Chapter 65

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)


Dasom and her companions waited while the girls practiced a few rounds of their routine. Thunder, Dasom and Henry was given a tour around the YG building which they really enjoyed. It made the artist with Dasom compare to building of their companies.






"Really the YG building is jjang!" Thunder commented in Engrish/KongRish.






"Yeah, the outer fascade and the inside feature of the building is completely different from SM." Henry replied in English as well.






"Yeah, but they are similar in content, I guess because they are both training and music companies. The YG buildings are just more modern in design compared to SM I guess." Dasom chipped in their conversation.






After the girls changed their clothes and refreshed themselves. They went to their visitors who were waiting for them in a lounge somewhere inside the building where they watched music videos released by YG Ent.







"I like this video. CL unnie is so pretty. I like the cars as well." Dasom commented as they watched Go Away.






"It has a good story line. CL is really an awesome rapper. I wish I could work with her someday." Henry stated and thunder gave him a high five.







"Too bad, she already likes me." Thunder teased and Dasom punched thunder's knuckles then did a merong on the pissed Henry.






The next video that played was "Don't Cry" by Park Bom. Dasom just smiled when she saw the video it reminded her of Kyuhyun which made her completely quiet. Henry noticed this and tried to piss her again.






"What's the matter? Why are you smiling like that? Did you remember somebody?" Henry . Dasom looked at him and glared. Thunder patiently waited for his cousin's intelligent reply.






"yeah, I remembered someone while watching the video." Dasom replied and turned to Henry with her arms crossed on her chest.






"Who?" Henry asked surprised by her answer.






To his surprise the door opened and CL was the one who first entered the room. She saw Dasom pin Henry to the wall and move closer to his face and to his ears. Dasom then started to whisper to Henry's ears.






"YOU! Why? Because you looked like one of the gremlins that would inhabit the setting of the MV." Dasom evilly whispered to the maknae's ears who's face turned completely sour.






"Oppa you can't see this Dara unnie will get angry!" CL squealed as she covered thunder's eyes. She turned thunder's head to face her so he got dizzy with her suddent movement and he fell.






To stop himself from falling to the ground, Thunder accidentally hugged CL for support who completely blushed. Dara and the others entered the room so CL immediately pushed Thunder away causing him to fall on the couch.






"What's happening here?" Dara asked CL and looked at Dasom who just smiled sweetly and bowed at them. Dara knew that there was something so she asked it like a nagging mother.






"Nothing unnie~~~~" CL replied blushing.






"Let's eat friends, I'm hungry. My treat. feel free to ask for anything especially you Minzy since you're the maknae. Let's go." Dasom stated and placed her arm around Minzy.






Dasom and the others ride in the van with 2NE1. The car they used earlier just followed them around. Still they don't know where to eat. They looked at each other waiting for a somewhat kind of response.






"So where should we eat?" Dasom asked them.






"How about handel and gretel or se7en hyung's resto sound good to?" Henry suggested.







"I'm fine with both." Dasom retorted and looked at her friends.







"Wow. You're a monster. What a huge appetite for a petite body?" Bom retorted.   






"You're just envious unnie. Lol. I love you!!" Dasom meanly replied to Bom and laughed.







"Yah!!!!" Bom screamed at Dasom and laughed.






"At least there are still honorifics." Dara retorted.






CL kept quiet after their trip. Dasom just played with her Ipad and took selca's with the parks. Minzy was in front so she kinda have her own world with her Dougie. They soon reached Handel and Gretel. Henry, their tour guide, helped the girls go down the van very gentle-manly. He waited for CL the last person to go down while the others entered the shop already.






"You should be like him. Be more of a gentle man." Dara nagged her younger brother.







"I know already." Thunder just said as he entered the shopped and saw the pictures of Yesung everywhere which sent him cracking.







"Is this your first time here?" Dara asked her sibling.






Thunder just nodded and stopped laughing when saw and old couple waiting for them. It was as if she recognized the girls especially Bom.







"There's more inside!" Dara assured her younger sibling and they continued walking inside as they followed Bom. Minzy and Dasom trailed behind the siblings leaving Henry and CL alone.






