warm and cold

Suyoung's POV :

"Lee Suyoung wake up!" I heard my mom waking me up. I looked at the time and it was 7.00 A.M. "Mom it's only 7 in the morning! Not even Seung hyun oppa and Junsu oppa are up right now!" I told my mom that hoping she would go and wake my brothers first. "I don't care what time is it, get your lazy up right this instance before I-" "IM UP, IM UP!" The moment she said that, my eyes opened widely and I woke up immediately. "Good. Now, wash up and help me with breakfast." "Whaaaaaaat?" I said lazily. I cooked breakfast yesterday and I had to wake up 6.45 A.M. "You woke up yesterday and cooked but you went back to sleep! That is not an excuse! You thought I didn't know you went back to sleep was it?" I smiled sheepishly and my mom just laughed at me. "Go and wash up. I'll wait downstairs." Mom was never this tough on me when it comes to making breakfast. I guess it's because I'll be getting married soon. I look at my watch and it's friday. The dinner,the engagement and meeting HIM. I sighed and quickly wash up. I put on casual clothes like t-shirts and just pants that are like those P.E pants. I walked to the kitchen and dad greeted me. "Good morning princess~" "Good morning dad." I kissed dad's cheek. "Did your mom woke you up too early?" "Uh-huh" "It's okay. You need to get use to this anyway. You'll be waking up and cooking breakfast early for your husband soon." The thought of that made me sigh. Im only 19 for god sakes. T.T if it was 8 o'clock, i can still tolerate but 6-7 in the morning? I haven't woke that early ever since I graduated high school. Then again, my parents have a point there. "Suyoung, make coffee for your dad and tea for the 4 of us." "Okay." As I was making the drinks, my brothers came down. "Good morning mom,dad,Suyoung" Seung hyun oppa greeted us. "Morning~" the three of us replied. "Morning." Junsu oppa greeted us. "Your greeting are so short." Seung hyun oppa said to him. "It's still the same hyung." "Grumpy as ever in the morning." "Stop fighting you two." Dad scolded them. This is the typical morning. Seung hyun oppa teases grumpy Junsu oppa and dad will scold them. "Suyoung, come and flip these pancakes while I take some plates." After I finished cooking, I put them on the plates and serve it to my parents and brothers. While we were eating, Seung hyun oppa ask me "Nervous for dinner?" "A little." "It'll be okay. If he's a jerk, just call me and I'll pick you up" "Seung hyun, if you do that." "Ani ani~ I was just joking~ ha ha ha ha~" I laughed at him because he was scared of mom's punishment. After, we finish eating, dad and my brothers went to work immediately. Before my brothers left, they gave me some support for the dinner since they won't be able to attend due to numerous meetings. "Suyoung, good luck for the dinner! Don't get scared okay?" "Okay~" "Maknae, don't be a scaredy cat later on. Don't embarass your awesome brother Lee Junsu." "Seriously? Awesome?" I said to him and he acted cool and said "Im awesome and you know it." "Whatever~" "We're going to be late. Bye Suyoung~ HWAITING~" Seung hyun oppa cheered me on and Junsu oppa just stuck his tongue out. Junsu oppa has his own way of cheering me on and it's kinda fun. After they left, mom and I went up to my room to choose clothes for the dinner. In the end, we chose a pink dress that stopped right around my knees and it's sleeveless. We had a hard time choosing because there were lots of dress that my mom bought for me during her business trip with dad recently. I don't usually wear dresses because I don't really go to events or dinners. Only my brothers and parents attend because I was always busy studying. Around 4pm, Jihye came to my house and she helped me with my hair and make up. She curled my hair a bit and put on a sweet-natural make up on me. "WOW~ YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS. IF I WERE A GUY, I WOULD FLIRT WITH YOU AND GO ON A DATE WITH YOU~" "You're scaring me with that creepy face but still thank you~" She laughed and said "Whatever happens, just be yourself! Don't get scared okay?" I nodded and she gave me a hug. Jihye has been with me through thick and thin. She was the one that stood by me during my middle school till high school years when I went through a hard time. "Thank you Jihye. You were always there for me." "Don't thank me. That's what best friends do!" We laughed and then mom called me saying that it was time to go to dinner since it was already 6.30 pm. Dad came home early so that we could go together. As i was walking down the stairs, mom and dad looked so happy and they said "You look soooo beautiful." "My little girl is growing up." Dad said that while acting teary. "We should get going." "I'll be going as well. Good luck Suyoung~!" "Thank you and be careful!" Soon, we reached the restaurant and the Kim's were already there. Im so nervous. I walked in and saw Kai. He turned to see me. "Nice to see you again~ Hello there Kai." My parents greeted them and they introduced me "This is Suyoung." "Nice to meet you." I bowed and his parents were happy. "My goodness, she looks sooo beautiful and breathtaking!" Mrs.Kim complimented me. I looked up and noticed that Kai was staring at me. "Um, nice to finally meet you." I held out my hand to him. "N-nice to meet you too." He held out his hand and our moms squealed at the sight. "AWWW they look so nice together!" "I know right?" I tried to let go of my hand but he kept on holding on to it. This is awkward.


