warm and cold

Suyoung's POV :

"Eyyy~ you're so sweet with your new oppa~ Im jealous~" " It's only oppa. Nothing wrong with that." I tried to act cool but I could tell that I was blushing so hard. "Lee Suyoung, I know you for so long already and you expect me to be cool about that? We both know you don't just call 'oppa' to someone that you just met. Something's going on here and you need to tell me." So, I told her from A to Z and then she said, " I can't believe you and Kai are so comfortable and close to each other. I mean, how did he even opened up to you?" "I don't know. It just happened. Besides, Im sure it's only because our families have been friends for the longest of time so he probably doesn't want to destroy that by being harsh on me." "Ya, I know that you're quite naive but to me, it seems that he probably likes you." "Nope~" "Suyoung, just think about it, why would he let you call him oppa? Why would he be so nice to you and letting you in his life?" "We've only met so there's no way that a person could like someone so quick. I told you, it's probably because of our families." "Suyoung, could it be that you're still hurt from the past?" I was sweeping the floor and immediately stopped when she said that. I had a boyfriend two years ago and it ended pretty bad. That relationship left a huge scar and I was having a hard time falling in love with anyone after that. "No. Of course not." I said to her calmly but there was a sharp pain in my heart when I recalled everything that happened two years ago. "Suyoung, I-" "We better hurry up, the customers are going to come soon." I cut her off and she looked at me with guilt but I gave her a smile and said, "Im fine. Let's go."

Jihye's POV :

I felt guilty asking that to Suyoung. I knew that she was scarred after what had happened to her. But being typical Suyoung, she always hide it. No matter how hurt she is, she always keep it to herself. Even though she said that she was fine, she was probably rethinking that incident. It took her a while trying to forget it. I was glad that she was able to pick herself up and moved on. She's a strong person. I know that she likes Kai too. She looked happy when she was talking to him. If my guess is right, Kai probably likes her too so I hope everything goes well for them. "Suyoungiee, how about today I treat you to lunch okay?" "Really? Okay then~" She said happily and soon, the first customer came in and it was work time.


Baekhyun's POV :

I was in my office when I got a text from Suho saying that we should all just go straight to Kai's office for a meeting. I packed my stuffs and head to Kai's office. It looks like the rest of them had just reached Kai's office when I arrived. "Hey there." "Hey guys. Did you told Kai that we're coming to his office?" "No but I called his secretary just now and he said that Kai is free right now. His meetings start at 11." Suho said and we went to his office room. On our way up there, we heard a few employees saying, "The young sir seems to be happy lately." "I know, he's smiling alot these days."  I looked at the rest of EXO and they looked at me and probably were thinking the same thing. We got in the elevator and then Chanyeol said, "Did you guys heard that?" "We did. He must be really happy to be coming in to work with a big smile plastered on his face." Suho said and Sehun said, "I really want to meet with the girl that managed to make Kai hyung happy these days." " I don't think there's any other explanation to why Kai is happy lately except for the fact that he likes Suyoung." Chanyeol said and Kyungsoo said "He said that he's taking it carefully but to me it seems like he's letting his guard down."  I hope that Suyoung is the one for him. Really hoping. I can see them having kids and having a happy life. We reached Kai's office and knocked his door. "Come in." We walked in and saw him doing his work with a little smile on his face. I noticed his tie is neat today and he didn't take it off yet. "Well, someone's happy today." "What are you talking about? He said. "EYYY~ we all know that you're happy lately and we know why." Chanyeol said and all of us grinned widely and Kai looked at us and said, "Just stop." "IT'S BECAUSE OF SUYOUNG~~UUUU~" "Stop it. Please." He said and he was blushing just a little and you'll probably won't noticed it but the rest of us saw it. He changed the topic by asking us why we were in his office early in the morning. "We decided to have the meeting here since all of us are not busy right now." "Oh, then we should start right now." So, we had the usual meeting, discussing about the business and all. It finished quickly and I asked him, "So, how did you spend your Sunday yesterday?" "We went out. That's all." "Where?" All of us said in unison. "Amusement park." "Seriously dude?" Chanyeol said and Kai explained saying "Well my mom said that I should take her out somewhere so I just took her out." "So, it was a date?" Kyungsoo asked. "No, I just took her out." "That's the same as a DATE." I said to him. "Why are you guys so annoying today?" Kai said and we just laughed at him. We left his office since all of us are going to have meetings now. When we were walking out of his office building, Kyungsoo said, "Well, someone seems to be in love." "It's fun seeing his reaction." "All of us are enjoying teasing him. I feel kind of bad for him." Suho said and we looked at each other and said, "NAHHH~" We like this new side of Kai. He seems happy so we hope that he'll confess to her soon then we could tease the both of them together.

Kai's POV :

I can't believe I let them teased me like that. They must be enjoying it so much. I continued doing my work and went to meetings for the day. It's 6.40 so I thought that I should head back home. Then, I got a call from dad. "Jongin?" "Yes dad?" "Come to my office for a moment there's something I want to discuss." "Yeah." Well, there goes my plan to head home. I hope he's not going to have a long talk or something because Im hungry. I went up to his office and knocked his door. "Yes?" "Dad?" "Oh, that was fast. Were you heading out already?" "Sort of. So, what was it that you want to talk about?" "Well, I just want to ask you. How's everything going with Suyoung?" "It's good." "I heard you took her out yesterday. Did you had fun?" "Yeah." "That's good. I just want to tell you that, take your time getting to know her. She's a good person and both of you look really good together." "Okay. I will. Umm, can I go now?" "Sure,sure." I stood up and as I was heading to the door, dad said, "You look good today by the way. Wonder who made your tie look neat~" He said while trying to hold his laugh. "Stop it dad" I said to him while closing the door. Everyone seems to be enjoying teasing me lately. I'll make sure to get back at them soon.


Hi guys! Sorry that I didn't update for a while. I was quite busy. Mianhe :( Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter. I'll update soon! Annyeong~ :3

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Chapter 83: its a beautiful story authornim
Chapter 83: Haha the dialogues are daebak. Awesome story!!!!
Chapter 83: OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! was very beautiful story author-nim!!!! Congrats !!! :)
Jjkyungp #4
Chapter 83: It's so goodddddd!!!! I hope you write the sequel about Kai and suyoung family having a childddddd!!!! ><great job authornimmmmmm :) I really enjoyed it
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 81: It's so good!!! I was hoping for some extreme action with Kai doing something scary to woo bin and gaeul, but I guess you were really busy to write about it^^ nevertheless, The story is great!! I really enjoyed it :) great job authornim :D
_xiuhan_28 #6
Chapter 81: aww it was soo good. ^^ I read this in one day :):):) but I wish it was a little longer :D anticipating ur new stories author-nim :)
megamax #7
Chapter 79: Good luck on your studies! I will always waiting for your update. :)
Chapter 79: I'm still waiting for you authornim ^^ good luck with your studies okeey, so take your time
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 78: No problem studies are way more important. .so take your time.
Chapter 78: Goodluck sis. I trully understand u, since that im gonna be spm candidate next year n its freaking me out just by thinking of it