Henry walked together side by side. A fan saw them and took pictures of them. As usual, CL was wearing her shades and Henry opened the doors for her. Henry just smiled at CL and she looked at him annoyed.






"Why are smiling? Is there something funny?" CL asked Henry.






"Nothing, it is just that I missed you." Henry replied and went ahead of her.






CL was surprised with what she heard. Unconsciously she pulled Henry's arm making him stop and face her.






"What did you say?" CL asked in her lovely English.






"I meant what I said. Let's hang out together more. Okay? Dasom and I we're just friends. I don't that you can even consider it friendship. We always fight because she is mean to me. So smile already and remove those pretty glasses. I want to see you beautiful eyes." Henry stated making CL blush. Henry pulled her along after she removed her shades.






"Much better." Henry said and smiled at CL.






They walked while henry held her wrist. Yeung's father was delighted to see Henry, he hasn't been there for a while. Henry ran towards him and CL just watched him and smiled.






"Really, I love his innocence." CL stated and saw Henry waving at her, telling her to come closer.






CL saw Yesung's father hug Henry tight. To show her respect she bowed to him 90 degrees. Yesung's father touched her head and she lifted it up to see him smiling at her. He looked at Henry who was focused on CL.






"appaji! Long time no see!" Henry said and hugged him again.






"I didn't expect that you'd bring a girl here so soon. Really our Henry has grown up." He replied at him.







"Isn't she beautiful?!" Henry asked him and he smiled at CL.






"Hey Henry, I'm here!" CL whispered to him in English.







"Too beautiful for our immature mochi! You're lucky that she's not interested in my other son. Is she your girl friend?" The old man asked at Henry who got surprised at his question.






CL blushed while Henry let go of the hug and his chest. He was indeed surprised by the old man's question so he just laughed.






"NOT YET appaji!" Henry replied which made CL blush more and she spanked him on his shoulders.






"Please don't mind him. He doesn't know what he's saying." CL stated.






Yesung's father shoved Henry away from his arms making the guy pout at him. The old man approached CL and gently pulled her away from Henry. He looked back at Henry and glared at Henry and the guy knew what he meant. He told CL to come closer and he went close to her ear just enough to whisper her something.







"Please consider Henry. He might not be real blood son but I consider everyone in Super Junior my son. He might be very immature often but it must be because he is the youngest. I know a good couple when I see it and I think you and Henry suits each other just right." The old man whispered to CL and she pushed her lightly back to Henry with a smiling face.






CL who is blushing just bowed to him with a surprised expression as the old guy left. She continued walking to where their mates are and Henry trailed behind her.







"What did he say?" Henry chanted at CL's ears.







"Nothing that you should be bothered about." she replied at him






Dara waved at her friends telling him to come closer. Dara pulled CL beside her. Dasom waved at Henry telling him to sit beside her and CL just looked at her.







"Here, sit beside me. I reserved a seat for you." Dasom coldly stated at Henry and looked at her DSLR again. She took a lot of pictures of the place and her mates as well.






"Ewwwwwww.. Don't be too nice to me. It's creeping me out. It might rain soon if you'll continue." Henry retorted and teased Dasom but sat beside her.






Dasom just glared at her and they saw Bom with Yesung's mother. They all quickly stood up and bowed to her. Henry went and hugged her and she kissed him on his fluffly cheeks.






"Still fluffy as always huh?" Yesung's mother stated and kissed Henry's cheeks once more.






"I missed you omma! Just talked to appaji earlier." Henry stated before he returned to his seat.






"Aren't you with my son?" She asked Henry.






"They are busy there in the dorm, practicing their new routine." Henry replied.






"Anyways, my son told him to inform him if this beautiful woman will come to my shop again so I just called him." the old woman replied and the others began teasing bom.







"aigoo~~~ aigoo..." Bom stated and she had this expression :"> on her face.






"The Bominator strikes again." Minzy teased making Bom spanked her. 






Everyone laughed and the old woman bowed then left. They all waited patiently fo their orders. As they wait they just kept on talking to each other.

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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please