Chapter 72

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)


Yesung just pulled Bom away. He was running away with as he apologize to her repeatedly. Bom was looking back at her friends hoping that they we're all running in the alleys. The two kept running until they were panting so hard already. Yesung knew that Bom has to rest. Wishing that the sasaeng fans were gone already, Yesung released Bom's hand and they looked at each other catching their own breathe.







"Oppa let's talk. We really need to talk... I think!?" Bom said in her unsure voice.






"Sure. So where should we go?" Yesung asked Bom.






"I know a good place." Bom said and pulled Yesung placing a grip on his left arm.






Bom pulled Yesung to the side streets and waited then called for a cab. She shoved him inside the cab and gave the directions.





To Yesung's surprise, Bom dropped him a street in front of their dorm. He went down the cab and Bom sadly looked at him and asked the driver to wait for her.





"I'll go get my dog so that it won't be awkward for us. You have a dog too right?" Yesung said excitedly and looked at the cab with a confused expression.






Before Yesung could walk further away from Bom, she tugged the back of shirt and pulled him. Yesung allowed himself to be pulled which caused Bom to exert too much effort making her lean on his back. Her forehead rested on Yesung's wide shoulders and the two of them became quiet.






Yesung didn't know whether he should speak or remain quiet. He was shaking as his cheeks became fuller and more crimsoned as the time quickly passed. He looked at the skies and saw that there are dark clouds that were already forming.






"Today was fun, but since you brought me home already, I guess you're already tired. Rest well okay. I hope we can meet again---" Yesung stated excitedly but was unable to finish it because Bom spoke.






"Meet again? Let's not. Oppa I'm sorry. But I can't reciprocate your feelings for me. I already have some---" Bom said as she stopped and looked at the direction parallel to them.





She saw a guy watching them with cold and lonely eyes. His face is fixated to the two of them. Yesung turned and looked at Bom when she stopped speaking. He also looked at the milky skinned Heechul who looked paler than usual after seeing them.





Yesung looked at the two of them, both Bom and Heechul gave each other looks that exhibits surprise, pain and loneliness. Yesung realized that Bom likes Heechul and his hyung likes the girl back. They both just stared at each other and they remained speechless. The rain started falling but the two remained still and quiet.






Wanting to make them move, Yesung aggressively pulled Bom's arm and planted a kiss on her lips. "I love you, I really do." he said. Heechul's mouth opened wide for a moment and then it changed into a meek smile. He looked down on the ground and started walking away from the direction of their dorm not caring about the rain. Bom was shocked by what Yesung did so it took her a while before she returned back to normal. She didn't return his kisses or even fought. She just remained still and it was Heechul's lonely expression behind Yesung's back that snapped her back to reality.






After a few steps, Heechul heard a loud crisp sound of a slap. Bom's right hand landed on Yesung's face leaving a mark on it making it red and warm. Heechul turned around saw Bom's eyes b with tears. He immediately ran back to his dongsaeng who can't even look at Bom. Heechul touched his dongsaeng's swollen face with cold hands and pulled him into a hug and looked at Bom who is becoming angry this time.






"Oppa, sorry but let's not meet again in the future." the soaked Bom said and ran inside of the cab which is waiting for her. The sky must be siding with her since it became stronger. The cab left and Yesung and Heechul remained under the cold rain.






"Why did you get slapped?" Heechul asked and turned Yesung to face him. He slowly lifted his dongsaeng's face and saw that he was crying.





"Why are you not running after her? I love noona but I think she likes you more. I got slapped so that you would see that there is nothing between us. I didn't get slapped for nothing." Yesung said as the expression on Heechul's face changed. From pity, it turned into irritation. He released his dongsaeng from his hug and pushed him away.






"Why didn't you cut all the crap and told me everything quickly?" Heechul angrily asked as they both ignored the rain and looked at the cab that was moving further and away from them.







"Just tell her your feelings for her." Yesung said and pushed Heechul. Heechul just looked at Yesung with a puzzled expression and started running unconsciously.






"This is unfair. Everyone I love ends up ignoring me and leaving me. From tortoise to humans they all left. I want to wish them happiness and Heechul hyung happiness but I really can't. For now at least, I can't honestly wish him the best but I do hope that they would at least know each other's feelings." Yesung thought as he watched his hyung run after Bom ignoring the pouring cold rain on them. 






Dara looked at the window as she patiently waited for Kyuhyun to comeback. She sneakily looked around everyone and started doodling on Kyuhyun's list. With her face and arms covering the table she started writing beside it.






"I was here too.~~~ ^^" Dara doodled and drew her pine tree hairstyle.





Kyuhyun cheekily coughed beside her ear, making her jump in surprise. Her head banged on Kyuhyun's chin making him gasped in pain. He also punctured his lips with his teeth making it bleed.