This is awkward. He doesn't let go of his hand and I tried to let go a few times but I couldn't. "Kai-ssi..." I ask him politely and looks like he got back his senses and let go of my hand. "Uh..sorry." "It's okay." An awkward start. Really awkward. "Now, with the intro done, why don't we eat now?" Mrs.Kim said and we took our seats. Both of our moms forced us to seat side by side thinking that we'll talk to each other and all but no. We didn't talk at all. I kept looking at my food and just answered his mom questions and smile when I needed to. Kai just focused on his food and he didn't even smile. Not even once. He'll answer our parents' questions but it's always short and he didn't even smile. He also got this cold icy aura around him. Pretty scary but I guess it's not a suprise since he's also a mafia just like dad and brothers. Other than that, he looks pretty tired. Is he sick or something? While our parents were talking, I decided to talk to him first since the reason for our parents forcing us to seat beside each other was to communicate and it ain't going well. I took a deep breath in and gather my guts to talk to him. "So..how old are you?" I asked him and mentally slap myself. Out of many questions I could ask, I blurted out that one. "19. You didn't took a look at my profile?" "N-no. I wanted to know you myself." Then, his expression softened a bit and said "I didn't took a look at your profile too. Im guessing you're 19 too?" "Yeah. When's your birthday?" "Im born in January. How about you?" "Oh, February." He suddenly had this smirk and said "I guess someone needs to call me oppa~" "Errr..how about no? I don't simply call someone oppa you know." "I'll make you call me that." The moment he said that, I got shivers because he literally looks scary and it kinda look like a ert's face for a second. It was like he was trying to beat me or something. I won't call someone oppa just like that. He kinda looks like those typical kingkas during high school that girls would throw themselves at him. "I would like to see that. That is IF you can make me ." I smiled while saying that and he said "If I can make you call me oppa, you better prepare yourself." "Fine. It's a deal." "Deal." Just what on earth did I get myself into? What if I lose the bet? No no no! I won't lose the bet. Argh! Stupid Suyoung! T.T you better make sure you won't lose the bet.


Kai's POV :

