Chapter 58

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)




about the mascot: HER NAME is TEN-TEN which stands for the 10 Years anniversary that our college celebrated a year before i even studied there. she's usually very consevative KULASA (a tagalog term called to a SCHOLASTICAN, since I'M studying at a college called St. Scholastica's College Manila, an al-girls school, well we also have boys now music major and fine arts. there are some koreans in the music section ;D) wearing either our SCHOOL UNIFORM or P.E. UNIFORM, I guess this was for CHRISTMAS so she's kinda seductive JOKEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I'm just kidding about the seductive part... .. LOL... hahaha.. she's the girl friend of SANTA in this picture ;D LOL.. I'm her fan by the way.. hahaha LOL.. TEN-TEN- all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm kidding again... 



I DO NOT OWN HER OR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm just her avid FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

Dara who is almost late for her class practically darted to the direction of her room, she would stop by and bow to the person who recognizes her. They would laugh at how cute she was avoiding the people in the crowded corridors. Suddenly a mascot of their school approached her. The mascot was carrying a bouquet of red roses and stuffed white bunny with a pink ribbon. The choir behind Dara started singing a 2ne1 medley of her parts. The crowd moved away and made a space for her.










"Who is this from?" Dara asked the mascot. She is blushing right now. Almost teary eyed she looked at the direction of the man who just smiled. Dara couldn't see his face but she recognized him. He was the same person in the bus earlier and the one who whispered to her ear. Dara tried following him but he lost her again.













Trying different positions in walking and swerving across the sea of people, Dara finally reached her classroom. She was panting heavily and held on the door with one of her hands. She took out her phone to see that she was already 5 minutes late for her first class which is Statistics. Her classmates saw her and her friends helped her, Dara who is now like a dog panted hard.










"Unnie are you okay?" one of her classmates asked. She just looked at her and nodded. A guy who was just opening his bottle of water gave it to Dara and she thanked him and drank it all. They were all amazed.










They helped her to seat and dropped down to her table. With her chin rested on the top of her crossed arms that she laid on her table, she rested comfortably and looked at the scenery outside. She is seated beside the window so she could see things clearly. Everyone was excited. There a lot of stalls and shops below. She started thinking about food then her stomach growled and she blushed.










"I envy them." Dara said as she looks at the lovely couples that were walking hand in hand under the sun enjoying the stalls. She then looked at the flowers and the stuff toy that she has wondering who gave it to her.










She then turned to her classmates to start a conversation. They were all busy as well. They were all complaining about having classes in the morning while the others who are not the flagship courses of their university are given a free cut.










"What is happening?" Dara asked the person in front of her since her seat was the farthest one in the back. Her professors placed he there so that her classmates won't get distracted because of her so she also doesn't have a seat mate beside her.










Before her friend could answer, the professor came with a pleased smile on his face. He placed his books on the table and waited for his class to sit properly and settle down. He looked at Dara and smiled at her.










"Miss Park, I have good news for you. You will finally have seatmate and a tutor. I'm sure that you need one and I recommend him, he's one of the best. That's the only valid reason that I accepted him here. Good for you right?" their professor said and turned to face the whole class again. He just chuckled and his student chuckled as well not knowing why he was like this. He is not usually like this.










"I'm sorry, I'm late. To make up for it, instead of the 45 minutes that we still have we will just use 30 minutes. How does that sound?" their professor asked. The students including Dara cheered in delight. She just wants to sleep and go home. She is not really in her best condition right now.










"Now, the real reason why I was late is because of him." He said and a guy entered. His cap and shades was covering his face. The girls which are the majority of the people in their room squealed in heir joy. There are only few people that belong to the opposite gender but they too became excited after seeing the girls’ reaction. Dara just looked at him and twitched her head to the side.










"I hope you don't mind having my son as one of your classmates. As much as I don't want him here he practically begged---" before the professor could say anything more the guy removed his hat and shades. He smiled to the girls and they all squealed in delight. Dara's mouth opened like a tunnel for trains to enter.










The professor just shooked his head and laughed at how the people reacted when he revealed his son's identity. The people all took out their cameras and started taking pictures of him. The guy pointed to the seat beside Dara and he just nodded and clapped his hand to call of their attention.









The guy coolly went beside Dara who still has wide open. The guy couldn't help but snicker since all of the openings in Dara's face is opened twice as it should. The guy leaned closer to Dara and whispered again to her ears.










"Miss Park, you dropped something." the guy smartly said and ignored the squealing girls who took their pictures.










"What?" Dara asked still not in her proper mental condition.










She and the guy looked at the floor and saw nothing. The guy then kneeled in front of her table and rested his arms on it and on top of it his rested his head. With his chin on top of his arms, he tilted his head a little to the side then smiled at Dara evilishly. Dara looked at him still shocked.










"You dropped you jaw. Pick it up since you have to get used to having me beside you. Flies might enter and we wouldn't want that do we?" the guy replied only loud enough for her to hear.











One of the ruthless female students raised her hand and asked their statistics professor a question. "Are you sure you are his father? How come you don't look like each other? You are a million times more handsome!!" she stated and everyone laughed.










"As much as the society might not want either believe nor accept it, HE IS MY  SON. Thank you for mentioning that I do hear that a lot, that I am million times more handsome than him. Thank you guys." their teacher replied and everyone replied.










"Not really sir." the classed chorused in their reply which made their teacher blush in embarassment.










"I don't think he still needs to introduce himself. So let start the class already." the teacher said and took his chalk then turned but then his students replied.










"Andwaeeeeee!!!! We don't know him yet!!!" the girls all screamed which made the guy laugh his infamous laugh that the girls of all ages adore.










Things are slowly to sink in for Dara. Her mind is starting to function normally again. Her eyes followed the sight of the man who went in front of her class and winked at her.





















"Annyeonghaseo, Cho Kyuhyun-imnida and I'm from Super Juni-oryeo!" Kyuhyun said and did the hand gesture. He did not know that his father mimicked him as well when he did the gesture thing. He then shyly waved at his new classmates while Dara just raised her eye brow at her and they all laughed.










Kyuhyun chuckled again at how cute Dara was when she got mad. He stood beside his father then placed one of his arms on his father's shoulder and said "He is my father-imnida" then they both did the hand gesture and looked at each other proudly.










Dara still unable to believe the following:

1. Her exclusive all-girls school is now Co-ed.

2. One of her classmates is her statistics (her most dreaded subject) teacher's son.

3. He is her seatmate.

4. Her boyfriend CHO  KYUHYUN is official tutor in math!!!

5. YG LET IS SLIDE THAT KYUHYUN IS WITH HER RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A major OMG for her ;D

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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please