"Are you okay? Your lower lip is bleeding!" She squealed as she pulled him and started wiping off the streaks of blood that were flowing from her lover's injured lips.






"Noona I'm fine, look at your hands. It's already dirty and stained with my blood." Kyuhyun said tenderly as he took Dara's hand and wiped it with the hanky she was holding in her other hand.






"Mianhe.." Dara just said as she watched him take care of her. Kyuhyun wiped Dara's hand with love and care. He was very gentle as he tried to wipe her fingers clean. A sweet smile never left his face. Dara just blushed as she watched him take care of her gently. The two of them were seldom together so he being like this is very sweet and memorable for her.






"Don't be sorry. It's okay, it's nothing to apologize about.. Hmmm?" Kyuhyun replied from a manly tone ending it with his sweet and cute aegyo.






"I wonder are they doing right now." Dara said as she continued doodling on her cups.





Bom knew that she couldn't go to the practice session anymore. She called CL but she is not answering her phone, so she just sent her members a text message telling them that she can't go to their practice later.







"Miss, someone is running after us. He is wearing a black hoodie, the guy with you earlier or is he a ghost?" the taxi driver stated which made Bom look at him with eyes b with tears.






"Just keep going. Ignore him. Make him tired or something." Bom just said and covered her face with her palm.






"That's Kim Heechul right? I think he has a metal something in his leg." the driver said feeling guilty about what she is asking him to do.






"Okay! I get it! Enough. Please stop the cab here." Bom said and paid the driver more than the amount she should.






"But this is more than you should pay me." the driver said as he panics while searching for something to give her as a change.





"Just keep the change and please don't tell anyone about this. Please, I am begging you. You were once a caught in a emotional train wreck too right?" Bom said and saw the sad pout that formed on the driver's mouth. She noticed that he was holding a young girl's picture on top of a paper and marker. She just smiled and took them from his hand.





"Is she your daughter? She's very pretty. What is her name?" Bom asked as she wrote sweet nothings on the paper and signed on it waiting for the person with her to answer.






"Her name is Hyo-rin. Thank you mam. I promise that nothing that happened tonight will leak out except this signature and your riding my cab." The driver shyly replied and looked at Bom.






"Thank you sir." Bom replied and went out of the cab ignoring the pouring rain.






Heechul saw her so he ran fast again. Bom just looked at the cab speeding off and started walking under the rain too. She just followed the direction of the cab and her tears started falling. There were so many things going through her mind right now. Her fears, insecurities, uncertainties but top it all off there are also her desires that she fears to have. Heechul tried calling her but he knew it wouldn't really help so he just ran faster until he caught up with her and hugged her from behind. Bom was startled and they both stopped walking.






"Bommie-ah, it's okay, you can cry, you can scream, you can curse, you can hurt me and you can do everything. Yesung, that turtle babo, he really liked you a lot. He is not the type of guy who would just kiss a woman and upset her. Please forgive him." Heechul said while wrapping his arms on Bom's waist.






"Did you come here just to say that?" Bom asked and pushed the almighty Kim Heechul away and started walking again away from him. She pushed him hard causing him to fall on the wet streets with his but first. But he got surprised by her strength too so instead of getting mad he just laughed it off as well.





"Oh great, now she even kicked my !" Heechul muttered loud enough for Bom to hear but she ignored him and kept on walking.






"She stole my heart and soaked my , that girl is the one and only Park Bom, the Bominator that made Kim Heechul's heart joom joom like a locket." Heechul screamed not caring if someone hears him.






Bom just kept walking with her head tilted and smiling. Those are the words she longed to hear from him. Even before she met him face to face, after seeing him act the way he does, Bom already liked him. Not because she is his fan but because she knew that he was really sad. He was hiding his sadness under his infamous jokes, smiles and laughter. He admired him for acting strong and tough around s and friends when everyone was hurting.







"Hello?! Earth on Bom? Heechul just confessed to you?!" Heechul squealed as he started walking after her. Bom ignored him and just kept on walking straight smiling and now even chuckling to herself. Still processing that Kim Heechul confessed to her.





"Yah~ Fine! I won't follow you anymore!~ No one makes Kim Heechul walk under the rain like this." Heechul said and he stopped walking hoping that Bom would stop walking as well. His knees are getting weaker after running after her.






"Bom I love you." Heechul finally screamed when he saw Bom walking away from him.






Bom looked at him and walked back to where he was. She laughed at him and smiled when he she saw how surprised he was when he returned. She pinched his cheeks and poked it and then smiled at him. It turned Heechul on, because she looked so y and all he could do is blush under the pouring rain.





"What took you long to say that?" Bom said and poked Heechul's crimsoned face. He was surprised with what she said. He never thought that she would like him back. She never showed interest in him, not any that he knew off. He became more surprised, he just looked down and he started crying with happiness.