After we made a deal, she looked at her food and was thinking hard about something. It was kinda cute. Wait, what am I saying? Then, she had this WHY-THE-HELL-I-MADE-THAT-BET look and I chuckled a bit because she looked funny. After she heard that I was chuckling, she looked at me and gave a smile. A sweet smile and said "You're finally laughing a bit." I blushed when she said that. I tried to cover up by saying "You should've seen your face, anyone could've laugh." She wanted to say something back but all of a sudden, my mom suddenly interrupted. "Awwwwwwww~ look at them talking and laughing~ You two look so cute together! Don't you agree Aeyoung?" "I totally agree with you~ reminds me of when your dad and I fell in love. Right dear?" "Hahaha I guess I could agree on that." I just smiled a little while she laughed awkwardly. "So, we thought that you two should be officially engaged when we both announce our collaboration dinner." Dad said and I didn't replied anything. "When's the announcement?" I asked and dad said "About 2 weeks from now." "2 weeks?" I heard her mumbling. "Oh,is there anything wrong Suyoung?" Mom asked and she looked flustered. "Oh dear me! I forgot to mention that Suyoung got a job yesterday." Mrs.Lee said and mom and dad mouthed an 'O'. I thought she was probably just sitting at home and boss other people around like most rich girls are. "She took that job because she was bored sitting around at home." Her dad said while laughing nostagically. "Ahh just like you I guess. You were always bored sitting and doing nothing when you were a teenager." My dad said to him. "Like father, like daughter." Mom said and our parents laughed. "I guess you should work first. Don't worry about the engagement party. We were just thinking about the date." My dad said and she nodded but she had a guilty look on her face. Then, it was time for us to leave since it was 10 o'clock. While we were heading towards our cars, our parents walked ahead of us leaving both of us walking together. She still had the troublesome look and I felt kinda bad for her. "Don't worry about your job." "Huh? Im not worried about it." This girl is bad at lying. "It's written all over your face. Don't worry about it. They said that it's probably in two weeks time." She stayed silent and just nodded along. For some reason, I felt comfortable with her unlike with anyone else. Usually, I'll just answer their questions in short or ignore them but with her, she had this gentle and warm personality. Also, she's quite interesting. Not giddy and spoiled brats that most girls I've met. Instead, she's quite independent. She also looks pretty. The moment she walked in, I couldn't get my eyes off of her. Did I just said that? No no no . I've only met her. She could just be the same as her. "Kai-ssi." "What?" "Um, it was nice meeting you. In person." she must've heard lots of things about me. I guess. "Nice meeting you too. Suyoung." She looked suprised when I called her by her name. I suppose it's because i only referred her as 'you' when I talked to her. "Yoohooo~ we need to go home now~" "Oh, coming~" She walked as fast as she could. I laughed at her a bit because she looked funny walking like that. "Well then. I guess we'll meet up tomorrow Aeyoung?" "Sure why not." "It was nice meeting you Suyoung! I can't wait for us to have our own bonding time!" Mom said excitingly and Suyoung smiled and nodded in agreement. After we got in our own respective cars, while heading back home, dad ask me " So, did you had fun?" "I guess so." I said and dad said "She wasn't like what you thought she was. You even talked to her and had a conversation." "She's interesting." I mumbled but I don't think dad heard it.


do you guys like it? I'll update tomorrow. I need to finish my homework kekeke hope you like it and congrats exo on their 2nd win~! XD

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Chapter 83: its a beautiful story authornim
Chapter 83: Haha the dialogues are daebak. Awesome story!!!!
Chapter 83: OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! was very beautiful story author-nim!!!! Congrats !!! :)
Jjkyungp #4
Chapter 83: It's so goodddddd!!!! I hope you write the sequel about Kai and suyoung family having a childddddd!!!! ><great job authornimmmmmm :) I really enjoyed it
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 81: It's so good!!! I was hoping for some extreme action with Kai doing something scary to woo bin and gaeul, but I guess you were really busy to write about it^^ nevertheless, The story is great!! I really enjoyed it :) great job authornim :D
_xiuhan_28 #6
Chapter 81: aww it was soo good. ^^ I read this in one day :):):) but I wish it was a little longer :D anticipating ur new stories author-nim :)
megamax #7
Chapter 79: Good luck on your studies! I will always waiting for your update. :)
Chapter 79: I'm still waiting for you authornim ^^ good luck with your studies okeey, so take your time
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 78: No problem studies are way more important. .so take your time.
Chapter 78: Goodluck sis. I trully understand u, since that im gonna be spm candidate next year n its freaking me out just by thinking of it