocked his cheeks and all he did was close eyes as he grinned back silently.


''Noona I missed you. I'm sorry for what happened.'' Kyuhyun mumbled after he pecked the back of her palm.


''By now, we both know that we were both tricked. Anyways, what happened to my cousin?'' Dara asked as she clutched in her forehead.


Kyuhyun got up and pecked Dara's forehead before he answered her question. Deep breathes followed his heavy sigh which made Dara very anxious. She remembered hearing gun shots before losing consciousness. Kyuhyun's face turned darker before he spoke.


''Kyuhyun-ah!'' Dara called out as she tried to shake him. Kyuhyun stopped her and spoke.


''I'm sorry I couldn't protect you both. When I lost you for that few months, my life crumbled before me. The thought of actually losing you for real scared me so I had to pick.'' Kyuhyun stated as he began to shake and be overpowered by tears.


''That's not answering my question.'' Dara argued.


''Dasom... Well she.. She was found dead with Changmin.'' Kyuhyun said and cried at the loss of his best friend. Dara's tears flow out from her eyes.


''Your family fixed the burial rights for Dasom since she had no one to depend on. She had no family or friends. All she had was Changmin and ...  me. It is only now that I understood what she felt.'' Kyuhyun added and wiped his tears as he sobbed.


''I want to see her right now.'' Dara demanded as she tried to stand up but her body is still too tired to move.


''The doctor said that your body is like in a state of hibernation. Since you suffered a great deal of emotional stress, the mind couldn't take it so the body followed. You were asleep for three days. Changmin and Dasom would be burried tomorrow afternoon.'' Kyuhyun replied.


The door opened and the jolly 2NE1 members came. CL was with Henry and Bom was with Heechul. Siwon, Donghae and Eunhyuk as well as the others all came to visit the couple. Their smiles and laughters got erased when they saw the swollen eyes of the couple. CL immediately ran towards Dara's side.


''What happened unnie? Oppa?'' She looked at Dara and Kyuhyun. The people crowded their own members. Bom and Minzy took the other side of the bed and looked at Dara with worried eyes.


''You should be resting!'' Sungmin scolded Kyuhyun.


''Does anything hurts or aches in your body?'' Minzy asked.


''Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything?'' Bom asked and looked at Dara warrily, trying to stop herself from hugging the little Park.


Dara just shook her head and looked at CL. CL then looked at her unnie and their maknae. ''I wanna go to the burial of my cousin tomorrow.''


''But you're not well enough!'' Kyuhyun answered for CL. He immediately turned his face into the direction of Dara.


''I'm fine.'' Dara retorted.


''You're not! Look at you, you can't even stand up. You need to rest more.'' Kyuhyun argued.


''He is right.'' Heechul added.


CL raised her arm in the air and stopped the others from bickering with Dara. ''Arasso. I'll talk to the doctor about it.'' CL responded.


''But Hon (-ey)...'' Henry whispered but CL just looked at him with her fierce eyes.


''We can't stop her if that is what she wants to do. It'll her and Dasom move on from this.'' CL said and nodded at Dara.


''Still unnie!'' Minzy voiced out. It is rare that she disagrees with her unnies but this time she felt she should say something about it.


''I understand Dara. Let's just trust her and be with her.'' Bom said and patted their maknae's back.


''I'll be alright. Don't worry about me.'' Dara said and forced a smile to make Minzy stop worrying anymore.


The next day, the members of Super Junior as well as 2NE1 attended the funeral. Dara was sitting on the wheel chair while Kyuhyun pushed her towards Dasom and Changmin's ashes. The two paid their respects to the deceased couple and cried for them.


''I didn't know how much my existence in your life hurted you. I didn't know that the Kyuhyun you were talking about is the man I was in love with too. If only I knew earlier then I could have stopped myself from loving him. You were my family and I am yours but I didn't know how much I was making you suffer because of loving someone who was the only person in your life.'' Dara thought as she cried for Dasom.


''I'm sorry for taking the first woman you ever loved in your life. I didn't know that things would turn out this way. You were the brother that I didn't have and the person who stayed when no one seemed to last. If only I can erase myself in her memories then maybe you guys would still be sharing the same air together.'' Kyuhyun thought as he cried for Changmin.


The burial ceremony was stated and the news about Kyuhyun and Dara spreaded like a wild fire. The media had a feast about their stories. Different ''insiders'' in the show business started speaking out anonymously about the relationship of the two. Some said that they were still together while some made it seem that they hated each other. Different perspectives came out, some fans cried while the others celebrated. Both YG and SM released their official statements about the issue and decided to give both Dara and Kyuhyun a break. 2NE1 and Super Junior both promoted in sub-units while Kyuhyun and Dara lost contact with each other. Kyuhyun kept trying to connect with her but she decided to cut all means of communications with him. The other members of 2NE1 kept their mouth shuts and remained loyal to Dara while the Super Junior members just helped their maknae find her.



''If my sources are correct, he should be able to find her. Contact him through the details that are written on this paper and bring her back here.'' Siwon said as he handed Kyuhyun a piece of folded paper. It has been six months since Kyuhyun started looking for Dara. He found no trace and only false leads as to where her exact location was. YG helped Dara as he felt protective of his family member.


''Gomawo hyung. I'll get going already.'' Kyuhyun said and hugged Siwon.


''Here's your luggage.'' Ryeowook said and handed it Kyuhyun who smiled back at his hyung.


''Always be careful! Arasso?'' Sungmin reprimanded their maknae.


''Don't forget to bring back dried mangoes!!! Or else, I'll hate you and never talk to you again!'' Henry threatened and slapped Kyuhyun's back so hard.


Just like what Siwon instructed him, Kyuhyun met up with the detective that Siwon hired to find Dara. Kyuhyun followed the private eye said and went to search for Dara. On his own, he went on a journey to look for Dara. 

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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please