"But words are words right? All we can do is mutter them, speak of them and sing them. I just wanted to know if your feelings for me are sincere so I made you ran more. Now that I am here with you, You can scream, you can laugh, you can cry, you can hate, you can smile, you can hurt, you can curse and just be yourself. I won't ask much from you but to just be yourself. I love you too and I won't get tired on telling you that during our time together." Bom said as she ruffled his hair and pulled Heechul into a hug.






"I at confessions and giving gifts but I love you too Bom." Heechul just said and nuzzled his face on Bom's neck and kept on crying. Bom just gently his back as he cried.






The two of them forgot who they were that night. All they knew is that they were just two people that owned their own world, the same street that every one was walking on. He was a boy and she was girl just like every one who had walked the same path as them.







"Oppa I love you." Bom said as he cupped his face and smiled.






"I love you too." Heechul shyly said and messed with Bom's hair and they kept walking under the rain now but this time they were together and are now holding hands.







On the other hand, Dara and Kyuhyun was in the warm coffee shop enjoying the company of each other. Dara would occassionally looked at Kyuhyun's face as she doodled on her cup. The guy finished his quicker than her so he would occasionally feed her in between of their drawings.






"What are you looking at?" Kyuhyun asked eyeing her while he was in the middle of drinking his hot coffee. The cup was still in face but he gave her questioning looks for her weird behavior.






"Nothing just my yeobo's handsome face." Dara said and chuckled like a child and continued doodling giggling.




"Bababam~~~ Dodooong~" Dara proudly squealed when she finished her cups. She left them there under her side of the table and went to the comfort room.





"I'll just go to the comfort room and I trust you that you won't touch my cups!" Dara nagged like a mom with her hands on her waist to which Kyuhyun just nodded with his paper cup still on his mouth.






But as soon as Dara left it was hard for him to fight his curiousity when it comes to the said cups. He looked around and tried reaching out for the cups but he would stop until he couldn't fight the feeling anymore and really reached out for the cups.





He saw the 2NE1's members names written on the other cups but this one cup. It caught his attention because the character that was drawn all over the surface of the cup is something he recognized before. It was on the tip of his tounge but he couldn't quite remember it. It is yellow in color and it has long and pointed ears with curly hair, parted the same way he did his hair. He knew he has seen it before because it was familiar to him.





"This is him when he's mad"


"This is him when he's bickering with me"


"This is him when he's forced to smile"


"This is his genuine smile"


"This is his sad face"


"This is poker face"


"This is crying face"


"This is him when he's extremely happy"


"This is his puppy face"


"This is puffed cheeks"


Kyuhyun saw different chibi expressions on the character. Dara returned and caught Kyuhyun in the act of looking at the cup. He just smiled at him weakly.





"Give me that! It is not yet finished." Dara said and briskly snatched the cup from him.






"Yah~ you might ruin it!~" Kyuhyun angrily said but Dara just glared at him and he knew that he was at fault so he just kept quiet and watched her so she turned around and faced the other way making sure he doesn't see anything.





Dara added something underneath the cup. She took out post it from her bag and doodled at it as well then stuck it on Kyuhyun's forehead.





"I'mma go buy some honey bread." Dara said and angrily placed the cup on their table ad went to the counter. Kyuhyun just nodded with the blue post it on his forehead and pouted. The post it fell gently on his lap and with spoon on his mouth he looked at what was written on the paper.







"This is face when he's guilty."

X______X he looks like a frog.............. Prince.


The word prince was written very small compared to the word frog she wrote.






He scanned the cup and saw that she added something underneath the cup so he read it.







"But this face was the most epic Kyuhyun face, O___o, it was his expression when we first met. It was also the his expression on our fist photo together."





Kyuhyun laughed and saw a photosticker of them inside the cup and he agreed that he had the same expression as her drawing. He just laughed and she returned so he stopped.





"Are you laughing at my drawing?" Dara asked him.






"Nice rilakkuma by the way, it even has a curly hair like me." Kyuhyun said and held Dara's hand squeezing it tightly.






Dara just sighed and laughed then looked down. His phone vibrated and he looked at it, Sungmin replied to him when he sent him a picture of the cup, boasting that he has the best rilakkuma in the world.





Dude, Are you blind?

That's Pikachu not Rilakkuma.






With that message, Kyuhyun almost cursed. He immediately hugged Dara who knew that he made a huge mistake. Dara just laughed it off and hugged Kyuhyun.





"So why did you compare me to pikachu?? Who said this was rilakkuma anyways" Kyuhyun smirked and asked Dara trying to pacify her feelings but Dara just laughed at him.







"Because just like rilakkuma, i mean sponge bob, no Pikachu, your love is a electricity that you joom joom on my heart like rocket." Dara said and laughed at how cheesy she sounded.





Kyuhyun just blushed and looked down and hugged her more unable to say more but the three words, I love you.

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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please